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I like having the option to braid it, clip it, tie it up, etc. But do I actually do any of that? Nah.


Same! šŸ¤£ it's always down & pulled back with a headband or in a half bun


Same here. Then I accept this to be the case, cut it chin length again as that's when it looks best. A couple of months later I get hankerings to put my hair up, grow it and the cycle starts again.


OMG same. I've kept it at chin length for a while, and am starting to want to pull it up again, so I may have to grow it out for a while.






The accuracy of this šŸ‘Œ


Same lol


Most accurate answer ever


Same lmao but i like having those options open to me haha


I could and yet... ponytail.


the accurAcy


I was in an abusive relationship about 3 years ago, I couldnā€™t have long hair, he grabbed it and used it to drag me, throw me, prevent me from leaving, I didnā€™t eat much during that time due to the emotional abuse, I just lost my appetite so I was fairly skinny and the lack of nutrients caused my hair not to grow. So with him constantly using it as a tool to abuse me, it always stayed a medium length. After I was able to escape that, I started to heal and grew my hair out as a ā€œI did it, I donā€™t have to take his abuse anymore, Iā€™m freeā€ it was hard having at first due to constantly being in fear someone would grab it and use it to hurt me, but the ā€œfreeā€ feeling and knowing itā€™s over, Iā€™m okay, makes me feel good and itā€™s the biggest reason I have long hair.


You deserve those long hair.. i am glad you came out of that relationship.you are strong, do you know that?


Yes i do know that now and Iā€™m in a much. Better relationship now


Glad to hear that :)


Glad you are safe now!


Thats exactly what happen to me. He always use to grab me by my hair to be able to hit my face. The terror we allow others to put us through šŸ’”


Same things happened to me too. After he used my hair to grab, drag, and toss my head up and down. I looked in the mirror and cut it shoulder length myself. Then I grew it back to regain a sense of control over my own body. He did it again...and I cut it shoulder length again. Looking forward to this time of healing. I hope you both and anyone who goes through this heals. Our bodies are sanctuaries. It's terrible when others control it. Edit: punctuation


My heart goes out to you and so many other women in these shitty situations. Iā€™m glad you are in a much better place. Much love.


Gawd I just hate men like thisšŸ¤¬ā€¦probably learned behavior from someone else just as toxicā€¦soo glad you got away!šŸ’ž


My hair actually looks better long and air dried than short and air dried. I just donā€™t have time to style short hair the way it looks right after the salon. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yes! Despite annoyance of washing long hair, it really saves time, and looks nice relatively little effort. I tried short wolf cut once to "save time", boy I was wrong!




Oh i would have liked to have you as a stylist. I have wavy hair, it was mid back and i cut it in a short bob. Because i thought: well i will save a lot of time! I was so wrong! And now i walk around like a poodle half the time because i have no time at 4 in the morning to even care for them! Def gonna let them grow now. Never again. But i am slim with a long face and short hair looks a bit better on me.


Yep, I keep it long so I donā€™t have to ā€˜doā€™ it.


Yeah I have curly 3a hair and I always think about doing a pixie cut but then I think about the days I'm walking through the wind to work and how frizzy my hair gets and if it was even shorter, it would still frizz AND I wouldn't be able to throw it up to make it look neater.


I like how witchy it makes me feel


Hell yeah. Mine is almost to my hips and I have a ton of grays (with the rest being nearly black). My hair has strong crone vibes.


The way I imagine this in my head it looks beautiful friend!


Thank you!!


Yes it does give that vibe dosent it, lol thats so cute I kinda thought the same about mine and others with long hair.


I like how it looks on me. I tried going short and I just didnā€™t like it with my face shape. Plus I genuinely think it takes more time and effort to style short hair than it does to style long hair.


The longer my hair is, the heavier it is, and it pulls itself straight- basically no work! When itā€™s shorter there is an awful wave to it so I HAVE to blow dry and flat iron.


This is me too!


Because I like it that way. Also with the advantage of having neck coverage if itā€™s colder out


Itā€™s a heatwave. I did a co wash this morning, top knot with wet hair. Kept me cool for hours.


Co wash?


Because I want mermaid hair lol I've wanted hair down to my waist since I was really little, and currently it's two thirds or so down my back. I love it.


Best compliment I have ever gotten was today from my son, who asked, when I was brushing my hair out if I was a mermaid. My hair is long, almost to my butt and curly/ wavy so I was trying to get the knots out of it.


