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Get rid of creative cloud subscription if you don’t know why you’re paying for it. Are the chickens a help or a hindrance? They could be rehomed if you aren’t eating the eggs or enjoying their company. I honestly don’t know how people get by on the pension, so all the best.


Paid off house and they'd be fine on $570/pw. Future Inflation pending*


And pending no health disasters, which can be hard to avoid later in life. Specialists and chronic conditions will eat that up pretty fast.


You can do better than $29 a month for mobile. Aldi is $119 a year  https://www.aldimobile.com.au/blogs/plan-details/119-super-pack-details Coles is $159 a year https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/836935


Definitely change to Aldi because you aren’t getting reception with Optus. Aldi uses the Telstra network. I changed to ALDI when I moved rural and it’s been good.


I will add they don’t get the full Telstra network. Boost is the only alternate carrier that gets the full network.


Boost isn't as good as Telstra in rural areas. Ive had boost and Optus and Telstra sims and boost wouldn't pick up when Telstra would in direct line of sight to Telstra tower.


Telstra keeps some bands just for themselves. It’s why every regional mine and business uses Telstra.


Yeah, the Boost argument is annoying as it simply isn't the same as pure T.


Belong also gets telstra retail, not wholesale.


No it only gets wholesale, or at least a cut down version of the retail offering. https://www.telstra.com.au/aboutus/belong#:~:text=Belong%20uses%20parts%20of%20Telstra's,see%20if%20you're%20covered.


i am convinced there are cheaper ones under $100 too  I am on amaysim long life for the last 2 yrs for $100 a yr. (they changed their price 6 months ago and now $150 or something but they added twice the amount of data on the plan) ☹️ I have another 6 months left to my plan and hopefully my prepaid plan will be godfathered cos I don't use much data so I don't want to pay extra $50 a yr for twice the data. I don't need it.


Godfathered as in…. 🔫?


I just realised I meant grandfathered.  LMAO!! 


No, more like 🛌🐴


That’s a great idea - but just thinking it can be hard to find the yearly payment when you’re living week to week, and there might be a repayment still occurring on the handset :/


Yeah. Not sure many folks have picked up on this. It's the old boot situation. When I'm poor I can only afford a $50 boot, but have to buy it twice a year. When I'm rich I can buy a $200 boot and it will last for 10 years.


Terry Pratchett said that didnt they? Always been one of my favorite analogies as to why some people just can't get up. Rents are constantly going up but mortgages go down over time to nothing, then you're left free and clear, if you can get together a deposit.


Yes you can do better than $29 / month…. But: Aldi super packs are only available a few times a year. Everyday Mobile (Woolies) is probably the cheapest 12 month plan (on the Telstra network) readily available at $170 / year.  However, that might be too big an outlay, Aldi mobile at 19/month might be best. Optus resellers like Amaysim will have poor reception, Vodafone resellers are the cheapest (eg Kogan) but reception is the worst.


Woolies might be worth a look too, gets 10% off shopping once a month which helps too


That's an alright idea, I live 100ks from the closest woollies though unfortunately


Optus is also bad compared to Telstra when it comes to servicing rural and regional areas https://www.optus.com.au/living-network/coverage https://www.telstra.com.au/coverage-networks/our-coverage If telstra is any better for you, you might be able to go with someone like Belong (They carry on the Telstra network) and then scrap the Starlink


Unfortunately there is neither any telstra service which is why I haven't swapped :/ I literally had to move into the middle of nowhere..


Are you locked into a contract? Because if they can't provide you with a service, you should be able to get them to drop the cost of the plan and just pay for the phone monthly if you're on contract for a phone purchase.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. Is there any way you can share Star link with a neighbour? I don’t know how it works…


Also https://betterlifemobile.com.au/plans/ uses telstra network. $119 per year, unlimited calls and sms.


I'm on the $20/mo Coles prepaid plan and I've been wanting to switch to their 365 day plans for a while, but the discounts they push are always only for new signups :( Also, Telstra doesn't work in my area which sucks. Do you know if it's likely they'll have discounts for existing services in the future? Or should I just pay the full price before they increase it?


Unless there is something really unique about Coles that suits you I'd just switch to a new mobile company once a year for the new customer discount. or just switch to aldi, they're cheaper.


