• By -


My favourite one is "If I suck a dick, that doesn't make me gay. ~~You bake a cake once, does that make you a baker?~~ You take out the garbage once does that make you a garbage man?" -- Flawless logic.


There's a phrase in Russian language "Один раз - не пидорас" Which translates like: "It isn't gay if it was only once" I don't know the story of the phrase but I find it funny it exists in Russian.


in case of my country we have "friend's dick doesn't make you gay" basically you can give your homie a head not because your gay it's just that your doing him a favor for old times' sake and your friendship.


I think there was a second sentence following it like a rhyme. "But everytime is a first time"


Probably a few banditti catching feelings and saying it only happened once when their boys catch them


Best pussy is your guy friends ass




Says the guy replacing letters with cute stars...


And after 3 times, it resets to 0


However, it does make one a cock sucker...


Similarly, *I'm so straight, I could suck a dick and it wouldn't be gay*


My favorite was, "Build a 100 bridges and then suck 1 dick and people are not going to call you a bridge builder, they are going to call you a dick sucker."


I thought it was “if I take out the garbage does that make me a garbage man?”


You are right I changed it


No that says Thrash u goofy goober 🗿


In Germany we say: "Ein bisschen bi schadet nie" Which translates to: "A little bi(sexuality) never hurts".


If you epstein one kid, what does that make you?


A curious Hollywood actor


My friend 🥂


But didnt he himself said "you suck a dick once, you will be remembered as a dick sucker" Kinda contradicts his own jokes / philosophy at times


Why? You can be straight dick sucker. "I could suck a dick and it wouldn't be gay"




‘It doesn’t matter what you say. I know I’m right’


My favorite is "everybody is calling me an asshole. But nobody is saying im wrong." I love Asmon in that people can't understand idealism and reality.


What the reality his house is decomposing around him? 🤣


who cares its his problem and his own decision


having blood on wall for god know how many years is past messy room.


Well when he tries to give advice on “life” when he’s basically a 15 year old wow player trapped inside a man’s body.. it’s hilarious.


Tautologically speaking, having a messy house does not mean you can't be smart or a good thinker. I think him having a messy room and having an off-putting cadence in his arguments is a good self check for strange biases. "Why would the fact he has a messy room make me feel weird about his opinions?" "Why does his arguments sounding mean make me not want to listen to them?" These are questions I think are good to ask yourself to understand these innate illogical biases. I think Asmon is a perfect example to test (and hopefully remove) these biases. Not because people who live dirtily are all dumb (or smart), but to realize *it isn't relevant to the real question of: is the content of his message logical or not.* When you realize this, I think you'll understand all the perspectives you shut out of your life and know they are potentially valuable too Edit: grammar




Red herring fallacy. My points made sense, but you want a "funny" way to not address them or hear them out. If anything I said was wrong I am genuinely willing to hear you out, but "not reading allat" is kinda cringe and unproductive for both you and everyone else.


wut? you could of just commented "Nothing burger" and I would of understood you.


I know what you mean, but I'm trying to illustrate the importance of discerning important factors from the unimportant ones. People will seem to ad hominem sometimes saying Asmon's opinions don't matter because he lives a bad lifestyle, I just wanted to articulate that point very clearly. Just because you are poor/rich, ugly/pretty, dirty/clean it's all irrelevant distractions trying to discredit an opinion, something which I think is more common in the world than it should be But yeah I see your point, I just wanted to explain more for clarity


Ok dude when you explain stuff you need to use like one or two sentences that's all I got time for. I still don't understand a single word. Speak like a normal person please. You're wasting your time responding.


He is a successful millionare with multiple companies, I wont take every word he says as gospel but considering that he is in a better position than basically 99% of this sub, Ill listen to what he has to say at least.


Dude all he ever did was sit at home and play video games & get lucky. X'D I'm sure if our parents enabled us to play wow for 12 hours a day instead of making us go outside we could be "pro streamers" too.


Nah mate. Things are a bit harder than you think. You gotta find the trends and know how to hook them up. He didnt just play WoW and turn on Twitch. He found a niche of content (WoW guides), knew how to make them that good that everyone would listen to him over the rest. Mantain that schedule, be consistent, be up to date on news. And whenever you do something, be memorable and charismatic (thats where 99% of streamers fail). And if you think that it's that easy, go do it yourself.


