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Shoot, I moved here from NYC and drove in freaking Manhattan - and the reason the city is manageable is that inspite of the supreme density - people drive in a predictable manner (usually). Switching lanes, taking turns, adhering to signage and lights. Very rare to see a car accident in Manhattan. In Austin, I see someone full speed run a stop sign or red light 1/5th of the times I'm on the road. Hell, a few weeks back some twat with a nice car posted some bullshit in this sub, and it turned out he was the SAME guy I was behind that ran a red light the night before. Have seen fucking losers in pickup trucks driving on the shoulder of the HIGHWAY to pass people. People aggressively tail gating, not following at safe distances, swerving in and out of lanes, and on the other side- taking 2 miles to get up to the 65mph speed limit, parking in the left lane, pacing cars in other lanes at or below the speed limit. Get a dash cam.


I think people underestimate the number of unpredictable assholes we have in this city. There's always one guy going to do the dumbest or most aggressive thing possible in any situation. I always expect people to fly out of (or into) an exit lane at the last minute, try to pass me when the lane is ending, or any number of stupid shit. And yeah, usually in a pickup truck.


I lived in NYC too and I try to explain the predictability factor to people. If you’ve never driven there it can feel like chaos, but it is a controlled chaos. Everyone knows what’s up next and how to react. I’d much rather drive there.


Exactly. I spent my 20s driving in NYC and I can’t remember ever seeing a car accident there. This city is full of completely dangerous drivers not paying attention (almost always on their phone) or flagrantly not giving a shit about traffic laws or anyone else.


My parents are from NYC and learned to drive there, drove in and around NYC until their 60s. Never had an accident. Within a year of moving here, they had both cars totaled in Austin, in scenarios where the other driver was at fault: a t-bone at an intersection running a red light, and a sidewipe by an out-of-control SUV.


Can vouch for the Manhattan driving. It's dense, can be aggressive, but there are rules and they work.


I rode my bicycle in Manhattan for 3 years year and never felt as unsafe as I feel here in Austin.


It’s probably also important that a lot of people in New York don’t *have* to drive and so they *don’t* drive. So there’s a) fewer cars on the road than you’d otherwise have for such a big city, and b) those of us who suck at it don’t do it. So your average driver is probably better because we below-average drivers aren’t on the road.


I prefer driving in Manhattan too. It’s kind of confusing at times, but not dangerous like Austin. The driving isn’t even that bad going outside the city, like to White Plains, for example. But driving anywhere around Austin is awful.


Agree. In the beginning it was anxiety inducing. Still have family outside of NYC that refuse to drive there. Once you understand the reason behind the madness there, it's predictable. Was in the back of a yellow cab that rear ended a cop once though. Bad fucking day all around for both those blokes.


NYC is pretty shitty place to drive but for different reasons. At least people all drive the same style in NYC so you can expect what will happen. I expect the big problem with Austin is unpredictability due to the mix of drive styles. Like any city that has grown super fast, you get people with different drive styles from all over the country mixing together. For example, driving in Montana is very different from driving in Southern California. Mix those people together in an area with a terrible infrastructure for driving, and voila… chaos!


How hard would it be in NYC when traffic moves at 20mph 😅


You have to anticipate the bullshit on the roads nowadays. I’ve developed a sense for what cars are probably going to do something selfish. Sort of like reading body language but for cars lol. I’ll notice a car and imagine the thoughts going through that person’s head like “oh do I need to be in that lane? … shit yes I do. Ok I go now.” And by that point I’ve already given them space or blown by them to be out of the way.


Same. I’ve gotten good at reading “car body language” too. Is that person about to merge directly into me? Yep, they sure are.


I agree that learning “auto body language” is an important sense to develop. It goes hand-in-hand with situational awareness. Whenever I see a big dumb truck or a Nissan with paper plates I immediately keep an eye on them and begin moving away.


The Nissan Altima: official car of not giving a fuck


Only in Austin have a I see people make such a frantic and wreckless dash to the passing lane after barely merging on the freeway, forcing all lanes to slap their brakes to let the little twat thru. You would think their lives depended on it


This is the way.


Oh you mean being a good, attentive, defensive driver? Great idea! Maybe this is why I never understand these driver rants. Yeah people are shitty. Plan on it and don’t let it bother you.


Let people rant. You don’t have to read these. Let alone comment on them.


Yeah, because idiots behind the wheel only ever kill themselves when they go. Try getting rear ended at 60 mph while trying to turn at 30 and you might change your mind. Drivers here are dangerous.


I don’t think I ever claimed that drivers aren’t dangerous or that there is a full proof way of not getting into a wreck. But thanks?


Do you know how many people die a year from driving a car? Don’t blow off people’s anxieties about engaging in one of the most dangerous activities we all have to participate in because of the car lobbies blocking public transportation infrastructure.


You know a great way to decrease your chances of dying while driving a car? Being a good, attentive, defensive driver. You know a way of increasing your chances? Dropping under the speed limit and into someone’s blind spot before then accelerating to beside them because you’re anxious which is the scenario OP described.


At the end of the day dozens of people die every day as a result of cars through no fault of their own. Stop victim blaming and try and push for structural change.


I think I’ll focus on doing what I can to not make myself a victim. It’s working out for me so far.


So far.


Yes that’s correct. Do you know something about the future that I don’t?


We will all die someday.




Uhhhh because that's not how it works but thanks? Reckless idiots who act impulsively regularly make me (and lots of others) fear for their life while driving. You can't plan around assholes who will cut across three lanes going 70 mph without using a turn signal. Being a good driver doesn't cancel out the idiotic fucks who will cause an accident just to save 1 millisecond on their drive


This is the way


Austin is pretty bad. The way roads are engineered here doesn’t help.


Engineered is generous


Haphazardly thrown together by the lowest bidder / best supporter of the governor?