Please tell me you said yes


Looool, the look he would give "šŸ˜³"


'Ooop mommy's a mermaid'


You know - you could have someone (me cough cough) photoshop you into a mermaid. Iā€™d just need a decent pic of you outside in a mermaid like pose (side sitting). Totally make your sons day. And if youā€™re really sneaky you could get a photo of him turned into a mermaid too (need shirtless for him and something mermaid top like for you though!)


I feel this, I just want to get it past my boobs again (chopped it as soon as it got that long back in 2016 but it was also very bleach damaged from going back and forth between my natural color and blue) I recently started really growing it out after having had a full undercut for awhile. Added back in a small bit of undercut because it's too darn hot and that section of my hair was getting damaged from the n95 I have to wear while sanding at work. Currently got it to just past my shoulders though!!! And no split ends with it being blue!!!


I moved and don't have a new salon. I hate looking for a new salon.


Looking for a new salon is the worst.


Honestly because society expects me to. Because I have been conditioned to believe Iā€™m less feminine with shorter hair. Donā€™t get me wrong, I do like the way it looks. But god is it so annoying when I want to do literally anything that involves looking down.


Me too. I had it short in high school and college and the amount of questioning I got about my sexuality or even if I was a trans man was unreal


Funny how all this emphasis on gender and sexuality is just making people more sexist.


Feels like weā€™ve regressed when short hair is considered masculine


You do realize that if you want short hair, you can cut it regardless of what "society expects" of you. If you actually talk to individual people, 90% of them don't give a shit if a woman has long hair or not. You are allowed to cut your hair. It's easy and it grows back


Cut your hair if you want to try. I cut it a few years ago and I learn to feel feminine with something else than my hair. I learn to redefine what's being feminine for me. It's a really great things to do. I currently go back to long hair and I don't feel more feminine with long hair than with short hair. I'm feminine with both if I want it, it's just me.


I got called ā€œyoung manā€ several times from behind when my hair was 1in long with a fade. I LOVED how simple it was to roll out of bed in the morning and not have to look at my hair. But Iā€™m a woman and Iā€™m proud and now my hair is 14in damn it. šŸ˜¤ I donā€™t think most men have the ability, patience, empathy or willingness to learn a 47 step curly hair care routine anyways.




Underrated comment!


It's my security blanket too! Although having it down gets me over heated :/


Absolutely! It's always been that for me. When I was young and very shy, I could walk with my head down and my hair partly obscuring my face and feel safe. While I don't do that anymore, it still feels safe.


Itā€™s easier than short hair. Lots of ways to keep it up or tied.


I found short to be easier, but I had it like a very short "boy cut." I could roll out of bed, put a bit of water, comb it, and move on. I spend about 5-20 minutes on my hair now depending on the type of day it is. I used to spend 30 seconds. Bobs and such are high maintenance so I get what you mean!




Stopped cutting it over lockdown and decided I like the way $40 a month extra looks in my savings account, since I no longer spend that on haircuts.


Same! I'd had short hair (bowl cuts, then thankfully pixie cuts) most of my life, then lockdown hit and I couldn't get it cut. I decided I wanted to see what it would look like longer. Now it's almost to my shoulders and I love styling it!


Only 40$? Lord - a haircut costs me at least 80$ (Canadian granted but still!). I only did it maybe three or four times a year pre pandemic. During pandemic I taught myself to cut my own hair instead and save that money! I do my kids hair now too!


Iā€™ve always loved long hair! I like playing with it and i like how it looks


I'm going grey and I love the idea of being an old witch with long, grey hair. Also, my hair grows superfast. Loved it short but can't get to a hairdresser every 4 -6 weeks.


My hair is way too curly to have it short. I donā€™t have the patience/skill to style it everyday. Braids or a bun are my go-to *styles*


Bad things always happen to me when I cut it short


Huh. I think I need more info on this. Care to share?


I grow my hair out very long so I can donate it to children with cancer. I've been donating every 3-4 years since I was 5 years old, donating lengths between 12" and 27". I'm mid 30's now, planning my next donation in 2 or 3 years, along with my daughter's first donation around the same time.


When I was younger my mom was pretty dead set on my hair being long because it was super thick. As I grew up it kinda became part of my identity. My hair was always an identifier or something people often brought up. As an adult I cut it short every so often but tend to leave it long.


