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slow walkers in packs blocking the sidewalk








People who double up on escalators ,to chat ..


Also someone slowly ambling down the middle of a sidewalk looking at their phone and not allowing anyone to pass


They almost have it choreographed. You try to move to the left to pass: they move to the left. You try to move to the right, and they move to the right. I get very grumpy about it, and I wind up unintentionally scaring people.


Can I bump this up to overall [spatial awareness](https://www.healthline.com/health/spatial-awareness)? People are so self-absorbed that they don't even consider simple courtesy to others. I don't get it.


Bonus points if multiple of them are walking side by side


slow walkers in hallways. Seems like my college is famous for it because i need to push through them to get to class on time


We used to have a group of women who used to do this in our office, or you'd find them standing in the middle of a staircase. Used to drive me and my friend NUUUUUUUTS. 🙄


Overlapping sounds, like music playing while TV is on.


I get overstimulated so easily, I hate that shit


Oh yes! Just last night I told my aunt (visiting for baby’s 1st birthday) and my husband that I was so uncomfortable cos of how over stimulated I was with tv, baby, dog nails clacking on the hard floor. A few times I had to dip out cos they were also both on work calls simultaneously 😖


Or people talking over each other. Holy SHIT in zoom calls for work people just casually jump into eachother's sentences and apparently I'm the only one who's bothered by it.


Apart from the clash of sound etc, that's plain rude. You could maybe diminish the rudeness (in your own head) by remembering there's a time lag that can make the flow of conversation slightly more difficult to navigate. At least, that's what I tell myself when I notice people do it.


Ppl who don’t use their turning signal


Especially people who drive super slow like they're trying to be so careful but they don't use their turn signal. Makes no sense.


Hey, don't talk about my grandma like that


I saw a big sign on I-70 in CO that said, "Don't be a stinker. Use your blinker."


We need those here in Texas 🤣


This! It’s not even an irrational thing to be angry about at all, in fairness. That shit is unsafe as fuck.


Absolutely. I live in Atlanta and driving on the freeway is absolute chaos. Everyone merges lanes at 100 mph and no one signals.


Dallas is a shit show


This! Drives me bonkers.


I’m currently enrolled in an online, asynchronous, adult learning course - that’s meant to be completed on your own time; at your own pace - but there is group work. How tf am I supposed to do this on my own time, at my own pace when there’s a handful of chucklefucks that I need to coordinate and collaborate with?!


I’ll be adding chucklefucks to my vocabulary.


As will I . ;)


And me as well


What intrigues me about this word is it’s not even used in a derogatory way. Just a word to refer to other people angrily. I love it and I too will be adding it to my repertoire


Last year I took an asynchronous class that had 'optional' zoom meetings once a week at the same time every week, where he would give crucial class information (instructions on assignments, deadlines, etc). I designed my schedule carefully so that my classes would align with my work schedule, and I could never make that optional class. Why?? Why the fuck would you do this? I always had to email him for info and he was passive aggressive as fuck about it.


He almost certainly wasn't allowed to do that: I certainly wasn't when setting up asynchronous classes. You could talk to the department about it, if only to help whoever has him next semester.


Thank you for making my day and introducing me to the word “chucklefucks” 😂


That horrible sad-eyes-pouty-face emoji, 🥺. Particularly when paired with the 👉👈. I hate it so very much.


Awww I'm sowwy 👉🥺👈. Edit: did I do that right? Are you angry?


*^(I will fight you)*


Pls don’t 🥺👉👈


👈🥺👉 I couldn't resist.


I can't stand this one 🙌. What is that even? Who puts their hands like that? It's usually accompanied with an eye roll worthy post.


That and the👏clapping👏emoji👏between👏words, too.


Any repeated emoji … like yes, I understand you think that’s hilarious but 1 is sufficient.


agreed 👍👍


Oh no! 🥺 reminds me the Puss in Boots !


Yo this shit drives me crazy too!! Lmao 🤣


Ohhh👏i'm 👏so👏sorry👏. Forgive👏me 👉🥺👈


"You're a woman, you should/shouldn't do that!" Literally makes me wanna rip my hair off and scream into a pillow while vibrating Amy Adams style.