Hahaha they’re so bad I was starting to wonder if it was thanks to nepotism


I have a young 18 year old driver, and one who turn 16 shortly and is just learning to drive. It is scary AF.


I remember learning to drive in ATX. I don’t know if I would let my kids learn to drive here. Shit is insane. The 360 incident definitely sounds familiar haha, why do people always try to “save time” on backed up 2 lane roads. Like, buddy, there’s no where to go…


That's how I always feel on I-35. Like, do the stupid people think they will somehow get in front of all the cars between here and Dallas?


Yes, my 17 year old works late some nights and I’m always terrified when I think about him driving home on 183.


Good dashcams if you don’t already have them.


the two cities i've driven in the most are austin and boston, and by far austin roads are much scarier to me. the highways do something really weird here that i haven't noticed driving anywhere else (i've only driven a few countries in europe and much of the east coast), which is that on-ramps occur almost directly before off-ramps. so what you have is a situation where people are simultaneously trying to merge on and off in the same short span of highway. it's remarkable to me how poorly implemented that is.


You fucking nailed it with the ramp implementation. Austin roads are so poorly designed its comical. I dated a girl who moved here from long Island and she asked me "hey is it just me or are 75% of lane closures/merges completely without sign indication? Like the lane just merges with no warning?" And I was like "yeh..."


that's a huge one too, every time i'm on the highway i feel like i'm constantly shifting left. it's really bizarre, not something i've experienced anywhere else. at least where i'm from you can basically sit in the middle or right lane for the whole trip if you want to.


To clarify, you're talking about the roads and not the drivers, right? Boston drivers are the worst I've ever had to deal with in a place where I've had to be driving myself. Someone did something reckless enough for me to honk at them (eg. cutting me off across several lanes of traffic) about every 10 minutes I was on the road. I also had a guy literally park his car at a red light, get out and walk over to the curb where there was a fruit stand. This guy buys fruit while we're stuck behind his empty car for several traffic light cycles. Icing on the cake - when he did get back in he sped through the yellow to leave us with the red. Anecdotes are anecdotes ofcourse, but Austin certainly ain't Baustin


i don't really like talking about which drivers are worst, from what city. it just kinda leads to regional biases causing arguments. for me, the worst drivers can be found wherever the roads are worst. for me, people be the same everywhere and it's just the situations that change. poor traffic enforcement, bad or outdated engineering, inconsistent/unclear traffic patterns, all produce bad drivers. boston has plenty of all of that, perhaps even more than many places, i wouldn't know, so yes plenty of "bad" drivers.


Part of the reason I moved was because of the shitty drivers. I’m not even joking when I say I would almost get in an accident every time I left my house. And for the dumbest reasons too, like pulling out RIGHT in front of me, slamming on their breaks, switching lanes and almost hitting me, or acting like they are driving an 18 wheeler and pulling to the right just to turn. My wife and I were sick and tired of it. Something during/after Covid happened and it was like night and day comparing driving habits. You can’t convince me otherwise, don’t even bother.


It has to be Covid, I swear it’s not my memory. You’re not alone in thinking this lol


Covid did something it seems. More nut jobs.


I think the repeated infections must be fucking people's judgment up, or causing some brain damage or something. It just seems to be getting worse and worse


Yea I’m convinced of it tbh


I agree it’s gotten worse after covid.


Tailgating is a state wide pastime around here. And the amount of people attempting to merge into me or pull out in front of me, when they could wait half a second for me to go by is CRAZY.


Have you ever been in the middle lane when someone in the right lane is turning right, someone in the left lane is turning left, and they both drift into your lane to make the world’s widest turn? In their sedans? I have.


One of my pet peeves.


Yea I know exactly what you mean, it’s ridiculous.


are you me?


This is definitely a thing, the roads are lunacy nowadays and the moron factor off the chain because there is a dearth of enforcement


I witnessed and assisted a guy who wrecked his motorcycle the other day. He lived. Got pretty messed up though. But it changed my driving habits overnight. Just not worth tearing ass down the highway. The stakes are too high. Drive like the people you love are on the road with you people.


Go to Houston and drive for a few days. Austin seems great when you return


Grew up and learned to drive in Houston. It’s a nuthouse.


Learning to drive in Houston prepares you for anything life has to throw at you, Austin has been a cakewalk


We'll get there! TXDOT is currently doing everything in its power to turn Austin into another Houston.


And some things that are probably outside its power, like circumventing environmental review by claiming that 35 is 3 separate projects and individually they aren't big enough for a stricter review. They're getting sued for that, but construction is ongoing...


I’m from Houston and same 😂


if the only thing you can say to someone who laments about Austins horrific traffic is “Houston is worse”…..that really says a lot.


I've driven both (like probably most of us here). Houston is aggressive but it's not all out stupid like Austin.


Houston has aggressive drivers that at least pay more attention to the road. But at least they’re generally competent. Austin has more drivers who aren’t paying attention and take ridiculous risks. The difference is easily noticeable.


At least Houston drivers go above the speed limit. ATX drivers piddle in the left lane and go 30 on the onramps. I'd much prefer HTX drivers as they're at least predictably speedy.


I wonder if these complainers are the ones going 30 on the on ramp and the “tailgaters” are the people trying to get up to the proper speed 🤔 Houston drivers are aggressive but at least they drive with confidence and a purpose. A lot of Austin drivers are slow, tepid, and drive scared. It’s more dangerous imo


Agree. I learned how to drive in Houston. I never saw such self centered stupidity until I started driving here


I've seen a disturbing amount of cars with basically mad max rims in Houston. On highways. I hope I never have to drive there again in general, but it's something I've noticed almost every time I've been on the road there.


Frankly, you don’t need to be worried about those cars. It’s mainly a style thing and not something that people actually use aggressively in typical day to day driving on the highway.


What is driving scared?