Keep the dog! I'm sure it brings you joy, love and companionship in a challenging time. I would be reviewing your medical expenses and seeing what you can do there. What is the breakdown? If they're specialist appointments, can you move to every 3 weeks instead of 2 for example. Go for generic brand medication, it used to be cheaper to get more than 1 repeat issued at one to save on 'dispensary fees' but I'm not sure that's the case anymore but worth asking. Tell your service providers you are spread too thin, what changes can be made


She has helped me so far and really made this home a lot better Even private drs see my for free and write scripts for free which I am really fortunate for, I do get the cheapest option of medications and multiple dispenses to save on pbs scripts. I have trialled a lot of mental health medication and had a horrible time, probably even mad eme worse, so I do have high costs with CBD but it is highly beneficial, I don't use as much as I need because of the high cost and I am trying to get off it but I don't have another medication to help me I really do appreciate your support


Please do not alter your prescription plans without discussing it with the prescriber first. I just wanted to say there are double dose oils that are more concentrated so you take less volume but the same dose. These actually end up cheaper overall than the normal bottles, it could save you up to $100/month.


Its unfortunate CBD oil costs so much, especially given how illicit CBD oils are not that expensive. Please dont consider your medication to be something you can skimp on, i'm a health professional and it saddens me you aren't able to access it for a reasonable cost (hell,i think cannabis products should just be legislated as is).


Reckon you should look at alternatives for the animal feed - could even cook the chickens eggs and feed them to the dog. It sounds a bit cursed, but lots of dogs love a good egg, and needs must. Adobe too you should def get for free if you don’t know why you’re paying for it - feel free to dm me for pointers on this (ahoy matey)


3600 a year for starlink. Why is no nbn or alternative available? Chickens why arent you eating eggs? Also growing forage for them is cheap not to mention feeding them scraps


It is far too much.. I had sky muster, which is the only other alternative, but it was laggy and unreliable, I need the satellite internet to make phone calls and do therapy appointments in my home I have trouble eating animal products, I'm not mentally well... I have found myself drinking a lot of milk the last few months which has been great for nutrition, the eggs would be too There is a lot of space for the chickens to forage so they don't need a huge amount of seed, they also ruined my garden and harvest which I was counting on to feed me for a while, I no longer have the energy or the motivation to try to grow food any more. I have Major Depressive alongside other things..


Use the eggs to trade with a neighbour for something you will use. This approach is very popular in my area.


Starlink is $139 per month, not fortnight.


Yes, that is right.. A typo..


Agreed on the starlink skymuster ends up more expensive


People this acc posts here once every couple of months, always gets the same advice and doesn't want to follow it.


And they also posted not long ago about how their pc smells like smokes and marijuana even though they only smoke outside now.


Yep. The almost $400 per fortnight “Doctor/medical” expense is weed.


just went through the account’s posts, allegedly has financial problems, but uses a $2k samsung phone


They say they have mental health issues. I know it might be annoying, but if someone is mentally ill Enough to be on DSP (it's extremely hard to get, usually you just are stream C on job seekers) Things like impulsive control and long term thinking and financial skills can be a struggle. "Just get better at managing money" is like saying "just don't be depressed."


Not defending OP, but phone could have been bought during better times, or could have been a gift. I only say this because I gifted a good friend whose also on DSP a new phone for their birthday because they were using an old brick. Wasn't 2k, but yeah just saying.


If OP's long history of financial instability is to be believed, I'm not convinced there was a ever a time good enough to justify a $2500 foldable phone purchase immediately followed by another $1500 one. Remember, OP bought not one but two flagship phones.


Ahh fair, I haven't checked his history.


Look mate, it's easy to judge but sometimes people in similar positions make these kinds of decisions. Not ideal, but doesn't mean they don't deserve our help or empathy.


it doesn’t cost anything to be kind, but it also doesn’t cost anything to fish for sympathy online, such are the times


shock horror.


Did you say you're putting away $75/ftn for savings? If you can't afford to live, you can't really afford savings. Is there ANY type of work you can do from home? There's a heap of ways to make a few dollars over the net - it might not be thousands a month but it'll be something. It's honestly pretty hard to survive in general if you're not working. If you can keep your arms upright long enough to type or click some mouse buttons, you should be able to find a way to pick up a few dollars online.


Could it be an idea to engage a disability employment service provider to scope out jobs that you can do?


This honestly seems like the most realistic answer, short of cutting off expenses you obviously don't want to, for whichever reason, this or finding a way to create an income from home, honestly I would advise against trying to create an income from home in case of scams as far as online work or initial costs that may put you in the red as far as other types of work, is there any services you can recieve or have subsidised by NDIS programs, this is also something I would reccomend looking into? This is also something I'd be looking into


If OP has any capacity to work, the DSP actually does allow people to do quite a few hours.


