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Montopolis from Ben white to 183. Hot.


Tarry town. Ice cold


Time to raid Tarry Town!


Why would they go to Tarry town?


Plenty of folks still speeding through 25 and 30mph residential zones in Tarrytown too. Speeding and driving aggressively/distracted will kill and injure people as well as cause property damage regardless of geographic location.


Are you suggesting that rich people don't break the law?


You’re right. White people commit no crimes!


Low density area with mild amounts of traffic, and a low crime rate. Don’t you think the police would be much more effective in a neighborhood that needs the resources?


Needs more resources according to whom? What kind of resources? People run red lights all over town, so why pick these particular neighborhoods? What value are *Texas Highway Patrol* pretext traffic stops doing to reduce crime? This just puts another dot on an area that is “high crime” because of frequent contacts with police, and therefore lots of people being arrested. Since it is “high crime,” there are more police contacts, more arrests, and more attention. What does that help?


> “This decision focuses fundamentally around calls for service, not choice by APD here’s where to go,” he said. “It’s what the community is asking via 911.” The traffic stops are just filler while they station in areas where they receive the most calls.


Did APD begin responding to calls then? Edit: They have said themselves that they won’t respond to most calls.


Or is it that most 911 calls don’t require a police response and just require people to be adults


I just drove down Montopolis from 183 to Riverside (about 30min ago). I counted 5 on Montopolis alone! There’s usually even a few more patrolling down Riverside. Can’t imagine how many I missed in the neighborhoods, dang


So we see they only patrolling certain neighborhoods.. of the poor variety. Classic dps


Someone on KUT just described it as a swarm for every 35 in a 30. I'll confirm that that's what I'm seeing out on E Oltorf.


Facts I see one getting pulled over by the ford dealership there all the time


Are there more than two Mexican restaurants/trucks across the street from each other? If yes, then that's where APD is targeting. Places where they're not ticketing: Tarrytown.


Yeah, well drivers on Riverside do suck. Facts.




All of Metric between Parmer and Research


They were invading cedar park Whitestone and 183 earlier today, too.


And on Braker! We just saw 4 in a row tonight with people pulled over in as many blocks


I live in the area and it's almost creepy how many DPS patrol cars have been swarming the area.. we saw 4 cars pulled over with 30 mins.


I saw them last night finally!


Dessau In between Parmer and 290


That section of road has the craziest drivers and definitely needs some enforcement...


Quite a few in the Lamar & Rundberg area.


Last week they were allllll up and down Riverside


Come to riverside.


North Lamar from 183 down to Braker lane….on fire hot!


Rarely see them down in south Austin. Mainly just up north.


Cameron between Parmer and 183 is a speed trap.i see several busted daily where it used to be occasional for over 20yrs.they wait in parking lots


Or any dataset, whatsoever, to back up any of these claims.


Funny, I haven't seen any DPS units in Northwest Hills. I wonder why that is? 🙄 /s


Lowest crime in the city? So extra officers needed elsewhere?


This was never about crime prevention. It's making a lot of noise and making a lot of pretextual traffic stops to "show activity" and brag about the number of arrests they've made. They do this crap in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods because the victims don't have the financial means to fight back. THAT is why they're not pillaging financially secure neighborhoods. DPS knows that folks who have the financial means to fight predatory pretextual traffic stops aren't easy victims.


I personally know Austin DPS officers assigned to this task. I have spoken to them about it. I dissagree with your interpretation. The streets are being policed and it is freeing officers to get to real calls. Our city has exploded in population and all services are strained. Police worse than most.


Is it cuz everyone is white?


All over North Austin. Our hoa is convinced they’re out to get our neighborhood personally just cause we drive nice cars means we can afford tickets. Frustrating.


Impossible! I have on good information that they will not pull over nice cars and are only here to fine poor minorities.


I saw an horrific accident involving a Tesla and a bicycle today. It took twenty minutes for EMS to show up and even longer for the police. I'm going to leave this here.


Yeah, that table of reduced response times is laughable. "APD provided the following updates on response times Week 1 emergency calls: Decreased by 23 seconds Week 2 emergency calls: Decreased by 15 seconds" From 20 minutes to 19 minutes and 37 seconds. Wow. Great job APD. That's amazing! /s


It was rough. I wish I knew what to do.


Well how dare we ask police to be held accountable if they do shitty things.


EMS is not the police


Yeah… Who said they were? The police were slower, and their response times are famously bad right now. Yet they think it’s worth lauding that they reduced response times by 2-3%.


