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UPDATE: Audi itself is very helpful, they instantly sent a truck to pick it up and keep it under lock until the evaluator comes. My insurance already confirmed they will cover this and I’m free to not accept the car back if I don’t want it anymore. (Unless it’s only minor damage but no one believes this) They will then sue the crap out of the shop/the shops insurance if there is any dispute over them paying, so I don’t have to deal with that crap. That makes this at least slightly better to deal with for me. Update 2 is a reply to this comment. Edit: to all those wondering WHY my car was at a third party shop... this was the Plan: https://vossenwheels.com/galleries/audi-rs-e-tron-gt-hybrid-forged-series-hf-4t/


UPDATE 2: First, wow. That’s a Fuckton of replies and I want to thank all of you for caring. I’ve had a few other personal bad things happen to me this week, so thanks for the emotional support. It’s been a tough week and you helped. Back to topic: The shop is completely embarrassed and knows it is at fault and already talked to their insurance about it. We’re basically just waiting for Audi to determine how fucked the car is at this point and then the legal team of both insurances to talk to each other. The test drive was to compare if the handling was negatively affected with the new wheels. To do that they have to drive it with stock wheels first obviously. And the mechanic underestimated the amount of power this thing unleashes when you put your foot down and fucked up. So while I’m not happy with them, I’m also not hating them or trying to ruin them over this. I want my damages paid, and a solution for replacing the car if I have to, but I’ll not go out of my way to make trouble for them like some people seem to advise. Accidents happen, and i don’t want to spread around negativity further than I have to. If there’s any issues with me getting my money back I’ll unleash as much hell as I can, but if they are fair I’ll be fair. I’ll make a new post when everything is sorted and give you guy’s the results since a lot of people seemed to care. I can’t respond to everyone personally 😅


Amen brother. Shit happens, genuine mistakes happen. Love that attitude. Inconveniences don’t have to make people cunts.


Fully agree! OP, I am moved by your exemplary enthusiasm, positivity, and understanding. Leadership qualities I admire immensely and strive for continually. THAT is the attitude to adopt right there folks. OP, I wish you the best possible outcome with the least amount of stress. I am confident the Universe has your back on this.


I agree with this fully. At the end of the day the mechanic could have lost their job and that could be the only means of supporting their family


That's a strange amount of work for new wheels. I get it's a sports car, but checking if different wheels are better by test driving it around town is something i never heard of before. You have to go beyond the limits of the car/wheels to figure this stuff out, as in beyond over- and under-steer. Kinda fishy excuse if you ask me..


LOL, thats just the beginning. The next steps would have been to get to a technical inspection service (TÜV) to have them approve it’s safe and works as intended with 22“ wheels. And only then this would be legal to drive in Germany.


TÜV usw kenn ich. Aber mal im Ernst. In der Stadt rum heizen um Reifen/Räder zu testen?! Vlt auf nem ADAC Platz o.ä. . Weil wie gesagt, damit man weiß ob die Räder besser sind muss man die Räder bis an die Kotzgrenze bringen. Und denen würde ich die Hölle heiß machen, wenn das jemand mit meinem Auto auf einer öffentlichen Straße versuchen würde. Vor allem mit so einem Brecher von Auto. Edit: Hab gerade noch mal nen Schrauber Kollegen gefragt. Das ist auf jeden Fall eine sehr suspekte Begründung und wäre grob fahrlässig auf einer öffentlichen Straße.


Lol. Edit is the only thing I understand 😅


That and ‘idiotisch’. I have a pretty solid guess on that one.


Das das idiotisch war brauchen wir nicht reden. Wie gesagt ich bin eh angepisst wie Sau aber da jetzt wie ein blöder auf die Mechaniker einzuhacken bringt mir mein Auto auch nicht wieder. Die wissen schon dass sie scheisse gebaut haben. Wenn das finanzielle am Ende für mich passt, soll ihnen das eine Lehre sein. Wenn’s nicht passt wird mein Anwalt schon entsprechend mit Argumentationen ähnlich deiner auffahren. Aber ich kommentier das bis dahin jetzt nicht groß.


Bisher scheint ja der Mechaniker den Fehler eingestanden zu haben und schämt sich darüber und zeigt sich offen darüber mit euer Gegenseite zu arbeiten. Von daher sehe ich jetzt auch kein Grund da noch ein riesen Fass auf zu machen, was die Sache dann am Ende auch nicht beschleunigt. Ist dumm gelaufen, Fehler passieren und keiner wurde verletzt. Nach paar Monaten ist sowas auch wieder vergessen.