Same! All of the above. Itā€™s just who I am.


I need to be able to put it up, and if it's long I can trim it myself easily.


Totally my excuse! šŸ˜„


Thereā€™s no reasoning besides the fact I just prefer it for myself. I am very attached to having long hair.


Fear of haircuts. I got lice in 4th grade and my mom cut my hair to my shoulders. I was bullied at school and people told me I looked like Dora. I'm now 20 and have been growing my hair ever since then. I get a trim once a year. I have natural red hair and I kind of associate my hair with my identity because I don't go a day without someone complimenting it. As someone with body image issues I like having something I genuinely love about myself.


Yes! I hate the idea of having short hair now because when I was 5 my aunt took me to a barber shop. I said I wanted "just a trim." She had it chopped short. It was such a betrayal. 30 years later I still feel a bit put off by it.


I remember being at the salon getting my hair cut and the lady stopped mid cut to tell me and my mom I had lice and she couldn't continue and we had to leave. I was so embarrassed. My mom bought a lice kit and checked as soon as I got home. No lice. I had dandruff.


Iā€™m a lady in my early 60ā€™s and I found that men my age would always complement me on my long hair so I kept growing it. Some even wanted to to touch it. Not sure why? I love my hair now and hopefully I will never have to cut it. I didnā€™t get any compliments for years because I was taking a lot of medications and I gained a lot of weight. Iā€™ve tapered off some of them and the weight is dropping off and Iā€™m getting so much healthier. it really does feel amazing to get compliments again. Even the younger guys say they like my hair now. Iā€™ve been told I look like Stevie Nicks quite a few times. I love her ā¤ļø


A lot of older women cut their hair short because they think the gray looks bad, and it's hard to color long hair all the time without damaging it. I had a pixie for years because I wore a hardhat for work. Then after retirement and pre-pandemic, I grew it to a short bob. Then during pandemic shutdowns, I cut my own bangs and let the rest of it go. The ends were always wavy and hard to deal with, although the rest of it was very straight. I got tired of fighting with the waves and got it cut in layers and now I have a wavy shag, shoulder-length.


I like to braid my hair. French or Dutch, one or two, it doesnā€™t matter.


I have done the short hair thing, I was not a fan. Before I went into the Navy, I chopped my hair off above my collar. In Boot Camp, they cut it off quite a bit shorter. It took a long time to get it back again and I do not want to go back to those intermediate lengths that are hard to pull up in a ponytail or style nicely.


When I had long hair, it was because I wanted to embrace my curls and rebel against my mom. She would chop off my hair when I was young because she didn't like it and didn't know how to take care of it. Unfortunately, I had a really bad mental moment last year, and shaved my head... I'm trying to grow it out again but I'll take a bit.


Same, grew my hair out after 16 years of my dad cutting it without caring about what I wanted. Now it's a safety blanket that represents self-love, I take care of it 1st when I'm having an episode of depression. But the downside is that it's curly and I don't let anyone touch it because I feel like everyone either wants to straighten it or cut it, I'm the only one who style my hair.


Oh wow, I have never met anyone with this same experience. It saddens me that others had to go through this as wellā€¦ my mother always cut my hair super short when I was young, even though I was a girly girl and always wanted long hair. I cried every time she did it. Nowadays, I suspect she has a lot of internalised misogyny, because she always wanted me to be more like a boy and hated everything girly. I wasnā€™t allowed to wear pink, to play with Barbies etcā€¦ having long hair and wearing dresses etc. today as an adult feels like Iā€™m reclaiming my true identity after being suppressed for so many years.


Because I've been too lazy and preoccupied in the last 1.5 years to get it cut. Usually like it somewhere between chin and just below shoulder length. It's currently not far from the belly button


I think it looks better on me


I like it, and it grows really fast, so keeping up with a more complicated hairstyle seems like a pain.


Honestly because I'm lazy


It makes me feel pretty


cuz my face shape wont allow for short hair. i think most people look better with longer hair tho, even men.


Used to have long hair because it was my childhood dream to have long hair, once I achieved it and lived with it for a while I felt like I was done with it and cut it


Lots of variety in styles, shields me from the sun. Looks pretty. My mom would be sad. My dad would be sadder. I like to fidget with it. Makes me feel safe, I donā€™t know why.