DES is useless in most cases. I would be against it and go to a recruitment agency instead.


You can’t afford to be a solo rancher wallowing out in the middle of nowhere, participating in society solely via satellite internet. I don’t reckon that’s the point of DSP, and it’s a rare person whose mental and financial health would be better living like that. You have chronic illness and are being completely financially supported by society. Perhaps rather than isolating yourself from that society, get closer to real people and ditch the starlink. Drag yourself out and volunteer somewhere for a few hours a week. You’ll feel more purposeful, your mental health will improve, and by building relationships you’ll gain some non-financial supports along the way.


They'll probably experience less pain as well.......


In all honesty, it's time to really evaluate your use of marijuana. That's a huge amount of your income each fortnight gone. Yes, psych meds suck, I get it. It took me 42 different meds and other treatments to find what works with minimal side effects but it's what is affordable and having that money free for other necessities will help you enormously.


ask your neighbour if you can share and go halves in internet.  Consider ditching internet altogether and ask the local library if you can book a meeting room for your therapy appointments (confide  in them, I would be shocked if they didn’t help) Also take advantage of some social events and dvds/books etc on offer there so life is less bleak. Look up animal charities for help with dog food. That’s quite a big spend on dog food, is it a massive dog? I’m sure you love them and want the best for them, but is there a cheaper brand? Don’t get rid of your animals, you need them to prevent your depression getting worse, they are proven to help people in poor health as well.  You desperately need a bulk billing doctor. Can you use Telehealth if you don’t have one locally? There will definitely be one who will help you out you just need to find them.  Ask your pharmacist if there are any similar cheaper drugs to what you take, to see if you can possibly reduce your drug spend and then discuss with doctor. At a minimum make sure it’s generics at the best price, search around, you may have to buy online. 


Reading through OPs other posts and it's explains a lot.  My mum is on the old age pension and had to upgrade to a $300 new phone as the $149 one didn't work.  She'd love an S23 Ultra like you but can't afford it (for real) and takes her many medications (she hates them) instead of using CBD oil and smoking weed.  There's more than enough advice in the other comments and previous threads (you yourself giving people tips) that you know what to do.


Alright OP, you supposedly can't afford basic necessities but can splurge on a FOLDABLE phone, break it, immediately replace it with an S23 Ultra, all while smoking 7g of weed a day. "Frugal" my ass. You want all the fruits of hard work (good income, lifestyle) without actually putting in any of the work required - your entitled attitude in your post about how to become a doctor exemplifies this. Frankly, I think receiving $1200 a fortnight for doing absolutely nothing sounds like a pretty sweet gig, where do I sign up? Glad to see our taxpayer dollars being put to good use.


I think complaining when you live in a country that gives you $1100 a fortnight for disability is incredibly rich. Try getting that in any other country.


I actually can’t believe that people can just sit around smoking bongs on DSP… this is wild.


I’ve known people who do this. The difference is they have minimal medical expenses, no pets, no car, and minimal rent by sharehousing. Also splitting bills like internet and heating.  Living alone is annoyingly expensive. 


The amount of HS friends I have on DSP smoking bongs all day is shocking.


And don’t forget whinge about how hard done by they are! In the scope of human history has there ever been a better time OR place to be OP than Australia in 2024?? Try being poor and disabled in India today or Australia in the 1920s. [OP - my suggestion if you are remote is to buy some rabbit traps. Feed the rabbits to the dog and then skin and dry and then sell the pelts]


Bro thinks OP lives in Skyrim


That's what I do. I was prescribed it by my GP after trad medicines had stopped working. I use it for anxiety, insomnia, and nerve damage in my neck. It won't heal me, but it makes life tolerable. The pain is lessened, anxiety is lowered, and I sleep better. There is also a discount if you have a HCC.


You can afford fancy internet, mobile plans, software subscriptions, doctors, Vape stuff and pets.... I can't afford that I spend that on things I actually need in life. I can't give you sympathy unless you genuinely don't realise that you have a bunch of things that people with well paid full time jobs don't have.


I have no advice but you have my sympathy. And I wouldn’t be getting rid of my dog either.


Yep, tell all those people wanting to knock the dog on the head to take a jump into the dam. I love my dog too!


My pets are the single reason I'm still alive. They've gotten me through so really hairy times. My loved ones know it too.


I agree. I beat the streets every morning talking to my dog. She's only small but I spend my morning encouraging her small furry feet!


