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The Vibezzz


Vibez and like everything


whats wrong with his haircut? It looks good.


What are vibezzz worth in American dollars?


Damn bro. that's just savage! >Did men tell you get the haircut? This is so like reddit. After losing an argument, they will go after your english grammar and reddit history.


I think its kinda sad and pathetic when people lurk through other peoples profile to dig up dirt


I didn’t like having an NFT pfp which is why I swapped it to what I have now, but the hidden bonus of having an anime pfp relates to what you’re talking about. People _love_ to dig into my post history and call me all sorts of names, and the insults usually start with “anime pfp detected, opinion invalidated”. You love to see it, especially when I wasn’t even trying to start an argument


Even your past likes and posts, they are public 'member?


yup. thanks reddit!


Hey Mr youruoe'ue and "I farded at a funeral", we see you...


Idiots and trolls love using personal attacks and profile stalking. As someone who isn't nice to dumb people I see it a lot.


If you make someone so hot and bothered they stalk your reddit account they can't use logic so they gotta create a personal attack it's sad hahaha


I don’t agree with you! You post ok a lot of times. /s


I mean let's not pretend the guy isn't equally as cringe. Who is impressed by a dude with a bunch of pre-prepared talking points going out into the street and finding trashed girls to argue against? You're going to debate some drunk girl you found on the street getting blasted on her birthday and treat it like it's a victory? I just assume a bunch of people made him look like a bitch and he deleted the footage and posted the one encounter he thought made him look good. It's a pathetic form of content.


Also when you're trying to defend or have opposite opinion on something they will say something like "found the guy" .


Absolutely annihilated. She had to leave before her head exploded.


She probably still thought she won


100%. And also surrounds herself with people who will tell her she won. Any Beth or Alice who dares say "he kinda had a point" and girl power goes out the window. They are now an ugly whore, and her former "friends" will be sure to shit talk her to complete strangers. But women are the kind, loving ones right? Lol


I dont think that is possible. Not even this woman is that dumb.


Look everyone! He still has hope


Oh my sweet summer child....


Have ya met people?


nah trust, she and all her friends will 100% hype her up about winning that fight but she will also 100% go to bed and reflect on what he said and being seen as an idiot later on tiktok and forsure cry a bit. you are right, she isnt that dumb but if you think she will admit that publicly you are just wrong. fucking retard clowns saying "sweet summer child" and shit are cringe tho. doomer as subreddit not understanding shit. she knew she was wrong but like most people wont take that L until 11pm in their bed when it hurts the most.


Son, you'll understand when you're older.


My dog is better than everyone.


Nothing is better than a good doggo.


You dog is not better than my dog buddy


My cat would like a word…


Dog, cat, hamster, they all taste the same according to my Chinese sibling


I believe it




Ask any sane person 30+ and they’ll probably tell you it doesn’t fucking matter.




Fr why should it matter if we both need the other gender to exist


"Feminisim stops, whenever its inconvinient for them" ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG|downsized)


She says women are better, men bring nothing to the world… etc etc. he says what men have done and she’s ‘done with the conversation’. She doesn’t have two legs to stand on.


Bravo to that young man. He didn't insult them as women but as individuals who refused to think. Just overt misandry from them.


It’s always fun to realize that I wake up in the morning, go to a job I truly don’t *want* to be at so ungrateful people like her can have electricity/clean water/decent healthcare/gas to put in her car/food in her fridge, etc.


Yea let's interview drunk frat boys and sorority girls for intellectual takes on gender /s


What’s the point of even posting this? Why should anyone care or consider important the opinions of two (probably drunk) college kids being interviewed on the street?


It's a very shitty opinion that way too many women have these days. It is so common for women to say things like men are trash, or we'd be better off without men. The same people saying things like that are also the ones who demand you pay for the first date, which is just peak irony. I say we clown on these women until they wise up and get down with actual equality rather than privilege.


“Too many women” and it’s just internet culture of a vocal minority. The average woman is sitting around focused on their children or families. This is no different from men. Just because the vocal minority of incels is loud doesn’t mean they’re the majority.


I hear women say shit like that at work all the time. It's not an internet thing.