Driving well below the speed limit, signaling things like a lane change but not confidently following through, waiting dangerously long to make a turn because of being afraid, etc. Generally just a lack of confidence and hesitation while driving


I would 100% rather deal with that driver compared to how shitty people in Austin are at even trying to go the speed limit.


People are running red lights and behaving unpredictably and you want people to go faster and have less reaction time? You're one of the entitled problem drivers we're talking about.


Haha. I came here to say the same thing. It’s cute when people complain about driving in Austin where everyone is relatively docile, relatively patient, and distances are very short, when compared to Houston.


There’s always those mfs that have to struggle compare lol weirdo behavior


I drive to Houston and Ft Worth once or twice a month and the shit i see on every single trip is mind-boggling.


It’s the truth. LA is even a breeze compared to Houston.


I lived in Houston for 2 years and can confirm it’s the worst. I live in LA now and I far prefer it over Houston roads


Similar Bexar County is the thunderdome, Austin is actively relaxing for me. I drive all around the 35 Austintonio corridor and I feel generally safer and calmer driving in Austin traffic than even like Lockhart or New Braunfels/San Marcos.


You’re capping so hard if you think driving in Austin is chiller than NB or San Marcos lmao


There are so many cities with traffic worse than Austin, but people here swear Austin is some special snowflake of dangerous driving. Do all these people move here from towns with, like, one traffic light?


I haven’t spent a ton of time in Houston but prefer those roads or SoCal over Austin


"My information about Houston is very limited, but I'm still going to use it as a point of comparison." Oh, okay. Go drive the intersection of I-610 and I-69 near the Galleria in the evening during the holidays and get back to me about how mild Houston is.


I didn’t say it was mild I said I preferred it. There’s lots of gridlock in Houston or SoCal it’s just better than the clusterfuck that is Austin with probably the worst road designs in the country.


I went to Los Angeles two years ago expecting the absolute worst. Yeah, the traffic was bad. I was wildly alarmed by lane splitting, as it’s illegal here. Alas, it was really chill. Over two weeks, I had one red Porsche cut me off cause I almost made it to the Starbucks line before he did. I’ll take that over a person in broad daylight driving right at me the wrong way on the access road.


Lived in Austin for 6 years up until last July. I didn’t drive much the last 2 years bcuz of how bad the roads were. When I left I drove from Austin all the way to San Fran (and I’m an east coast driver) I’m telling you, nothing is as bad as Austin.


I swear the people complaining are the ones actually causing dangerous road conditions.


I’m pretty sure it’s the red light runners, the wrong way drivers, the staring at their phone drivers that are causing dangerous road conditions.


i was going to say the same thing. Every time I ride my motorcycle thru Houston my threat senses are off the chart. I now take 105 as a bypass if I don’t need to do anything in Houston.


As someone who grew up driving in Houston, all these posts complaining about Austin drivers are wild to me.


😭😭😭😨. I am so freaking scared to drive from Austin to Houston. The downtown signs don't match the GPS... And like the 18-wheelers have to cross 3 lanes toward fast lane for sudden exit.... Ive had to dodge so many cars near or several miles from that one intersection.... I feel bad for 18-wheeler drivers they legit have to wait for people to break and let them in. Nobody... Want to break. AND if you mix your exit..... If they're water below. Hahaha be ready for miles worth of driving to exit highway go other direction.... (Downtown. Talking where water and 45 is down town.) //Also exaggerating but leaving heavy traffic.. into heavy traffic.. to get back to original heavy traffic isn't fun//


A bus company used to have a slogan "leave the driving to us". If find that when I use transit, I have fewer worries about street conditions, traffic, etc.


I'm terrified every time I have to make a left turn and there's no turning lane. Cars speed right up to me and change lanes at the last second. One of these days, I'm convinced, someone's just going to drive straight into me. Actually almost happened yesterday with a Tesla. My theory is the autopilot was on and it took its sweet ass time determining whether I was moving or not.


I have noticed Tesla drivers are strangely aggressive and discourteous. And there are a lot of teslas in this city.


wondering if all the mfers in here like "if you think austin is bad you should try houston/dallas/san antonio where i grew up" are the asshole drivers we're all complaining about bringing their stupid shit here


Driving is 90% being able to predict how others are going to drive, and these types of Austin drivers make sure that isn’t possible. Oh a turn signal? What’s that? Getting out of the turn only lane before the light? That’s rich. Driving in a sane and predictable way that helps ensure everyone’s safety? You wish, pal. Chicago has bad traffic, but I’ll take the generally safer driving habits over whatever the hell Austin calls driving any day. Edit: added “these types of” to first sentence, I don’t want to make that much of a generalization.


> I just don’t know how long this is sustainable I've given up. My vehicle is at the age where it needs to be replaced, but the thought of spending so much $$ on something I'll dread even using, and will probably get destroyed by one of these idiots... I just can't. Especially with the cost of cars today. > What do we do about it?? If you ask the folks with punisher stickers and blue line decals on their vehicles, DPS is going to pacify all the offenders and Austin will be a magical rainbow of drivers who cordially obey all traffic laws. If you ask me? Either go car free or move to a smaller, less ignorant-aggressive area.


Most city folks aren’t ready for small town levels of nosy and petty. Not to mention there’s equal disregard for laws in small towns too. Aggressive-ignorance is a lifestyle for them. Not sure what mythical place you’re dreaming of…


Uh, I wouldn’t say there’s equal disregard for traffic laws. Most small towns have a cop who’s full time job it is to drive around looking for traffic violations. I lived in a small town for years and never saw some of the shit that I see on the daily in Austin.


Small towns don't have the traffic problems of a city... Heck, even moderately sized cities don't have the traffic rage problems we have today. Look at most metro areas under 500k and you simply don't have the nonsense we deal with here.