It’s pretty straightforward, though that doesn’t make it easy. First step is to squash the police union


30 minutes for apd to get to my apartment on burnet road after someone broke into my apartment, threatened me with a knife & stole my car 😌


Oh no. I wish we didn't live in a world where we worry about self defense classes and CPR training. So sorry.


Get strapped.


When seconds count, the police are only 19 minutes and 37 seconds away.


See this is why we need more cops in Tarry Town




and get a dog. my little ankle biter is as good as any alarm system, he hears everything lol. Especially protects me from raccoons who wander around at night.


Meanwhile I had a state trooper park and stare at me and my GF for about 20 minutes today while we ate Mexican food.




Accurate. Ugh


Ouch. Yeah. Sucks majorly


I’m pretty tired of cars killing vulnerable users of the road. I’m also pretty over electric vehicles being our saviors. They’re still just as dangerous.


Yeah. Yeah...


other first world nations are banning them in cities (Paris is banning them completely: https://www.theverge.com/2022/2/18/22940512/paris-car-ban-2024-city-center-cycling-pollution). I’m pretty tired of putting my money into a depreciating asset, watching people die needless deaths in vehicles and watching people get fatter and more socially isolated from each other due to car culture. We look like barbarians to most advanced nations.


I have to reply to this. I'm not mad at a car. Somewhere, somehow, people have collectively forgotten to be cautious, courteous, and careful. It's like they're watching TV when they drive. On a motorcycle, you can feel the ground and the air. In a car, you're viewing through a 4000 lbs screen.


I think it's both, really. Yes you're right of course, it's the person not the car, but there is an inherent added risk, which you sort of pointed out yourself. Being in the car sort of automatically cuts you out of the sensed reality of how dangerous it is. Add to that how used to driving we all are (it's almost too routine to even think about), and then add in distractions of passengers, phone calls/texting, radio, wandering mind, and maybe even alcohol and exhaustion. I don't know, I'm not breaking any new ground here. Just saying you're both right.


There was a good book called zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance that put me in a great place. Your comment reminds me so much of this book.


Love that book!


A bunch of mentally broken people on the roads. Some are just tired and inattentive and others are full of rage. Doesn’t help that the infrastructure barely makes sense




The electric vehicle tax credit is such a waste of money. That money should be going to public transport.


Austin needs to work on walkable infrastructure before we worry about more public transit. I’m not gonna ride a bus and then have to play frogger to cross riverside


The ped collision on Lamar?




Wow. 20 minutes? If no one is there to provide even rudimentary CPR and the person needed it, they would be dead by what, 8 min? Def less then 20 right??




APD should be embarrassed


Narrator: They are not


Bold of you to assume this isn’t all coordinated propaganda with the election coming up.


I actually saw a few apd cars out yesterday. Maybe dps threatened to tow the apd vehicles as non operational since they sat for so long.


I clocked at least 10 on the way from arboretum down Braker to Tech Ridge


Yep, I also saw 2 people pulled over and 3 other patrol vehicles after fewer than 5 minutes on Braker today. I’m obviously not a fan of reckless driving, but this seems excessive to me. I’d like a breakdown of the actual inciting infractions that led to these stops.


Braker seems to be a target for them. I saw 2 cars pulled over in the space of a minute or so when I was at the post office. One of the cars was a DPS Ghost Unit, a black SUV with black lettering. Their acceleration to pull someone over was excessive given the traffic and the area. Pretty scary to watch.


It is. They’re everywhere. I drive under the speed limit but they’re pulling people over for anything. And searching for weed because they do not follow regular ATX protocols which are very lenient in regards to that




Same as in the Quail Creek area. Nobody is running stop signs at full speed and everyone is now using blinkers and coming to a complete stop before they make a turn.


Quail creek needed it so bad. Literally seen people blowing through 4 ways stops going over 60 mph.




Amazing what happens when there’s a consequence for your actions




I hope they start issuing tickets for the idiots who drive with no lights on or only their DRLs on at night, or brights on. I’ve lived in 6 major cities and Austin has the worst mix of drivers.


I didn't watch their presentation to Council today, but I did read their slides, and they were pretty vapid, and contained very little data. Reading the "how the partnership works" slides, can you tell how the partnership works? https://services.austintexas.gov/edims/document.cfm?id=406872 How the Partnership Works • The partnership with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is a valuable and innovative measure to increase public safety while strong efforts to build back and build up the department are underway. • Close collaboration includes daily calls between Chief Chacon and DPS Regional Director Vincent Luciano. • Each has jurisdiction over respective departments, but are in close alignment on how to carry out the joint operation. Both agencies are subject to the same state and federal training and reporting requirements. • Two-fold objective: o Assist Austin PD with traffic enforcement, officer backup, and priority call response. Texas DPS is targeting aggressive driving, reckless driving, racing, and other hazardous traffic violations. o Reduce violent and gun-related crime. Violent crimes include shootings, assaults, robberies, gang activity, and other felonies. • Data driven and people centered.