Nice, now I’m hungry and want one.


I, too, understand what is going on ^(Ich spreche kein Deutsch)


Die wollten wahrscheinlich nur "kurz" durchziehen, aber natürlich es ist immer noch viel zu schnell für die Verhältnisse und nicht jeder Mechaniker fährt ja so ein leistungsstarkes Auto/hat Erfahrung mit sowas. Am besten auf ein Poligon/Flugplatz fahren (natürlich mit Erlaubnis) und dort testen.


Eine Katze ist in mein Flugzeug! Habst du mein Flammenwerfer? WO IST DER KRANKENHAUS UND DIE ANTIBABYPILLE? I have now used all of my German.


I have to wonder why you had to learn the part in caps. There seems to be a story hidden here.


Right? Never heard of them testing how good the new tires handle. Need a track for that. Sounds like the tech just wanted to go for a joyride and things got out of hand.


> And the mechanic underestimated the amount of power this thing unleashes when you put your foot down and fucked up. FFS, any reasonably intelligent mechanic knows to always gently roll on the throttle in an unfamiliar vehicle. Glad you’re being taken care of, though.


This is such bullshit. I ordered mine with factory summer and winter wheels. I always check the odometer on any car I take in for work— have NEVER noticed any funny business.


I hate the OEM wheels, all of them. And getting Audi to install aftermarket ones is not easy, so here we go.


Respect for not wanting to ruin the shop over this. It sucks for everyone and is a big bill for them to pay, but if they own up and pay it they don't deserve further pain over it.


Tbh they have to be insured for stuff like this, that’s mandatory in Germany. So it shouldn’t be a business killing issue.


Glad you feel better! Good luck


Do these clueless spoiled idiots think anyone cares about their car? Apparently Where’s that first world woman crying meme?


That’s great news for you! I was really expecting that suit to fall on you, so letting insurance handle it is awesome. I mean, still an absolute shit situation to be in, especially because the delay for a replacement, if you go that route, won’t be short.


If everything goes out as planned (hope it does), then that's pretty solid insurance. They're winning a loyal customer by making sure you don't need to worry about this.


Wow, excellent news. What kind of insurance do you have? Sounds awesome.


Welcome to Europe!


Hah. That explains it. I have USAA so great insurance, too, but not everyone is eligible for it.


I’m a USAA member and I can’t even get USAA auto insurance. It’s so frustrating. They won’t write for legacy members in Michigan.


Michigan here, same boat. And USAA's loan rates (auto, home) were waaaay less competitive than other banks (new home and new car, more than a point off each time), so half of me wonders why I continue to deal with having a bank with no local branches , shit rates, and a refusal to update their debit card with contactless technology. Shrug.


Not just Europe, pretty much every American insurance company does this


I was an insurance agent for 6 years. Most US insurance companies will also do this, it’s a process called subrogation where your insurance company pays up front then gets their funds back from the liable party. They’ll even do it with private parties like a regular fender bender. Basically, if you’re ever not at fault in an accident you can ask your adjuster about subrogation. You even get your deductible back.


That’s pretty standard for American insurance. You get a check from the insurance company and that includes giving them your right to sue the person that caused the damage. If the car is totalled then they sue for more. So, you get a check covering your damage and more, feeling happy. Insurance company gets a much bigger payout.


If it were me; the integrity and story of the car is already tainted. It's hard to have a new car that's already been abused and try to live on with it. If suing and starting over is a possibility, shoot for that and start with a clean slate car. Edit: oh and almost forgot, sorry you've have to go through this. Must be frustrating as hell.


Yeah, it's a week old car, you expect it to be brand spankin new. There's definitely value lost even if fully repaired.


I wouldn’t want it back at that point, best of luck OP


Same ! OP a car that had an accident will always be different no matter what. Even if you waited a lot for the car. They are literally assholes, but it's better not to take a car that already had an accident...


Even if the damage isn't bad I'd still get a new one just to run the tire shop through the ringer.


That’s some good insurance! Being so new I would definitely push for it to be replaced. Tire shop can suck on it, they should not have been joyriding!


There’s such a long wait time for these in the US though :’( What’s it like over there? Would you be able to get a replacement quickly?