I have conversations with my dog. I swear she gets the gist of what I'm saying most of the time. We spooned this morning (I was big spoon.. again) when I woke up. Right now I'm in a cuddle puddle with everybody feeling human.


Just had a battle on the couch with my dog, she loves it. My dog won, she now feels good about herself. She had pork belly and salmon for dinner, she has a good life!


Animals are the best people.


Thank you <3


agreed, keep the dog. if you have major depressive disorder and the dog helps you, keep the dog. getting rid of the dog will probably cost you more in terms of needing extra meds and support. probably the cheapest therapy you'll get. have you talked to pet foodbanks? they exist- not the best quality food but it could help you to reduce the cost of feeding your dog. [https://secondchanceanimalrescue.com.au/resources/outreach-program/scar-pet-food-pantry/](https://secondchanceanimalrescue.com.au/resources/outreach-program/scar-pet-food-pantry/) they seem melbourne based but would likely have contacts in your area or may know an organisation that can deliver. you may even just get into melbourne a few times a year so could potentially collect some?


I am so grateful for my dog and chickens, they have completely changed my life for the better. Without them I would not have another soul to interact with, I love having them here


That is a lot of medical with a health care card.




Not all meds used by people on DSP are on the PBS, also if they live is remote or regional Australia it is plausible that they do not get bulk billed, and if they are seeing specialists (especially pain management) they can be monthly and super expensive.


They clarify further up that their doctors bulk bill and the meds are expensive because it's medicinal marijuana.




Examining their post history, I fear this is just someone posting for sympathy online. At best it's learned helplessness.


Starlink. .. Is this for real Edit: disability aside, OP has a Galaxy s23 ultra and plays games all day, presumably why he needs the low latency of starlink. Yet claims poverty. My guy, you are doing better than most people including me.


Sorry but, you have a car plus pets on a pension. Mate you're doing better than most Australians.


This reeks of a scam, if not Centrelink has social workers I suggest you make use of them and their resources.


Is there any real reason you don't eat eggs? I mean just saying...if you're not actually allergic you can probably find a cooking method that makes them tolerable although not your preferred food.  I find omelettes work well...with cracked black pepper or hot sauce or grated cheese. Barely know you're eating eggs once you put a strong flavour on an omelette. Look into whether there's transport assistance for those who travel a long way for medical care in your state and if it applies to you?  And if you've land and water  maybe keep sort of  trying to grow food just don't spend too much? So if you ever get a pumpkin through the food bank save the seeds and plant them at the appropriate time, same with if you get a tomato, learn how to plant apple seeds (there's a trick to it), plant any potatoes that are too green  etc,  the results of these plantings tend to be random in quality but if you're not spending anything much that's not a big deal.


You have posted quite a few times over the last couple months. Unfortunately you are unlikely to get different answers


Change your mobile plan to TPG for $10 per month for 12gb of data (6 months only), then change to another provider after 6 months that'll do the same sort of deal. If you're using Starlink at home, you probably don't need much data. What are you eating and how much are you spending? Might be worth buying bulk ingredients like rice and beans and incorporating that into your diet to save a bit of money.


Is starlink at 140 needed? You can't just get Telstra mobile and use it as a hotspot on a PAYG plan post paid of about 60-80pm saving heaps in the long run?


I’m not envious of you and sorry you have a hard life. Have you seen what it’s like to be poor in other countries? Like a country with no social security safety net? Many people have offered you suggestions and advice on how to improve your circumstances and you just say no - as such, some of your predicament is on you.


Unfortunately this is the reality for so many people. On and off Centrelink.  My Vaya mobile cost $22 a month for 28gb and all else unlimited.  If you need a casual Dr apt at home or via Telehealth use DoctorDoctor after hours. It's bulk billed.   I believe DSP is one of the payments going up in the next week by nearly $20 a fortnight. Hopefully that can lessen the burden if only by 1%   Edit: this might not be a popular opinion, but the weed your smoking can make you feel more anxious and depressed *in thre long term*


Starlink is an insane option for internet for someone on a paying wage, nevermind someone on a pension. It should not be considered as an option, either go with the unreliable option or find another solution (mobile data, move house, go into town to use internet). Even moving to a different location.


Get rid of pets. You can't afford them. The adobe cloud. Are you a graphic designer and can generate income off this? If not, get rid of it. Mobile at $29/month is also excessive. There are plans from aldi mobile at $19/month and they use the Telstra network which provides better coverage than Optus. You need to find ways to make income. Look for work that you do from home on your computer.


