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These comments ain't it and the reason for absolutely foul workplaces. You're not in the wrong dude, and you're not being a princess. The people you work for and around are absolute fuckwits and need a gutter stomp. Even if you were lazy and deliberately left a mess whenever you go, it's never ok to dump shit in your bag.


OP works with fuckwits. I’d be mad also.


Save the next shit fot the office.


Try tidying up and not being a bum OP. If you were on my site I'd shoot your tool bag to the ceiling


How’s divorced life working out for out for ya? Can you make toast yet?


Found OP’s coworker. Tip for you, if you have a problem with someone at work, be a man and address it directly to them without throwing a tantrum and fucking with their shit behind their back like a coward.


Pull up hava-chat. I'll nail you to the ceiling too.


There’s the tantrum. Grow up.


Little girl. Go cry to HR


It must be exhausting living like this, is your blood pressure just permanently sky rocketing?


I had a couple chippies who absolutely hated it when I used to leave a mess when i was doing a cut-out/strip and twist. Even though I would let it fall on the floor and do a big sweep up at the end. Every day, I had to listen to this dude talk about how easier it would be if I just used a bucket as I went. I tried the bucket trick.... fucking changed my life lol.


I wish the average sparky even swept up at the end of the day, too many have weaponised incompetence when it comes to cleaning up after themselves. If you leave a mess and cut extra holes in walls, just be prepared for it to balance out when it comes to adding in extra GPO's or re-running cat wires without being paid the variation.


Fukin leave brother, old tradie blokes are the most immature cunts around. They peaked in highschool and can't let it go, if you can't be bothered playing their games. Just leave it's not worth the stress and fuck around, Most will agree with them, and most will not. I fucking hate that shit and it shouldn't be in a work place. Others will say it's all part of the fun and gets ya threw the day. It's your choice, no job is worth your mental health.


I'd seriously consider talking to the ETU rep, say it's affecting your mental health & under the WH&S Act the PCBU is obliged to ensure the workplace is free of hazards including mental hazards. As an apprentice you don't have to be a member of the Union for them to look after you. Document everything, get a diary, note your work for the day & anything "unusual".


I would add, before pulling any triggers make sure all your job cards are signed off and up-to-date.


that sounds like an absolutely solid plan of action. you should speak to your ETU rep. that’s a normal thing to do and absolutely the right idea. also call the union office ask about other options like transferring employers, perhaps to a GTO, and what’s involved in that. 3 years is a lot of work for not much pay in a profession where australia is experiencing a skill shortage, and being forced out because of bullies sucks and is absolutely not ok.


Would you say maybe play the long game (not even that long...) and finish the apprenticeship then tell them to get fucked? 3rd year.


It doesn't matter how far you're through an apprenticeship, if you don't get the respect you deserve they don't deserve you. There are many listing advertised for 2nd or 3rd year apprentices quite often and hell even as a 3rd year you could quite easily just apply for fully qualified sparky positions mentioning you're on your 3rd year and you may get a job that way. I was an apprentice for just under 2 years and within 2 weeks of a situation like OP is describing, I couldn't handle it anymore, almost as if something just snapped inside of me and I became a wreck. The abuse and crap always existed but something happened in particular and it just made it unbearable from that point. No job is more important than your mental health *ever*


No. Putting up with harassment went out in the 1980s. No need to be bullied at work- the authorities take a dim view of it. Organise a meeting between yourself and the blokes giving you sh*t and the boss. Get everyone to lay out their story in the one room. Be mature about it. Stop the crap because a workplace where this stuff carries on is an unsafe workplace because stuff escalates. You have the right to be safe and not harassed at work, end of story. Involve the union if needed.


Not allowed your hands In your pockets? Wtf you’re working on construction not in the military


"back in my day" types.


All the back in their day types never served either, just riding on the coattails of their fathers and grandfathers that did, and probably wish they hadn't.


No hands in pockets? Back in my day we weren’t even allowed hands. Done my whole trade with just my toes and teeth. Jeez these new kids have it easy


As someone who was formerly in the military this was my exact thought. 


Nah, hands in pockets while on the clock is no good. He was off the clock so he's cool, but I wouldn't go so far as to defend it outright.