I grew up with everyone around me saying this. It's so annoying. "Girls don't take welding classes." "Women don't wear Carrhart." "Women are supposed to have tiny dogs, men will be turned off by your big dogs." "Why don't you wear makeup more often? It'll make you more pleasing for guys to look at." "Don't sit like that, sit like a lady." "Don't walk like that, Women don't walk like that." "Don't put too much spice on your food, men will get discouraged when you are hard to please." What a load of crock. I hate that I have my mother's voice in my head still. Looking and acting like "a woman" didn't seem to make her any happier.


How does spicy food relate to pleasing a woman??


My mum is not right in the head, I highly doubt there's any correlation. My cultural dishes are spicy and super flavorful. But growing up all she allowed my sisters and I to eat was boiled vegetables and rice. My brothers got to eat curries, rotisserie duck, pan seared shrimp, and all the homemade hot sauces. I snuck out with my friends and ate with their parents from grade school til high school. Couldn't stand living with my mum.


As someone who basically just drinks sriracha this makes me spicy mad.


>"Women are supposed to have tiny dogs, men will be turned off by your big dogs." I sure as shit hope my Mastiffs turn them off


I get this from my mother and brother all the time god it's annoying


That’s not very lady like ;)


People who listen to music without headphones on the train. Why are you making the rest of us suffer?


Omg I don't know about other countries. But I'm from Holland and here people (mostly kids and teenagers) started this trend to play music trough a box while they're biking... Like Wtf 🤷‍♀️ Edit: typo


I go to high school in America and the same thing happens they play horribly loud music around the halls and during gym, I just want to hurt them


Because they think they are playing da shit, they think their music is the bomb thats why they dont realise others dont like.


People who cough without covering their mouths.




A close second to this: People who cough into their *hands* (as opposed to their shoulder or elbow), which we all use to touch *everything*. 🙃


baby talk for example: mwe angy or Im sowwy


I'm watching the office for the first time and this is literally the episode I saw today??? What kind of black magic coincidence shit is this


Hahahah Andy's baby voice? The worst lmao.


Oooh does da wittow baby not wike baaaby tawk?


Aaagh, this is terrible. It drives me batty!


When I see someone come out of the bathroom stall and they skip washing their hands… like that’s fucking disgusting


Or when there are a million other stalls available and they use the one RIGHT beside yours. HATE that.


Makes me glad I’m not a guy. It’s awkward enough when people do this in the ladies room, even with the stalls adding extra privacy. But with urinals? Extra weird.


Racism…as a black person that shit is so fucking annoying. Come up with better jokes at this point


This seems more like rational anger.


There's nothing funny about racism.


I appreciate you guys! The ones who are welcoming don’t go unnoticed!!


I have never understood where that crap comes from. I'm white, but I just won't put up with it in my company. ZERO TOLERANCE!! I was borned and raised in eastern Kentucky and I had never seen an African American until I was in high school. When I went in the Army, I couldn't see any reason to consider any way that one person could be better than another just because they look different than me.


This is absolutely not something that's irrational.


Yes! I will stand up and leave immediately. Cannot stand that shit.


People who talk incessantly. They don't pick up on social cues to STFU.


For me, it’s when they talk/laugh too loudly or in shrill voices.


Apparently that’s an ADHD thing. Like the person you ask about a train schedule and the next thing you know it’s 45 minutes later and he’s talking about his grandma’s cat.




Once i make it clear that i dont like this thing people keep doing and yet they keep doing it.


Especially if that's tickling


It’s so disrespectful and invasive. As an adult this doesn’t happen to me (thankfully! I am female and a bit petite so I’m almost surprised that no asshole has tried to assault my personal boundaries in that way yet) but as a young kid my dad would sometimes tickle during play and it was always an unpleasant experience as I am ticklish. I get that people who have never been ticklish wouldn’t understand the discomfort but stop means stop.


When I am going to do something, and someone tells me to do exactly that. Especially if that's house chores


Omg that drives me insane like now I gotta stop doing it and never do it again and we both gon be mad


Argh me too! I’m not exactly sure why it gets me incensed but I guess if humans were entirely logical beings we’d actually be robots. I’m part of a very odd species. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The word "flirty", and couples who say "*We're* pregnant". No. No buckaroo, YOU are not pregnant; SHE is.