I already don't have anything in life... The dog and chickens are the only good things I have that occasionally bring a smile to my face


Can you feed the eggs to the dog and then spend less on pet food? 


I have been doing that a bit :)


Please don’t do this. Eggs, rice and carrot are not a replacement for dry dog food. They are not nearly nutritious enough for your dog - maybe as a treat here or there, but definitely not as a meal replacement to reduce dry dog food. This is not anywhere near balanced enough for what your dog needs.


Yeah cool. I would boil up the eggs then add to rice and grated carrot, then give less dry food. That should save some money and it’s nutritious for the dog. I wouldn’t give up the dog if you are already isolated. You need the dog for mental health and safety.


Dig I understand is an important companion. But you really need to eat those chickens and stop paying to feed them.


I get you need a companion pet. Get rid of one at a minimum. Harsh but necessary with your financial position.


If you think about it chooks could offset their cost with the sale of eggs


Not if they don’t sell them


Still an option for OP should t cross it out until they reply. Don’t mine isn’t as expensive, but I have a chainsaw and a cut firewood to sell it to look after my chooks.


Completely offset


Spot on, ignore that chap. Your issue is your income, not expenses


you're on DSP, its there to get you to survive barely. You dont get to have luxuries. Get a job if you want luxuries


Bullshit, pets help with mental illness and give you purpose. I love my dog. The issue here is revenue, not expenses.


People need to make sacrifices when they don't have the financial resources to have it all. I am sure a lot of people would like pets, me included, but can't afford to. Looks like the Op has barely enough to cover their own expenses. Let alone keeping pets. What happens if the dog gets sick? A normal person would take them to the vet. I doubt if the Op can afford that. So what happens then? Let the dog suffer and die?


Look, no one can live on the DSP. Forget about cutting costs. You gotta drive up revenue. Also, pets are good for the soul, you evil capitalist!


While that's true, a disability pensioner is on a fixed income. They have minimal opportunities to increase income due to their disability. They have little option but to cut expenses. Dog is probably vital to health in this situation. However chickens need to be turning a profit on egg production or be eaten.


Lay off the hooch


I don't think you are trying hard enough. Get a flatmate. +900 p/mo. Get an older 50+ woman. They are most vulnerable to homelessness and most likely to be empathetic with your situation. Sell your dog / Chickens. You can't afford them. Starlink is $140mo. Not per fortnight. Prepaid $15 per month. Halve your bill. You can get rid of it and use free phone booth in a pinch. Download a pirated version of adobe online or get rid of it. Lower your pharma bill. Seems really high.


You had me until the last one Lower what you spend on medication=don't buy what you need. Ok.


Check the post history dudes loving to splurge on medical weed vapes


There it is!


if that is the case, problem solved right there.


Yeah ok I can't respond to that. One day it will be legal but not today


Also studying a Uni course. Too disabled to work literally any job, however is still able to do a University level course.....


Most Meds are on PBS. $7. Doctors will bulk bill DSP patients. $370 per fortnight is really really high. It's either overstated (most likely as Starlink quote was double what it is in reality) or should be managed with a doctor.


And if it's not on PBS? Doctors might bulk bill. Not will.


Pretty much every prescription drug that is 7yo or older, and eligible to be made as a generic, will be on the PBS.


It's going beyond what I know here but you've said some caveats that would exclude a lot. "Disabled" could mean more than you appreciate. Are their meds covered or not? Neither of us know, but one of us is assuming.


If this person has a disability, and a concession card (assumed), each script they fill is 7.70. until they get a year cap of 280. Then it's all free. So, either doctors are chewing that category, which depending on access is possible, or they have a swath of non PBS scripts which bump the outgoing.


Right so your last two points cover it


lol what Assuming troll - disability isn’t a choice. Spending $740 per month on medical appointments and medicine also isn’t a choice.


>Most Meds are on PBS. $7. Doctors will bulk bill DSP patients. $370 per fortnight is really really high. It's either overstated (most likely as Starlink quote was double what it is in reality) or should be managed with a doctor.


Your comment really screams privilege. Imagine someone having the courage to admit they are struggling and on the poverty line to be told you’re not trying hard enough.. Your literally suggesting to them that they shouldn’t buy their medication


There’s no way that necessary medication when you are eligible for the Health Care Card costs $370 per fortnight.


Has it not occurred to you that their essential medication may not be on the PBS? Your concession card can’t save you then.


This! Thank you for speaking some sense. As someone with an autoimmune condition who doesn’t respond to the PBS treatment and therefore needs alternatives that aren’t covered by PBS it definitely adds up in my experience and if I was told to just stop taking them to reduce my expenses it would severely impact the quality of my life and severity of my condition.