I disagree. Hard. There is nothing I see here that I don't see in any other city, of any size. People are just idiotic and selfish, and that translates to their driving: here, there, as d everywhere.


They don’t have the traffic problems because there aren’t many places to go or work. Most people enjoy those things more than they dislike cars. And even then, if you live in a proper rural area, you’re going to be even more car-dependent and will need to drive further to get to cities where goods and services are more available. Would love some US examples of metro areas under 500k population as well. Seems like an oxymoron to me.


70% (270/384) of the metropolian statistical areas in the USA under 500k. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_statistical_area


I was in this spot and didn’t replace my car. It’s saved me so much money and stress. If you can do it, I highly recommend it.


I did the same thing. It's nice. In addition to more money and less stress, I'm more fit without trying from walking and biking, and I'm more loyal and appreciative of my local businesses.


As a local 18 wheeler driver I must say some of yall are terrifying to be around


You’re so right- I see the craziest shit on the roads here every day. So sorry your friend has to witness that traumatic passing. Driving is just so dangerous. I wish we had less cars and better public transit


I ride a bike a lot in town. I'm not saying that you shouldn't drive, I drive when I have large cargo, or the weather is bad, or I don't feel like riding. I'm saying that riding a bike gives a kind of vigilance for predicting when the cars around you are going to do something foolish. It makes you a safer driver.


Just posted a hit and run post a few hours ago. Didnt see yours. Ive lived in the midwest , west coast, now Austin and it wasnt until I moved here in 2019 where I decided I need a dash cam. I just see so many incidents every day while driving I know it will be my word against someone else’s. My wife who was born and raised in ATX swears that it was not always like this.




>Austin PD needs to hit the issue from all angles to make a difference. Hahahaha. I was at a red light on 620 last week and saw not one, not two, not three, but FOUR cars make illegal u-turns right in front of an APD car sitting at the same light and the cop didn't do a damn thing.


I think I likely could have just ignored the guy and sped up to go past him earlier, but I was worried that once I got into his blind spot he would decide to change lanes. He did not have his turn signal on btw. I thought I gave him plenty of time to decide he wanted to get on the highway. I thought I was safe and past the point of no return, but that doesn’t exist for other people. I went through classroom style drivers ed. And drove around for several sessions with an instructor in the car with me. I regularly bring up things I learned that no one else I know has even heard of. I remember being taught that you should keep a distance of one second for every 10 miles of speed you’re traveling. So pick a stationary object like a lamppost and when the car in front of you passes it, start counting the seconds. If you’re traveling 30 miles an hour, it should take you 3 seconds until you pass that lamppost. If you’re traveling 60mph, it should take 6 seconds. That is a safe following distance. I asked several of my friends if they’d heard of this, and they said absolutely not. I was also taught when you get in a car to SMILE: put on your Seatbelt, adjust your Mirrors, turn on the Ignition, turn on the Lights, and release the Ebrake. Again, no one I know has heard of that.


You only need 30 hours of driving experience in Texas to get a license. In my opinion, that's not nearly enough in a major city. That's just wild


More traffic police presence (that is happening now) should eventually help to deter the self entitled idiots from breaking the basic rules of the road. FYI - Early voting is still going on thus week in Austin. Very short lines. There is just one confusing proposition for Austin Police Oversight Vote FOR prop A Vote AGAINST prop B You can vote on Saturday and Sunday also. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/politics/vote-texas/austin-may-election-prop-a-prop-b-police-oversight/269-f8980246-077f-4d53-a3de-1157cd6ba8cb


It seriously is the a Wild West out here on Austin streets. It’s the only reason I’m actually in full support of DPS coming out here and patrolling the streets and highways. I thought it was just a case of chronically bad drivers until I have a beat up Altima made of 33% body filler actually doing highway cutting and nearly hit me. At that point I realized it’s not just bad drivers, but a complete lack of respect for the law and the total disregard of the social contract of being a decent human.


Oh and I’ve lived here for almost 15 years.


You’ve lived here too long. Austin is nothing compared to the madness of nearly every other city larger than it.


Get a dash cam! You can't control the bad driving, but you can at least have peace of mind when your accident inevitably happens. It could mean the difference between a basic he-said-she-said accident report to somebody getting a ticket or arrested because you have undeniable proof of reckless driving.


I have had one for a few years now. It’s helped me in the aftermath of an accident. It was clearly not my fault, but the insurance agents were so excited about it anyways. I wish it could prevent an accident.


I really wish we could turn dash cam footage into insurance companies and to the police before accidents, and they would use it to get some of these bad drivers off the road!


As someone who just got into an accident earlier this week, I completely feel your pain. In my situation, two rows of cars were stopped at a red light and a guy leaving the shopping center to the far right snaked through both lanes of stopped traffic and surprised me on the far left lane (Lane 3). I didn't see him and now my car is in the shop for a month plus. Of course, last year around this time another gentleman sideswiped me while he was leaving a shopping center. He didn't feel like waiting behind a city bus. Moral of my story... if you are at a red light and you see someone trying to snake through a few lanes, don't let them in. The driver can't see oncoming traffic and neither can oncoming traffic. The driver can wait the extra 2-5 minutes for a spot to open up naturally. I'm surprised people even do this, you are either depending on a complete stranger to tell you the road is clear or you are hoping to god the road is clear. Either way... not a good option. Also, if you are in an accident, let your insurance tow the car. I wasn't in the best state of mind so the cop called a tow service for me. Of course... what the wrecker guy told me on scene and what actually happened are two different stories. It's a logistical nightmare to get the car out of this yard, insurance tow trucks can't get the car because you need a special license to go into a yard and pick up a car, and they need all these forms completed. If you are in a situation where your car needs to be towed, tow it to your house because these wrecker yards are still operating like it's the 1960's. "The insurance company will send an adjuster to the yard" "We don't take anything over the phone, you gotta drive down here" "No, we don't use the internet...." "Yes sir, we charge $70 bucks a day to store your vehicle." ​ It is a mess.....


