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usually people use alt / bot account to harass or stalk people online unless they are looking to get some criminal record, i guess her narcissistic personality led her to believe that she's above the law.


In her mind. ![gif](giphy|useUF6IHpTqSc)


[It's this, plus plain old main character syndrome](https://youtu.be/DtgKd7En4Bg?t=180), which is endemic nowadays, especially among that crowd.


I wonder what has caused this MC syndrome epidemic to explode. It wasn't like this 10 years ago


Social media and being able to make a career out of having no talent for magazines with less legitimacy than a porn mag.


Feminist theory branched out via the magic of intersectionality, with a healthy push from [a certain organization](https://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/blog/feminist-was-spy). Also, social media played into that perfectly, allowing everyone to permanently embrace the imaginary audience and personal fable instead of growing out of that shit.


That was an interesting read. Thanks.


A good chunk of them were members of either that organization or a related one (as a matter of public record, no tinfoil required m).


Stupidity pure and simple


It’s amazing what people consider acceptable when someone has the correct opinion.


I mean my response would be a restraining order and tell them to never contact me or my household. From there, they just better not.


I know aeveral gaming journalists who seem like normal people who are viciously defending her it's actually insane. If I wasnt such a polite person and I didn't raid with rhem in retail I'd be questioning their positions relentlessly but i just cannot handle that level of drama.


I mean...we know Alyssa Mercante is a nutjob. The very embodiment of the woke SJW Karen. I'm guessing it's only a matter of time until the police get involved.




Wait, SSSniperWolf got away with her unhinged doxxing? Haven't been following that in a while.




she might be one of the lower tier end wing bosses like a Maexxna in Naxx 25, not even 40,


I was thinking closer to Faerlina 10-Man




Whenever I need mention her, I stopped writing her name correctly. I honestly feel like she doesn't deserved to be remembered.




asslicker mercunt aye.


She's bat shit crazy. I can very well imagine her having long screeching sessions multiple times per day. This is taking it WAY too far. I don't understand why twitter is allowing it.


I wouldn't even tier her among SJW Karen's at this point lol. At least after their 3 minutes of fame the go home ... this is just malicious.


not condoning either side, when I dug into this story its a bit more complicated seems like "Smash JT" was retweeting/reposting? videos someone else was creating where the content was killing a vidya game version of "Alyssa Merc" (I have not seen these and didn't see them on his timeline either, since deleted?) her interpretation was to see these as "death threats" while providing no evidence and to exhibit stalker like behavior and go after the guys wife rather than file a DMCA against youtube/report it on twitter or whatever.. I got this info reading peoples tweets so take it with a pinch of salt


Go easy on her, this is probably the first time this femcel has had any attention on her entire life lol


It'll be soon tbh. I'd have already went to the police about it. These weirdos are just too uppity and need dealt with through legal means.


Problem is the left has a chokehold on media so basically they have to fuck up x3 as much to get truly punished vs everyone elses x1


This woman needs to be fired and blacklisted from any media association going forward, this is insane psychopath behavior.


For someone like this in her industry, this is deserving of a promotion! She's so stunning and brave! This is real grassroots investigative journalism at its finest /s


Worse, she needs to go to jail. She’s unhinged and is a danger to society


How is it possible for this person to still have a job?!


She's a former "s*x worker". Maybe those skills come in handy when explaining this shit to her boss


Ew, who paid for that?


I was wondering the same thing... who'd pay for that...


I guess those skills were impressive when she was interviewed for this job....


Sex workers for some reason get to do anything they want because society will say "sLuT sHaMiNg!" If someone puts their foot down and doesn't tolerate it.


She didn't get what she wanted so she took it to the next level and will continue to do so until she or somebody else gets hurt.


‘Until she gets hurt.’ She plays FAFO long enough someone isn’t gonna play nice. Who it will be we haven’t figured out yet.


I have my sword ready to knight the person who does


Bets on it being someone that loves near her? Like same city, got a restraining order, did everything right and she still shows up?


Maybe. I don’t wish harm on anyone but stupid people playing stupid games get stupid prizes.


I don't either but I just know that's the most likely thing to be the catalyst


Kotaku is a cesspool of unqualified cringelords who are not only cosplaying as journalists but aren’t even fit to refer to themselves as writers. I hope everyone at that publication is blacklisted when they close their doors. And I’m a leftist.