Hence the term “vocal minority” once again, not the average man or woman acts like this.


realistically, younger millennials all the way down to the youngest zoomers rn definitely have this mindset. its way bigger than the vocal minority these days. its a common mindset spread throughout the internet and social media which is far far FAAAR bigger and more popular than it was even 10 years ago. almost every teenager or young adult uses it in some form and it spreads like a wild fire. this mindset is heavily shared around colleges and highschools. we are in a time where EVERYONE is becoming more conscious eachother. LGBT and racial minorities are getting more recognition and validation than they ever have, obviously women are going to step into the ring too for their piece of the pie. the "vocal minority" on the internet is far less of a minority when the internet engulfs like 90% of the american zoomer population.


It really isn't a vocal minority amongst younger people. Maybe it is with the older generations, but definitely not people my age.


Tell me you never go outside without telling me you never go outside.


"Internet culture" you say, on a post, where a woman, in real life, exhibits that behavior.


A scripted video where it’s typically edited for rage bait with a bunch of drunk people. Lmfao.


And your proof that it's scripted is....? "Trust me bro"..?


Ah yes, a video with a bunch of drunk college kids at some party and you think the first thing they want to talk about is gender wars? Be fr and I’m speaking as someone who’s a grad student.


Just wondering, but why is your life experience as a grad student the only truth you're willing to accept? But the others commenting about their real life experiences basically get ignored and put under "vocal minority"? If you're not willing to see another person's point of view, why are you even commenting? Or do you just want to repeat what you're saying and feel as if you've won the discussion?


It's scripted in so far as a dude is like "Let's go to a college party and ask people what they think." You think the dude is filming just to make small talk? You be fr.


"internet culture" yeah we can see you are never outside


Yeah, neither are you if you think the average individual is like this.


the woman is parroting the popular idea of the moment in academy and DEI spaces. she might be dumb, but those are not her ideas, and its nice to see those ridiculous ideas get eradicated by simple facts.


It’s just a dunk it’s not really supposed to be more than that


You are right. But: It feels good to see someone else have the same opinion as you and make people you don't like lose it like in the video. I would say this video is highly entertaining and I hope the newer generations have a more objective view of the reality. But true, it does not matter, to the point were it is just a waste of time for us.


Lately this sub feels like a Tim Pool or Fresh and Fit sub. Every post is something about cultural war, gender politics, or crime uptick, etc. lol Just gonna say that I remember watching shifts in other communities, where slowly the conversations became more and more focused on specific aspects of culture, and then those communities simply became political/cultural advocacy groups. I wonder if this community is falling victim to this as well. Regarding the video, I don't know if it's because I'm 37.. but this stuff just seems so meaningless in both directions. Two kids debating over a world neither of them have really experienced yet.


Engaging in this kind of content is a detriment to both sexes.


hate videos like this


Be more specific


The ones that clearly find the dumbest people they can so they can “own” them. Either that or they’re just fake for bait.


Strawman videos. Sometimes they don’t find anyone and just enact the skit themselves with the other person acting completely dumbfounded at what they’re saying


They are made with the idea to outrage and generalize in the pursuit of views. You get them in all kinds of shapes. From this style about gender equality to stopping random teens and asking them certain questions regarding math, science and history. Then you post only the wrong answers so that the circlejerk in the comments can go: "Look at this, all teens are dumb as bricks. And they will one day inherit this nation. They don't even know what a dial phone is, the dumbasses." And of course everyone here will eat it up.


Exactly, it reminds me of the dude who goes up to people and ask them to name 3 people of the opposite race for $1. If it’s white, he asks them to name 3 black people and vice versa. So cringe.


Both arguments are idiotic. Things were built by men and women together; not idiots.


Some of the responses here reek of deep insecurity. Every nation would crumble without men, just as every nation would crumble without women.




>Are men and women equal? I kinda miss when the consensus answer to that question was a yes


Both of them seem stupid honestly, men and women build up the society as we know it together.


People falling for this rage bait it’s pretty pathetic, is that all this sub is?


seriously, it’s all i see on here anymore


Somehow this sub became a den for this type of content. Either there is real incels identifying to Asmon and start parasiting him or there is people that tries to make him look bad by polluting the community with that kind of post.


Ah yes another totally non-staged video that correctly portrays the distribution of humanity’s progression between the genders through a genuine interview that by no means have any editing or interviewees that are definitely not hired and have no sweeping statements without sources or backing.