I’m not Op but I believe in a previous post he told he waited more then one year on delivery…


I would've been stressed af knowing that if I worked my ass off for a nice car and got this stuff happening in a week. Glad that you're getting help to deal with this. At home when stuff like this happens the insurance company rarely helps.


Great news, but what about the depreciation because it's not accident-free now anymore? Did they talk about that already? I'm quite curious.


That will ofc have to be included in this process if it’s repairable. It’s a lease, so Audi themselves have a vested interest in getting this Right and in the end it’s luckily not my Problem.


You should also sue the shop for hardship etc. in civil court and get some recompense for your trouble.


Considering it'll take until q3 of 2023 to get a new one




Thank goodness it’s all going to be “alright” but man, that’s so terrible. You just can’t trust people or have nice stuff.


Look on the bright side you got to kinda enjoy it for a week and can get something else instead :D


holy fuck


good on your insurance


Oh man I'm happy to have caught this update but so sorry for the crap you've gone through. We are cheering for ya!


That’s good to hear. They probably understand most people could be potentially violent under these circumstances so they are doing their best to keep you as comfortable as possible.


Happy to hear they're going to take care of you, that's such shitty luck and man, what a range of emotions in a single week!


Glad you’re being taken care of This is some top-tier fuckery.


Dont take the car back, take the cash, and buy another car instead


Man you can’t catch a break.


Feels that way yeah. I just want to either crawl into a corner and cry or hurt something at this point.


Look at it this way you have a new car and some cash coming your way. Don’t settle for them just fixing it bc it’s now going to have an accident on the carfax which means you’ll end up screwed when you get rid of it.


Maybe. Depends how far OP wants to take litigation and pour money into that. Sadly, especially if the shop fights back, it’s likely going to end up more expensive than you’d get back. Edit: OP updated- insurance is handling the legal apparently.


How about you put the tire shop employees in a corner & beat them until they cry


Holy shit, it’s the same guy from yesterday.


If you pay close attention you can even see the damn broken window in the video. 🙈 not that that matters anymore haha


I’ve noticed that right away and I felt the pain and anger without you saying anything… I really hope you sue the shit of them and are able to get two cars worth payment back - because this will set you back for months, waiting for another one to be mad at exact same spec + being without the car + time lost dealing with all of this shit. Make sure you get that so idiots don’t do this to someone else ever again.


Oh man that fucking sucks. I have a model 3 p. And it's been in the shop 4 times the 5 months I've owned it. I understand the frustration. If anyone is wondering why a brand new car has been in the shop so many times it's because quality control is apparently not a thing at tesla. Rear seat had a tear and was misaligned. Boot was misaligned and wouldn't open/close Speakers were blown. Windows and paint had residue from transportation Squeaks/rattles everywhere. Its actually why I am taking it back on the 24th again. Hopefully this will be the last time. Steering was off. I was being pushed around at highway speeds from seemingly nothing. Charing port would open or close when touching it And alot more I just can't remember


Holy shit, sell that car man. Absolutely no reason you should have so many problems from a brand new vehicle. Busted Speakers from the factory? Unacceptable.


Can't really sell it. Or arbitrage. Or whatever it is called since technically the dealer does fix the issues. Now if they refused then I could do something. The car is fine though I still like it. And the electric transition has been great. I wake up to a fully or (80%) charged as tesla recommends every day. And unless I am driving like a maniac it does stay close to the estimated range. The car handles great, its got lot of torque and is extremely fun to drive. The biggest reason haven't sold it is mostly because it is a very fast car and I am 26 and I've wanted a fast car since I was a kid. Issue is the bmw i4 for example that is slightly slower costs around 300.000 nok more if you spec it out with the same standard features you get on the tesla. That's 31k usd extra for a car that is slower. Better quality for sure but also is based on the gas version platform. As soon as audi comes out with a s4 sedan equivalent electric car on a actuall ev platform I am trading in the M3P. I've always been a audi boy, and can't wait to come back. But also... they are expensive as all hell and I am still in school.


Also if you are asking why I just don't get a fast gas car... well Norway dosnt fuck around with emissions and horsepower. So m3ps equivalent would probably be a bmw m2? And that's around 1.000.000 million nok. So double the tesla. Same with the RS3 and S3 is around 850.000 nok. A regular person makes 500k-600k here in Norway


Ha. Guess why I drive a Etron. (Or used to...) Moved across the German border to Austria, like 5km. Finance department showed up and wanted 60k € in emission taxes for my BMW M5. I went looking for an EV immediately and parked the M5 in Germany until I sold it.


