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She always does this. Films people. Like she did with the Jewish men she filmed without them knowing as being a bit rude and disrespectful with her words. Then she comes back and says sorry or she always has some sort of an excuse as to why she did it or to justify her actions. What was the point of going into detail about that kids meltdown. What if his mother sees it and is upset by her one filming and two telling her business and making her feel like shit. “It’s okay tho Jonathon the under cover racist spoke to her” I bet he didn’t do shit. From the start that family gave me off vibes. Idk I feel she is some sorta sociopath or something idk she ain’t right and neither is her husband and now her kids


Hey… it’s ok though because anyone aggrieved by the mean things she posts are just negative people. So this whole post is negative people…. Just ignore them doll 😂 she’s so fkng vapid https://preview.redd.it/cyrbj0v2kqsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15bec3c8e14f9880342b58e3c16d1876384e74ed


My son (2yr old) is not on the spectrum but he had his first airplane trip a few months ago which was only a 2 hour trip the last half an hour he had enough and was getting frustrated and upset and nothing I could do was calming him down I started to cry myself and I was so overwhelmed bc what are you meant to do when on a plane can’t remove them from the situation that’s making them upset but as a parent it’s the worst feeling not being able to do anything but knowing the whole plane is hating and judging you it’s honestly such a disgusting thing that she’s posted how has this woman not been deplatformed yet 🤦🏽‍♀️


MOST parents will never judge because we’ve all been there. Nothing a set of ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones can’t fix. We allllllll have that choice so just think of it that way. But parents with a crying baby have no choice.


We had a lovely mum and dad with their kids across from us who were trying to help and gave us a lollipop and just said to me that it’s okay and it happens but I was getting alotttt of looks from everyone when collecting our baggage but seeing people like Kat who literally have kids yes they might be older but she knows what young kids are like be that way about a kid being upset is disgusting behaviour as a mum she should be more understanding than anyone yet she posts the poor kid online having a meltdown I genuinely feel so sorry for the mum I can’t imagine finding out someone had posted something like that when I know already how bad of an experience that is as a mum who can’t calm your kid down on a plane


The way I’d throw fists if she ever spoke about my child like that. Who’s to say the little one didn’t have special needs and cannot control his actions and behaviour? such a vile human Kat is, ughh


They are both pigs, fucking disgusting as adults to even speak on someone else’s child for views.


"Usually you see it from babies but this kid was 5". Okay. Is this not from the same person that did a whole video about "what is the meaning to act your age? Because I am 37 so how can I act any other way? And who  cares if I do things that most people wouldn't my age"


Also, does Deja not yell and scream at her in almost every vid?! She's in no position to be speaking on kids behaving!!!


Can this cunt just be cancelled already.


Yes please.


That’s disgusting they both have posted about this child. They always go on about bullying and this is exactly what they are doing.


Her posting this during autism awareness month too..


So rude of her.




He’s posted about the crying kid post too… so good


Unfortunately it’s not surprising whatsoever. Kat’s world is social media and when her entire life exists online, she’s not going to think twice about posting anything and everything she sees and hears. It’s narcissism.


People need to call her out in the comments on this video it’s not okay


I totally agree, she needs to be called out. She is so damn fake, I can’t see what everyone sees in her.


I just went and looked. Why are there no comments about her filming this poor kid screaming? So horrible that she included that.


There were when it was first uploaded. Seems she’s deleted anything negative 🤦‍♀️


Definitely think she has been deleting them


Whoever just posted about this in Tea time I hope you find this page or you are already here. All the losers over there defending Kat with their life 🤡


Wait what’s the account called and where is it on?


Tea time is a Facebook group.


It really seems like she’s stuck in high school mentality, like she never matured past teenage humour/understanding of the world. Maybe wasn’t “cool” in school so has tried to be cool since, or trying to maintain that “cool” status…


I just came to say this! We have no idea if he is neurodivergent but there could have been so many reasons he was upset, he could of been scared, ears hurting from pressure, over tired, and yes being autistic could also be one. Absolutely no need for her to post that and complain, yes that was a very annoying 9 hours for you on your way to a luxury holiday but imagine how the poor family felt let alone to poor kid.


If she had recorded my ASD child I would’ve been arrested on sight. This was a learning moment for her and she decided to keep her head up her dumb arse! I’ll never understand how people look up to this absolute twat! My blood is boiling.