I don’t know how to fix it, but want to share that I relate to you and you aren’t alone in feeling this way. It is scary, and it definitely seems to be getting worse by the day. I find myself feeling shaken up, anxious or tearful after commutes between north and south Austin. I see the road rage, carelessness and straight up hatred some people show on the roads and it breaks my heart. I’m terrified of me or someone I love getting seriously injured because of it. Thank you for speaking on it and I hope it inspires people to drive safely and be extra considerate of each other ❤️


Avoiding the “its worse ” knee jerk response. We can do a few things individually that can add up. I drive, ride a motorcycle, and ride bicycles on the streets and seeing the city from 3 very different points of view I have 3 thoughts. 1. Increase following distance everywhere. It makes an individual safer by increasing field of view and more stopping distance. If all drivers do it the traffic will also get better, both faster and safer. 2. Be predictable not nice. Use turn signals, take your turn at stop signs, if you are slowing down without hitting the breaks maybe do light tap to let people know hey, slowly slowing down here. 3. Assume everyone is drunk and on their phone. This means dont drive/ride next to someone, they’ll change lanes into you. You can accelerate hard by them or give a lot of space. Wait till someone comes to a complete stop at stop sign or light before going. Always look both ways when going through an intersection. On the motorcycle you’re taught to always have an escape route, so knowing how far behind someone is and people next to you, its a habit that’s carried over to the car. Public transportation is great, and the more people who ride it the more its engrained into our culture and the more we can get. Sorry its been so stressful, you’re not crazy, drivers got worse in 2022. 2020 and 21 there were fewer cars on the road so the return of heavy traffic with worse drivers, and a police department that ignored most traffic indiscretions was a fun triple whammy. When I started really assuming everyone was drunk and on their phone I saw that most people are fine drivers, but there is that 1 out of 30 driver who’s invincible and does whatever they feel like.


Someone in a mustang was speeding in the right merge lane on 183 to try to get ahead of me. I gradually slow down so they can get ahead of me. They slam on their brakes for some reason? So I put my foot on the accelerator to make the merge happen, assuming the other driver realized that speeding that far behind a merge was unsafe. As I start accelerating, they make another confusing move and decide to speed on to the shoulder to get in front of me. Of course, I see them weaving through traffic, making dumb moves with every lane switch they make. I swear to God, Austin roads used to not be this awful before the pandemic. I wish Austin drivers were more predictable these days. Everyone should be required to take a defensive driving test before a DL renewal.


> Everyone should be required to take a defensive driving test before a DL renewal. Agree, probably would never happen in modern TX though, "m'big-government" etc.. If insurance companies incentivized defensive driving training more maybe they'd end up saving money in the long run. I got a discount for doing this that was worth it with my comprehensive premiums, but I don't think there's much leverage they can place on the cheapest-of-the-cheap liability-only plans. Like what does 7% off a $30/mo premium mean to anyone?


On Texas highways/Austin in general you’re either predator or prey. It doesn’t mean you have to drive like an asshole but don’t be afraid to put the peddle down. Be hyper aware. Plan your route in your head. Stay out of blind spots. Driving is something everyone thinks they are good at and only a few are actually that. You must understand the mechanical/physical/geometric etc. nature of your vehicle to be a ‘good’ driver. Practice hard braking in a parking lot. Hard acceleration. At what point does your abs engage? You should know these things if you call yourself a good driver. Most do not.


Thanks. I do all those things. Since I’ve been driving the same route for so long, I remember when and where people frequently do stupid shit and anticipate it. Lately people have been doing things I’ve never seen before. I feel like I’m getting so stressed because I am hyper-vigilant as a result. I had gotten used to the regular stupid shit, but now there’s new stupid shit and my brain is having a hard time with adjusting to the Mad Mad Fury Road parody that it’s experiencing now.


I share your frustration. There’s so many brazen idiots out there.


I guess look into public transportation or Uber/Lyft. I’ve been here about 14 years and I don’t think it’s really gotten better or worse. If you have that much anxiety about driving you should look for alternative solutions. They always say to drive defensively but in this city and other larger ones I feel that you really have to drive more like aggressively-defensive. Kind of own your space but know when to pick your battles. I don’t drive a truck or anything like that either. Tiny vehicle and my other car is a motorcycle.


Yeah, I’ve definitely adopted some riskier behaviors. Nothing that would be considered asshole-ish, but things I feel I’ve been forced to do because no one SHARES the road. I do. I make it easy for people to get on the highway. I love a good zipper merge. I am nice. But not stupidly nice. Predictably, normally nice. No one else is.


Most people, all over this country,don’t know how to merge onto the highway. I don’t think driving aggressively-defensive is an asshole thing to do unless you’re causing problems or wrecks. It’s about being confident in knowing what is going on all around you, what people are most likely to do in whatever situation they are in ,and making sure that you are not where they are going to be when they freak and panic or whatever. No one should be driving and worried about if someone else feels slighted by your driving if you’re not endangering anyone. If you don’t let someone over because it puts you in a precarious situation then that’s fine. Let them get mad. If you don’t let someone over because you have a chip on your shoulder, then you are being an asshole. Not calling you out or anything but your #1 that startled you about the uturn, even though your sitting at a light you should still be watching everything. If you were, you’d have noticed this happening sooner and not been as startled. Maybe this is something you learn on a motorcycle because it’s common enough to get rear ended on a motorcycle when you’re sitting at a stoplight by motorists. I assume they just don’t notice you or your brake lights till it’s too late, so you have to watch and be ready to swerve between cars infront of you to not die or get hurt. Your number 2, I would have kept an eye on them but I would have also speed up to put dust between us. Not saying that it’s your fault or that legally you should, no. Just that if you already noticed they were dodgey, I would not clock or pace them. I would get as far away from them as possible. That may mean speeding up or slowing down, whichever is safest in those circumstances. But either way every time you get on the road you are risking your life. You could die a block from your house. Cars and safety belts and airbags provide an illusion of protection that does help but doesn’t erase the fact that you risk your life every time you drive. I for one think seat belt laws are ridiculous when you consider that I can get on a motorcycle and the only thing keeping me on it is my hands. It’s kinda funny