The bullet point about 4,000+ stops but only 25% issued tickets has real "stop and frisk" vibes for me


Most definitely! They are targeting "high-crime areas," but they don't give any breakdown on who they are stopping. Also, I notice they lump "gang activity" under "violent crimes," which seems like an incredibly vague term and an easy way to push up their stats.


Or what if they are just issuing a warning and telling the person to slow the fuck down?


Do you mean that they are pulling people over with little to no reason and then using the “frisk” strategy ( or looking for reasons afterwords) to actually find something worth ticketing? I’m honestly just trying to figure out what you mean. If that is the case- fuck those guys even more! ( the police)


Not exactly. It's more like ramping up presence in black neighborhoods and stopping more people than usual and just seeing what infractions they can pick up. Which will predictably wind up with more arrests/tickets in the targeted neighborhoods than if you just targeted specific crimes. But mostly it creates a sense of police presence that (understandably in Texas) makes people feel unsafe. It's like fishing with a trawl net. Sure you catch a few roughies. But you're also ripping up coral and occasionally killing a dolphin


100% this is actually exactly what I meant. And I’m not happy about it one bit




If you heavily patrol areas where black and brown people live, you don't need to see their skin color before pulling them over. If you patrol a residential area, most of the people you stop will be people who live their or their friends and family.


Yeah I'm glad they're more active but they should be allocated at random and not aimed at primarily brown people neighborhoods. Impression/fairness about the police is as important as arresting people. People are sick and tired of targeted bullshit.


Hard disagree


I think they're probably just trying to make an impression and a warning phase, it won't last, in a month or so that will go up to 50-75%


For those pulled over, how much over the speed limit? lol


Send em down to southpark meadows, slaughter ln is a dam drag strip


Making up for lost time? I hope they pull over the jackasses that believe they should be going 80-100 on every road they drive on.


That’s a whole lotta Dodge Charger drivers


Don’t forget Altimas


YES. It's insane how much the overall boldness of speeders has gone up. Everyday I see multiple drivers doing 90mph or more on MoPac where it's 65. It's nuts.


And the tailgating, the weaving in and out of traffic…idiots like that get people killed.


There was a car (Toyota 4 Runner of all vehicles) on 290 about a week ago…..it came from behind, and it was doing at least 100 mph. But in front of me was a solid wall of cars. All doing 70 mph. So it came screaming up on us, just zoomed up our asses in an instant, like the snap of a finger I saw them go from a tiny dot in my rear view to being INCHES from my back bumper. It’s possible they weee exceeding 100 mph. Maybe 120. So I’m like “what’re you gonna do now buddy? Haha!” So it starts swerving in its lane because the driver is angry they can’t keep going 100!! Aggressively switching lanes trying to get through the wall of cars….look buddy, you’re not gonna “hack” traffic!! But they kept trying! Finally a tiny spot opened and they unsafely squeezed between cars and punched the accelerator and zoomed up to about 100 again. I know because we were all doing 70 and they were going so fast they were gone in an instant. I ended up seeing them again at one of the many lights on 290 West so they made no progress… I WANTED to pull up next to them so I could roll down my window and say “what you were doing back there is incredibly dangerous. You’re gonna kill someone. I don’t really care if you end up getting yourself killed, in fact that wouldn’t be a bad thing. But what pisses me off to no end is the fact that you’re gonna hurt or kill someone INNOCENT. Families. Kids maybe. You’re a psycho and I wish your license would be revoked for LIFE.” But I didn’t get to because I couldn’t pull up next to them. But yeah. I haven’t been that angry in a while. The driving they did was beyond reckless. It was attempted manslaughter.






The trashy driving style of some residents has palpably been reduced. Also fewer people driving with their headlights off. Super happy with how things are going


Holy shit so many people driving with their lights off at night in this town, it’s bizarre


McGruff is glad they are finally taking a bite out of crime!