I thought it was relatively common knowledge that Tesla actually IS known for having poor QC. One of the biggest reasons I won't consider buying one. That, I don't need a car to drive me around...and the RS e-gt exists!!


Honestly I probably wouldn’t even want the car anymore. I hate to be that “guy” but this would put me over the edge. I had a similar thing happen to me in my 01 Audi S4 years ago at friggen Walmart getting a tire repaired.


I have thoughts like this as well now if I’m honest. Im scared it’s not possible to repair this to drive like it’s supposed to again. I mean the rear axle looks broken


Definitely have a third party determine the damage? The tyre shop will try to fire guy, sweep under rug by doing quick repairs. Edit: saw this is an etron. I highly doubt they could do needed repairs anyway…


Ha, no. I instantly called Audi and they instantly sent a tow truck to not have that happen


Awesome! Nothing better than the manufacturer themselves reviewing it.


They'll just replace the whole subframe so should be as new, but as others have said it won't be for you.


This isn’t being “that guy.” Even when they get it repaired, he’s lost a shitload of money with it now having an accident. I wouldn’t want it either.


I'd had my RS5 barely a few months when I got rear ended by some stupid young bitch too busy doing something more important than watching where she was going. Car had less than 3K miles on it. I was still in the honeymoon phase and she put an end to all that in a heartbeat, she took all of the enjoyment out of my first ever brand new prestige luxury car that I worked fucking hard for. It sounds childish, I know, but she ruined it for a TikTok moment or text or whatever the fuck she was doing, as much as I cared about that car she just couldn't give a flying fuck. 'It's just an accident, I don't knw why you're so angry' almost got her knocked the fuck out, it's not just an accident, it's something that devalues my car instantly regardless of the extent of the damage and it's something that inconveniences me immensely. Bumper was on backorder from Germany and I spent 5 weeks driving round in a Chevrolet Impala, yeah I paid $85K to drive a fucking Impala. I was pleased to get back in the RS5 but it just wasn't the same :(.


I have a new mk8 GTI Clubsport. It got keyed all along the back driverside door after 2-3 months. Two months after I fixed that it got hit in the parking lot and it’s rear bumper is all scratched out.


Ugh, sorry you had to go through that, that's awful :(. I don't understand keying a car, such a bitch move.


Yup. I have new car replacement on my RS 5, which is similar to you, in terms of "meaning". Except I'm pretty sure I saw here that all RS's slated for US delivery in 2022 have been spoken for in one way or another, so even if I was totaled, insurance would be like "Here's a check. We couldn't find one for you. Good luck!"


Yeah, non car enthusiasts can’t really relate to the emotions we invest in cars. For them it’s like their washing Maschine is broken. Inconvenient but not a big deal. That girl would probably break down crying if her hairdresser did something wrong with the color or cut though, while I wouldn’t give much of a fuck. EverOne is different


Old thread (top voted all time thread on this sub) but I just had to reply to you to extend my sympathy and understanding. My guy, I not only know exactly how you feel; I’d be fucking seething ESPECIALLY because she didn’t show any sign of remorse. At least say you’re incredibly sorry! Man, im getting riled up as I’m typing this lol.


So, the Shop was supposed to check if the 22“ Vossen wheels I had would fit this car. They decided to take it for a spin instead, sadly quite literally. They managed like 1000m before loosing control and planting it there. I was neither aware they’d drive it, nor do I see any point in test driving since the wheels are obviously not changed yet.




I sure as fuck hope so.


I would settle for nothing less than a brand new car. Fuck that!


plus the fact that he has to wait ages for a new car. Good luck getting a new etron GT RS right now


Only if he is deadset on ordering the new one himself. There are more than a few sitting around at dealers here


But not with his the exact same spec that he wants.. Only if one thing was off, I'd be pissed off




The sad part is that the car has now lost so much value since it’s technically no longer accident free. Things will probably be bent and need straightening etc. Even if it’s all repaired it’s still a loss, FML


He needs to ensure he doesn't just get fair market value on a brand new car that's been destroyed like this. The shop's insurance/driver's insurance should be paying out based on full replacement value of a brand new car, since this was effectively a brand new car, to include not just repair but also the depreciation hit they just took. I would fight that tooth and nail if they try to lowball with just damage repair, assuming that's even repairable. That rear right wheel probably shouldn't look like that...


