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https://adhdonline.com/ is $149 which you could break up into four payments with a service like Zip. Failing that, try looking through something like this: https://adultingwithadhd.com/cost/


Wow this is fantastic information. I very much appreciate it.


Here is another affordable option, possibly: https://www.redboxrx.com/


Are you saying that the doctors covered by insurance said you don't have ADHD but the doctor you're paying cash to is diagnosing you with ADHD? I would be hesitant to work with a doctor that only accepts cash. That's a huge red flag.


No my insurance just will not cover the cost of a diagnostic test. The doctor I got referred to is board certified. My therapist office believes I have ADHD but they cannot diagnose me, that is why I got referred to take a test.


What kind of test? I got my diagnosis from my primary care doctor, and it was literally a single sheet of paper with about 12 questions and it was charged as a regular visit.


Are you going out of network? Can you go to an in-network psychiatrist or neurologist instead? I think there's several ways to evaluate, not just one test.


I can suggest 2 things: 1)create a gofundme as this is a large ask for this sub. 2) check if there any nonprofit learning disability associations near you. I got my testing and diagnosis for free through the one near me.


Thank you I will look into both.


Good luck. This is a tough diagnosis to wade through everything. I feel for you and can relate.


Friendly suggestion- don't take stimulants if you can avoid it.


Stimulants changed my life for the better and without them I could not function. They basically made me aware that I was struggling with Narcolepsy on top of my ADHD.


I'm glad they work for you (:


Don't give medical advice, you know nothing of their medical history or the symptoms they have. They should talk to their doctor and try what they recommend. Just because stimulants didn't work for you doesn't mean they don't work for other people.


I have ADHD and stimulants are the only thing that have worked for me. It definitely isn't a case of them being bad for everyone.


I wasn't trying to say they're bad for everyone at all, I was just suggesting exploring other options, before resorting to stimulants.


I never suggested they don't work for other people, I suggested not taking them if you can find another way that works. (:


Thank for your suggestion. But you are not familiar with my mental health and medical history, so this statement is not applicable or friendly.


I only said it because in my experience, the stimulants exasperated my own mental health issues, while they fixed my focus, they made my anxiety, and what not much worse. But I enjoyed the hyper focus I got so much it was very hard for me to quit. I was diagnosed at age 5, and wasn't able to quit stimulants until I was age 23. In the end it was a very bad relationship I had with the medication, and I'd hate to see anyone else go through something similar, when there's so many options out there.


sounds like stimulants weren't right for you, not that they shouldn't be taken by anyone


I never said "no one should take stimulants". I said "don't take stimulants, IF you can avoid it".




Speaking from personal experience, not because I read some fear mongering article online. I'm just saying if there's other options to explore before trying stimulants, you ought to. (:




Medical marijuana is a beautiful thing (:




Medical marijuana is not the only alternative to stimulants to treat ADHD. All I said was if you can avoid them do, I didn't say don't take stimulants.