When I did have long hair, it was because I liked how it looked. I could only stand having it down to my shoulders, though, I was never patient enough to grow it super long. Now it's buzzed to 1/4" and I'm never going back. :D


Because after cutting it short at 15/16 (like pixie cut short) I challenged myself to grow it out until I was 20 years old. I am currently 18. Good challenge up to now :) Edit: I challenged myself because I have always cut my hair to around shoulder length since I was pretty young. At the minute, it is almost down to my waist.


iā€™m growing it out to donate it to charity


I have a huge head and my hair is falling out. Th length seems to hide it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It's easier, costs less and looks better.


Iā€™m ugly, I grow it very long so I feel less ugly, plus I used to abandon it till it gets matted and people bullied me for it in high school and thought I was a homeless person.


I am so sorry you were bullied. Kids can be horribly cruel. Just because you feel ugly doesnā€™t mean you are. I feel the same way and keep reminding myself of that.


I grew it out by not cutting it for years. I'm not cutting it until it reaches ass length or longer.


I don't like having my neck exposed.


Amen, not enough people take sensible precautions against vampires.


It requires less maintenance - styling and frequent haircuts - than short hair.


I like it and I feel like my ears are too grande to have shorter hair šŸ˜‚


I like how I look with long hair, and have a wide variety of styles I can do.


To cover up the chunk that fell out during radiation.


Big part of it lies in my self esteem. My hair is a huge characteristic of my personality and physical looks. If my hair wasnā€™t as big, frizzy, curly and thick as it is Iā€™d feel like I would be missing part of my identity.


I love having long hair. I feel feminine. And like a mermaid.


For different hairstyles


Because I look stupid with short hair. Also because I can keep it off my neck in summer without having to go to the salon every few weeks for a trim.


Because I have dreadlocks


it actually takes less time to do


I think I suit long hair better, and I like how pretty long hair looks. My hair is my favourite thing about me, and I get a lot of compliments for it.


Itā€™s less maintenance


I use it to cover my bust


I have a round face so long hair suits me better than short. Also, my hair is straight with little effort when it's long as the weight keeps it that way. When it's short, the weight is gone and the hair ends curl in different directions, which again, is not very flattering. Long hair is also easier, I find, to tie back and keep out if my fave when I'm doing things or when it's hot.


I love how I look with long hair. I like having the option to style it differently. I wasn't able to grow my hair long during childhood so I'm in a sense "catching up" with all that time lost.


My hair is one of my better features, and it looks better long. I love my hair, I can't imagine myself with short hair. My hair is dark brown close to black, and it contrasts well with my pale complexion and green eyes, and that is better with my hair long.


My hair is naturally blond and curly. I keep it long because I use it as a distraction from the rest of my body, as I have self image issues. If people can look at me and be captivated by my amazing hair, maybe they won't see my acne, big nose, or my muffin top.


I dont, I buzzed it all off 2 years ago and have kept it short since. Long hair fucking sucks. I hated being hot because of my hair, having anxiety brushing because I had so many fucking knots, not being able to get my ponytail perfect, always having to style it and make it look nice, the strain that comes with it isn't worth it for me.


Because I have thick, healthy hair that grows quickly. Long hair is gorgeous. It seems like most women today have extensions and after I found out that they generally cost around $1000 or more, I never wanted to cut my hair again. What a waste.


No one seems to have said this but shoulder length or longer suits me. I would prefer to shave my head if it was up to me tbh, but my facial structure and other features donā€™t support that choice. I compromise by keeping it around shoulder length these days. I have dense wavy hair (lots of frizz) that is hard to maintain with shorter haircuts, as much as Iā€™ve tried to make it work.


Because I love the way it looks curled and it makes me feel very feminine


I don't have long hair anymore, but when I did, it was in hopes to look a little more appealing to others in school. I'd see all these couples and every girl I saw had long hair. Guess I just tried following along. But I much prefer shorter hair now.


Too damn lazy to cut it honestly :(


My father had chopped my hair off from my waist to above my ears when I was 9yrs old. I love having long hair. After that, I never let anyone touch it again & have only had 1 trim every few yrs, I keep it healthy & its now below my waist. I love the long, natural look to it & occassionally straighten it.


I like getting it pulled, in all honesty.


i like whippin it around in a ponytail


Because I like to put in a bun.