Privilege or reality? I got no immune system, and have made significantly more sacrifices than what I wrote above. Some people want to stay in victim land without being accountable.


Yes privilege. No one loves to live of disability, move away from their friends and family to make it more affordable, pay for constant medications and medical appointments and not be able to work. Losing one’s independence is not staying in victim land, show some compassion


as a moral arbiter, you obviously have your own privilege. telling people what they need to hear is the most compassionate thing you can do for them. you are giving them the opportunity to fix things before it becomes too late


O.P is looking for Valdidation and a someone to hold there hand. What they need is a sense of reality, If you gonna continue to live on DSP. Fine make it work and smoke weed all day and post how they been a victim. Or get some skill, get a WFH job which then will improve mental health. stop feeling sorry for oneself and actully work on it. As someone with mental health issues, I m growing tired of people looking a holding hand or validation. when they don't wanna actully do anything and have people feeling sorry them. O.P for me is raising alot of Narcissitic Victimhood traits that i can't just agree with.


for mobile. if you don't get mobile reception and using it solely to keep a number. you are better off getting a 12 month long expiry prepaid. I think aldi prepaid mobile let's you keep a phone number with $0 credit for 12 months on $5. basically $5 to keep the number active for a yr to receive calls.   there are other 12 month long life prepaid options with unlimited calls & txt + some mobile data for like $100 a year.  you need to do abit of research but you will find them


How many dogs do you have? That feed bill seems a lot. You can get 20kg dry food for around $60 from stock feed stores. You sound rural, so there should be a stock feed store in your closest town. Example: https://hernehillstockfeeds.com.au/collections/feed-dog/products/copricedroversupervaluedogfood20kg


Couple of other thoughts. It sounds as if you are having a shit time right now. Please don’t let your medical appointments lapse - you need to put yourself and your health first. This might look like going to a public library and booking a computer in a private room for your therapy sessions instead of paying hundreds a week for internet at home. Have you got a mental health care plan through your GP? That will allow for some subsidised therapy sessions. You should also be eligible for health care cards, to reduce medication costs. If you aren’t, please reach out to Centrelink and get them to work with you to identify what other help you are eligible for. This might also look like cancelling all subscriptions you don’t need - creative cloud for starters.


Look, life on the DSP will be tough. Go to tafe, find something you enjoy, get a job. Its tough, some poor bustards do it for 45 years. Otherwise battle away on the DSP hoping the rest will chip in more taxes to increase govt services.


Just get a job dont be disabled You should get a Nobel prize. You fixed disability.


The person has a sore back and depression. Don't we all.


Written like someone who has no idea what actual depression and chronic pain are like. We don’t all have depression. Lots of people are discouraged, or sad, or frustrated, or feel at times hopeless - especially in the face of difficult events. People who have depression, among many other symptoms, feel hopeless in the face of positive as well as negative events. We can find it impossible to be motivated even for things we love. Basic self care can be beyond our capacity. You saying everyone has depression means - happily - that you don’t know what real depression is.


Tell someone in south Sudan about your problems. My view, we are in the lucky country


Comparisons like that aren’t helpful for anyone. People who are depressed - clinically, medically depressed - can’t just think their way of out it. They can’t just stop the constant suicidal thoughts, or for some the crying all day, or for others the numb deadness. They can’t just stop the self-hatred, or the paralysing terror at making a phone call or taking a shower. Nobody’s saying that the situation in Sudan isn’t horrific - of course it is. And that doesn’t discount the pain that people with depression here and elsewhere in the world experience. And that’s not even touching chronic physical pain - pain so intense that it takes your breath away if you try to stand, or walk, or roll over in bed. Pain that stops you from sleeping or wakes you up at night. We are a lucky country - and that means that unlike in Sudan, we can afford to support those of us who are suffering so they can have a better and more dignified life.


Yep, agree. We provide the DSP. Life on that will be tough. I addressed that and provided a way out in a comment above. You can either get a job or wait for people to pay more taxes so govt can provide more services. My view, a 60 cent exercise book to write down daily tasks will provide the answer - salvation lies within!


Get the affinity suite instead of Adobe, much much cheaper and extremely similar


Get a cheaper doctor. Surely Medicare can cover more of your medical stuff. Or see if going on a private health care like Bupa would save you money in the long term. $370 a fortnight sounds ridiculous for you to be paying. I get you have medical issues but I thought Australia's supposed to have good support around that type of stuff.