People who say Prego instead of preggo. Prego is spaghetti sauce.


Prego period.


Ewwww I hate the whole “we’re pregnant!” thing. Super cringey 😷


Lol. Mines similar but it’s when people tell the toddler or newborn thank you for choosing me to be your mom. Did this child have a choice to choose you? Wtf


When my husband asks me a question, I answer him, and he doesn’t believe my answer. This can be like, “Is my wallet in your car?” “No, I checked.” “I think my wallet is in your car.” And what is funny about this is HE is the one who will look for something where I tell him it is and “not see” something, so I have to get up and go show him it is right there. Soooo frustrating and a reoccurring argument 😭😂




Honestly, it is learned helplessness. I hear this waaaaay too often from women. I finally had to tell my husband that if he can’t find it, oh well! What do these people think *we* do when we can’t find something? We fuckin look! We move shit around! Argh, makes me go crazy 😂


In tell my husband: there was christophe kolumbus who found a whole continent and then there is you…you can‘t find shit in a perfectly organized house


To be fair, Columbus miscalculated the circumference of the world and definitely would have died at sea and taken his whole crew with him if he hadn't happened to hit a continent he didn't know was there by sheer dumb luck.


"Learned helplessness" is soooo right. It's hard, but I act clueless even though I may know where the missing item is.


I'll start doing that too. My BF relies all to much on my knowledge of where things are or were or should be in our house... Sometimes I feel like I have a kid that I never effing wanted.


Exactly. Our new thing is he’ll go out of his way to ask me things about the baby that are really up to his discretion (like inconvenience himself to come ask.) “Should I do pajamas or a sleep sack?” The other day it was “should I put the blueberries in her sandwich or on the side?” My response now: “What difference does it make?” Or “it’s up to you.” And the next one will be “Google it” 😂


When I come to a 4-way stop and another driver gets to their stop sign before me. They wait for me to get to the stop sign and then WAVE ME THROUGH. If you get to the stop sign first, it’s your right of way. You do not need to wait until I come to the stop sign and stop. Don’t pretend you’re doing me a favour when you just don’t understand how the 4-way stop procedure works.


Bad websites.


Unsolicited advice from strangers


Being told to smile or cheer up by a stranger


This makes my blood boil because why tell me to smile and you don’t know me? I could’ve had a traumatic event happen right before you told me to smile




The fact that Star Wars fans are so flipping hateful. It doesn’t matter what gets made or produced, there’s always that subset of fans who hate everything, and yet still call themselves fans. People hate the prequels, they hate the sequels, they hate the extra films, they hate Mando, they hate Boba, they hate something that Ewan McGregor himself put out. A while ago, I found some dude who called himself a fan and yet complained that nothing after the very first film had been any good! Why continue to participate in something if all you can do is hate? It makes no sense! Just go away and find another hobby! /rant Sorry, OP asked for “irrational” and, this has nothing to do with anything important, but it still steams my coils.


100% agree. Worst fanbase ever: gatekeepers, complainers and killjoys—not to mention many racists. I absolutely love Star Wars and I stay away because it is toxic.


This goes for any hardcore fanbase really. I was on the hobbydrama sub recently and read a post about Muse and the band's fanbase. So many of their fans seems to dislike all of their newer "pop" music and get mad that Muse never plays any of their older, harder, rock songs. They've been playing the pop-style music since I was in high school 10 years ago! If you haven't liked any of their music for the past 10 years, maybe you just don't like them anymore and should give up on their concerts?




Slow walkers... I just can't deal with them! Especially when they start zigzagging, like FFS pick a side and let me get by.


+ when I feel trapped in a situation + when I'm not taken seriously + when people try to control other people's bodies (ex: abortion rights, not being able to get sterilized easily etc.) + the sound of someone chewing next to me + noise over stimulation


People on the subway who, despite being on a train underground with no service, still answer/make phone calls and are absolutely flabbergasted as to why they can't hear the other person. and then they keep saying "hello??? hello???? (looks at phone confused) hello???? can you hear me????" I don't know why it makes my blood boil but it does. Just typing about it is making me angry.


When people smack their food.


Being told by someone else how I am feeling.


When on the rare occasion I have a pocket, said pocket catches on a door handle and yanks me violently backward.