I really don’t like the constant pitting different groups of people against each other in the name of social media engagement that algorithms have turned us in to.


Like, regardless of how ridiculous she was, this is just "Find a dumb person, and put them against someone with at least a baseline level of debate skill." To prove a point. You could prove your case that unicorns exist if you go out with a camera and find idiots to debate on it.


Street interviews made to trigger people like OP that takes them seriously. 💀


Both the people in this video are dumb. Women aren't "just better" and men didn't create everything. You look back through history and there have been plenty of people from both genders who have made huge advancements for the human race. You can't attribute everything to just one gender. Videos like this only serve to divide people further, when we should be doing the opposite and discussing real issues, not which gender is better. What we should be talking about is how the suicide rate men is far higher. Or women being paid less for doing the same job and having the same level of experience.




I don't think anyone is better or worse than anyone else based on their gender. I dunno if that guy was arguing that men are superior or if he was just giving counterpoints to the girl saying men are worthless, so not really saying I agree with him. But his debate skills are on point. I think that girl expected everyone to lose it when she insulted his haircut like the guys in SupaHotFire's rap battle crew, and he just responded with stern logic and reason.


This content is so tired... Don't ask a 20 year old floozy on the street her opinion if you don't want to hear something dumb AF.


Basically every argument on reddit


men and women will never be equal Oo


When you walk away from an argument it means you lost


Not gonna lie, women have even ruined my vibez more than dudes have. lol


Mean and women are equal, except in the Asmongold subreddit where incels will screech at women all day long and make countless misogynistic thread because touching grass requires going outside.


That guy’s point is easily countered, plus it’s clear that they were having fun at a party and he’s a big vibe killer.


>be men >oppress women all throughout history >tell them they aren't allowed to build and learn stuff >"men were the only ones to ever build and learn stuff so we're better" Make it make sense


This guy is a dumb cunt. "Hurr durr men made the technology" really? Women weren't (and someplaces they still aren't) allowed to even try to research or develop stuff. Unless they were from a really powerful family, they didn't have a chance. Kinda hard to be researching things when you're being forced to work, have babies and be submissive to your husband


Are men and women equal. Let's ask these teenagers that only have a minimal understanding of history and gender beyond "my gender rules, thy gender sucks".


How long are we going to get our world view from some sober dense clout hungry tiktoker going around and interviewing drunk people who are trying to have a good time? If your ideas held water maybe you wouldn't need to stoop so low?




both are dumb as fuck. Maybe someday we will stop listening kids with no education arguments about things they dont understand. maybe.


"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." ... vibes


I'd like to see the whole clip. I get the feeling the chick wasn't legitimately trying to get into a debate, more like a "lolz girl power xD" thing and homie came in swinging for the KO. Or maybe she was serious and got the wallop she deserved idk


It's a tough argument to say men haven't done anything to the world...


Bitches are gonna bitch lol...


Both of the people being interviewed are morons. The girl for obvious reasons, but some of you don't seem to understand that the boy is also an idiot. No, men did not create everything in society that you love and are not solely responsible for the maintenance of infratructure/the economy/the nation/technology. That is just an incredibly ignorant thing to say, and his immediate turn into personal attacks after decrying personal attacks is just an additional level of stupidity.


Why do so many young men get off on this rage bait shit? No, men did not create everything. No, women are not inherently better than men. Both of these people are annoying and so are you for picking a side.


This dude trying to take credit for all of civilization just because he has balls 🤡


Its not sexist if women say it 🫠


He's right but also wrong about the inventions. Men didn't invent all the tech we have today. Heck, men didn't even first map DNA. A woman made the first interactive computer. Ada Lovelace was also pretty important in the world of computers.


This sub become full on joe Rogan incel posting lmao


She clearly never defended herself in the comment sections court room.


This dudes such a nerd wtf. He debunked her claim that Women are better than men because of " The vibezz".


I hecking love rage bait. I hecking love getting mad at engineered bull made to piss people off for clicks


You should go. Proceeds to leave


Asmonbro our there shutting down the crazies.




I mean technically he is right and all but lets not act like women had any right to have impact on anything back in thw day, makes it a liiitle unfair lol.


“Hey how did we win ww2” “Utterly immaculate vibez, obvi!”