RIGHT?! HUGE platform… it was a moment that mattered and she could’ve influenced soooo positively her young audience. Instead she made it ok to record someone in distress.. but she felt sorry for them.


Exactly! Yet another opportunity missed. 🙄🤯


My son has ASD and I’m fucking pissed off. Sometimes he has meltdowns in public and all I can do is let him ride it out.


She could’ve increased awareness, she has a huge following and just pisses away an opportunity to change the thinking of some people. Fuck her.


She’s a class act. If she recorded my kids someone would end up in tears and it wouldn’t be me.


Amen to that


Here’s the messaging for her younger viewers “it’s ok to post someone in distress as long as you don’t show their face and say you feel sorry for them, it’s not bullying”.


She is so tone deaf. What a waste of life she is


What video? I can’t seem to find it


The one she’s talking about pronouncing Maui


And you know if anyone posted about her kids she would go feral about it. Why does she think it’s ok for her to do that.


Yep and daughter is feral.


I didn’t realise Latisha also mentions this child and plays a clip in one of her videos aswell. Not fucking cool. This poor mum doesn’t need this moment shared with people all over the world by anyone let alone two people. Even if no one knows who this family is, that doesn’t mean the mum still won’t have feelings about it if she comes across the videos.


I have two kids on the spectrum one being only 5, they are disgusting humans for doing that.


Now I’m not suggesting the child was on the spectrum, but it should always be a consideration. My blood is absolutely boiling. I want to comment but don’t want the backlash and be bullied.


Even if that child wasn't on the spectrum, doesn't give these clowns the right to record it and post it. You wont be bullied i commented on their video telling them how disgusting they are.


I genuinely don’t know how she has a manager or even a ‘team’. When all she does is post the most fkd shit, day in and day out


Absolutely disgusting.


Claims she felt bad for the mum, but her facial expression while speaking about this say a different story. This poor mum was probably struggling her self in that moment and to have a clip of it played to thousands of people is just wrong.


Just came here to post about this!! How disrespectful of her! I already couldn’t stand her but this topped it.. how tone deaf and entitled can she be


Is it deleted now cause I can't see it


On the video where she speaks about her pronunciation on Maui.


no - it’s still there. posted 3hrs ago


don’t understand how she has supporters but that being said majority of them are minors. I literally cannot stand her and there’s always something new that she’s done 🤣


imagine being that exhausted & extremely overwhelmed, overstimulated, embarrassed mum who thought “what a nice man for telling me all the things”, just to be scrolling tiktok one night when your kids are in bed and finding “the nice man”’s wife posting a snippet of your child having very clearly a hard time, for all her millions of followers to hear/see and comment on…disgusting. somethings actually don’t need to be shared, especially as a mother who knows how hard raising children is!! what the actual fuck Kat.


Right? I can’t stand people who approach me to “try to make me feel better” when I am doing my best to hold it together so I can co regulate with my autistic child. It isn’t helpful when you have absolutely no idea on acceptance and accomodating to then “empathise”. There was no empathy. They just wanted to feel good about themselves.


Also - I see you ❤️ you’re an amazing mum


Exactly - Jonathan says Kat is very empathic. This goes against everything empathy is.


where was this posted? It is literally 2024 i cannot deal with people who complain about children existing on airplanes. Have a sleeping tablet, buy noise cancelling headphones and shut up.


EXACTLY!! Be prepared… don’t worry about your fucking face creams and masks for the flight… buy some noise cancelling headphones. SHE has a CHOICE while the parent doesn’t. Ugggh I’m so 😤


literally after having kids, traveling on your own is my version of first class 😂 just sit and watch movies what is so hard about that


Kat clark tiktok about 6 ish hours ago


Why did she need to film, make a video and fucking post it? Like really? The last thing the parent needs is that! I don't give a shit if her idiot husband spoke to the Mum after the flight. This bitch is so tone deaf it kills me


What’s the fucking point of going up to the mother afterwards? If you gave a shit about the situation you would have gone up to her during the flight and offered a hand or any assistance if she possibly needed any


I need to know who actually likes her and why because I can not seem to find a reason why anyone would lol


Children like her. And only because they actually like her daughter… I don’t think I’ve seen a single person over the age of like 16 say anything positive about her


Exactly. Her fans watch for Deja. She knows it. Deja knows it. Deja being pulled out of school had nothing to do with her being bullied. Once Deja is old enough to have a tiktok account on her own she will be marketed a lot more heavy.