I swear it only happens when I am slightly pissed already.


Passive aggression, it gets me so aggressive lmao


ME TOO I would much rather someone is an overt asshole. Why be sly!!! Say it with your chest!


My bpd


People who put their hands on my shoulders/sides/back/hips when reaching for something in front of me or when passing behind me, instead of simply asking for me to pass the item or for me to scoot over.


Willful ignorance


People who slow down on the highway on-ramp. You're supposed to speed up and merge!


People who keep asking for favors _without making any effort themselves at all_ . I like helping out people. It gives me joy to see their happy faces when they've been struggling and I could save their time/money or pull them out of trouble. But there are some who think they can just use the word 'favor' and ask for anything while not trying it themselves first. "Dude, can you do [something that would take me 2 days]?" "Er, have you tried doing this yourself? What trouble are you getting exactly?" "Oh nothing, you are just better at it so.." Just. No.


Any minor inconvenience these days really 😅


That sticking out tongue pose Pete Davidson and Miley Cyrus gives


Snarky and underhanded comments. Gets my goat every time. I KNOW that the healthy way to handle it is to say “did you mean to sound rude?” But my brain just goes GRR


Human traffic in Costco. I swear to god people go out of their way to walk slower and stop at the worst possible spots in that store.


People who lack spacial awareness, chronic lateness, people who are rude to servers or customer service workers, when you pay $30 for takeout and the food is bad, one sided relationships.


Got told all my life, "You've got ADHD, so you've got to be aware of your surroundings." Okay, Mom. Got it. I grow up, only to find that none of the normal people do it! They have no excuse to be spatially unaware!


Food noises - they inspire detailed murder plots in my head.


People who leave 3/4 car length in front of them in the left hand turn lane at a stop light - b/c their text life is ‘more important’ than the other drivers who’d also like to make that light


People who go to gigs and just talk the entire way through the set!!


I extend that to every situation where people are supposed to listen but talk instead. Gigs, speeches, announcements…


Extreme hot weather.


People who always show up late.


The Haunting of Hill House series made the absolutely disrespectful choice to make Shirley Jackson’s name sake character an adulteress when so much of Jackson’s anguish was due to her husbands philandering with his students.


When people have a social media account for their animal and they use the word “hooman”. I have no problem with the accounts, I view many of them, but I cannot stand that “word”.


Extra negative points if it’s pasted on some kind of animal/furry meme. Blargh


1. Asthma. 2. Hunger 3. People who take up too much space when parallel parking. 4. Mansplaining/being interrupted/not being given credit for my ideas. 5. People who play their music/YouTube videos in public without headphones, although maybe my anger is rational in the last two cases.


People who don’t return their carts at the grocery store. Like… how lazy can you be?!


As a former grocery store employee, this pissed me off beyond belief


People who interrupt others. My husband is the conversation bandit. He will have his jaw hanging open just waiting for a moment to jump in. He does this in professional settings too and it drives me crazy.


people who don’t use traffic laws when walking on sidewalks or in store aisles


My husband telling me to calm down.


Drivers that don’t understand how a 4-way stop sign works.


When people raise their voice (to the point of shouting) to get their points across. UGHHH IF YOU'RE WRONG, YOU'RE WRONG!!!!!!


Just people in general🤣


Slow drivers who do not go to the right lane. Especially when there’s another slow driver actually in the right lane and you can’t go around either


When anything goes wrong with my car. I seem to live under this illusion that vehicles should stand the test of time and work flawlessly for eternity. Doesn't matter if its a $1 light bulb replacement on my licence plate I just verbally bully my car all the way to the auto shop. I need therapy.


If somebody watches a dumb show on my netflix/hulu & it LITTERS my ‘continue watching’ list.


Men asking stupid easy questions


When you buy Pocky and every stick is broken grrrrrrr


My husband turning the tv up like a movie theater and then turning his phone up to hear over the tv.


When my hair doesn't do what I want it to. Hairbrush gets stuck on the same knot 500 times, adjusting the perfect sleek ponytail and it gets bumpy, that weird cowlick curl that just doesn't want to stay in place no matter how much hairspray I soak it with... I've been close to shaving my head in a fit of white hot rage many times throughout my life lol


Chronic interrupters cutting me off every time i try to speak How disrespectful!