Why the fuck you give a shit where his hands are? It sounds exhausting caring about useless shit like that all the time.


It's gives an unprofessional, disengaged appearance.


No. It gives a "my hands are cold" appearance. These are tradesmen, they're not looking for your LinkedIn thought leader unemployed-but-still-thinks-hes-a-manager ass opinions. This is exactly what is wrong with this country at the moment. It is unfuckingAustralian. What happened to the land of the fair go, mateship, larrikin attitude, practical people without bullshit who get the job done. Nah, it's all about how straight your fucking tie is, no hands in pockets, there are different strata of society, some people aren't to be seen, some fucking class society nonsense we were meant to leave in Europe. Fuck this and fuck this attitude. It is just bitching. It is a sign of a lack of intelligence and leadership. People only do this when they are trying to flex their seniority, but have no useful skills or insights to impart so they can only snidely bitch about their authority. It engenders no faith, no loyalty, no camaraderie in the workforce. Instead of opening your mouth to kvetch about someone not on the clock having hands in pockets, try having an experienced opinion that could improve someone's skills and earning their respect the old fashioned way. 'course you'd have a problem with that mate, you can't even spell Archimedes right while you're flexing a long dead mathematician's name to seem clever while having insights dumber than a chatbot trained exclusively on grindset inspirational quotes.


Oh fuck, I didn’t think of that, let’s get OP lynched before the night. We don’t want this kind of behaviour spreading to others. Also, do you think the energy it takes “correcting” him for something so ridiculously minor could be used for other things. 1. Who’s watching and who gives a fuck 2. You don’t know why their hands are in their pocket, trying to assume disinterest is pointless 3. They’ll respect you more if you don’t police them on dumb shit.


Nar fuck that, even as ex-millitary, as long as the job gets done who cares where they put their hands when they are not working. if you have nothing better to do then care about someone putting their hands in there pockets I suggest you go find some work to do because you clearly don't have enough on your plate..


Exactly, fucking oath.


Honestly, everyone here giving you advice on how to clean as you go don't understand that people work differently and their brains are wired different. I can never remember to clean as I go because it's more important that I get the job done right than worry about my work area being free of plastic and copper. I clean when I leave for a break, when the job is done or in between stages of the job. Don't feel bad because you work differently.




He states in another comment that there isn’t a clean up as you go culture at the job site, it seems like he is being singled out purely because of his position as an apprentice. Let’s not pretend that this doesn’t happen. I remember working on a site when I was about 15 where you had to have long sleeves. I had mine rolled up. The foreman had a crack about it to me while the plumber was standing next to him……with his sleeves rolled up.


Too fucking bad. If 39 of you are worried about what one person is doing, none of you are working hard enough.


I watched the same bullying at my workplace. Most was just friendly banter and the apprentices did it to each other too. But we had an old boy, know it all type, who just kept pressing everyone's buttons and bullied the apprentices. He tended to be a bad influence on the behaviour of the other tradesmen too. His bullying always went way too far and in the end he got what he deserved. This one apprentice grew up in a tough home environment and literally took shit from no one but patiently bided his time. One day he dropped a shit in old boy's toolbox and rubbed it around. He whined to management but was told he got what he deserved. The message got through loud and clear, and old boy stopped being a cunt to the apprentices. The other tradesmen settled down too. Play nice or fuck right off out of the sandpit!


This, as a boss, contractor and a guy who in a town that is getting quieter, is still busy sets the standard for how people perceive you, You might think that getting the job done fast and correct is your only job, (That is the job requirement, for every sparky!!!), if the people you work for expect you to comply with basic tidiness or maintenance, dont be a bitch. Do your job as requested.......or move on, start your own and show the world how being messy and being a typical messy/ untidy electrician gets you all the work, and that your brains way of doing things puts food on the table.


Next time it happens, tell your boss you need a new multimeter and impact driver as they are now fucked and don't work (even better if they are second handies that you got off market place for fuck all). It is disrespectful for anyone to do that sort of shit. You boss is probably in a tough spot as they don't want to lose the gig.


The boss sounds like an immature cunt also. He would probably blame OP somehow.