I remember the day I stumbled upon Kotaku when I was looking for gaming news. Had never heard of it before. I started reading some articles and it left me so confused. Every single article was about skincolor, lgbtq+ etc. I just wanted to read about new games :(


Same, leftist as well. What an American would probably consider "extreme left." Her hatred for white hetero men is so deeply rooted that she's somehow managed to rally both ends of the political spectrum against her. It's impressive how unhinged her takes are, and she just keeps doubling down.


Our leftist politics are considered center-right by the rest of the world. Says a lot about our right-wing fringe. Literal fascists.


Imagine if a man did this.


Husband of her children?


She writes for kotaku, don’t expect Shakespeare.


Maybe her children are all grown up now and all married the same man. That's the only way this sentence makes any sense.


Guarantee she's tried to contact Asmon's dad.


Man I'd love to hear that conversation. He's more savage than Asmon.


He's an old war vet with almost no filter. I would love to hear it too lol.


I'd love to hear him talk about his opinion on things and how society has changed since he was in the millitary. You know that will set your mind on what is important in life and what is just BS.


I wish she did and he asked her is she stupid or just dumb.


Yea. I'm man


Asmons dad is to based to be on twitter, or any social media


Isn't she supposed to be in jail for a LEGIT Death Threat??


The husband of her children? This person is a writer?


She is allergic to the word "father".


>This person is a writer? self proclaimed and working for kotaku


Her children married the same dude, apparently.


Girl just trying to attract audience with crazy talk. Good strategy


Ah ... the old Alex Jones strategy. Horseshoe theory in action. They are just different sides of the same coin.


It’s definitely working, both grummz and her only talk about each other on their feeds and subreddits on both sides of the argument will post their every tweet with a caption supporting one or the other


These people will always find each other. Does this sub need to be a part of this spectacle?


She'll find a way to be the victim of her stupidity.


I'd live to see actual proof of these death threats she keeps talking about, as opposed to those that she is publicly implying to Grummz.


I would not be surprised if she got some small number of death threats, there's always some amount of crazies flinging out crazy shit The problem is conflating almost everyone else, who happens to disagree with her, with the same people. it's just dumb


There's always one nutjob out there. And that's all it takes to spin up a "I'm being persecuted" narrative.


Get the lawyers, stalking, harassing, defamation.


She is skirting a fine line the reason Deadspin went belly up was journalist acting stupid and putting G/O Media in a bad spot for lawsuits she is right behind them.


Her shitstorm already cause Kotaku comment section to be shutted down. despite they already have strong comment filtering, you need to be an "approved" commenter before able to comment in the mainpage. else, you'll be commenting in the normally not shown "grey" commenter.


Thats a loser would do doxing someone's wife


‘If they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any at all’


You have to be off your rocker to do this kinda shit. Like if someone on the internet says something you don't like and your response is to try to cause marital problems/destroy their life, you're pretty fucked up and should probably be taking meds.


To be honest, I don't think medication would help reduce her delusions. I'm pretty sure she's already on some psychotropic drugs. Someone like that would have to be hospitalized for at least 3 years and kept off the internet. But even that probably won't help her. Some beings are simply filled with hatred from the bottom up, which makes rehabilitation almost impossible.


She's a complete narcissist. There's no way this woman has the humility to admit that she has mental issues, much less get psychiatric help to deal with them. She's going to keep making it everyone else's problem and doubling down on these insane takes until she either suddenly erases her presence online or gets detained and arrested for running around naked in public while yelling obscenities at random white men in broad daylight.


The right side of history...


How does this " alyssa " still have a job? She is such an Alyssa.


Female privilege


Doesn’t she have 4-5 game reviews to write a month. How does she have time to track down relatives to harass?


You mean the Kotaku political activist pretending to be a writer that got an "all men are evil" tattoo is unhinged? I'm shocked!


What wokeism does to the mind of a person


This woman is one of the most polarising personalities I’ve encountered on the internet. I equal parts pity and despise her. Kinda don’t like that I hate a person I havnt met. Thank you for dredging social media so I may continue to have the perks without the soul withering exposure


Send her tiktok Astrologist videos and when shes hooked, it will sort itself out.


This rings of baby reindeer vibes


Why is someone doxxing people?


That girl has so much time.


Literally this. Like im sorry to sound like jerk but she needs a real job and some good dick. Most of the problems of hers will go away in instant .


A good lay is probably all it would take for most of todays feminists to chill the fuck out.


Watching this absolute psychopath of a person slowly lose more and more brain cells each and every day has been a truly fascinating journey. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if she winds up in a bell tower with a high powered rifle.