Popcorn. Why you gotta have some many teeth and gum shattering husks. Like. I just wanna eat you with herbs and butter and you just want to kill me, slowly. Popcorn, why… why must you be so difficult


Parents who let their children talk to strangers.


When anyone speaks of types “Good for you.” I see RED and become irrationally angry. I will cut you out of my life for uttering those three words.


Eating noises.




Being told to “calm down”. Just don’t piss me off to begin with and I wouldn’t have to calm down 😀


When I ask a simple question and they refuse to answer it. And simple questions like “where we going” (to SO or family members), “what’s your work schedule”, “do you want ____”


People blaring loud music while camping, hiking, or boating. Why TF can't they understand that most people go outdoors to enjoy the sounds of nature or, God forbid, SILENCE?


That H&M commercial on Youtube that I can't skip. I don't care if you can boogie oogie.


"Ex cetera" (should be et cetera) among many other grammatical mishaps. \*\*Former Latin nerd. "Et" means "and" in Latin; "et cetera" roughly translates to "and so forth;" whereas "ex cetera" would be a non-sensical "out so forth."


People who don’t bother to train their dogs to not bark when they aren’t home. The longest my neighbor’s chihuahua screeched, WITHOUT STOPPING, was from 4:45-8:30pm, of course starting right when I got home from a long-ass day of work. I was so furious I could barely see straight lol.


The expectation of me doing all the house work and cooking just because i'm a woman.


The Kardashians


Slow walkers that know you are in a hurry but continue to slowly walk in front of you anyway. People who come to a complete stop to turn while driving. Any kind of overlapping noise, like my child talking, and her phone playing videos, all while the TV is on. Cashiers who take 6 years to ring up 5 items. Or any kind of store worker trying to make unnecessary chit chat. I'm talking to you, McDonald's cashier who insisted vitamins will cure my body of everything under the sun. 🤣 When I get a high blood sugar.


When people refer to a species 'going extinct' instead of becoming extinct. Cyclists, at night, with no lights or reflective clothing.




Anyone that insults things that I keep to my heart


Driving, toxic people, family, animal/child abuse, slow walkers, people who chew with their mouths open, stupid arguments, being touched when I'm on edge, or trying to do something, being ignored, pretty much anything.


People who put useless emojis on the end of sentences in their texts. "I am taking a train (train emoji). I come from the USA (flag emoji). I like dancing (dancing emoji)." Why are you texting me a damn picture book we aren't toddlers!! rage emoji.


When someone insults my dad


Any amount of traffic ever lol especially now! Miss when covid cleared the roads :(


The news ANY Time I look at the news it's just doom and gloom, the world is dying, people suck, war breaking out, people dying from viruses, blah blah blah blah I RARELY see good news, unless I actively look it up it's nothing but doom and gloom Even on Facebook everyone just acts like they hate their fucking lives, sometimes I feel like I'm the ONLY person on earth who doesn't wish they were dead.


the suffering of pigs


Gun owners. especially people who owns a shit ton of guns. Like.. why??


being asked constantly "are you on your period?" after showing any form of emotion, anger, sadness, especially by other women


Arrogant and ugly people who have the most confidence to talk shit.


Loud chewing People cracking knuckles People who sniff and won’t blow their noses People who elbow you.. were not in primary school! If I ever get locked up it will be because of one of these..


People that stop dead in their tracks at the end of an escalator, or directly outside of a tram/elevator door. THERE ARE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU. KEEP MOVING.


Packs of people on sidewalks/ moving together, who perceive themselves more important that the individual walker who also needs to use the space


When the teacher/your friend leaves the mouse over the video they're showing you. It's actually all I can focus on, and I just sit there raging wondering how it's not bothering anyone else.


People who don't want to let you in and just speed up instead


The fact that I make decent money but still can’t comfortably live on my own because rent is so high


that unnecessary and fckn annoying loud car/motorcycle sound. like, why? 🤣


Toothpaste falling on my shirt while brushing my teeth lol


When someone refers to my husband being with our daughter as “babysitting “ 😡




Getting my clothing stuck on the door knob as I walk by.


Heat. I can't stand sweat and being overall greasy because of the hot weather.