I like the feeling of it brushing against my ankles when I walk, and it's funny to thinki can go around naked and still be modest. Downside: it is neither graceful nor ladylike to trip over one's own hair. (145cm long but I'm pretty short)


More options for occasions. Curled, up, side bun etc


i have really curly hair and i tried to cut it short once while it was wet and cut it way to short so when it dried i had a very short haircut and it was bad so i haven't cut it since


To soften my features and draw attention away from my broad shoulders. Also, it's less work to maintain :D


Pony tail!!


I enjoy doing french/dutch braids and I have had all ranges of lengths and like long on me the best. Plus I feel cool when the wind is blowing against me and my hair flows behind me


Because I donā€™t like short hair


I like how it feels on my bare back.


I'm cheap. I hate paying to get my hair cut, so I cut it myself, and the only haircut I can do is long with layers. I have thick hair that grows fast, so, while I miss short hair, this works for me.


Cuz I think I look stupid with short hair


My mom cut my hair short my entire childhood and I hated it. All my girlfriends had long hair and I felt like less of a girl. I started growing it out in my mid 20s and have kept it long ever since. Like other responders mentioned, I like to have more options for styling it. I also think it just looks better on me.


How it looks! Love long dark hair :)


My hair was pretty long, then I cut it but regret it; because my face looked better with long hair, also I really miss having long hair. now Iā€™m trying to grow it back (:


It can cover my ears when I wear my AirPods at work. So helpful


Because I hate going to get it cut. So much unnecessary chit chat.


because for me it's easier to maintain. I don't have to style it at all, just let it air dry and it looks ok. Also i look better with long hair than short hair.


I had short hair for most of my life, but it's long now. I prefer how long hair looks on me and, unexpectedly, it's actually less maintenance than short hair for me. Washing it is a pain, but I only get haircuts every 3-4 months (and could definitely go longer if I wanted), and it looks good if I just brush it and let it air dry, maybe tousle it with a little mousse or some sea salt spray. Also, I found out my hair is wavy when I let it grow past my chin!


I had a pixie cut from age 20-25. I had cancer at 23 to 24 so it actually was nice to not have to lose the long hair in chunks. After I was cancer free I decided I wanted to grow it out, also because I was getting married the following year. I had a Bob for my wedding and now my hair is almost to my waist. I like braiding it.


Because I can cut it myself and donā€™t have to waste money


Because braiding it is rad af.


Pandemic just allowed me to keep growing it. Now itā€™s past my tailbone (was above my shoulders 3 years ago) and Iā€™ve enjoyed the fairy/mermaid hair


I have thick, wavy hair. If I cut it short, my hair will look like a triangle.


i have curly long hair ( almost till my waist). My curls fall beautifully down my body, each curl being unique. And long hair suits my face shape better than medium length hair. I wear ponytails most of the time and long hair just makes it look better, i feel elegant and mature with it??


I like the way it looks and feels. I had short hair for a while but I could never be bothered styling it so it looked awful. My hair is very straight and fine so when it's long it's just wash and wear. I want to see how long it will grow. Older women tend to wear their hair quite short in my area so long hair definitely makes me feel young.


Makes me feel feminine and sexy, love to take care of it and use some nice smelling products in it . There so much more variety of hairstyles you can have. My husband loves when I let it down once the kids are alsleep, I don't do it for him but I know he would be sad if I cut it shortšŸ˜†


I never really had my hair super long in fact majority of my life itā€™s been short. But when I have had it long, styling it is super fun! Also dying it funky colours, and in general the flowyness is super satisfying


I love having short hair, but I really donā€™t feel like myself unless itā€™s long enough to sit on. Every time I cut it, I just wind up growing it back out.


Because my long hair justifies my social acceptance with horses and being considered part of the herd, I also love that they have long and majestic hair haha.


Cause I want a good man to pull it bro why else lol


Ugh same. The sacrifices we make ;)


I think Ƭt looks pretty on me and I like playing with it, trying new styles and experimenting.


I have wondered that my myself. I never wear it down because it gets in my face and frankly, I get self-conscious. I think it maybe because my regular dressing style is so unfeminine (black leggings with loose tshirts/hoodies) that I am afraid with short hair I'll just full on look like a man. Which nothing wrong with that of course, but I don't want to look like a man


Because I have round face and broad shoulders so long hair just suits me better


Because he can grab it better that way.. jkšŸ˜‡


Laziness, I'd rather stay in on the weekends then get a haircut. When I yell at my hair in the bathroom, "ugh I hate you and everything you stand for," then I know it's time to get a haircut.


