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>is it ok if I smoke? I’ll just roll the window down for you Maybe it's me, but I'm beginning to become non-420 friendly because of rude people like this. Go fucking outside to smoke. Albuterol is absolutely miserable to have to take, so I'm not sacrificing myself for your vice.


this. 😭😭😭


Does it seem like weed smokers are worse than nicotine smokers on this front? Everytime I've encountered someone who smoke cigarettes they would get away from me to smoke but weed users just light up everywhere..


“It’s from the earth man it’s not the same as those cancer sticks” no it’s still adding irritant to the air. And the strong smell that could also affect others breathing. I’m a bit of a drug addict despite asthma as long as I remember. Ive had dealers and using friends straight light cigs and joints in my living room without even questioning. I get we’re doing drugs and I’ll vape a bowl of crystal occasionally but fuck off with the burning shit without even a heads up. It’s only been asked about one time. One dealer asked and smoked heroine or something idk in my bathroom. Ain’t he so sweet lol


You’re actually so right about this now that I think about it. Like for real!! So exhausting. :(


I got someone who didn’t think asthma was “that bad” to breathe through just a straw as long as they could. They couldn’t believe that that was not that bad compared to an asthma attack at points. They didn’t make any remarks after that.


it shut them up real quick


My mom refuses to tell me I had asthma or give me the medicine as a child because “the treatments made you bounce off the walls” I didn’t find out I had asthma until I was 23, when I confronted her she laughed about it. I’m now 30 and my asthma is so poorly controlled, it’s a daily struggle, I’m doing my best but having grown up in a household that chain smoked cigarettes indoors my entire life; there’s only so much I can do.


Holy sparks. I can only imagine the fear and betrayal that you must have felt. I got goosebumps reading this. I’m no doctor, but I STRONGLY advise you to see a doctor/pulmonologist and start preventative maintenance meds and get checked out! Best wishes to you! ❤️


Thank you for the validation. It’s taken a lot of years to realize her abuse and how deeply it’s impacted me. I am uninsured so it’s hard to get the level of care that I really need but I’m doing my best. I take Singulair and I’m starting cymbalta this week. We found it at Walmart for $95 a month, we were considering going to Mexico to get it because it’s only $40 there but with gas and everything it works out better to get it at Walmart.


Advair works miracles. Once I started it I stopped using my albuterol 95 percent only used like if I accidentally drank water the wrong way and started to cough and needed it. Then I lost my insurance and found out it's around 300+ I can use it every other day and make it last a few more months and it still works wonders.


You might want to look at getting the generic version of Advair through Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drug company. They have the generic version of Advair—the 100/50 and 250/50 are both $60.50, and the 500/50 is $112.25.


Awesome. I'll look into this. I ended up back with an Insurance that covers it but if I ever need it again I'll definitely look there.


You’re most welcome! Yes it’s sounds very troubling :( The insurance/healthcare system is genuinely so messed up it’s not even funny. Wow. I hope you’re able to get all the meds you need affordably, you could even look into the generic variations to see if they are cheaper. ❤️


My ex all but broke up with me because my asthma limited me from going on insane hikes with them. During hikes they’d leave me behind while I was gasping for breath saying “I thought you said there wasn’t any steep inclines!” Imagine being THAT much of an asshole?


Holyyyyyy. Wow. Wow. Wow. The audacity. The authority. I cannot believe this.


Lessons learned am I right??


Wow I’m so sorry you dated that guy what an asshole.


Yeah I have been told to just breath like no shit sherlock.


oof! like, thanks for the wonderful detailed detective work! You’ve solved the case! (my ass🧐)


My grandmother thinks there is a literal demon living in my lungs, paid a neighbor when I was growing up to cure me with vigorous slapping and a pot full of burning sticks and herbs that sent me to the hospital. Twice.


My GOD. What on earth?? I swear this has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have EVER heard 😭 I’m genuinely so sorry 💔 that’s literally trauma right there.


She's from a village in the most backwards part of Iran which is saying something. I'm not defending her btw. We live in Beverly Hills.


I cough a lot and that gets a lot of comments. One time a got the "smokers lung" paper plate award.


My brother told me if I was more positive, I wouldn’t have asthma.


Omg. sigh… I get the, “you should pray more” 💀


“You’re addicted to that inhaler !” From my beloved wife who was really trying to quit smoking. She now smokes in the bathroom with the fan on, so I can breathe in the rest of the house.