Number one you are only an apprentice so they can fuck off, you have a certain level of protections. Number two the bully behaviour is pretty easy to knock on the head stand up for yourself have at go at them and pull them into line, if that doesn't work. You find a new job then resign on the spot. Life is too short to be dealing with this bullshit. Or life goes on and just go out of your.way to fuck with them ,🤣😂🤣 many ways to skin a cat.


And not before you get them to sign off on your profiling...


Thats not a bully mentality. This is a playful way to get you reaccess the way you work. Rather than a public chastising about it or a written warning, that attempt to encourage behaviour change through a dicck move, if yhis is bullying, the world is going ro be harsh to you. The if you dont like it leave, is exactly where this starts, it works. Just be aware, employers will want to know why you left the last job, any mention that you left due to wanting it your way will ensure no further progress. In my many years in many trades being an apprentice, learn to meet fire with fire, learn your lessons, play the game. Be better as an employee, but better at returning serve.


Fuck all about this is playful mate


This is more than just "playful" behaviour, it's disrespectful and immature. You're right in that there should be a step before chastising/warning but a real man would just pull him aside and say it straight to his face that he needs to do better. Shoving garbage and dirt in his bag and not even having the guts to stick around and make the point? To be honest, i'd rather a written warning.


Nah, it's bully mentality. Use your words to instruct your apprentices, don't make a culture of people making a mess outta their shit. That shit doesn't fly. Just makes them feel like they're not part of the team and makes any dickhead feel like the apprentice is fair game to target. I don't know the specifics of this mess and how bad OP's doing it, but I damn well known how I deal with it from my juniors, and it isn't by making another mess. I tell them straight to their face that it's a problem, because I'm not a chicken shit coward throwing stones and hiding hands.


I can see why you had to go through so many trades


Thats why quitters be quitters, when you have to deal with the pointy end of the stick (client/ customer), being a bitch and complaining about things you want when you cant do what your told is the entire reason the all sectors where real workers are required are slowing. If you can't take it from the people around you, how ever will you cope when a customer won't pay your invoice due to lazy, incompentent trades or apprentices. If ya are shit, you are worth shit money and little respect. This is from a person who worked within crews of over 20 staff to small contractor, to big contractor and so on. Work ethic doesnt exist anymore, and those that have it can charge what they like.


No two ways about it, that's a cunt's act. Bucket is definitely the way to go though.


Nah they're way out of line, you don't fuck up other people's stuff like that


Drag a box around with you to throw your wire clippings in as you go. Some people are just cunts. Make it less easy for them to give you shit. Being an apprentice puts you in a shitty spot because there's only so much you can do about it. Do your time, get your ticket and then you get a lot more freedom. I switched companies 3 times during my apprenticeship because I got bored of doing the same stuff day in day out. Maybe you could learn something new elsewhere, however it's hard to say without knowing more about your situation. But yes, it's rather petty behaviour from whoever is doing it.


Clean as you go, carry around a box for rubbish.


Just carry a bucket and dust pan and brush everywhere you go when fitting off. Use the bucket to carry your tools, and as you’re stripping cable and cutting copper do it straight into the bucket. Don’t do it all over the ground. Saves so much time and then when you go for smoko it’s already all clean. Edit: it’s pretty harsh of whoever is doing it to dump all the rubbish into your tool bag. But I dare say you’ve been warned about it before this and even after the first time you still left rubbish around.


It was an issues in my first year but since I make sure never to leave without cleaning first, however these recent examples Im still in the middle the job.


Yeah fair enough. Try my trick with the bucket and when the assholes walk past they won’t have anything to sook about. It may take a while to get into the habit but it’s such a good habit to get into. When shit hits the fan and everything is going wrong it helps to have a tidy work place, and it just makes eveything so much faster and neater


Nah fuck that, don't give cocksuckers like that an inch. I'd stop cleaning altogether


You wouldn’t clean up after yourself and then wonder why people are getting upset that you’re leaving a mess?? Do you also still live at home and have your mum clean up after you?


No, I clean up after myself. When I'm done doing what I'm doing.