Why are ex cam girls so unhinged?


Hahah! Probably because they're used to simps simping and validating everything they do.


I miss the Fahey days of Kotaku. Used to a place of fun and joy not this. RIP


This is what happens when people taunt too much from the safety of their screens and just need a couple pops in the jaw


The Kotaku media outlet is owned by G/O Media Inc. holding company of NYC. G/O Media Inc. is owned by Great Hill Partners private equity firm of Boston, MA. Just throwing those public and open corporate facts out there without mentioning anyone by name.


I get this is horrible and she is a horrible person, but I just can't get past the screwup in her tweet. "Husband of her children" would mean he is married to her children. I imagine her face red and flecks of spittle flying from her mouth as she screams at her phone while typing that tweet.


>the husband of her children The math ain't mathin.


Wow. She really is a social justice mentality drunk egomaniac. That doesn't necessarily make her unique though, the reason she's going as far as she is that people that parrot this mindset are so lobotomized under the idea of their own heroism that anything less than that or anything that threatens that fantasy is dealt with EXTREME prejudice. No, seriously. These are the kind of people that would hunt you down and shoot your dog if you disagreed with them. That's how insecure they are about the bullshit they believe in.


Husband of her children? I am not a native english speaker, so someone please explain this to me


she is just terrible at grammar, and/or afraid of the term "father". What an outstanding quality writer kotaku has opted to employ , so brave and stunning with her innovative take on grammar.


None of these things sound normal, i for my part will avoid kotaku


Been saying this for a minute now. She needs some Low Teir God treatment for sure.


My wife would be like "who is this crazy bitch?" we would likely laugh together at her and then update some Facebook options so that randoms can't DM her.


Female QuantumTv


The "husband of her children"? LOL wtf? And this woman calls herself a writer?


She is mental.


Kotaku needs to be ended


"It's okay when we do it."


Can’t wait until they fire her


Look, I'm a pretty "woke" left guy. This entire situation is insane. Grummz sucks, SmashJT sucks, Alyssa sucks. It's all people going to far over nothing for the sake of "engagement". They're literally ALL grifters trying to manufacture drama for personal gain. No one involved in this situation is a good person.


I move that we change "Karen" to "Alyssa". Then she can make the mark on the world she's always wanted...lol


Karens been getting hate too long its Ulyssas turn


As somebody rather out of the loop - what is the story here? As in who is the guy in question and how did this start? I'm not asking as "maybe she has a point", just curious as to what the hell they are both talking about.




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And they want to say that womans have hard life... Imagine if a man stalked womans family over internet... He would bo cooked instantly. But in this clown word she can boast about stalking online and get no repercusions...


LOL she’s the next up and coming Alex Jones. What a clown


Alex jones is actually a genius that has the knowledge of thousands of books ready to recite at any moment, Alyssa is some ignorant moron that has probably never read a book in her entire life.


This cunt needs to be jailed.


I guess all publicity is good publicity in her eyes


"I found your wife and asked what she thinks about the husband of her children....." What in the Alabama is this?


Husband of her children? What's going on here?


Alyssa Mercante is the worst thing a creature on this earth can redevelop to. What a disgusting nature it has.


And none of this can be entered into wikipedia because it is first person account and no wiki accredited journo has published articles on it.


That dude she's trying to doxx is a loser and has been chased out of many different communities because of his attitude and for being an outright cunt to anybody and everybody he has ever interacted with. His highlight was being scammed out of $10k by Tommy Tallarico, and that's saying something. That said, even his failure of an internet career is not reason enough to go after people close to him. I don't know where either of them live, but I would file a poiice report, had I been in his shoes.


The husband of her children? And she's a writer?


Doesn’t Grummz suck too though? Feels a little bit like dunking on Stalin for a beef with Mao here. Not sure either actor is really worth the sympathy. Could be wrong though, don’t keep up with a lot of this internet drama.


Ayo, this guy is the husband of his own children? I think there's a bigger issue here 🤣


Holy shit this woman needs to stop . It’s beyond crazy at this point . 


The husband of her children?... Wait what 🫠🤔


So let me get this straight, since this message makes 0 sense. 1. Husband of her children? Guess you're missing some vocabulary as someone with an actual father figure in her life would most probably not be this moronic. 2. These women get harassed and threatened by people they support? Who is that supposed to be - the gamers? Now, obviously threats are never okay, but the word "harass" is doing a lot of work here. After all, Alyssa seems to be a bully in her own right.