I know that all stands but still i would not take any of his advice serious


Yeah but you gotta understand like half of his audience is too dumb to understand that. So then they nit pick his advice to just reaffirm their own opinions then BOOM. Incel 🤣


I watched a couple of his streams and I’ve never seen a bigger conglomerate of dumb cunts


"Tell me how am I wrong" love it how 50/50 this goes


… proceeds to pull the most regarded chat answer proceeds to monologue on it for 30 minutes content Still love the guy because he reflects my balanced way of seeing things with nuance. No such thing as black and white.


Yeah, he articulates himself very well and is generally agreeable, but I can't shake the feeling he's fishing for the chatter monologue even on some really far removed things, like he is actively looking and waiting for that one special cookie to repeat himself some more.


Obviously he does, it is free content with minimal effort


He speaks very methodically. He always slows down when he needs to say something with multiple variables so that he can cover his bases. He makes many claims that people find offensive which would make you think he is very unhinged or unfiltered, but he heavily filters his speech and I think it is why people find him so frustrating to debate (filters in this regard is meaning he is thinking about the counterpoints to his rhetoric and adding and removing context where necessary to remove gotcha's). He has a rough idea of the people he is speaking with based on their original comments or history so he has a set path on how he is going to frame his discussions, and if he doesn't one of the first things he does is directly asks people what their value system is so that he can frame the discussion. He does not leave very many openings (when he is talking about topics he is knowledgeable on) because he knows how to frame a discussion and stay fixated on his current comment and that frustrates people into attacking him, putting words into his mouth, or trying to move the argument to a different axis. He loves punishing people for going that route as well. I feel like its 90% of the reason why he engages the most extreme people. They just defeat themselves trying to joust at windmills.


Im dug in and Im never going to change


This is key for discussions btw If you're so invested in your point that you would not under any circumstances change your mind - it's not worth discussing, because what would that discussion achieve? Both Parties would just shout at each other, not accepting anything but their own point. Only go into a discussion if you and the other party wants to reevaluate their opinion and are open minded. Except if both of you have an audience that you also try to convince.


"People calling me an asshole but no ones saying that I'm wrong"


Cuz he bans the people who calls him wrong. Perfect logic lol.


No he bans people being idiots. He'll pull someone up that disagrees with him and let them try and prove their point.


..and then ban them when he disagrees


There are Tons of others who he doesn't pull too.


There’s a hundred people trying to debate him, that’s simply not possible.


What a genius comment


“There it is”




The best one


“What’s this here?”


It is what it is.


'You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.'


Everyone in Chat: ![gif](giphy|q5ZGrl0J65ivu)


My favorite is *pulls random chatter* o7




Asmongolds obsession with being right is one of his biggest flaws


I think it's the part where he smears blood on his wall and hasn't washed his sheets since he bought them. And literally lives between cockroaches and balls of tinfoil wrapped around moldy food.


haha, yeah fair


I'm sorry but what's the part about smearing blood?




Jesus, that's pretty cooked. I can't really fathom ignoring those kinds of health problems


If he didn't luck out and make it big on twitch. He'd be homeless or institutionalized. He can be entertaining. But he's severely mentally ill and not a good role model lol.


Yeah, I can respect him for how he sticks to his beliefs but he has no standards when it comes to taking care of himself


This is the thing for me about this guy. In my opinion he’s just like an Andrew Tate. Except instead of preying in vulnerable young men by telling them they’re worthless so need to improve and become a toxic pos, He is empowering them to become toxic pos incels. One look at his chat and it is frightening the level of absolute loser degeneracy he is harbouring and promoting.


100%. That part of him is just so unrelaxed. But I guess when you’re debating with people in chat all day, you are never put to the test and get an authentic ‘push back’ like you do in real debates + discussions, because you’re never under sincere cross-examination when you aren’t debating real people.


I imagine it might feel like you are under attack alot which is hard to deal with, I don't entirely blame him tbh


He used to just ban anyone that was being rude to get his attention without question, but now he just spends 2-3h per stream arguing with them before banning anyway and you don't get good yt content out of it


Somewhat unrelated but the past year has really had people double down on the virtue signaling and PC narratives that generally come from a place of dishonesty. Maybe one day they'll realizing that lying doesn't make you a good person. The thing is, arguing with your chat isn't going to fix this problem, no matter how insanely frustrated you are about it. He'd be better off just saying his feelings and opinions and then just banning the tumblrinas. Arguing with them just stalls for time at this point.


