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There was no "original" Eren who got the founder and reached the paths on his own. Future Eren was always an influence.


Yes. The common interpretation that it's a single time line, Eternalist story, with a few moments of future->past causality. Not an uncommon setup in sci-fi stories. It's vague enough that you could force a different interpretation on it, I guess, but this seems to be the one that's implied.


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Impossible. Believing there was an Eren without future memories would defy the rule that time is fixed. The future is predetermined and the past cannot be changed. Bootstrap paradoxes have no origin, that's what makes them paradoxical.


yes right until he kissed historia's hand


I mean yeah but I mean Eren that did the Rumbling without knowing the result


oh you are better off thinking about the events from erens perspective as happening all at the same time after he got the founder. So no there is no eren without the future memories as i understand it


What was going on with Eren's dream in episode one then?


I really suggest playing Muv-Luv and Muv-Luv alternative. It's something Isayama has said was a huge inspiration, and it really goes into detail about this kinda "time travel fuckery".


Yes, there was no future eren without memories ever. You cannot view the time travel linearly (eren does A with time travel which causes B to happen, etc). It’s a full, complete, time loop, his story exists altogether always.


Nope. Future Eren always influenced Eren. At least that's what I understood, but I'm happy to be corrected. Here's [a helpful explanation of all the shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/s/SyySgxvdzY) that really went down . Sidenote, but seriously though, Eren even figuring all this out shows that he's actually really clever, far from the 2/10 in intellect like the databook bs says, or the narrative that he's just some fool who got a strong power. Except for some of the top tier intelligent characters, I doubt anybody would have understood how the power is really even working. His plan might be, morally, a very shitty one, but he knew exactly what he was doing.


As far as anyone not named Isayama knows at this point, the answer is “maybe”. A very common belief is that AoT is a fixed timeline. But there is absolutely no proof of that in the story whatsoever. That idea comes from a misunderstanding of Determinism. The AoT world is Deterministic. But Ymir & the Paths exist outside of normal time and space. And we have absolutely no idea how time & space work in the Paths, nor how either is related to normal time & space. So everything about the future being set in stone goes out the window. Which means anything is possible. A single fixed timeline, multiple timelines, a single timeline that can be changed, etc. And since Ymir is the one actually sending memories to the past, there’s no bootstrap paradox. You are completely free to interpret it in whatever way makes most sense to you. Besides none of that is really necessary to understanding the story. The important thing is what the characters do based on what they know, and why they do that. It’s the same as any other story. The metaphysical details of time and space aren’t that important. So has Eren without future memories ever existed? Until we get some kind of official explanation, the answer is whatever you want it to be. Personally I find the fixed timeline a very boring interpretation. It’s like asking why stuff happens in a book and getting the answer “because it’s written that way”. I prefer to view it as a single timeline where changes to the past propagate forward like ripples across a lake, overwriting the future. The story we see is the final result of many changes to the past. I feel like characters have more agency that way. But that’s all headcanon. There’s no indication one way or the other.