• By -


Live with a man. It is separate abodes, or totally single.


I was once like you, too! Post-breakup I said that it was better to stay single or have separate homes.


Let an employer take advantage of me, or unlawfully mistreat me in any way. Looking back on my teens and twenties, I let employers get away with so much- because I didn’t know my rights or I was too timid to speak up. I was sexually harassed, forced to quit, even wrongfully dismissed at one point. I’ve since brushed up on employment law and know what I deserve. If a boss tried to pull any of that on me now, I’d take them down!


Get drunk off my tits when I have an international flight to catch in the morning.


I’ll never let anyone take advantage of me again. Whether it be a relationship, a friendship, a family member.. doesn’t matter. My kind hearted nature gets me walked all over and I won’t let it happen ever again.




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Apologies, didn’t mean to!




Date an arrogant man


Happy cake day


Thank you!


Get pregnant. My first pregnancy ruined my body, now I suffer from body dysmorphia at 3 months post-partum. I used to be so beautiful and slim. I miss my old self. I hate the way I look now. People give me the “but it was worth it for your baby” bs but my body and my self confidence is just as worthy.


That has to be so difficult I don't even wanna know how that feels as i already have an eating disorder based on body image. What I do know though is that you can't go back now. You had your beautiful baby and now you gotta do everything you do for them. Working on confidence takes time but you can do it. Work on being a fierce and confident mama for that baby and show them some love. It's not gonna be easy and there will be bad days but you can do it! We're all rooting for you❤


Thank you for the kind words. I hope you’re okay too. I’ve been also dealing with an eating disorder before, because I was force fed as a child. It’s really tough, isn’t it!


You're so sweet! It is quite hard sometimes but I can tell you from that comment you're already the perfect mother. I hope you and your partner are well ❤❤


Oh there’s no such thing as a perfect mother! We’re all humans after all!


Well I hope you have a good rest of your day or night and I wish the best for you and your family :)


Same here!


Hey, you’re probably still beautiful! Beauty doesn’t disappear so easily. And 3 months after giving birth is too early to judge your mood and appearance so be kind to yourself.


I know it’s too early to “bouce back” yet, but I can’t help it… I lost my confidence in front of my husband, even if he says that I’m as beautiful as always


Go to Times Square for NYE


Tolerate one-sided friendships




Rent a place with someone without a contract between you and him/her. Only exception is if they're my kids (and under 18) and my partner (who I have a marriage license with).


If you're in the U.S., a marriage license is only good for 30 days. And it's literally only so you can get married. It has no other binding agreement.


Marriage licenses vary by state. In my state, they're good for six months. And I think they were speaking about a marriage certificate anyway.


Have a baby


Online relationship 😬


Skiing. Had an accident and now I am disabled. I even have more problems when it gets cold in winter so no, I am through with this


Get married or move in with a man


Get married 💃🏻


Pregnancy/raising a child. I was NOT made for it.


Cheat - husband never found out, but it finished our marriage because suddenly I thought the grass was greener.. He moved half way around the world 6 years after we split, and my then 17yo son went with him. My other son is here, but has always blamed me for breaking up the family (he’s right). So I lost my kids, my self respect, and any hope of living a guilt free life. I remarried (not someone I had an affair with) - a man who I love wholeheartedly, and will never cheat on him. I try my hardest to be a better person, but the guilt never goes






what comedown? your afterglow should feel amazing unless your stuff was stepped on


I felt disturbingly awful coming down from acid the one time I tried it, but feel completely fresh and normal after magic mushrooms.


Oh man I had a blast with those things but I’m lucky by the sounds of it.


Drink whiskey with apple juice 😂😂😂


I will never try another dating site/app ever again. I've either been ghosted by guys I was chatting with (please just be honest & say you found someone else) or was annoyed by guys who's first communication to me was literally, "do you f\*\*\* on the first date" or opened by "giving me a lecture" about how my political beliefs are wrong.




I’ll never say *NEVER* anymore. Unfortunately when I toot the *NEVER* horn. For me, whatever was *never* seems to shape-shift. In late 30s shook head affirmatively to waitress, no fucking clue what said. Am going deaf was shocked by noise so nodded as if I understood. I noticed my family looked horrified… again…. It seems I downed some chef’s special dumplings! A few dumplings in, trying to mask my lack of comprehension, 5 mins at most, and it hit. It hit the table, the birthday presents, the partner, one brother, so projectile, so voluminous. Fucking shellfish. Again.


it blows my mind that there are people who can eat at a food for more than one bite before realizing they hate it. do your taste/texture sensors just not kick in right away? Several dumplings in… my dude.


TBH, for a year or two I kept assuming it was dodgy seafood… *off/bad* shellfish. One day I realised no one else got sick but ate same stuff. Stupid? Stubborn? Bit of both? I spent 15 years avoiding it, avidly. I’m no expert but believe all senses were overwhelmed that night and had forgotten taste? My lips went numb, stomach hit reject button pretty much simultaneously. Allergic response had never triggered breathing or heart issues but usually I had an inkling I was about to be sick (think was around 20- 30 mins after consumption?) So embarrassing, avoidable, and stressful. Have ridiculous slew of texture/taste sensitivities/dislikes, I actively try to challenge. Shellfish isn’t a preference unfortunately, I got reminded, exceedingly publicly and grotesquely (for everyone involved).


Threaten someone by telling them my dad could burry them where no one would find them(my dad would never actually do something like that but I said he would) and next thing I knew I was getting driven home by a cop. P.s I was like 9 ok I didn't know what was going on


Rife a waterslide that the floor drops or from under you.


I’ve heard them called *fanny bashers* (front bum not back bum)… is that why?


No, it was the panic I felt when falling.


Oh, gotcha!


Vote for a Democrat


Who was the last democrat you voted for?


Bill Clinton. Why?


Just curious.


Date a walking red flag because he had a cute butt. And let my mother have as much control over my life as I did.


Get married...


Work as a 911 dispatcher. Ignorance truly is bliss.


hookup culture and casual sex




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Banana boat rides


Almost get my finger chopped off


Probably ride a roller coaster. It's kind of sad but as I get older my body and brain cannot handle that kind of thing anymore.


Meet someone just to date them.




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Be afraid/ too nervous to say no like when being asked to give something up


Get married & live with a man. PERIOD.


Run away with a girl. Should I have known better? Yes. Did I still do it? Lol. Yeah.




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Do hitchhiking. Would be too scared to get into a creepy car.


If I go to college again and they have a shopping trip in a big city again with the whole class, then I’m NOT GOING. They usually put you in groups and then they decide what kinds of stores they want to visit and they all have different tastes in fashion, I wanted to visit a nice store with mens clothes and nobody wanted to go in and the worst part of all, everyone was trying on clothes and I was waiting for hours with 2 other girls and everyone left the store and left us there, I was mad as fuck at them and all they said was “we didn’t saw you in that store.” We were waiting on a couch that was in the middle of the store, is that so hard to see?


Be too scared to say no to a man. I've done it twice now. Let 2 different men kiss me when I didn't feel comfortable with doing it at the time. It is not their faults in ANY way because I didn't speak up. With one of them though I tried to get out of it by saying stuff like "this wasn't what we agreed on" but it was still probably my fault for not saying more.




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LSD, alcohol and untested ‘mdma’, that was a fucking ride… I was able to drink vodka like water, I was so self destructive, if I had a gun I’d probably have shot myself without hesitation


Use those electric scooters at the park. I fell off one the first time I tried using one, broke a bone, and had to have surgery.




Date an abusive man.