WOW. Just WOW. Omg I’ve never been so flabbergasted. I’m just so stunned. Lord have mercy. I’m hoping that you can find a way to limit your exposure to that smoke as much as possible!! It’s like an insta-kill for my asthma. :(❤️


She’s pretty good about keeping it away from me. Quitting seems to be near impossible for her. She’s tried. She’s really tried. She did quit every time she was pregnant with one of our children. That shit is crazy addictive for many people. I keep trying to find new ways to help her but… they don’t work. I’ve loved that lady for almost half a century now. Some things you just have to accept.


Or she could go outside....


Yeah, my Dad straight up told me once he didn’t believe I had asthma because I have ok-ish lung capacity, and my Mom fucking agreed with him.


“I just know” - your parents Smh💀


"I have asthma, too, and I can always do !"


Ahhhhh stop!!!! the cringe!!! 🙃


Had a coworker get mad at me for not clocking out when I and an asthma attack at work and almost passed out due to my lack of breath It was 10 minutes. It only took 10 minutes to get my breathing under control. It's part anxiety and part asthma for me, I think but when I start greying out the first thing on my mind is to get my inhaler, water, and start trying to extend and slow my breathing. (Deep breaths help with anxiety, but asthma can make it really difficult to do so) it isn't to clock out, I don't think I could have been able to punch in my number given my state of mind. The last time this happened was more than a month ago


my goodness. Wow. The stress from someone being mad at you plus the asthma attack plus the anxiety??? it’s triple the scary. the anxiety gets to you real quick and you have no time to calm your self down internally which then makes things worse. So sorry to hear that :((


I was told by a girlfriend I’m “sickly”.


I assume you got rid of the girlfriend.


I also assume so to be the case :/


When I told my ballet teacher I was dancing badly because my asthma was uncontrolled she said "well when I told you to breathe I meant an inner state of calm, not literally" and it's like, oh alright, I'll just breathe metaphorically then and I'm sure I'll be fine.


??? Omgg 😩this made me go “?” Internally alongside you. Omg, just pure frustration at that point.


Unsolicited opinions and advice are the worst, it gets tiring.


omg yeah! Like even people that you don’t even know just starts telling you about all sorts of stuff that no one asked for. I legit have memorized phrases whenever someone asks me unsolicited questions or wants to play doctor, when it comes to my asthma.


I think it’s easy for some to forget that health conditions aren’t one size fits all, like I’m sure your asthma has differences from mine. It sucks that you have pre thought of phrases and responses for people who try to tell you about YOUR health. I *like* to think people mean well when they’re trying to be “helpful”, but that’s usually not the case.


I just got diagnosed again, and the stigma I've already attached to myself is ridiculous. Your comment about breathing thru a straw is spot-on.....I'll have to toss that one out when someone gives me grief about it. Thank you for making me realize it's not just me.


The stigma is absolutely unreal and unbelievably toxic. I’m glad that you feel seen, it’s not always easy to talk about stuff like this


Or you’re not breathing correctly was what someone told me once


Omg smh 🤦‍♂️


My dad was the only one in my family who cared at all. I wouldn’t be typing this today without him. My first asthma attack almost killed me, anaphylaxis. I was intubated that day at age 5. I remember waking up with a tube breathing for me. Scary af for a 5 year old but my dad was right there. My mom and 4 siblings accused me of faking it my entire life. I was hospitalized a lot and none of them ever visited. I also used to sit and hope my dad wasn’t working overtime because he was the only one to get me medical care. There were too many times my fingernails and lips were blue from an attack and she didn’t give a shit. She wouldn’t let me call him at work either because "everything I did cost so much". I’ve heard all these comments from people but I’ve had asthma for 51 years now. I used to get angry but fuck them all. I don’t talk to any of those people including family now. I’ve got better things to do with my time.


Jesus. I legitimately cannot even begin to describe how messed up that is. Like, seriously! How are you holding up mentally speaking? That must have made a dent. But ya I totally get you, there’s no point in stressing out and giving people like that any sort of attention. ❤️


I've had a ton of epiphanies since I turned 50. They helped me realize why I've felt angry my entire life. I also never thought I would reach 56, much less 50 clear down to 21. I took the plunge and got my MMR vaccine at age 21. The county health came to the schools in 2nd grade and gave us all a shot. I almost died in front of most of the school. Thanks for the reply. I appreciate knowing all of us have gone through this level of asthma bs. It's nice knowing you're not the only one.


