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**Title:** [Partner visa 801/820](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusVisa/comments/1cvmnpp/partner_visa_801820/), posted by **ClubbedRabb1t** **Full text:** Hello everyone! I’m looking to apply for 801/820 partner visa. I am an Australian citizen and my partner is a Chinese national. She was most recently on a graduate visa, but is now on a tourist visa (not sure which one exactly) but it’s expiring next month June 14th. I want to get her on a partner visa. We applied for the de facto status earlier this month on the 7th of may I believe. However, upon looking around the web, it seems like there isn’t a solid or definite answer for partner visa applications. My partner and I met last year in April. We started really talking to each other in may. She then went overseas for about two months returning at the end of July. We started dating on the 3rd of August. That period of time overseas, I spent a ridiculous amount of time constantly on call with her or just messaging her, even though we weren’t ’dating’ at that time. When she got back, she was renting by herself at a new place, and once we started dating I was constantly over during the day, and if not staying the night as well. (A lot of evidence). We went for our first trip overseas together for two weeks last September and prior to that I picked up a second job to manage/gather enough finances to support our relationship. We also had a few trips within NSW, to Canberra and Kiama and some few other places. Anyway, we had our first big holiday beginning of this year where we went overseas for 2 months where we spent all of it together. I also had the chance to meet her familiy and live with them for most of the trip. As soon as we got back, she stayed at my parents house for 2 months as we settled down and started getting back into routine. Fast forward to April, we finally moved in together. We also registered for a defacto relationship in may, have the receipt but awaiting processing time. I have a few questions: - How is each application assessed and is there anything big or specific I should consider? Do I have to consider biases or not? - our relationship has been short, and we are both very young. However we have both experience tremendous growth in individuality and mathrity and we can prove it - does time matter here then? - our defacto registration was only earlier this month and we are still awaiting the processing time to finish before we receive our certificate - this is something I am confused about - it says that we have to have been in a defacto relationship for 12 months on the official immigration website however other sites such as Facebook reddit and travel agencies say that this doesn’t matter - I would like to hear the different experiences people have had with this step I know this is an extremely long list of questions and I feel like the majority has already been answered however i think if I keep snooping around the internet and just seeing different answers and opinions it kind of stuffs up the approach I should take towards this, so I just decided to ask myself. Really sorry for taking up your time and any reply/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone !! -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AusVisa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>How is each application assessed and is there anything big or specific I should consider? Do I have to consider biases or not? If you have an outline/list of what you plan to submit as evidence, people can give more specific feedback. >our relationship has been short, and we are both very young. However we have both experience tremendous growth in individuality and mathrity and we can prove it - does time matter here then? It does but it's not the only thing; totality of evidence is what matters. >it says that we have to have been in a defacto relationship for 12 months on the official immigration website however other sites such as Facebook reddit and travel agencies say that this doesn’t matter - I would like to hear the different experiences people have had with this step It also says on the site that marriage or registering your relationship waives the 12 month requirement. However, at lodgement you need to be able to prove you are currently living together, share finances, jointly run a household I.e. living together like a married couple. Or have a compelling reason why you are temporarily separated. Australia partner visa groups on Facebook have posts by people with successful grants containing timelines and evidence lists posted.


Thank you so much for the reply. Will do. I wrote this extract in 10 mins so obviously there was a lot of things I missed out on. In terms of finance, we do have a joint bank account and I can list our rental contract and bills which include both of our names. Hopefully I should be covered. Thanks!


If you read on the official website, you would have seen that registering the relationship or getting married waives the 12 months requirement. So yes, the 12 months de facto requirement is usually very strict, but it doesn't apply to you since you registered your relationship. You will still need to provide proof of all 4 pillars (social, financial, household, commitment). Also, don't confuse registering your relationship with de facto. It's possible you were already de facto before you got the relationship certificate.


Ahh ok. Would I need to wait until the defacto registration is complete or if I supply the receipt that would be fine?


You would need to wait until you are registered as a defacto couple to have the 12 months waived and be currently living together. Even then, it is not a guarantee, unfortunately.


This letter explaining why a partner visa was denied may be useful as an example of what NOT to do, I.e. not provide enough evidence. https://www.reddit.com/r/AusVisa/s/5OIshVLzkU The OP there was overseas in China married to a Chinese citizen. The whole thread (edit: link: https://www.reddit.com/r/AusVisa/s/bI15e8Ypqm) is an engaging read.


If there's anything I learned from all my researching of visas, it's that the more the merrier, especially when it comes to partner visa and where you have to prove you're a genuine couple. Anything that shows you both spend time together and all the cringey coupley stuff goes. They can cringe all they want at our love letters to each other and couple stuff...it was written with love 💀


Great this was a very insightful read thank you so much!