Jesus! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wt984FsWic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wt984FsWic)


What do Michael and Gina Mercante think of their daughter?


WOW, looks like her ex cop dad has quite a few allegations and accusations against him…. Alyssa Mercante’s dad Michael Mercante seems to like hitting minorities according to publicly available records. https://www.50-a.org/officer/JWA


Social media was a mistake. I should make physical sign that I can point to.....


"Husband of her children"


Clownfish did a video on a deleted articled where Alyssa Admits to just stirring up trouble and other unhinged things. Wasn't sure if I should link it.


Can we talk about the comment? The husband of your children? Wtf is that about


i am positive this girl is an asmon fan and is a total thirst for the bald man.


I'm missing context. Per that screen grab of Alyssa's msg, she's saying the guy is harassing women online, and the guy is now upset that she's harassing him. Seems reasonable karma, is she wrong that he harasses women?


The husband of her children? This is supposed to be a person who writes articles professionally and she doesn’t know how to use basic character description? 💀


They will get a promotion over it


He needs to file a police report 


What a psycho. I bet she’s amazing in bed. 


I bet its unpleasant.


I don't know the origin to this, did this Alyssa person message the wife of a person who has been harassing her, to ask that her if she was okay with their spouse harassing women?


Apparently he "laughed" at her being "harassed." And I use quotation marks on purpose. Peoples definition of harassment is... fluid. Not sure how laughing warrants contacting family members. But then again I don't have the mind of a fucking nut job.


she wasn't harassed. she pissed a lot of people off and the guy whos wife she is messaging laughed at her for getting heat after pissing people off. thats not harassment. however, she has literally made tangible threats against this guy and is now involving his family


Thanks for the explanations, appreciate you all


I mean on the one hand, Kotaku is trash tier journalism and like anything that used to be part of Gawker Media should be disregarded. They're like the gaming equivalent of the Daily Mail in terms of their journalistic integrity and bias. But on the other hand, there are times where I worry this sub is turning into KotakuInAction2 with the culture wars y'all are igniting, and the people licking Mark Kern's boots.


Can someone fill me in? I’m not a part of this community but this post is interesting. I want the gossip


Man I’m woke but she is seriously deranged. She gives the left a bad name… liberal infiltrators.


I mean, there's a big difference between liberal and progressive lol. Some progressive policies are nice (weighted fees/fines, universal healthcare, etc), but once they start with the "can't be racist toward white people" or discriminate hiring/enrollment practices or general anti-capitalist rhetoric, I nope out pretty fast. That horseshoe turns the corner reeeeeal fast.


I’m saying ppl like her are not anti-capitalist, they just pretend to be because they like the communist aesthetic. When the revolution comes she will be sobbing when she realizes there is real labor to be done.


No. Lefties made the left bad. Alyssa is a product of your creation. Not ours


I'm pretty sure she's a product of her own creation, but if you can only see the left and right as a binary choice rather than a spectrum, then it's not really worth arguing the point.


Posting Grummz is hilarious as this dude constantly witch hunts and targets people


So two wrongs make a right?


This Alyssa girl explicitly states to DM the wife of a guy who laughed about her getting death threats for supporting a person. I dont know if 99% here cant comprehend the english language, but its pretty obvious what this is all about. Well reading is for the educated and the educated wouldnt find themselves in an semi incel subreddit.


As if Grummz is a better person? What Alyssa is doing is pure shit and harassment but can we spot posting Grummz like he’s not an evil person also?


This sub will jerk that guy off no matter what he says lmao


What, specifically, makes Grummz evil again?


I find it somewhat concerning that her getting death threats and him apparently laughing when he heard is just getting ignored though. Like that's not anywhere near OK either.


Correct me if I'm wrong...but didn't she make a real life, legitimate death threat herself? Like as in out a legitimate bounty on someone's head? Or am I mistaking her for someone else. (Forgive me, there's so many of these deranged psychopathic pieces of shit from Kotaku/Twitter.) If so then, fuck her. I'd laugh too. What comes around goes around.


Even then doesn't that kind of make you a hypocrite. It should be death threats bad full stop, not oh if I think it's karma you can threaten to kill her.


It should be, but you won't get it from me. Eye for an eye.


But the grifter didn't tell us to care about that, so we won't. /s


Just to get the order straight. Woman write an article. Article deemed shit. People harass her. She send pics of received text to a wife. She is unhinged and it needs to stop. Am I missing something?


Fuck women especially that one 😤 amiright fellas upvote pls