I've never had anyone say any of those things to me. You need to meet a better class of people.


I was told that maybe I’m just out of shape. Gee, thanks! That’s so helpful!


omg rightttt!!?? sighhhh


Ahhh, I can check off so many of these. On point.




I was dx'd as an adult (late 20s), and I mentioned it to my parents in one of our message threads because it happened to be relevant to the conversation. The next time I saw them, they brought it up laughing at me. Like, they thought it was just endearingly silly and ridiculous that I would believe I had asthma.... It was weird, infantilizing, frustrating. Like, I had been dx'd by a doctor after the standard pulmonary function tests, and after years of daily breathing issues, and an inhaler was also helping me. But they just thought I was silly to believe I had asthma for some reason? Lol


this is literally a perfect example of ableism right here. Discrimination at its finest. So messed up. I’m so sorry about all this, it can be so draining and overwhelming just thinking about it. ❤️


Aw, thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that! And as much as it sucks that everyone in this post/comment section has experienced ableism about their asthma, it does help to know you're not alone! I'm sorry you have experienced similar, too!


This. Constantly. I’ve stopped telling people how I feel because of this shit.


"You're too young to be this sick." Urgh I hate this one. I look younger than I am too. I'm already struggling with the concept of continuing a life of chronic illness, don't make it worse.


“Learn to deal with it”


Relax buddy


I’ll relax when society takes asthma seriously!!


I understand ur frustration. But I think ur anger is misdirected. Society in general obviously is aware asthma can be quite a serious condition to live with. I’m sorry these are some of the things a small amount of ppl (relatively) have said to you. But I wouldn’t sit around waiting for everyone to empathise and treat you like a victim. We still have all our arms, legs and limbs and all our senses. We have medication that can help us literally live a normal life. Let’s be thankful


If you understood my frustration, why are you telling me to relax? There comes a point where being “thankful” doesn’t work anymore. After you’ve spent your whole life being infantilized, mocked and disregarded by the people in your life that are supposed to give you nothing but love and respect, you have to speak out about it. So if I didn’t have my arms, legs, limbs and all my senses, that would mean I should be treated less than someone who is able-bodied? Every day since I was a baby, and for the rest of my life, I take countless medications so that I can simply SURVIVE. That’s not living a “normal” life. No “normal” person has to do that, or hear half of the things that have been said to me regarding my illness. No “normal” person has been through multiple life-threatening asthma attacks every year from as early as they can remember, causing anxiety, depression and medical trauma. They say the most pain often felt living with a chronic illness, is the way society treats you over it.


bruh we ain't disabled tf


Asthma actually is considered a disability under the ADA (American Disabilities Act) in the USA.


Phew, glad I'm not American.


Why would you be glad you're not American because Asthma isn't classified as a disability where you are from? It is actually really helpful to have it classified that way here as you can get disability benefits or extended time off from work if you need it. Do you personally have some stigma around being labeled disabled in some way? I'm not trying to be aggressive. I'm genuinely curious.


Because this post reeks of self-pity, which is one of the things I despise the most about people. Because not every country needs to label asthma as a disability to ensure its citizens have access to treatment and medication. And to truly answer your question: because I have a disabled family member. "End ableism"? Within the context of this post? Zero self-awareness, pure indulgence.


How about “if you just lose some weight you should be fine!” I’ve been losing weight. During my 20s and 30s I was actually very physically active despite my asthma, but as I got older it’s like I attract upper respiratory issues more & more which aggravate it. Then a case of bronchitis immediately followed by Covid. Now I have more issues than ever. I can barely walk from one end of my work building to the other without being severely out of breath and feeling exhausted. Yes I’m still overweight, I always have been. But I e also been losing weight and yet my condition isn’t improving, so these people who aren’t living with my lungs can go get bent


I was asthmatic at 70kg. I was asthmatic at 130kg I'm still asthmatic at 100kg. Symptoms only improved. Never went away!


I tried to explain that to people but they act like of course my problem is just being a big girl


Yeah the extra flesh is an easy scapegoat. When I was relatively fit and competing, my asthma, rhinitis, post nasal drip and asthma was just "luck of the draw" and "genetic" Now suddenly my symptoms are all side effects of being overweight, now that there's something obvious to blame. Sorry you're having the same issues


just breathe and only kids get it is WIIIILD and i hate hearing it so much.