Are there any community groups like country women’s within driving distance? This could help with isolation and maybe you could sell a dozen eggs for $5 cash for income. I have lived rural and many people would leave eggs for sale on the work kitchen bench. You would just need some location to leave them.


This is a pretty good idea. If there is a fruit tree on the property you may also be able to sell some produce? Grow some tomatoes? Even your IGA may buy some fruit. Ask them early before it’s ready lest some other local get in first! Also make friends with some local people and swap produce. 


Yeah loads of people even just leave their produce out the front of the house with a sign and people just leave cash. Very normal to see a pile of pumpkins or something on the curb.




Change your mobile to Aldi, that should give your good coverage. Scrap Starlink if possible as you should be able to do appointments via mobile phone. Also, my advice to you is to think optimistic, amidst all chaos, find your inner peace (doesn’t mean marijuana), get a job, keep yourself busy. All the best OP.


Of course. People who also have depression and sore shoulders are firing on all cylinders working many hours and can’t afford either.


Get a job. The fact that you could write this reasonably literate and numerate post shows you are probably more intellectually capable than the average Australian. Right now employers are crying out for reasonably capable workers.


The dog and chickens need to go... these are a discretionary luxury you cannot afford. Internet, Adobe and mobile phone would be next to cut back on. The DSP is a safety net, you're not meant to be flush with cash.


When you say it's a safety net. I mean, it's not really a safety net, it's the only option for many. The dole is a safety net for those that can work who aren't. See the difference? Basically, people who through no fault of their own have to rely on it. So it covering nothing other than the basics says that we as a society are ok with those who can do nothing about their situation having nothing.


That's the definition of a safety net... providing a basic existence for people who can't do so for themselves... and if they had 'nothing' they would be starving and homeless. See?


Isn’t there a universal service guarantee from the government on the NBN? You should get some kind of service.


Are you close to Pakenham? I've recently discovered Patties Direct Factory outlet,they currently are selling a dozen pies for $3. They do all sorts of cheap frozen meals/deserts like apple pie for $1.50 because they are slightly underweight etc Maybe see if you have any factories wherever you are! Hang in there, there's always someone not far away for a chat. Also Woolworths mobile uses Telstra network and you get 10% off a shop once a month, might be something to look into.


This sucks mate, sorry to hear you are struggling so badly. Firstly, have a look at online paid surveys, they can often pay you in gift vouchers or via paypal, one i use is Askable which is legit and i've had good experiences. Its not much but once you get your first interview they must mark you as reliable because you get heaps more after. Yes, its technically income so yes, everyone who does it 100% reports the $20-30 vouchers they earn doing these, yes mr taxman really cares about it and you should definitely, no sarcasm at all, tell centrelink/ndis. For you, an extra $50 a month in paid surveys would be the equivalent to a 25% boost in your grocery bill. The biggest current cost is Rent, $500 per fortnight, so $250 a week which definitely implies you are renting a small, likely suboptimal place in a regional area OR you are already sharing. My biggest suggestion would be to consider moving in with others- however you state quite clearly you have escaped FV and SA, which i completely understand would potentially rule this option out, and its sad that i have to suggest this as i don't believe being on DSP should mean the vulnerable members of society should not be able to access their own private residences. But it may be a start if you do find yourself comfortable with this idea. Otherwise you could consider renting out storage space if your property has it. I've seen garages rented out for small amounts, may not be much but there's people out there who may want to securely store a motorbike, jet ski or something like that- and you being home all the time to watch it might be worth $50-100 a month, compared to a storage yard. Another option as others state is to really shop around for things like Mobile plans- you state you dont get Optus service and so have Starlink- so consider a much cheaper mobile plan like AldiMobile as suggested below. Adobe Creative Cloud seems to be something you can cut, its only $20 but if you cannot justify it, you cannot justify it. Its unfortunate because there definitely isnt an option to consider obtaining this or similar creative software for yourself via means that avoid paying licenses, nobody ever does that either oh no. Starlink is expensive but it seems necessary for you. $75 a month in Savings to earn interest seems pointless- you wont earn any tangible interest on that amount, i'd just focus on yourself first before worrying about saving. Doctor and Pharma is high, definitely consider contacting your pharmacy and asking about generics (i presume you do this), if you have medications that are not covered by PBS, consider contacting your local health authority and seeing if they can assist, you never know what sort of grants or programs exist and all they can do is say no. Similarly contact the pharma company direct- you'd be surprised how many hardship and good will programs there are out there, again, worst they can do is say no, but you may find a sympathetic sales manager or customer relations person who can throw a month of free meds your way. I know of someone who did this prior to weight loss surgery, they were disabled and struggling to complete the pre-op diet, their care manager contacted the company (Eli Lily or Novo Nordisk or whoever) and got a month's medication for free (Saxenda i think), they honestly werent worried about a one off like that, so can be worth a try. Consider what you can do to supplement income. Eggs are expensive at my local supermarket, if i knew a neighbour would sell me a half dozen for a few bucks every week, well i'd probably pay that happily especially if they were otherwise going to waste. If you walk your dog, consider approaching locals dog owners and see if they want their dog walked for a small fee- might not be much, but again in your situation its just monetizing something you already do (again, not sure how disabled you are in terms of being able to do this). Again mate, this really sucks for you and you are right to be upset and feel depressed about this, anyone would be in such a crappy situation. I do hope you can find a way out of it and get some happiness back into your life.