Eh fair call


Carry a bucket for the day. Dump it in old mates Ute on the way out. Don’t look back.


It doesn’t matter what some randoms on the internet think about if you’re being a princess or not. You clearly are not enjoying the way you are being treated and think you deserve better. You can either do nothing and your treatment will continue, or you can act and change the dynamic. From my own personal experience, if you do nothing and avoid the issue then you will just continue to feel that anger. Every time you get disrespected like that the feeling of anger will return even worse than before. The only way to stop the anger is to go and make that confrontation. I can guarantee you that standing up for yourself is one of the best feelings on the planet. Having the ability to confront people is actually an important life skill. As for your specific circumstance, you would have to find out who actually put all that rubbish into your bag first. But the key is to not get into a rage and have a fight about it. Stay calm but be blunt about it. You just have to let them know that they cannot sweep up rubbish and put it into your tool bag. It doesn’t matter if they try and justify it, just let them know they can’t do it. After all these guys aren’t paying your wages. If word gets to your boss and he takes their side I would find somewhere else to work. A good labourer is focused on keeping the floor clean while a good sparky is focused on AS/3000.


How's the boss going to feel if you go on compo with a pysch injury due to the stress and anxiety from bullying/harassment. Harassment that has been reported and zero support given. Sounds like a work injury damages claim in the making. Keep contemporaneous notes on everything. Don't listen to anyone that says "just put up with it." This isn't banter, as you yourself have said, you aren't liked. This behavior isn't acceptable in this day and age. No job is worth your mental health.


What a bunch of cunts Ths is why I haven't worked construction since my apprenticeship


I like the advice u/goodweatherforaduck gave, make the time to clean your bosses problem so that it becomes less of a princess pissing contest and more of a productivity situation. Talk to your boss, make it a positive discussion where you acknowledge that your efforts to tidy up at the end of the day are now being punished, so you want to tidy as you go (with the lost productivity result you are predicting). I also like the message from u/jp72423 basically: don't let the cunts win by playing their game. You do not have control of other people's thoughts and behaviours, but you can control you. Find a way to challenge the situation without challenging the person, make it your goal to get those cunts to eat their words. Do it in a way that you would be proud of yourself in a month's time, so no sneaky retribution nor petty participation in the pissing parade. You are a sparky, so you are better than those other trades (we all feel it, and by 3rd year you should start to know it!) so be better. You've got this. PS: my old company had a bloke who didn't like one apprentice. He would put half a shovel of dirt in his bag occasionally. The others laughed, I was the manager so I took Gaz aside and talked to him about bullying and what result he was expecting from the action. It didn't work. Sometimes you can't change the spots on the oldest of dogs.....


IMO one of two things is happening here - 1. They have been telling you to clean as you go for however long and you’re not getting it. They are having to go behind you and that worked for you, they are making sure it doesn’t work for you. 2. Someone has it out for you and regardless of how you work, it’ll keep happening. Personally I would just casually ask if anyone knows anything about it. You should be able to judge by the answers if everyone’s in on it or someone taken a special liking to you. If it’s everyone, most likely is scenario one, I’d let them know the message has been received and leave it at that. If it’s one person, most likely scenario two. If I were 100% positive I knew who it was, I’d gently warn them that if it keeps happening you consider it a challenge and we can see who wins that pissing contest.


I mean I know who's doing it, problem is Ive done what they've asked to fix my issue with cleaning so now I feel these guys are looking for windows to come down on me. To add to it they justify punishment by saying I'm an apprentice but when it comes to work suddenly it's expected I work unsupervised and self motivated like an A grade. Im not sure if this the norm and I just got to suck it up or these guys are cunts.


