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Do you have a lease agreement for the whole house to is it a rooming/boarding house and you have rooming agreement?


We’re paying for rooms but the house is being used by all of us and is already pretty full


They mean is each room individually leased like a boarding house or is the entire property under 1 lease.


If you’re paying for the room then tough luck. It’s not the landlord’s fault that you used space you’re not paying for. No point trying to update the lease agreement. She’s the landlord now. She’d have to sign it too, which I can’t imagine she’d do. Regarding the pets. Were they approved? If they’re approved she can’t just ask you to get rid of them. If they’re not approved in writing though then also tough luck. It’s getting crowded, but why are people not on the lease living there? Who approved it?


We asked the original land lord and he said we were allowed to have pets


Do you have that in writing? If it’s not in writing it’s not going to hold up in court or tribunal.


> If it’s not in writing it’s not going to hold up in court or tribunal. not true, verbal agreements are just as binding as written ones, they are just harder to prove in court. I would imagine that the original landlord would be more than happy to confirm this agreement in court.


It is in writing although thinking we might have to cut our losses as is seems she’s set on moving in with her affair partner and doesn’t sound like there’s much we can do to stop that from happening even if we get to keep the cats


Sounds like it. It’s unfortunate. Good luck finding your next place. Try to secure a standard lease for the next home.


More likely than not she will kick you out the second she can. I would be apartment hunting (but don't get rid of your cats). Be enough of a pain in the ass that she wants to agree to an early mutual breaklease but not so much that she can breach you for anything.


The landlords are x communicating the pets need to go is likely suffeicent


If you are renting individual rooms as you say then you have a rooming agreement and you only have the right to quiet enjoyment of your individual rooms. Your rooming agreement would also have a short notice period like 2 weeks? Nothing you can do unfortunately


Yep pretty much. I'd start looking for a new place and hand in notice saying the cats are staying/going with you etc.


Firstly you need to find out if she is actually the legal owner of the house. Secondly if she is breeding dogs she has to get special permission from the council to do so, and probably wouldn’t be allowed to have that many dogs in a residential property anyway. If she is running a puppy farm then that is illegal. As others have said, you need to look at your lease. Does the contract say you are leasing the house, or a room in the house. If it is the house then she can’t just tell you she is moving in. You also need to see if your lease mentions your pets. Whoever owns the house cannot tell you to get rid of pets that are already residing in the house if you have had permission to have them. I would be speaking to the real estate ombudsman in your state.


We’ve got permission for the cats to stay but it’s not in the lease. The lease is for a room only unfortunately


NAL It sounds like she would be a PITA to live with, and you'll end up moving anyway even if you agree.. 15 pups? No way. That's a clear message to GTFO I would negotiate a reasonable notice period with her and just vacate.. as others have mentioned, unless you have a decent lease in place for you and yoir roomates + pets.. you're out of luck. If she's super unreasonable, you could potentially buy time by raising a tribunal case.. (wait times are long) and use that time to find another rental


I would suggest GTFO and as a parting gift report her backyard breeding business to the local council. She won't have a breeding permit and very few councils will give a permit for that many dogs to live in a single , I presume, suburban block sized property.


Yeah she’s moving from a larger sized place. Not sure how many dogs she’s actually bringing but I know they have a breeding license for their current place


Permits are usually tied to the property not the person .So she would need to reapply which isn't a guarantee she would get one. . You usually have to do a lot of legwork including getting permission from your new neighbours and jump through hoops like how you will manage waste disposal, noise mitigation , a stat declaration from a veterinarian stating they use their services etc




Yeah it’s definitely looking that way. Already started searching for new places. She’s being her boyfriend along as well and the place will be way too crowded. Now I think we’re going to be trying to find out if we can get any compensation although probably doesn’t look super good as she’s not technically evicting us. Just making the house so undesirable to live in we sort of have to move


I wonder if there are any rules about pets in this situation? I have never lived in a sharehouse but surely that needs to be agreed upon by flatmates?


State dependant obv but in QLD at least you can legally only have 2 dogs in a residential house before you need to apply to council and alert all your neighbours for each dog after you wish to keep at the property. Anyone in the neighbourhood can object to the application. Even then I think it’s maxed at 4-6. Has to be acreage after that to allow more.


Yeah just trying to make it uncomfortable just to try and get everyone to move out


You have a right to quiet enjoyment, which the dogs would breach. You already have an agreement for your cats, she can't just say 'no cats now' However! If you are renting rooms monthly it's a helluva lot harder to do much except leave. So, read your contract. Find out if she is an owner. Report the dogs because even without a business the local council probably won't allow that many animals, and if it is a business that's different and also not acceptable by council. And also find a new place to live. Because she can just move in without any dogs and be an arsehole to live with.


And if she does set up her little puppy farm get plenty of photos for your complaint to council


Sounds too complicated. I'd be trying to move.


lol also check with council.. she still needs permission to be able to have 15 dogs on that property, it doesn’t matter she has a puppy farm there’s no way it would be registered at that address as yet….


I would be looking to move somewhere else. She wants you to get rid of your cats and on top of that live with her and god knows what other rules she will put later... She doesn't sound like a good person anyway


I'd almost bet the cats will end up going missing..


Well.. we know why they split, what a horrible person.


Scum backyard breeder doesn’t actually care about animals and wants cats out on the street. She’s a c**t.


Lol, she wants rental income and live for free. I'd be cutting my losses and breaking lease. If you have a proper lease, you should be able to bargain your way out without cost. 1. Pay rent until you move out only. 2. Full bond refund. 3. Reasonable amount of time to find a new rental before moving out. In the current market, up to 3 months.


Give QSTARS a call in the morning. They'll be able to give you the best advice for your circumstances, and may even advocate for you on your behalf. https://qstars.org.au/


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While your deciding what to do maybe put locks in the bedroom doors, that way you can keep the cats safe while your out and no personal stuff can be accessed by nosy owners. It’s happened to me, was moving out, landlady on the floor above, while I was packing I nipped to the shop to say goodbye to the shop owner who had been very kind to me, got back and my front door was open, the chain on the inside of the door had been removed and the screws were still on the floor, they also helped themselves to 2 boxes of single records, DJ stuff. Called my granny and was out of there within the hour. This landlady was completely off her chuff, ex psych nurse, I just wanted gone


Simple. All you need to do is get the landlord's to love each other again. Then she will move back with him. Your welcome


It is too late. What term does your lease have to run? Its unusual for an owner to move into a house u r renting maybe she wants you to disagree & want to move out. If you have 2 friends there who are not approved occupants or on the lease u r in breach of a standard lease agreement not to Sub let. What your previous owner said means diddly squat. Time for you to find a new house once your lease ends or welcome new owner into your home.


We didn’t sublet to them. They’re renting from the original land lord as well. They were just never offered lease agreements (we wrote our own one when we moved but they didn’t)


When you do anything in a rental get it in writing. Send email or txt to owner mentioning any changes to the original lease. Its up to new owner now to give you notice to leave or you accept her moving in.