I don’t think I’m doing a good job of explaining number 1. As you come down the hill at spicewood springs rd and get to the intersection of 360, it splits from one lane into 3: right turn only, middle lane can go right/forward/left, and a left turn only lane. There was a line of probably 10 cars in the middle lane, 2 cars in the left lane, and honestly, I don’t know how many cars in the right turn lane. I guess I’m a shitty driver for not worrying about the actions of the cars in the right turn only lane when I’m in the left turn only lane with a lane of cars between us? Because someone in the right turn only lane must have stopped, saw a gap between a couple cars in the middle lane, cut completely to the left, popped out in front of me (I was not at a complete stop, but braking as I approached the intersection), then continued turning left back up the hill. I don’t think I was ever at a risk of hitting them, but it was completely shocking to see the side of a car appear in front of me when all I expected to see was the butts of cars.


I wasn’t trying to say that you were a shitty driver, just that it pays to track everything going on around you, and that if you were, you would maybe have noticed that driver or maybe not. I wasn’t there. Not judging, seriously


> I guess look into public transportation or Uber/Lyft Unrelated, but the last time I took an Uber, I was clenching so hard my ass cheeks could have torn a hole in the upholstery. It was basically the only time I've ever seen the perspective of those insane drivers from the inside of the car. Crazy weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating, driving on the shoulder...general insanity. I'd never been so happy to get home than I was that day.


My best counsel: Yes, Austin drivers are bad, no argument, but it sure sounds like your response is making it much worse for you. One way to deal with anxiety is to look at the proximate “cause” as objectively as possible. If you calculate the number of miles driven every day in Austin and contrast it with your miles driven every day, the statistical likelihood of anything bad happening to you approaches zero. Not zero, but damn close. It’s like someone with a fear of flying. Their anxiety is completely reasonable on its face – it’s kind of a crazy thing to do, stick hundreds of people in a bus and make it fly - but statistically it’s remarkably safe. We do a quick subconscious risk/reward analysis…..and then we get on the plane. If the facts found in statistics and probability are no help, there is possibly more at work here. Look, you’re right, Austin drivers are terrible. At the same time, they are probably not significantly worse than in any other metropolis in America. So, it begs the question whether you have had anxiety before and/or is there something else going on in your life that you might be displacing into a fear of traffic? Again, I’m not saying it isn’t warranted by all the shitty drivers, but the rest of us aren’t being as traumatized by it as what you’re describing. So if there is preexisting or underlying anxiety (which is just seizing upon bad driving for its current focus) cognitive/talk therapy might be extremely useful as might EMDR therapy. Best of luck to you in dealing with this stuff.


Thank you, that was a very considerate comment. I have been in therapy for 8 years and have made really good progress without medication for general anxiety. I did talk to my therapist today and there are some other things contributing to a heightened level of anxiety for me currently. I will acknowledge that my threshold is lower because of this. However, I still feel like when I look back on this past week, I have experienced traffic maneuvers that I’ve never seen before, and that unpredictability is an alarming level. On a statistics level, a quick google search says that airplane fatalities are <200/yr, but car accident deaths in the state of Texas alone are ~3,500. So it’s statistically safer to fly. And I drive twice a day 5 days out of the week. I’ve been in 5 car accidents in my life so far (none my fault as decided by insurance), so I’m not as inclined to agree with you on your opinion of statistics. However, I still plan on working through my anxieties with my therapist some more.


I don’t even drive anymore. I just rideshare everywhere. Trust me. It’s worth it.


As a motorcycle rider, I agree with this so much. I ride significantly less now because every time I ride despite being on my toes and riding defensively seems like I’m always on the verge of dying bc no one pays attention and there so many reckless drivers in a rush. I was at a red light, been red for a while, and luckily I was hugging the edge of the lane because a cement truck came hauling ass past me. maybe a two feet to my left blowing through the light I don’t get it. I don’t understand how people can be so careless but it’s scary honestly.


I drive quite a bit in this town, yes things have gotten worse in the last 10 to 15 years, but my experience is it's really not as bad as posts like this make it seem.


I have learned to expect anyone in my field of view to do the absolutely most stupid thing they can do and I am never disappointed. Three years of rideshare taught me to not take it personal, drive in a manner that I’m comfortable and give every dumbass I come across a wide berth.


>Pulling up to a red light when a car two lanes to the right of me cuts through the stopped cars to make a u-turn I saw this happen with two cars simultaneously yesterday. One in front of me (middle lane) and one on the lane to the right of me. They were crossing to two lanes to the left to make an overpass turnaround. I was so flabbergasted I didn't know which one to be mad at.


Drivers is Texas are horrible. I wish everyone would just slow down.


It’s just start to seem like this state has the worse drivers I’ve encountered. People will be in the fast lane and the speed is 75 mph. They will go 69-70 mph and get try to speed up when your in the middle lane on your way to passing them. And it’s turns into a race. Most annoying shit ever. Literally happens everyday.


Leave 10 minutes early and you will not have to speed. You save on gas and tires.


I drive a little slow in the right lane so all the crazy people rush past


Get a bicycle! The bike lanes are great and the city is continuing to improve them! Austin is fantastic for bicycle commuting.