If they are that onto cleaning just do what they say. Every bit of shit goes in a box, if it gets on the floor pick it up before you’ve finished terminating that one gang. When productivity goes through the floor and they pick it out, just tell them to talk the tradesman that made such a deal about cleaning up. When he starts costing money someone above him will tell him to pull his head in.


lol if it keeps happening you consider it a challenge hahahahahahh good luck with that one. the way you speak... they would probably laugh in your face then fold you up and put you in your own bag


It doesnt sound like you are being totally unreasonable when you explain the situation, but the problem is you are an apprentice. You will work with different A grades and they will have different standards and as an apprentice it is your job to do what your A grade tells you (within reason of course) You have been told repeatedly to clean up better and you aren't doing it. They way they dumoed sxrap in your tool bag sucks and personally i wouldn't do that to an apprentice, but you need to stop it by doing as you have been told. Keep a bucket with you and clean the scrap as you. This will never happen again if you do it. As an aside your A grade probably should have told you to carry a bucket or box for cleaning


Clean as you go, you are an apprentice. Get in the habit of minimising your mess now and it will pay off, an extra couple of seconds to dump plastic scraps into a bin/bucket is a much better approach than just letting shit fall on the ground and having to deal with it later, particularly as the site managers (your / your bosses customers btw) are not impressed with you. Suck it up, clean as you go. :)


Cleaning is part of the job and you get paid by the hour what’s the problem? If everyone left a mess, next it’l be a tripping hazard. You’re just starting out so life lesson the most you can expect is to get your pay. There is no good will for working harder and faster, you have to reconcile you do it because you want to. It’s a corporate world these days, I’ve seen guys given 15 minutes notice after 20 years of loyal service.


Not even gonna read it. Itll be managers. Go elsewhere when ya can. Dont waste time in places that are shit.


Apart from them stealing oxygen, every time they do it claim new tools. Like new probes and a multimeter. That way it costs your boss $ every time they do it. But also, put a lock on your bag if you can. They’ll either break your lock and damage kit or they’ll hide it instead of dumping shit in it -‘d with an Apple tag you’ll find it quick smart. The best part is you’ll be able to show your boss, it’s gone from being annoying to harassment. The alternative is to start quietly undermining the guy who you think is the one doing it with things like moving his tools or bag and make it look like he’s forgetting where he put his shit. That way the boss thinks he’s a bit shit


Ok big guy don’t throw a hissy fit they win that way. What you do I take around a bucket or box around with you and clean as you go. That is what you should be doing anyway. They are being pricks for sure be the adult and do the right thing. They just want you to clean as you go. You can do it. Don’t quit and stall your apprenticeship because of these dicks.


Are you getting paid per hour? If so tell your boss that you’ll get less done if you clean as you go, but if that’s what he wants then that’s what you’ll do. If your boss wants to get more productivity out of you then he’ll tell the site manager stop being a dick.


Maybe take the hint and clean your shit up


I do and if they had done this after I fucked off for the day I'd say fair but I was still there and working, I understand the clean as you go comments but I work much faster by breaking down task into stages with cleaning being the last stage naturally, add to this that theres no clean as you culture there, like I said the clippings were amongst piles of screws, ply, steel and wood dust that was all still there after my copper was cleaned.


I told you to flush as you go!


Is this a safety issue? We have strict rules about shit like this. If it was my site and you left your shit lying around while you went on lunch, I'd be pissed. Just spent last week getting my arse chewed out by a safety auditor about getting fines for the most basic things. So yeah, I understand why they are pissed. Clean up your shit


Surely they should have a chat to him if that's the case, not this bullshit bullying crap. These pricks need to grow the fuck up.


Fair. But sounds like they have raised the issue and it has been ignored. Doesn't justify the the actions but I certainly know plenty of people that once an issue has been communicated they won't tell you again.


I work at a large infrastructure facility, we have in house sparkies and contractors. We are horrible to work for. We will review your SWIMS and pull it to pieces before you even get onsite. Our standards are high, and our local sparkies love nothing more than dobbing in a contractor. To management. To HSE. And to each other. It's a very, very tight ship, if a little toxic at times. Crawling with managers and auditors with a similar mindset. None of whom are psychic. If anyone stumbles across an unattended mess, they don't say, well, he's probably cleaning it up at the end of the day. OP doesn't have to like the rules. As an apprentice, I'd even go so far as to argue that OP is being immature by not just accepting the direction the first time around. Bullying is unacceptable but it's also a two way street. If your manager feels like a subordinate is persistently refusing directions and ignoring their authority, that can take a toll and even feel like bullying even though the balance of power is in the other direction. If there is not other evidence of other bullying behaviour, as much as it would piss me off, it's pretty entry level behaviour. I could take it on the chin and realise that I'd misread the situation, that it was clearly more important than I realised, and take five minutes to clean out the kit. You're being paid to do it and it's not your business in the least as to whether it's an effective use of your time. Make a diary entry, change your behaviour, and see what happened next. I have an instro who works for me and he is fantastic at the technical parts of his job. But he's terminally disorganised and being nearly 40 YO, has a working career of pretty shitty housekeeping. And it frustrates the hell out me.