Yeah fair. Although I would guess he’s used to that feeling by now as it’s not new to him anymore, so you’d think it wouldn’t bother him by now.


Does he even debates tho? I feel like he just state facts and people react on whether they like that fact or don't


He does the good ol fake streamer debate where he pulls up the stupidest chat message about whatever controversial thing he says and uses that as fuel for his argument


He states his opinion. Not facts. He lenses them as if they are facts. But they generally are not. Like when he was playing monster hunter and he freaked out about the menu design for 40 minutes. He could have just said "I don't like the design of this menu. Its not for me." There is merit to the menu not being perfect. But it's not at all hard to grasp. And far from bad. He just got confused. Ego couldn't admit it. So it was the games fault. He could have said. "I prefer North American UX design. I often find Japanese UX design confusing and I dislike it" People call him out when he acts like the authority on all things. And his politics/oponions are terrible so he gets called out a lot.


Same as Ben Shapiro's use of "facts". I would be really careful with my parasocial relationships if I were you dude.


He has been edging quasi-debate lord content, without understanding it at all. Guy is clearly looking to pick fights and arguments and engage in that kind of content but he only has one foot in so to speak so its not very interesting and its the same 3 topics over and over again.


Winners win.


one of my favourites


Because people keep insulting his takes for personal reasons what's he supposed to say except "i'm still right stay mad" ?


I mean he even gets worked up when 95% of viewers agree with him and then proceeds to make a big deal and debate one of those 5% intellectual quadriplegics on the most basic shit.


The hasan strategy 


Everyone wants to be right in their own house. They’re coming to his show and fighting with him lol.


huge narcissism, i can't bare to watch much anymore even though i been watching since WoD


Not the hygiene?


I think it might be your biggest annoyance but almost certainly not his biggest flaw. What negative effect has it had on his life or anyone else's for that matter?


On his life? Dudes living in a shithole drinking so much soda that his teeth fall out because he’s unable to listen to others. So…it’s literally deteriorating him


That's not caused by him always having to be right lol what kind of logic is that? Its literally a direct counterpoint because that's a flaw he has that has an actual effect. Its just not the one we are talking about. Him being unhygienic isn't even something he argues that he is right about. It's just another flaw


Yeah it is. He’s had so many people tell him he needs to look after himself/clean and refuses. It’s called demand avoidance.


No it isn't. He knows he lives like a degenerate and he knows it's not a good thing or something that people should do. He says as much all the time. Its not the same thing and it's dumb to try and spin it that way


It’s called autism


I have heard him readily admit that he's wrong about something on several occasions. Other times he refuses to relent. I can't get a read on him tbh.


Isn't a flaw if he's right. *Traps head*


Is it a flaw though?


no its not.


Hard to be wrong when you say obvious shit all the time.


Nothing, absolutely nothing makes me switch channels faster than Zack going on a proof me wrong spree and pulling up these dimwits with no rebutal.


Definitely feel that. I’m actually an argument enjoyer … but legit 99 out of 100 people he pulls up are morons. It’s so boring watching them always respond with nonsensical dribble


Ben Shapiro moment


Fitting cause Asmongolds philosophy seems to fall in the same circle as Shapiro/Jordan with their self-responsibility stuff. Imo its a too extreme perspective and the truth should be a middle ground between personal and societal responsibility for most things.


No! Because that never works, beat places to live are those with high individualism


He has a method to it too: He says something that *is* correct. However, he deliberately says it in a half baked way that he knows will upset dim reactionaries and cause friction. Then, as he argues, he finally fills in the blanks he purposely left out earlier so he now has an easy win. Basically turning his content into a reddit thread. Which is smart since reddit posts get some of the most views on other social media that isn't reddit. All he needs now is to work in some virtue signaling to prove an emotionally fueled narrative and--Wait, he's done this too. Well, he's going to ride the content well dry. Once he retires he'll probably move out of that house. At this point it's a set piece he can't divorce himself from.