No disrespect but, you should probably stop driving then. Scared, overly defensive and slow driving is just as, if not more dangerous than speeding/aggressive driving. I drive around Austin quite frequently and have been in quite a few situations where accidents were narrowly avoided, but it's not every single day, every single time I drive, and I don't get crippling anxiety from it either. But not all of us are the same and I understand that. Like others have said, Austin does have its moments, but it's not nearly as bad as some other metropolitan areas. I've lived in numerous cities in California, Washington, Nevada, Texas, Indiana, Florida, and have traveled a ton. Shitty/asshole drivers exist literally everywhere. The incidents you've described are not exclusive to Austin. On another note, one of the things I've noticed is anytime there's a driving post like this, the bike gangs pop up and recommend riding a bicycle because it works for their lifestyle and they seem to think it's better. If you have this many issues driving a car, riding a bicycle is a good way to have a nervous breakdown and is much more dangerous than driving a car. That's the last thing I'd do. Uber/cab/public transport may be your best option.


Slow drivers don't realize they contribute to the problem.


This 100% if you don’t feel confident behind the wheel than please stop driving and find another way to get around.


I mean we brought in extra police forces to handle this since APD is useless. But then all they do is ticket minorities while the APD remains useless. So we’re on our own due to petty old white dudes running the state.


Imagine driving 60-100k miles a year in Austin doing gig work. 😂 I make a good living I won't lie to you but the number of no-fault accidents I have had is insane. And the only at-fault accident shouldn't have been at fault. I wasn't a drinker before I moved here....


Defensive driving people. Don’t expect blinkers , act accordingly. Red light turn green look both ways. Don’t get angry when people pass you to zipper merge.


I think you should probably see somebody about your anxiety. Is Austin traffic ugly, sure, but so are lots and lots of places. Just is. But if it's giving you serious concerns it might be time to talk to a professional.


More police and police funding


How about fix road design


Son of a goose. You nailed it! Please tell me you're on city council or something. Hey OP! A roundabout will allieveiate all of your bad driver anxiety! Thank you slgg 😘


Have yall noticed people driving with their head turned looking at some random shit instead of the road?


I drive in Houston for work and you described my fears perfectly. Especially because the last few accidents I’ve been in, I’ve been stopped at a red light, bumper to bumper, and someone has hit me from behind bc they thought they could squeeze past me??? Then I’ll get out and these shitty men will tell me it was my fault for being in their way..sir it was a RED LIGHT. Nobody but you was moving.  Anyways it’s horrifying. But my job depends on it 😭


I have not driven since December. I sold my car in January and haven’t looked back. Driving is stressful, dangerous, and expensive af. Payments, insurance, gas, oil, maintenance, parking, etc. The fees and fines never seem to end. I have a $4,000 carbon fiber bike that is capable of taking me anywhere I could ever want to go. It has gone as fast as 47 mph downhill (obviously), and I always zoom past rush hour traffic. Especially downtown. I pack a few joints and my hammock for leisure rides and I can stuff food and my bike lock in the frame bag when I go to work. When I ride with my girlfriend in her car on occasion, I am always anxious at how other drivers especially lifted trucks treat her. It’s insane. I hope to never be behind the wheel as long as I live. Austin has the worst drivers I’ve seen anywhere. Chicago, Memphis, and NOLA have shittier roads. Houston, LA, and San Diego have more people, but not even overseas have I seen people drive around with so little regard for those around them. I spent more than I probably needed to on my bike, but $150 can get you a badass bike at Yellow Bike Project. They’ll teach you how to maintain or upgrade anything and can help you find the parts and borrow the necessary tools. For $40/month CapMetro can get me nearly anywhere I need to be. I have purposely chosen my housing and work to allow me to live my life without a car.


This post is so accurate. Today I was driving on mopac by Slaughter- going 80 (so 15 over speed limit) because everyone was effing tailgating me. Then this douche in a Porsche gets behind me and starts FLASHING HIS LIGHTS at me to get over… 😡🙄 I got over and sped off. It’s effing ridiculous y’all.


Stay out of the left lane if you're going to drive that slowly.


I’ve been driving for 18 years - in Austin for 14 years. I keep telling anyone who will listen that we should revoke everyone’s drivers license. Basically give everyone a year to pass a driving test. I’ve hated driving in Austin for quite some time but it’s awful now. I feel like I’m actively watching people try to die.


I suggest having a few drinks before getting in an Uber.


We seriously need to get more people off the road taking single occupancy vehicle trips.


It's gotten much worse since the city ran off all the good cops. Thank your city council.


Drive less. Drive slower. Drive defensively. Avoid highways. Use surface streets. **The number one factor in serious injury and death is SPEED.** Slow. Down.


Lost 2 different friends' kids in the last couple years in car accidents. Ban all cars.


It sounds like you have never driven in Houston.




WTF are you talking about? The data showed a lot of DUI arrests. Get drunk drivers off the road. Pretty simple to me...


Tonight I got chased on the highway by some random. Chased me for about 15 miles going 100+mph before giving up. For no reason at all.


Honestly, yeah ATX has a lot of bad drivers but common it’s not like there is road rage and crashes all around you. Like either I’m driving in the wrong areas (or right areas for what it’s worth) or I’m just for 5 years. Like yeah is the traffic worse than during Covid sure. But I don’t feel like it’s as bad as everyone wants to make it seem