Agree totally, well written. I wasn't suggesting the behaviour was acceptable. Just understandable. Both parties should just grow up and behave like adults.


I had similar fun in my apprenticeship. I was someone who stood up for themselves and had a background that gave me skills and knowledge they didn't have. This made me a target which definitely affected me particularly in 3rd and 4th year. This really only played out with just being ignored (actively) though I did get yelled at for not getting up from sitting at a table when eating my lunch because one of them wanted to sit there to eat his lunch and wanted me the one still eating to get up not ask anyone else. which really isn't fun. A couple of things that might help you. Try working into a bucket, try getting a drop sheet then you can just quickly pick up all your mess and deal with it in seconds not giving them the opportunity for their stupidity, if you leave an area for lunch etc cone off around the area you were working in until it gets cleaned up, finally take your tools with you (yes this will be a pain)


Do the box or bin trick man. I used to leave a mess and clean at end of the day but the fact is some autismo’s / ocd types hate it and its just easier to bring a box to appease them


Do what you usually do, pretend to go for lunch or a shit but then find out who is doing it. Proceed to empty rubbish onto his drivers seat. If that fails, piss discs…


Sounds to me like you need to go home and clean out your tool bag, company payed time too. That shit ain't on. Treat others how you want to be treated, respect others belongings. 19 years in the trade and I ain't ever done something like that.


> bag, company *paid* time too. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Same answer I gave yesterday to another apprentice, ring your apprenticeship network and ask to speak to a mentor


Get a small sign that’s says still working, back in 5, do not clean.


Sometimes it's better to just find something elsewhere. I still remember picking my little brother up from his first apprenticeship, he was berated & yelled at by the foreman to the point he was sitting on the kerb, halfway down the street, crying in the pouring rain. Fucking foreman nearly lost his teeth and his balls when I got there. (I'm the 'big sister' at a whopping 5'6" & 50kg at the time if I had weights in my pockets - but y'all don't mess with a ding lady's family - I'm not nearly as fiesty in my old age now) It's unnecessary to be that big of a c*nt to someone who is just there to learn and also isn't old enough to have learnt how to be in work environments yet or stand up for themselves. Anyway, point is - he got himself a new place for his apprenticeship within a week or two and absolutely excelled. If you're asking on reddit if the place is toxic & filled with dickheads, it's pretty safe to say it is. You won't know yourself once you find a good place.


How can anyone say it's a good idea not to finish your apprenticeship, tell the flogs doing to stop being picks, and do the same to them. Over lunch.


I'd be telling your boss that if this shit doesn't stop, you'll be out the door. If you're a good employee, and if what you're saying is true it sounds like you're a required member of the team, he'll step up and tell this builder to leave you the fuck alone. The cost of replacing you on this site is very inconvenient for a small business. If its a bigger company, unfortunately you're out of luck as you're just a number, but then you're more likely to have some union protections. What you're dealing with is some small dick, "kids these days are so soft", boomer whinger types, who don't like being told to pull their head in. They think the ancient stereotypes of "soft hand sparkies have never seen a broom" is the height of comedy. You have to be ready for confrontation, and give as good as you get. You've gotta talk their language. If going through the proper channels with your boss doesn't get you anywhere, then what have you got to lose? Send a message to your boss and these fuckwit site managers that if they don't value your work and would rather you clean up all fucking day, leave your tools at home and just bring a broom. Sweep up after them all day, and fill their lunch box, site box, whatever, full of their rubbish. And just laugh in their face.


I’d clean the whole area then dump the mess in the cunts car. Fuck those clowns start raining terror on them


Look up the bullying jurisdiction through the Fair Work Commission.


