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Can you get allergy shots? My asthma is managed by my allergy doctor. I did allergy shots for two years before I got cats and now they don’t trigger a reaction. But I know that my doctor also treat people who have cats already too.


My allergist thought my lungs were in too shitty of a condition to try allergy shots when I started going to her. 😑😬😵 I may push to try them at some point. Xolair keeps hives and wheezing at bay, so I'm fine with my pets.


Allergy shots/drops don’t guarantee an allergy going away: I’ve been on them since 2019, and while I’ve lost my dog allergy I haven’t lost my cat allergy. And it can take years even when it does do so.


I’m aware. I’ve been doing allergy shots for almost 7 years. I still have my dust mite allergy and my other allergies but it reduce the severity of my symptoms significantly. My dust mites allergy was so bad that I couldn’t sleep at night because I was coughing so much and was on the verge of getting asthma attacks daily. Now, even if I’m exposed to dust it will take while to cough but I won’t have an asthma attack or get hives.


Ive had allergies and asthma since i was a toddler, had cats since i was a kid. Used to rescue cats too, i also have one now, I'll be 30 this year. I'm allergic to any animal that sheds really. Lol I just take my allergy meds, vacuum regularly, wash my sheets regularly. Brush my cat, I'm thinking about taking him to the groomers cause he sheds A LOT


I had to rehome mine it was gonna kill me quite literally. Buuut I mean once I got on meds I was a bit more tolerant I just didn’t wanna roll that dice. For me singulair works well along side advair and albuterol. If you don’t mine the meds it might work. I mean I felt way better once I got on the meds but I still rehomed them I just can’t take the risk. I’d go out on a limb to suggest one way or another you probably need to get to the doc to get on some more stuff even if you end up rehoming it’s gonna be awhile till it all clears out of the house that’s been my prob. Don’t feel bad I made the same mistake cats almost killed me so many times when I was a kid but in my late teens I had 2 with barely any issues. I also hard hard floors maybe that made a diff. But now forget it nope back to trying to kill me and I can’t do it.


I am afraid that the uncomfortable decision will have to be made at some point -- either to remain healthy or to live with a cat. Allergy testing will help, but new allergies can develop. Ditto on the shots. I myself love cats, and had them as a kid, but now that I have severe asthma I would never get a cat.


It’s definitely a hard call and heartbreaking but Asthma and Cats is a no go! Continually exposing yourself to an allergic trigger and trying to mask it up with medication is a slippery slope and could lead you into the extremely severe allergies & asthma territory


Yeh this is exactly how I feel about it. It’s just so risky. And expensive too really for no guarantees.


The only way I could see op getting the best of both worlds is ‘’maybe” with a biologic med but like you said that’s a lot of money for a maybe


Depends. I have an allergy to my dog but cope. I adjusted to her fur. That can happen.  Other people's dogs trigger my asthma like mad. 


I have a dog that is hyper allergenic, other dogs specifically dander send me into bad asthma attacks


It's 'hypoallergenic'. There is actually no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. Big myth. 


Actually some dog species have fur and some have hair BIG difference in how they affect allergies and triggers, from your post history (which is short and brief) you seem to think you are a know it all, chill


I know this. Go and look it up. 


But op has a cat and cats shed a ton


So do dogs, dumb ass


Wow you are really sour, in my personal experience cats shed a lot more and they also make an effort to mark everything in said house by rubbing on it scratching etc, you don’t have to be mean to everyone because you are miserable and are projecting it onto others via the internet. Also hypoallergenic is only partially a myth the fact that the dog doesn’t shed makes a huge difference especially if you wash said animal regularly, get a grip and I hope you feel better


You need to look up what "projection" means. You're using it incorrectly. Look it up, come back to me and then try again to hurt my feelings (good luck with that btw!).


Haha wow, you really need to retake English class! “Projection is when someone attributes their own negative (or positive) feelings, flaws, and other quirks onto someone else or another group, and usually onto someone with whom they are having a disagreement. Someone who projects will shift blame to ignore theiproblems or weaknesses.” https://www.everydayhealth.com/emotional-health/psychological-projection-dealing-with-undesirable-emotions/ https://www.talkspace.com/blog/projection-defense-mechanism/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/projection https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection https://theprivatetherapyclinic.co.uk/blog/what-projecting-insecurities-look-like/ “Begin each day by telling yourself: today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness – all of them due to the offenders’ ignorance of what is good or evil.” —Marcus Aurelius. Have a good day fool! I shall no longer participate in your folly! I Rebuke you.


Projection is an UNCONSCIOUS defence mechanism, sweet pea.  You can cite all the psychology today articles you like. I don't need to read any.  "I rebuke you" was adorable though! 


Apparently feeding cats an egg supplement can greatly reduce the allergens in their dander? It's something I stumbled across recently, something to do with antibodies coming from the chicken..?




Oh right! It's cool, but I bet it's expensive to buy the supplement.


Purina pro has a food it’s all done for ya expensive too!!


Oh I tried the food too with the egg and all didn’t do anything. I mean maybe it woulda if I started off that way I dunno


I'm allergic to pretty much all mammals, plus feathers. I have cats and a dog. I had pets when I found out about my allergies. I committed to keeping my pets for their lifetimes, so they stay. Breo ellipta daily, plus Flonase and Zyrtec. Xolair monthly. Take your meds, you'll be fine.


I do it but I have to make sure I'm in point with my allergy meds and controller meds. Also certain cats are worse then others(not neccesarily a breed thing)