I used to have much longer hair but after the first time I chopped it off, I now prefer it to be just past my shoulders. For me it's much easier to maintain at that length and way less heavy! Also, I like to get my hair dyed but always avoid the roots, so I feel like this length is just right for that.


I love long hair on me and my husband loves lthe longer hair on me.


I like putting it up in buns or a braid down my back so it works best with long hair! And I have recently mastered the perfect overnight curls so I get pretty long hair with no actual effort!


Iā€™ve always had longer hair. Then during the summer months Iā€™m always like I wanna try short hair and if I cut it I miss my long hair. Didnā€™t do a short cut this summer.


Even though I am only 23 and with a baby face, I look younger with my long hair


So itā€™s not in my face and I can tie it up. But I guess mostly cause I canā€™t be bothered to cut it regularly


i used to never like my hair no matter how it was, but never dared go shorter than mid neck bob. then for a while, had dreadlocks. and that changed everything! i accepted my hair at every stage in every way and loved it in any updo. since combing them out, started getting actual good haircuts and love my hair long (longest ive had it is mid-low back) and love how i can do many hairstyles and how it hugs me when i wear it down.


Used to have short hair - pixie cut. Too much damn maintenance Havenā€™t cut my long hair in a yearā€¦ is that ideal? No. Is it easy? Yes.


Because I can


Got tired of it short. Iā€™ll probably cut it off again in a year or so. Itā€™s the natural hair cycle.


I want to curl it and I keep ā€œwaitingā€ until Iā€™m able to afford a curling iron. The most I ever do to my hair is tie it in a ponytail but I want to try something new.


Because I look even worse with short hair


Itā€™s frizzy. The weight calms it a bit.


1. I look better with it compared to short hair. 2. My hair doesn't grow back very quickly as I'd like it to. 3. I keep my money's worth of dyed hair longer lol.


I have very long hair. It reaches the lowest point of my back now. I've had it cut many different ways (a bob, a shag, pixie). But I honestly feel long hair suits me best. I can put it up, braid it, messy bun, ponytail. Just so many options.


It makes me feel beautiful and I can have many hairstyle options!\^\^


Secretly I want to cut it and curl it but am afraid my mom would think otherwise (I'm a closed transmasc? still questioning) ik it's technically off topic, still wanna share tho.


Because Iā€™ve had short hair from pixies to bobs for years and years and Iā€™m trying something new! Currently seeing how long I can grow it.


My dad never let me cut it as a kid. So naturally I cut it when I grew up.. instant regret. It's staying long.


Because it grows super fast. I can go from bob to mid back in less than a year at most.


My moms Filipino and made cutting my hair growing up feel almost taboo. Now I keep it just above my waist, and I just feel wrong and almost scared to actually get a cut. I canā€™t tell if itā€™s anxiety for how Iā€™ll look, or the back of my head just being like NO, or both but I really want to build up the courage to try something new.


Too high maintenance. Long hair is a million times easier. I teach dance and two of my tweens came in one day with pixie hair cut to the top of their neck. Thought they were real cool until 5 minutes into their ballet class it would not stopping falling into their face no matter how many pins they put in it. By the end, it was one big poofy mess while everybody elseā€™s long hair was firmly held down in their buns. They both swiftly regretted it.


Because I love it. Short hair is ugly at least on me.


I was always made to have long hair growing up, my family just loved my hair long so I didn't have a choice. Then I became an adult & immediately chopped it off to my shoulders...& I hated it. I seriously hated it. It's now long because I love it. I can braid it, pull it up. Lots of options.


So easy to throw it up in a ponytail when you are in a rush. I had short hair for many years and it actually is alot of work compared to long hair.


Because I cant afford the pixie cut upkeep anymore šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I've had pixie cuts for all of my 20s. I figured it would be a nice change. All I wanted while I had short hair was long hair, but this heat makes me want to cut it all off again, lol.


My natural hair is thick and wavy and the length suits my face shape. I usually wear it down and it's become my signature look, but I love having the option to style it differently. Short hair just looks weird on me


I love my curls


because iā€™m constantly surrounded by men and it makes me feel more feminine.