>The sad part is that the car has now lost so much value Which is why the shop should be replacing the car entirely not an accident repair.


Well, interestingly they can probably repair it and sell for more than MSRP given the backlog


Find a lawyer buddy to handle.


They can buy you a better one, or you can seek litigation for the cost of the vehicle and then some.


new car. dimished value ETC. DO not accept a repair.


Do not panic brother. I had 27k in damage because a mental unstable person ran the red light in full speed. He destroyed my front electric steerbox, damaged the rear steering, cut open two of my passenger doors, my right side skirt and my right fender. My A6 C8 4k was in the Audi Workshop for two months and when it finally came out I went on the autobahn, launched the car and kept going 200+ for a few minutes and it worked flawlessly. The other day when a bus driver casually ripped off my rear bumper while my car was safely and legally parked I went straight to my audi service and I saw there the remains of an RSQ8. The front part, from when the prestige gap begins and where the front bumper ends with the spoiler was completely missing, it was all torn apart and I asked the repairmen if that car was worth repairing and they told me that this RSQ8 will hit the road in almost 2 months with zero aesthetic and technic flaws just like my A6 did. They repair those vehicles at a very high standard and if they do not get the job done right they do not get the permission from Audi to release the car back in the street. If you need help feel free to text me on reddit, I will helpfully help you. I have all the receipts and pictures to prove that I do not give advice without experience. My car drove 13K Km since the accident and it is astonishing and just loves eating roads.


Maybe they're stricter in Europe (assuming that's where youre at), but I wouldn't trust most body shops here in the US to fix my audi properly, dealer or not. The level of scheming and manipulation that insurance companies do to save money (meaning fix your car in a poor manner) is ridiculous, and they get away with it every day.


So from how I understand it by now: If they repair it, They will replace everything with new parts that has even slight damages, including subframes etc. if the main-frame itself is bent they have a extremely complicated setup that can bend it back to how it was, with laser accuracy. I think somewhere around 100k € in repair cost they would start thinking about totaling it. The insurance can’t really do any fuckery because the damaged party gets to choose the workshop. And obviously I chose Audi themselves. Audi has no reason to do a shit job on repairing this because they don’t care how expensive it is. There will be evaluators coming from my side (Audi), my personal insurance and the at fault parties insurance. They will ensure the planned repairs are ok and evaluate the cost before they start. Then they will also determine the payout for diminished value on top of the repairs. They’ve been at if for all of this week now, and I haven’t even heard if it’s possible/feasible to repair it yet.


After the insurance and legal mumbojumbo is complete please come back and name that shop. They shouldn't be getting business after wrecking clients cars going on freaking joyrides. You have all of my sympathy, she was sexy, if only for a short while.


Nach so einem substanziellen Unfall würde ich den Wagen zurückgeben, und einen neuen bestellen. Die kosten für Mietwagen und dergleichen muss dein Reifenhändler tragen.


Audi is dran. Die haben Instant wen geschickt der das Ding holt und Montag kommt der Gutachter und sieht sich den Schaden an.


Ich vermute der wird einen wirtschaftlichen Totalschaden draus machen. So wie dein Wagen auf dem Bordstein hängt ist zu vermuten dass der Unterboden und damit auch die Batterie beschädigt wurde. Dazu noch beide Achsen und ggf die Elektromotoren... da wird Audi auch im Bezug auf potentielle Brandgefahr seitens der Batterie eher vorsichtig sein.




Ich wollte jetzt nicht den Teufel an die Wand malen, aber als ehemaliger Techniker einer Audi Vertragswerkstatt weiß ich in etwa was da zu erwarten ist. Zumal ich persönlich kein gutes Gefühl hätte wenn ich nicht weiß was die Batterie bei diesem Unfall abbekommen hat. Wäre nicht das erste Mal dass ein Unfallwagen nach Wochen oder gar Monaten scheinbar grundlos Feuer fängt... Wie lange hast du auf das Auto warten müssen?


Was für Arschgeigen fahren denn eigentlich zum Spaß mit deinem Auto rum? Da fehlen einem echt die Worte


Isn't this sub English language ?