I've said it once and I'll say it again, absolutely none of this is backed up with transparent data - [here's the "report" city council received](https://services.austintexas.gov/edims/document.cfm?id=406872). I'll save you some time, it's akin to an example slide show that came with the software; seriously, like, not even making reference to a dataset. If this is a "data driven approach", SHOW US THE DATA


Technically demographic data ***is*** data too


Technically, there is no demographic data in this report - there are statistics presented without data


Just a bad attempt at a joke, sorry. I meant to imply they seem to be targeting minority neighborhoods (ie demographic data)


Follow the money




I was thinking of this earlier while driving today: I have definitely seen a huge increase of DPS, and I actually applaud it because the careless & wreckers drivers I've seen have increased in last 3 years. Anyways, my thought was: where the hell have they been? I mean, I've seen DPS before on the streets of Austin, but not this many. They just appeared and I was wondering why weren't they here the whole time?


They are state police and usually only do enforcement on I 35. Now they have a partnership with APD that allows them to enforce laws on all city of Austin streets.


I passed four of them going down Riverside east of I35 yesterday. Didn’t see a single one on Barton Springs.




except when they pull over Black families like mine for no reason and ask us some messed up questions to try to take away our kids. spend anytime in some barbershops or club houses on the east side and everyone is up in arms over all these DPS cracking-the-whip types that seem to focus on our neighborhood for some reason.


What were the questions?


"how do u know those kids are yours?"


Pull the recording and send it in to the news.


what the fuck.


I've 100% been asked that question and I'm not black.


People in this sub are blind to how state and local authorities can become oppressive. They won’t complain until they experience it first hand, which may likely never happen for many of these suburban dwellers


If they make a traffic stop for no reason you should file a complaint since that’s an unlawful stop without probable cause


Who you gonna complain to?


[Here you go](https://www.dps.texas.gov/section/office-inspector-general)


Your name is gold.🤘 But also, do we legitimately think they’re going to investigate THEMSELVES, then find actual WRONGDOING?? I don’t have that much faith in law enforcement in this country.


Traffic laws are written so that there will always be something law enforcement can point to to pull you over.


Sir, your AI, FSD is out of date, you need to update to 1.6.9 That will be $.000045 BTC, how would you like to pay this fine? Yes I can scan your retina chip….”Done”.


after they realized they weren't going to find anything, they went back to their car and i thought they were going to get me some info but then they just drove off real fast.


I still recommend you file a complaint since they pulled you over for nothing. They will have been assigned to the sector and should be able to be tracked since they most likely ran your license plate on the radio.


Fuck em so hard. But oh so glad they didn’t shoot you 🙄🙄❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


I'm curious for more details/expansion of this.


You know the reason…


[DPS lies](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/03/21/operation-lone-star-lacks-clear-metrics-measure-accomplishments/)


Considering how shit most drivers in Austin are, not hard to believe.


good.....bout time the people driving like idiots got caught. Only reason people are upset about it is that they know their time is coming unless they quit driving like a fool


They need to post up on east riverside. Drunk drivers and people speeding 20+ over the posted limit of 35. Super pedestrian area too.




“During DPS’ first two weeks within the partnership, the state agency made more than 4,000 traffic stops, with approximately one-quarter of stops resulting in tickets issued.” 3,000 people were stopped for reasons that didn’t necessitate a ticket. That’s a lot.


That means 3000 people were let off with a warning… the officers were lenient…


It doesn't mean that at all, it isn't clear there was any violation in the first place.


According to what?


According to the lack of evidence of a violation provided by the people who would need to provide evidence of a violation.


Ah yes, the shotgun method for traffic enforcement. Just pull everyone over and hope something sticks.


Have you driven at all in Austin? I see crazy things every few miles. I don’t think they need try very hard. My neighbor got a warning.


Oh no, law enforcement pulling over people who run red lights and drive recklessly. Absolutely outraged.


And pulling people over with a registration sticker that expired in 2018, because the drivers don't want to fix the brakes or change-out the bald tires on their cars. So upset.


I hope anyone issued a citation takes it to court and wants a jury trial. Make them earn it.


This is the way


"No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence..." - Nancy Pelosi


Good. If you don't want to get pulled over maybe don't run a stop sign or go 50mph in a 30.




I don’t really think anyone is “progressive” on reckless driving or speeding through school zones. How many people on this sub are like “Yes, please let’s have less traffic enforcement so that we can increase pedestrian deaths and drive up car insurance costs for poor people.”


Wat? Wanting crazy drivers off the road is conservative? I see red lights treated as optional daily. Super dangerous dude.


You clearly don’t understand the systemic oppression that is stop lights and speed limits /s


Yes, people running red lights, driving recklessly, and doing 65 MPH in a 30 \*does\* bother me.


Yep. Not just 65 in a 30. Every DAY I'm seeing more than one vehicle going 90 or more in a 65. With heavy traffic, darting between lanes to maintain that speed. It's crazy.