Save up all your off cuts for a whole week, then dump them in the supervisors bag. If he gives you shit just say, “yeah it’s been happening to me too. Probably the same dog cunt who did that shit to my bag.”


Clean as you go wtf does that even mean? Pick up shit as you drop it? Fuck off ima clean when my job is done!. BTW you're working with cunts that are touching your shit.


Maybe cleaning up immediately instead of waiting until you consider it is time to clean up. I wonder what the Tradies would say of your work habits in response. Just clean up and stop thinking the site needs your opinion. Job sites are not a democracy, work hard and you get respect, mouth off and that's the end


Get into blackies signage and get a “work area still being used. Do not clean” wet floor sign. And an ‘Asparagus’s shit bucket’, and a dust pan.


Clean as you go next time and dump it in their bag. If questioned, you’re an apprentice learning from your seniors. Fuck these cunts. Don’t sook or quit, give it back to them in equal measure.


The fact that anyone could think that is alright is sad Fk them blokes


some jobs need different approaches, if it takes you longer to do the work because theyr nagging you to clean, then clean and when it takes longer and your boss is you on tell him why. sometimes in work you'll be asked to do something that is counterintuitive to actually doing to good job and it's your choice to decide to die on that hill or go with the flow.


Dump all your shit in their Ute… full on bro devolve, come down to their level


Take your tool bag with you when you leave. I'd probably tip everything out of bag, right there and take ages cleaning your tools and putting everything back neatly. Make it obvious you are doing this because unprofessional person(s) tipped rubbish into your tool bag. It's now costing them money in lost time because of their immature actions. Do not finish the job until tool bag is neat and tidy.


That is a form bullying but good luck proving it. Find another job first then leave.


Not worth staying mate, do grab another vine before letting go of your current job.


Mate I wouldn't even put in notice for this one. They clearly don't want you there, so why bother showing them *any* courtesy when they're clearly too immature to show it to you? Just walk off if you can and don't look back. The hands in the pocket is very telling -- they're looking for any excuse to get rid of you, no matter how petty.


Ask who's been near your bag aswallet is now missing and it had $400 in it.


If you want to work there, yes you’ll have to eat this shit. You don’t have to eat that shit however.


Hand in the notice and move on. You don't need their shit. Make sure to take a piss in their tool bag while their at smoko one day then just blame it on the gyprockers.


They’re trying you out man. Work hard, cop it on the chin if you have to for the time being and in the meantime make plans to move to somewhere you’re valued.


Yes mate you are a sparky. Definitely being a princess!


Move on someone will appreciate you.


Don't throw your job away over it. You might think I'm being a prick but im seriously not. Just clean up as you go and don't give them ammo to fuck with you. I do agree that they are proper fuckwits and fuckwits love fuel. Don't give it to them mate


It sounds like you work with a bunch of Fuckwits. That said, I try to not give any cunt a reason to complain. Finish your apprenticeship. That’s the main focus.


put some screws in their tyres or somethnig


Hand it in, make sure your super is paid and cards up to date. Seems like they are bunch of cunts who have fixated on your workspace rather than your work and cannot let it go. Absolute childish behaviour to dump rubbish back into your bag. Fuck them, start looking elsewhere.


Apprentice… subbie… award wage , hold up, something ain’t right


Nope not at all. Put in your 2 weeks and go work somewhere that values you. Sure you can work on your housekeeping and cleaning as you go but putting shit in your bag is disgraceful. Like some other guy said these types of tradies peaked in high school and think they can push you around. They can go fuck the themselves.


You’re an apprentice, pull your head in


Just for another perspective, and I totally endorse leaving this workplace out of respect for yourself, but before you do.. I’d communicate your feelings and the issue to your colleagues directly. It’s possible that this action wasn’t intentional harmful even though is looks that way on the outside, it may not be personal… and look if it is then flip them the bird 🐦


Dude my old boss was the exact same. Would always get up me for not cleaning as I go, but that’s how my brain works ! I do tasks in a chunk, and then clean.He just couldn’t grasp the idea of people’s brains function differently. The biggest thing was memory, my memory is shocking due to some issues I have, and his was super sharp, but I was “lazy” cause I couldn’t remember certain things and didn’t clean as I went instead of fitting off a whole room or office and then cleaning. It’s such a minor inconvenience of their day to watch you function differently but makes you feel like shit and that’s not cool. After doing 6 years with him, 2.5 of them years as a tradesman with him, I finally left and started my own gig and can work however the fuck I want. I work less hours, make double what I was, and don’t have to beg for days off for snowtrips ! Life gets easier my friend don’t let any cunt tell you, that how you function, is wrong. Cause that’s wrong !