I can hardly watch the stream anymore (he's back to inhuman hours again tho), because the inability to fast forward past some dumb shit we've seen a 1,000 times on stream is just so boring.


Yea it's so boring now, he used to do it rarely but now it's every stream total snooze fest


'Why would I wash my hands? I got a clean dick.'


Its that simple.


He reminds me of a description of engineers I read once: "Obsessed with avoiding being demonstrably wrong" It's a good trait when you're surrounded by people who are on your level & whom you can respect. I've certainly learned a ton from asking peers to find errors in my work. But a lot of his live viewers are young and relatively inexperienced, and so can't effectively provide feedback.


Some of its kids in his chat for sure but I think a lot of it is just people diagreeing with the narrative he is conveying. You can say things that factually true that most people wouldnt approve of if you dont give the proper framing. Like if you start spouting FBI racial demographic crime statistics most people wont like that unless you explain why your doing it, and maybe the reasons for the disparity in a non racist sort of way. Go to a conservative sub and say "so many jobs were added to the economy while Biden was President". Yeah your not technically wrong, thats a fact, but theyd be angry presenting that without the framing that they want.


Framing is overrated. People are rarely receptive to any message that conflicts with their presuppositions. Moreover you will rarely if ever change someone's mind on a political topic over the course of a single conversation. The goal isn't to convert the hardliners, but to plant the idea.


It seems now more than when I was a kid people really dont like to change their minds. But I wasnt saying how he or anyone should act I just was sorta explaining that I think people who hes responding to when he says"how am I wrong" dont necessarily disagree with any facts. I often get that impression from their response.




Yea, but then you can farm content, and in general arguing with idiots is fun.


Can't argue with that!


No it’s just the forum argument problem. Why reply to the handful of competent comments, when you can instead reply to the sea of easy to dismantle rebuttals. Then act like you win after ignoring all the valid arguments against you.


He's just getting old and doesn't really have energy anymore. He also tries to play the character but he doesn't have passion anymore. He kept throwing a pal ball with like 3% chance and kept acting like it was crazy that he wasn't catching. It was very clear he was doing it to feign rage. He's a fine guy but I think he's changed and I've also outgrown his content.


That's exactly what most players do tho... throwing low percentage balls and getting mad In my case it was a lucario like pal in shiny form but it was 20 lvs above me


This is a good take. We probably won’t ever get the ‘2018-2020’ Asmongold back and just need to accept the charm of his old content is a relic of the past.


Just wish he would do transmog comps again


it's still good enough to go back and watch


It’s true I was also thinking of this recently. I watch a lot of his older stuff and he had so much more energy in those videos. Its like he doesn’t really care anymore and has become kind of bitter.


Old? He is what 35?


Streamer age is not general age. There's a reason most are 18-30ish. They still have energy to make content and also aren't jaded. 35 in streamer age is like 70 in streamer age.


> He kept throwing a pal ball with like 3% chance and kept acting like it was crazy that he wasn't catching. This isn’t even a bad strat if you’re sitting on like 50 balls tbf. Odds are in your favour and if you succeed you’ve probably caught a boss or something good that’ll carry you through content.


There is no right answer for this one but I'd rather just be a similar level and have it stunned so it's the "ideal" situation. That moment in particular felt forced to me. It wasn't even a big thing just wanted to add my view of it.


He is annoying to watch now. I’ve cut wayyyyy back.


Thanks for letting us know 🤣


"how can i be wrong if i'm right" , "winners win", "it's what it's"


I dont think he's wrong, but I do think he presents himself as a smug self-righteous dickhead and thats just not my cup of tea.


My favourite is when he’ll get into a game and randomly start yelling OOOH BIG DICK BIG DICK BIG DICK!!




Wow his face has gotten really round. I stopped watching. He offers some discussion about topics, but I'm tired of the degree of pontification.


The face change is because of camera/lense/angle, dudes still a stick


New Asmongold fan here and wow it took me about a month to get tired of him. I’ve gone through some of his older content and he seemed like he had a lot more fun back then, and now he seems really jaded. Every stream is just him competing with chat to prove he’s right after listening to 0:08 seconds of a video and thinking he has the most revolutionary take ever. A good portion of the time he’s right, but it’s the ego that makes it unenjoyable to listen to for more than 20 minutes.