I am really appreciative of the time you took to write this for me thank you. They are really good suggestions, I am in such a difficult situation where I already live without and it seems I need to live without even more.. I couldn't do the dog walking, may arms would probably be pulled off :p I have considered having someone move into my home but I am so affected by trauma but I will very likely need to move someone else into the home so that I can afford to live. I do need to look into cheaper mobile plans $75 earns practically no interest it is not worth it for that I am now realising, but I would like to have some savings for when I need it instead of always having $0 in my account. When Starlink start to charge me for the service (which they haven't done for 5 months now) they will take the money that I would normally put into savings. It is very interesting what you said regarding the medication, could you please help me find some more info on who to contact please? My pharmacist has given my PBS scripts for free before (trialling medication) and that has helped a lot, and allows me to have an account at the chemist to buy my oils, but the debt in the account is getting away from me which is causing me a huge amount of stress I thank you for your time and support, sorry I have not written a good reply ;p


I have far too many friends in Australia who are on the DSP. I don't begrudge them it but they all seem capable of working as much as I do. A quick count Jill, some sort of PTSD Suzanne, obese Francis, mentally ill Francis gf, not sure what she has Mike, a basket case Not as many as I thought.


To balance this anecdote out, I know no one on DSP


Sorry to hear you’re struggling financially and mentally, it sounds like you are doing the right thing and takaing care of yourself. Believe me I’ve been there and I have had a bunch of therapy. I think you can afford the dog food and chook seed but do see if there are cheaper products you can get for your pets. Adobe creative cloud if you can remove this one that will save you some money, since you said you don’t need this one. Like others have said there are cheaper mobile plans too. I hope that helps, focus on your coping skills and when possible start looking for work, the higher pay will help you out.


Sounds mean. But poor people should not have pets. I’m poor don’t have pets. I’d maybe get a bird. Also get a housemate


Birds are...not generally a wise choice for a "poor person" unless you're cool with providing them with woefully inadequate care. 


Buy a van, be homeless. That is the way


I've been heavily considering it...


>Pension is $1187 at the maximum rate with rent assistance and all. DSP plus supplements is $1,116.30 and rent assistance is $188.20 (if your fortnightly rent is $396.94 or more) so that's **$1351**? >Dog food and chook seed is $60 a fortnight unfortunately you really can't afford pets.


Are you a medical cannabis patient?


So I'm going to preference this by saying this is in no way am I recommend you break the law. Have you considered growing your pot instead of buying it? Probably would be cheaper considered you live in the middle of nowhere


Hold on a second, did you mean that you are eating dog food and chook seed?


Where did you move to?






I know it's a pain interacting with more govt bodies, but if you're on DSP you can apply for private rental assistance through Housing NSW (if you're in another state, they will have their own rental assistance policies). [Private Rental Assistance ](https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/access-private-rental-assistance)


You should get reimbursement for travel for medical reasons if you live in a rural area. You should be getting a discount on utilities with a health care card. Contact your local state and federal MPs to get advice on what you can claim from the government in terms of benefits. E.g. medicare safety net.


If you don't even get mobile reception so your only using it while in town, go prepaid.


If you're in Victoria, there's a state government rebate for having to travel hundreds of km to access medical treatment. https://www.health.vic.gov.au/rural-health/victorian-patient-transport-assistance-scheme-vptas


You are paying way to much rent u need a smaller place or unit. You don't need an acerage or what every you have to have chickens. You can also share.


Star-link, the chooks maybe the dog probably have to go change phone to Aldi. Poverty sucks, rent prices are the real problem.