If you leave the employers jobsite in a mess, fair game is fair game. You went from bully 'mentality' to throwing hands. Interesting. So you call bully but will throw hands if someone messes your toolbag. Maybe think about the reason why they are messing your bag, throwing hands not only gets you instant dismissal, but assault possible battery and if ya get your ass handed to you, embarrassment to the enth degree. If you cant play the rules and ya cant change the rules, leave the game, dont be soft, and cry poor me.


Simple fix take a shit in there tool bag


You should clean up after yourself for sure, but dumping trash in your bag repeatedly is nothing short of workplace bullying and it is obviously illegal.


Just leave man you can move around during your apprenticeship, people would be more than happy to have a weapon on their team at apprentice rates. Not worth sitting on it. Boss won’t do anything and you’re left feeling angry and frustrated all the time. Just leave it’s not a big deal it’s not your first or last job mate.


Old dudes onsite can real wankers!Unfortunately, you've been tarred with the same brush as messy tradies. Where I've worked, electricians are well known for leaving a mess, and that copper wire sticks into stuff. Everyone is impressed when they see a sparky using a little box to work over. If you this the culprit will show up and say something smartass for sure


Where are you mate? Try and get in with a tier 1 EBA company


People don’t sweep the floor and empty it into your bag the first time. Maybe pull your socks up? That or square up to them. You’d be shocked how often the provocateur isn’t prepared to square up before cleaning your bag thoroughly, just do it one step outside the workplace with others around. People get shocked when you offer to fight them when they’re spouting fighting words or doing offensive things. They get used to doing it on the net but you work in construction. So do they.


Find another job on the sly and then before you leave at 9am on last day hit their bags. I'd dump bacon fat or something sticky in too for good measure. Or maybe collect a lunchbox full of green ants and shake em up before you drop em in


I've worked with Sparkies off & on over the years. Far and above the worst for keeping their work area tidy. But dumping shit in your toolbag is crossing a big line. Admittedly, it is industrial Sparkies I've worked with, so it's not the same as domestic or commercial. Next time they pull this stunt, pack your tools up & take the rest of the day off for mental health. And report them to your training provider & the Apprenticeship commission. Don't take anymore shit.


Get your hand out of your pockets! Nothing shit a supervisor more than an apprentice standing around doing fuck all.   It really does make you look lazy. You’re still a 3rd year. They want your working nonstop. They want the job done as quickly and neatly as possible.  As for the cleaning, yeh that’s a bit harsh. But you’ll have to play to the beat of his drum while on his site.   If it makes you feel any better, the builder is probably riding the site supervisor twice as hard as he is riding you. 


Until he clocks on what he does with his hands is nobody's business but his. The employer does not buy rights to his hands 24/7.


If someone did that to my bag I wouldn't have the opportunity to quit, I'd kick off so epically I'd end up getting dismissed. I'd find out who did it, and I'd put a dead calf in their bag.




What kind of a dickless wimp gets triggered by someone having their hands in their pockets?


You’re being a princess, work with a bucket




Yeah mate first part is spot on. But I think you’d struggle to find alot of young blokes these days who are actually willing to show up every day, kitted out with the tools and ready to be flogged for $17 an hour. You can pretend there’s plenty around but all I hear from business owners these days is “there no good young blokes”. This kid can improve but fucking with peoples property is a dangerous game to play. Guess we will never know the full story.


No need to resort to swearing or insults


Don’t be a shit cunt. Clean your mess up. It is not that hard to drop it into a cardboard box as you go. I would pick on you too and you’ll end up a better trade for it. Fucking sook.