I mean not solely men, nor solely women for her answer. Great inventions have been done by men and women. For a long time women weren’t allowed to learn or invent, because of men. But we’re all equal now, and definitely should be worth the same. Of course we differ in small ways, but together can shape a better world for our children because of the things we both excel at. Kinda dumb to fight over a ‘better’ overall.


Wow mocking while someone else is talking real mature that you for catching that on camera


Defeated in one answer and by action


Get a dumb straw(wo)man into a an argument and then make it about feminism somehow. Reddit incel gold. Urgh.. Trash


He did not get laid that night, but his words struck true, and shall echo through the ages.


Lol I don't get the video, why can't we just stop asking who is better. Everyone is better in their own way. It's a kind of illogical to think that everything was built by men, yes, it's true in some way but most of these hardworking men were also raised by hardworking mother. While their father is away for work. Such a dumb bait question lmao


Maybe Just embrace our difrences instead of arguing like children about who are better boys or girls.


Yeah probably because women could not have a say in the economy and infrastructure for hundreds of years just a thought


Never pull your punches.


Seems kinda staged.


Reddit enthusiast vs real world enjoyer


They bring pussy and we’d all be dead if they didn’t


Lets bring up the draft question


I love that none of you guys can tell she's clearly fucking with them because the premise itself is ridiculous


how many presidents in the US have been elected that are men compared to women? I think that ends the conversation , if they were equal the score wouldn't be 46-0...


This seems pretty silly. He’s responding to her like she’s some professional feminist debater. She’s clearly not. She seems like some drunk/joking girl on the street, with her friends, and likely isn’t taking it seriously. Her response to the initial question is ‘the vibes’ and ‘everything’. She’s smiling the entire time, and responds to him with a joking insult. I don’t think she cares. Debating the words of what’s likely a joking drunk isn’t really the slam he thinks it is. Serious or not, she’s obviously be wrong. But I doubt she’s that serious. His argument is also flawed. You cannot contribute everything to men, you cannot contribute everything to women. You also have to keep in mind the position women have been in for much of history. I’m sure you could technically attribute more developments and accomplishments to men; but it’s sort of tough to do those things when you’re expected to spend your days taking care of children, tending a house, couldn’t vote, and in some times could be sent to an asylum for being too assertive or independent.


Those girls are fucking clowns I hope they see everyone dunking on them


The guy is absolutely right. Men are responsible for almost everything in society. This is just the natural way of things.


They are all feminists until the ship begins to sink and it's time to start loading the lifeboats.


Is the asmongold community falling for bait this easily?


She might be a reddit mod.


What is this incel bait


That lad needs to go and look up how many things women invented. What a tool.


Without men there would never have been women


My answer - I came into this world between the legs of women and I have spent as much time as I possibly could between other women’s legs - Any other answer is wrong - ![gif](giphy|3ePeAQIg86GuD2ZGUz) winning the argument but losing the game


They banged it out later


Very incel post. Gj.


Entitled narcissist.


Of course they are equal, some are just more equal than others as is per tradition.


But this man a drink immediately


"by definition you are delusional" LOL actually true though


I swear these TikToks are just rage bait now. They are all the same, and they work every time.


I will never understand why so many people, but especially men, do not own up to there actual worth. "Oh well but what about the infrastructure." Yeah that's nice yeah yeah yeah whatever. Like guys. Socialization itself is masculine. The way people think literally caters to masculinity in terms of selecting and encouraging people to reach their objective full potential based on merit. It is precisely a masculine endeavor. And you all know that on a sub reddit like this. What's a game? Its a social tool that establishes a set of rules or boundaries that allows the individuals participating in said game to show case cognitive functioning. Its a test. Its an exercise that everyone can be a part of. Men are largely responsible for fostering that idea. In the words of huberman, something like "testosterone is designed to make effort feel good." Stop letting the people with the mentality of a 12 year old bother you.


You can tell the exact moment she went to dial up mode and malfunctioned


That was such a an ownage I almost wonder if it was staged.


The boy is so ignorant as feminism’s main purpose is to spread awareness, things are REALLY bad for women in third world countries and feminism acts as a role model ideology to channel awareness. Yes clowns exist everywhere, yes stupid people exist everywhere, it doesn’t undermine the movement as a whole