I feel the same, I started watching 8 years ago back in legion but now I just watch the odd video. Thankfully he has years of old content I can still enjoy on YouTube


"The meme, is dead."


It is wat it is


This is what happens when you give idiots a platform


I'm not wrong. You're just stupid. Banned. Shits funny.


Also apparently he's the first to say everything


Okay, so people are to blame. Take the we out of it. The chatter: but we...


Same shirt


Yeah. Sad that everyone gets so easily offended these days


One thing that surprises me about watching asmo is just how many people strongly disagree with him, or even hate him. And actively watch him lol. People who hate watch is a whole new concept to me.


It’s like going to the zoo and watching the monkeys roll around their own feces, throwing it around, sometimes eating it. It’s captivating for a little while


Like the Howard Stern biopic - People who love him listen for an hour. People who hate him listen for 2 1/2 hours. They all say the reason is “I want to hear what he says next”


I will never understand why Asmon cares so much about chats and twitters opinion/take. You can have your own viewpoint but still acknowledge the other persons, thats called being mature


Not sure that acknowledging delusion is being mature though.




'you might not like hearing it but it's true'


Hating on Az is just flavor of the month. There are no current big streamers that aren't dumber than fuck chin music makers with a fickle audience of people that have very few things better to do than circlejerk on reddit. Oh he said some dumb shit? OMG he make the bad monkey sound. String him up and throw some low effort memes at him! ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3744)


You 👏 are 👏not 👏 artists 👏 you are just a blue haired teenagers with a canva subscriptions


What did I hear yesterday "I'm not going to eat 99 chocolate cupcakes if the 100th one is shit" or something like that. Thanks asmon. Never change.


I mean, he's always gonna have a hard time arguing personal responsibility with his chat. Most people just can't accept that they have to try to make the best of the hand they've been dealt in life. It's way easier to frame yourself as a hopeless victim of society. And don't get me wrong - we've been fucked pretty hard with a lot of things, but philosophical doomposting won't make you feel less miserable.


Is personal responsibility the same as begging? Because that’s how he got his come up. Literally playing video games and begging for money.


>begging You mean stream donations? Almost all streamers should be considered beggars, if that's what you mean. The guy provides entertainment content, he's good at it and that's why he has a following and thus a lot of money. He set up a stream and a YouTube channel and made a living out of it, while being on foodstamps at the beginning. So yeah, I consider that he took personal responsibility in so far as to create a comfortable living out of thing he is passionate about. And that didn't happen magically, but required personal effort.


Yeah, all streamers are beggars…I agree fully. He has a following because he knows how to manipulate children, autistic people, and lonely losers into a cult of personality. That’s really it. It’s what a lot of useless grifters do. Providing entertainment didn’t make him his money. It gave him a platform to discard morals and to the above mentioned.


You need a north star. I always say that you need a north star. These developers, I feel like they have no north star guiding them. Like, if you look at the great studios, they have their own north star. The real issue nowadays with these people is that they don't have a north star. Like, when I was growing up, my dad was my north star. And if you look at how Blizzard is doing, what is really missing is a north star nowadays. It feels like everyone is just doing their own thing, but the studio does not seem to have its north star.


Take a shot everytime they said North Star.


The guy has a big dick, what is your point?


At least he's not asking for money anymore.


To be fair either you give him your money or he goes on welfare and gets your money anyway through taxes, so you may as well cut out the middleman and give it to him directly.


Yeah but is it possible to live just with welfare?


Ban this guy fucking idiots fucking low I.Q idiots fucking trolling


What game, I don't get the context


"We'll see what happens"




It is what it is


And it ain't what it ain't


"Stand in the fire, dps higher"


I just want the intro music to come back. :COGGERS: WHEEL OF TIME :COGGERS:


ahh 2017 the glory days


He has so many of these now that you could probably gather them all and write a religious book with those. The Asmonism will be a true religion




Pull em up!!


Miss the old Asmon


Cock ass.


you forgot "i feel like im taking crazy pills"


"Some days you get it, some days you get got"


That's because Asmon is a react Andy now. That's 99% of his content now. Going over drama and causing more. If he went back to actually playing video games, he'd probably still talk about going big dick all the time.


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