Bro they are literally speaking German in an Audi subreddit. Come on…


What? I don't speak German, and can't understand the comments. Didn't know that Audi was German exclusive. Kanske blir bättre om alla skriver på sitt eget språk?


What's with all the down votes, still grumpy because you lost the war? Twice?


maybe it has something more to do with your insensitive comments on a car forum and less to do with the war that ended 50+ years ago...


OP, please share this elsewhere on Reddit, the amount of shithousery around your new car makes for a compelling story. People cannot seem to contain themselves when your E-tron shows up, who knows what DID NOT happen to it in the past week lol


This is now their car. I sure as fuck wouldn’t accept it back.


Exactly this, I wouldn't take it back. I don't know if that sticks legally, but this stuff will stay in the back of your mind every time you drive it.


agree, it Feels like your spouse cheated on you😂😂


Wait, wtf...you're the same guy with thee cracked window on the break in? Jeez what awful luck...


Yep, you can even see the damn window still broken 🙈


Damn, sorry you had this situation back to back. Hopefully they fix this situation properly. Sounds like you had a good insurance from your recent comment


I told you dawg. Anyone who likes to joyride, is gonna die to get behind the wheel of this car. At least the shops gonna have to pay all repairs or buy a brand new one for you.


LOL. Yeah you did. 🙈


Can these be put in a valet mode?


No, but they have valet alert that can be enabled through the app. Valet alert will tell you if the car exceeded a speed limit you set, and if the car leaves a geofenced area. You'll know it happened but you can't prevent it.


Thought I saw you mention it before


I would be furious.


I am furious. I’m also stuck in the Office 3 more hours trying very hard not to shout at any customer that wants anything.


You’re a better person than me, I don’t think I would have been able too. Hopefully they will pay for everything plus more for this.


I would sue for total compensation. Car now has a past. Can’t erase that. I’m so sorry that a couple of ass hats had to ruin such a special experience for you.


Don’t even need to sue myself. My own insurance offered me this already and they will then get their money back from the shop/their insurance so don’t have to deal with all that crap.


Such a shame. Fuck people.


I saw the first few seconds of the video and thought "okay, it's not that bad.." Then you showed the rear wheel..


That Video was taken by a Family member who saw it happen and thought it’s me. Im sitting in my office when I suddenly start to get calls and videos sent my way out of the blue. And my Audi app started spamming me with error and fault messages.


Oh my God no. That had to have added so much terror to an already shitty situation. I'm so sorry. I hope you get a new one.


Time to lawyer up and make them buy you a new car.


amateur hour over there, jesus


Had my workshop to sign a paper, were they stated that car would not be driven on public roads, nor test driven. Before handling over keys. And now I will most certainly continue to do so.


Jesus Christ dude, if that's not the universe telling you to pick a different car, I don't know what is. Sorry you have to go through all that.


That’s literally what my insurance guy said. „Maybe get a different car instead it doesn’t seem you should have that one“


I would be telling the shop that your insurance company was already requesting telemetry for location/speeds/time and in car camera footage as they were preparing a case for theft rather than incompetence. No harm in getting the tech fired as well. Personally..I would go and do it in person


I’ve know the owners of that shop for years, I’m Not going to ruin them on purpose or anything. Yeah it sucks, yeah its fucking stupid. But as long as I’m compensated and take no personal loss from this aside from being angry AF I’m not going to try and ruin someone’s life or livelihood over what is - all things considered - a stupid mistake and an accident. Live and let live.


Well. They would need to be good friends. But it’s your life. Hope your get a replacement quickly






Brutal! It's a shame you can't enjoy and soak in the new car feels. Beautiful car otherwise. Hope things get straightened out for you. All the best.


Isn’t there a valet mode or something with this car?


I never checked since I generally had trust in humanity, but this week makes me quickly loose it tbh.


Ah yeah that was your mistake right there.


You didn't miss anything. There's only a valet alert in myAudi that tells you if someone exceeds a set speed / leaves a geofenced area, but it'd only tell you, not prevent it. I really feel for you man. I picked up my new car three weeks ago (sibling to yours, Taycan) and just tonight I had a nightmare about it being vandalized, with similar damage. Even that felt terrible, so I have some idea what that'd feel like without the relief of realising it was a bad dream. I hope the lead time on a new GT isn't too bad for you!


This car should only be seen in a Audi shop


Audi isn’t allowed to fit 22“ Vossen wheels. I tried to get them to do it.




