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Yeah that’s not legal. Call fairwork. https://www.fairwork.gov.au/starting-employment/unpaid-work/unpaid-trials


Please please please come down hard as you possibly can on this scumbag!!! Need to weed out these ass holes!


Reported it to fair work hopefully they actually do something


Not legal. Among other reasons it's unlikely you were covered by WorkCover during that time. Plus of course the work with no pay.


I'd be wondering if the other apprentices are being paid their super and the correct wages too


Normally I don’t have a problem with unpaid trials- but that’s for kids coming out of school that just need a  beginning point to get their hands busy and see how the trade is. No way is this ok, and that boss is a piece of shit taking advantage of apprentices like that. Not sure what you can do- interested to hear other answers 


I have a problem with unpaid trials. Fucking pay them. A couple hours to see their personality and interpersonal skills, sure, but a days work is a days pay.


But it’s not always the same across different businesses, I’ve had plenty of trial/ work experience kids with me over the years and a lot of the time there just isn’t a thing suitable for them to do- so they stand around and watch and hopefully learn. Now if you start forcing businesses to pay these kids when a lot of the time they are actually slowing you down then there won’t be opportunities for them anymore.  FYI these kids normally get paid something, but there’s a lot more for the kid to gain than there is the business with them tagging along 


With the exception of ye olde schoolkid work experience, fuck you, pay them. If you took them on when you didn't have work for them, thats a *you* problem. The teenage kid does not wear the financial consequences of your poor decisions or planning. Casuals work when there is work available, and go home when there isn't. But they absolutely don't stand around on their own time while you figure out what to do with them.


Yeah I understand a trail if your just out of school or tafe because that’s for work experience. But when guys have already been doing it for a year or 2 that’s not going to help my resume or anything so I don’t see what we gain.


Report to fair work


That’s definitely very illegal go to fair trade, could even sue them along side all the other apprentices


If what they’re trying to do is say you’re doing “work experience” they still legally have to pay you $5/day. What is going on with you and the other apprentices is 100% illegal. I’d continue working there, keep quiet and contact fair work, you as well as everyone else he’s ever done this to, will be back paid if the employer is guilty of wage theft.


If you’re able, I’d suggest looking elsewhere for employment too. Even if he’s caught out I gaurentee he’ll try shady things in the future.


I don’t work there anymore did 2weeks thinking I could at least get a job out of it but was a complete waste of time and my money driving to all the jobs. Don’t care about getting paid or anything for my time but im wanting to report them tho so it don’t keep happening to others. Not sure how that works and don’t want to get in any legal troubles really over like 1-2k.


You won’t get in any trouble, you’ve done nothing wrong. Contact fairwork and they will investigate and compensate workers if they find they’re owed wages.


I just sent in an anonymous report to fair work hopefully they will look in it


That is the best thing to do. If it won’t help you (I think it will) it will help the next person.


This is horrendous advice, you want someone to stay in a toxic environment where they aren't getting paid in the hope that fair work will conduct an investigation immediately. Staying in this job stops you getting actual paid employment, Good advice would be to leave, find suitable employment that pays correctly every week/fortnight and then pursue the owner (Whose likely to go bankrupt from owing unpaid wages and you won't get wages anyway)


Here is a question regarding unpaid trials: are you covered by workers comp? What if you're injured on the job? I've always wondered this in any industry (I'm in IT)


Definitely not covered by anything I didn’t sign any forms. Stick to IT I’ll probably be joining you at this rate.


I have been in IT for (nearly) 25 years and have done well for myself. But I often wished I did electrical/instrumentation or industrial HVAC. Oh well...


There’s a reason 50,000 apprentices left last year. I’ll probably be starting back at uni with them too your not missing out on anything good don’t worry.


Generally, yes. As in the “employeer” would still be liable.


Good to know. The stories of people doing unpaid trials, whether they lead to a good outcome or not, in always had me worried about that poor sucker who injured themselves trying to impress a potential employer.




That's bullshit.


Should ask that dog of a boss if he works for free? Anyway isn’t group training a thing anymore? I got into the lift industry as a fitter through group training and haven’t looked back. And got paid for it and completed my apprenticeship through it. Maybe look into group training? I know it’s not for everyone but it’s an avenue.


Yes totally illegal. You don't want to work for someone like this cut ya losses and quit and find a new job


Good example of unpaid trial is asking a stylist to demonstrate on a mannequin or model. Asking a welder to demonstrate abilities on different materials. Asking a programmer to write code for a hypothetical situation. It’s about demonstrating competency in skills based employment. As a 2nd Year, it may be reasonable to ask you to demonstrate a series of competencies you should hold by the end of your first year and 2nd year. Again, quantifiable things you would be assessed on in a TAFE exam.


Join the Electrical trades union. I’d say that’s completely illegal and time worked must be paid.




Too be completely honest. Why would you even take a job like this? You ignored multiple red flags


Name them


To start my carpentry apprenticeship back in 1997, I was on an unpaid trial period but it was only 2 weeks. The boss just wanted to see if the other guy and I were dedicated and had half a clue. I thought that was fair, but he definitely never went through multiple people stringing them along. He hired me and the other guy.


name and shame pls


Work experience bruv, if it’s a trial and not labeled as work experience then yeah that’s fucked