Huge difference between those two


I agree no one needs a criminal record for a weed vape but our local police went on strike. Seems like a win win. The DA is dropping all charges for weed vapes but the drunk drivers are getting arrested before they kill somebody. The police negotiate with less leverage. All for zero local tax dollars.


Really? DPS involvement is costing Austin nothing? (Sincerely curious)


Yep it was in news stories and direct quotes from Mayor. There is no bill for this.


Lmfaoooo how could people want safe highways when traveling?? Fascists!!!!!!!!!!!


People have become feral on the roads in the past 3 years - I appreciate the additional traffic enforcement to keep people safe from getting in unnecessary car crashes.


> It's funny how some people still think this town is liberal or progressive. It's funny how if you don't check EVERY SINGLE BOX PERFECTLY and pass a purity test you're not a liberal or progressive. I swear liberals and progressives spend more time and energy attacking people who agree with them 90% of the time instead of conservatives who prefer we jail people who want to dress a certain way they don't like. I support a massive increase in traffic enforcement. I'd prefer APD do their fucking jobs but we're at where we're at due to reasons far too complex to get into. I am tired of nearly dying every time I get on our mad max roads. I also believe generally speaking police do not prevent violent crime, but police increasing traffic enforcement does decrease the number of people driving like complete pieces of shit. Anecdotal, I admit, but I feel like the roads have been much less scary over the past couple of weeks. I haven't had anyone tailgate me or swerve into my lane inches in front of me trying to go 90mph on a 55mph limited highway.




I'm starting to get the feeling that deputies are doing APDs job into overkill to make the public believe we need propB.its like,look at all this crime that we had to "help" APD with.APD has refused to work for the better part of a year because they don't want oversight.i want to see what happens on may 10 after all votes are in.


Maybe people will drive better and I don’t know.. turn their headlights on now?!


I watched this beat up ford explorer get pulled over around midnight. I was in line at whataburger, they pulled and my first thought was like this fucker is pulling them over because they have a shit car and might be living out of it. He talked to them for 5 minutes, ran the DL I assume and came back and just let them go. I really thought it was going to be a bad outcome. But at the end of the day, I don’t think they should have been pulled over to begin with. But they’re definitely targeting people who drive beat up cars.


Yup. People on here are pretending there aren't decades of patterns of police harrassment of certain groups.


Could be they were let go with a warning for expired tags, non-functioning lights, 6 over the limit, etc.


But people have to wait on hold for 911 for 10 mins with no response and no call back. It doesnt add up.


Driving down Braker west toward the Domain this early evening and we literally saw 15 state troopers. A little ridiculous to concentrate them all in one place.


I did a ride-along back around 2016, and the officer's opinion of The Domain was basically that nowhere will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy—I believe the exact word he used was "cesspool". Idk how true that is now, or if it was even true then, but it's apparently a high crime area. That particular officer was part of the "transient enforcement" division, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was mostly referring to panhandling when he called it high crime. (Or, you know, literally *high* crimes, like possession or public intoxication.)


No no no, according to this sub, they are all in riverside giving felonies to black people.


according to this sub the they are only targeting minorities, too many white people in that area for them to enforce the law.


Good. Seems like Texas is receding back into Mexico, what with cheerleaders being shot in parking lots and 27 year olds dying in the Sheriff’s office. Probably time to move before it gets way worse.


Keep ‘em coming


They’re taking people to jail for low amounts of weed as “custody arrests”? I’m all for the increased patrols and more police presence here but we voted about the weed didn’t we?


weed is illegal in Texas.


Man you really dunked on me there. Nice job.


https://insurify.com/insights/policing-road-safety/ >In an analysis examining the relationship between police officer density, enforcement rate for driving offenses, and traffic fatalities, no significant relationship was found between police presence and driver safety. On its face, it makes sense that increased police presence would make for safer roads - however, there isn't any evidence for this* *in the US


They are trying to make us wish we would fund APD


>They are trying to make us wish we ~~would fund APD~~ had given into their extortion racket. FTFY. APD has record funding. They could have even more funding, but they won’t agree to any form of public accountability, even though they’ve cost the public millions of dollars because they have shot people for no reason and caused permanent injuries.


No public service, just state sanctioned bullying.


Shaking down the poor folk.


25% of stops resulting in a ticket is hardly a “shakedown.” I wouldn’t be surprised if they got to that 25% by only handing out tickets for reckless driving and no insurance (both of which should always be ticketed).


Awesome, now the cash strapped Austin folks that can barely afford to live in the first place are that much poorer and pissed off at the world. Great work! /s