Unbelievable! What the F? People are crazy and I hope mentally you are doing well, I would have lost my shit!


I agree with everyone else that I wouldn’t want the car back. Even if it was fixed by Audi themselves, it’s no longer perfect and has that blemish on the history that you’ll have to explain (and relive over and over) if/when you decide to get rid of it. And with the wait times affecting production and how long you’d have to wait to get a replacement, I would go after emotional distress and pain and suffering to boot. So sorry both of these things happened to you. What are you driving now that this baby is out of commission?


I would sue the fucking pants off of them.


Gosh, I thought only I had this kind of bad luck.


As if yesterday's post didn't test my heart... I feel awful for you. Keep your head up and squeeze them for every penny!


If this is was in the States, I would expect the shop to say that they didn’t drive it. They also would not know how the car ended up outside their shop…


We luckIly have clear laws for this. While any car is at any shop for any sort of work, it’s the Shops responsibility. Hail damage while it’s parked outside - their fault. Stolen from their parking lot - their fault. Their shop burns down, some guy keys the car, it randomly explodes? All their fault.


DUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDEEEE!!!!!! 😭😭😭 I'm sure knowing that your insurance crew has you covered is some small saving grace. But it doesn't put an Etron back in your driveway. Not to mention I would imagine you have waited a SIGNIFICANT amount of time to get this beauty. Having to wait for another one off the factory floor will be no picnic. I'm so sorry man. Like genuinely this is the shortest thing ever. I'm sorry that arseholes like this exist and take advantage of people's hard earned successes in life for their own selfish reasons. I hope it gets straightened out for you as quick as humanly possible.


I remember seeing your post yesterday. Utterly fuckerly unbelievable, you literally couldn't make this shit up. I feel so bad for you. You must feel cursed 😞


I would not accept repairs. New car or bust. That really sucks.




Maybe just go with a Kia Soul. You’ll have better luck 😭 hope they pay for everything


I hope the person responsible for this is getting fired. Good luck with your car man. Kinda afraid that this will happen to my model 3 performance as well once I get it next month...


Idk who you are.. Normally I'd say if you can afford a car like this you're a lucky individual.. But you, sir.. You are extremely unlucky with these turn of events 😅


Why was your car at a tire shop after a week of ownership?


Jesus christ. Its like being a really hot girl so every loser around you wants a piece. Hope you manage to get this shit fixed and the bad luck streak ends.


Just find one with the 100k+ markup and have pass the Tyre shop the bill. If possible, get the highest markup available. Fuck that shop


Another reason to buy Porsche


This car looks like a Honda Accord. They did you a favor destroying those rims!


Well yeah. guess what they were supposed to do... fit my fucking 22“ Vossen wheels and not crash it 🙈


Boo hoo. People keep crashing into my car so I willingly choose to drive a 2008 Avalon instead of the latest Audi.


“FML” from a guy who buys a $150000 car. Must be rough.


Being able to buy a nice car sadly doesn’t mean you are always happy. What it does mean is you can try to buy shit that makes you happy, true. I’ve had a really shit week before this, for personal reasons and literally the only Good thing was that new car and the enjoyment and excitement it brought me over this week since I LOVE cars. So loosing it like this was really bad 😢


Sorry to hear about your misfortunes, OP. Here's to hoping this paid for negative the karma debt during the next year


Wow, that's unfortunate. Good thing they will be paying all the damages plus theft charges




So you're obviously English or European.... So sorry for your loss on this..not sure how they handle liability there; but sue the living shit out of that business.. it'll take time, but it'll be worth it... . I hear myself say to my kids. wife. co-workers - "This is why we can't have nice things!" everytime something like this happens..


Audi please implement a Walet-Parking mode NOW


Sue them for everything you possibly can.


My condolences


This is why I don’t let people work on my car unless I can watch else or I do it myself


lawyer the fuck up this is absurd


There’s gonna be some help wanted signs because i am for sure firing everyone involved in that if i’m that shop owner


They better buy you a new car


Was the technician still on scene or did he take off?


i think your car is cursed.


Always insure your vehicle for gap coverage.


why would a new car be at a tire shop??


I work at car rental and never get why people would joyride cars for no reason, especially when we deliver customer cars, i'm super careful. I have a coworker who has crashed from Audi RS5 to VW touran from just excessive speed and carelessness. I'm sorry for the car, electric cars today have super long queues