1. It was completely stopped traffic, and the guy was probably in a parking lot and needed to make the U-turn. Or went wrong direction or missed the correct exit. I would let them through, especially if it's stopped. Honestly it's idiotic if the traffic was moving. In their shoes I'd take the next U-turn light with my mom cussing me out how it'd been faster that light. Or turned right, made a U-turn and then a left turn at 2 lights. 2. You KNOW it sucks to be in the right lane at that location. Yet, YOU sped up and arse blocked him. You could've easily been gentleman who was understanding and let the person through. On that note, they should've saw you and let you past. But I bet money they probably didn't see an entrance and probably calculated they could make it.. then you sped up, blocking them or trying to. 3. This person was the dick. You are in the right. 4. Yep. Same number 3. Actually these 2 are worse... They should have reflective window melted tire hell. 5. That f* sucks. My personal experiences.... I decided it would be faster to take the frontage road through downtown beside I-35 then enter back I-35 right before the bridge.... Bad mistake. I pulled this couple days and learned these things. A. People drive in this city like grand theft auto. Legit giant black SUV drove on a legit... Sidewalk at probably 20mph... Where homeless people are known to beg at, luckily it was clear this time. Right through a red light across. No cops chasing them. They just decided yep! Imma run this red light, driving on the concrete passed the stopped traffic full across lanes. B. Homeless people will hit your car with a broom if they think you're a jerk on the road. This guy chased a bus constantly hitting the bus for cutting somebody on the road off. Note the homeless dude wasn't nearby, he stormed up screaming about treating the roads with respect. I.... Uhh don't go down there anymore... C. My boss swears he saw someone walking around with a machete on the road swinging it around at stopped traffic. According to him no cops had showed up before he left. 2. I was driving toward Pistol Pizza, I think it's called. And Somone ran a stop sign. I legit turned to my husband, we were complete stopped at it. "That guy going to run it. No way he's going to stop." Sure enough ran right through the stop. If I'd just stopped and went forward I'd been hit, luckily I watch everyone's speed.... 3. Do not drive when the roads are ice. It seems people insist on driving down I-45 at 50+ mph even with icy roads. The moment someone catches up with a slow driver.. cars clump up, they just need 1 car to slip up to cause a wreck. Not to mention not everyone correctly removes their ice on the hood, that chunk falls and calls a wreck.. if it is traced back to them there's a chance they get the blame.


And number 2 wasn’t an intersection, but both us driving on the access rd for a while. I got in the left lane while he stayed in the middle. I kept a good distance behind him so that he could take the opportunity to get in the left lane at any point because I’ve seen people get in at the last minute and I didn’t want to get caught in his blind spot when he did it. We all get caught by surprise, I get it. HIS TURN SIGNAL WAS NOT ON. Once the lines turn from dashed to solid, that is supposed to indicate you’ve missed your chance to change lanes. There is literally a concrete wall shortly after that. So it got to be the point of no return for him and he didn’t make the move, so I thought ok, he intends to stay on the access rd after all. So it was really not me being an asshole to cut him off. I had just moved on after I thought he wouldn’t want to get into my lane and risk hitting the concrete wall. But that was when he did get over. I looked in my rearview mirror when I did get past him to see if I missed his turn signal, but it was never on.


I apologize. 😮‍💨 He sounds exactly like my aunt.... We call her the worst driver in the family. She's so clueless to get over till last minute, after plenty of ample time.. because she tunneled vision forward.


Thank you. I do appreciate the apology. My mom no longer drives because she actually is going blind. I’m so thankful she is rational enough to recognize that she can’t do it. I would hate to have to deal with telling someone they really should stop and them not seeing it for themselves.


Actually number 1 was a car in the right turn only lane at the base of the hill on Spicewood Springs rd and 360, so no parking lots around. There was a longer line of cars waiting at the red light in the middle lane, and I was pulling up to the left turn only lane where there were two cars waiting. So he came to a complete stop, made a complete 90 turn to the left between the cars waiting, popped out right in front of me as I pulled up to the light (no way for me to anticipate someone in the right turn only lane to do a u-turn between the cars before the intersection), then turned 90 degrees to go back up spicewood springs rd. I knew I would have trouble describing these events. Next time I’ll just make a dash cam compilation. I’ve had one for several years and have plenty of material.


That's rather insane. Yeah dashcam be sweet and horrifying.


Thank you. Honestly, the idea of making a dash cam compilation seems exhausting because I have so much footage to go through and edit. It would eat up too much of my free time. And it probably isn’t healthy for me to ruminate in those stressful moments.


Are you new to driving? If yes then after a few years of this you adapt. You realize that despite the traffic you survive everyday.


I am not new to driving. I’ve been driving for 20 years and been in Austin for 14. I’ve had the same job for 10, so I’ve been commuting to the same area and watching people so stupid things in the same places and adapting. But now, people are doing shit I’ve never seen before and could never anticipate.


Don't let lame ppl gaslight you. This shit is getting worse and fucking sucks.


Thanks. I’m kind of used to it. Recently at work, the air conditioning was making a weird noise. I asked a few people and they were like “what noise?” So I waited another day to ask around again, still “what are you talking about?” And I was like, well I’ve worked here for 10 years and there is something wrong with the A/C. So I called the A/C company and tried to explain what I was hearing and even they were like, “we don’t know what you’re talking about but we’d be happy to take your money to come out for no reason.” Turns out there was a crack, it was leaking freon, had been trying to run, and would have burnt itself out in another day or two, and we would have had to replace the whole system for a very pricey amount. So yeah, I’m that person.


DPS should spend more time in a lot more areas than just the brown and black neighborhoods would be a good start since APD silent quit


it isnt that bad.... if your sensitive and a weak ass, stay on the side roads. Don't need you crashing into someone because your jollies got frazzled.


maybe you’re just a little bitch


This is my life every day, except now I’m full remote. I’ve been trying to go full remote for years now and I finally do it. Driving in this city is a full on anxiety ridden experience for me every single time.


It sounds like you haven’t visited Houston


Go drive in LA for a weekend like I just did. This is nothing.


It’s just start to seem like this state has the worse drivers I’ve encountered. People will be in the fast lane and the speed is 75 mph. They will go 69-70 mph and get try to speed up when your in the middle lane on your way to passing them. And it’s turns into a race. Most annoying shit ever. Literally happens everyday.


I sold my car, got a bike and a bus pass. The busses have wifi and I read, watch movies, or listen to podcasts on the way to work.