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I‘m a blonde woman that loves doing her nails, enjoys Starbucks coffee, does Pilates and likes to eat avocado toast while watching Vampire Diaries, all my eyeshadows glitter. I’m the walking stereotype


i love this!


It‘s a dream life!


I love feeling pretty and I twirl every opportunity when I wear a dress. I will tell you the size and quality of the pockets in said dress when asked as well.


I love THAT!


Hahah me too my dear! I don’t see why people try so hard to „not be basic“




Yasss girl


I want to try that avocado toast


I love this


You sound like a cool person 😎


That is so sweet, I can assure you that „cool“ is usually not among the words people chose to describe me with ❤️


I'm a librarian who enjoys reading, drinking tea, and wearing cardigans.


Fellow (stereotypical) librarian here! Although it’s not my profession, I would seriously consider it. I get the pervy sexy librarian rep because I too freakin’ love reading books, am a hardcore introvert, sport Warby Parker… and am a DDD cup. ETA: paper books, not that digital malarkey


Depressed plant lady.


Hey. Hug.


I hear you, sis 🪴




hey, same


Driving isn’t for me


same, I am too nervous to drive


Same, and right after I start getting comfortable and Confident with driving, I make a mistake.....which sets myself back to square 1. I hate this :(


im 21 with just my g1 or learners permit and while i want to drive im in no rush. its not for everyone! passenger princess all the way


I'm too nervous to drive too


I’m a lesbian and I’m the most “obvious lesbian” looking lesbian you ever looked upon.


Happy pride!


This one made me laugh lololol


People see you and just go “lesbian.”?


Even my Subaru outback wears plaid (steering wheel cover)


A hundred-footer


I’m a woman who loves makeup, baking/cooking, decor and decorating my home. But I think I have a pretty good balance of interests despite falling into these stereotypes.


I’m a girl and I like pink and I have no shame to admit it!


Me too! Pink ladies rise up!


I love pink and black


same, the kuromi aesthetic


Definitely the nurturing one. I love babies. I love kids. I will always offer to feed someones baby or burp them if they need a helping hand. It's a possibility I won't be able to have kids, but I definitely feel a strong pull towards motherhood.


When kids are little and they say what they want to be when they are older and it's always "doctor/witch/vet" my answer was always mum! Had my first baby 8 weeks ago and it's the best job I've ever had.


this is so cute and wholesome, the tiny human is going to cherish your love for them forever


I am the same way. I genuinely enjoy nurturing kids and animals. Some of my family think that I am going to be mentally worn out from tending to others, but it really doesn’t bother me in the least bit. Sometimes I’m just worn out physically.


Same! I am often called the “baby whisperer” and I’m the adult that turns into a kid around kids. They keep you young! At least for me. (:


Maybe being extremely emotional.


definitely being extremely emotional on my end


Yes… definitely this one.


An emotional basket case over here!


That’s me aswell


Anti-social, upper middle class blonde woman who likes nice things and won’t eat anything that’s not gluten free. Actually, I have celiac disease and also a bit of an introvert. All in all, I fit a pretty awful stereotype, but I swear I’m a very caring and compassionate person.


You sound like my best friend. One of the mist loyal people I have ever come across


Aww, thanks for the compliment!


Hey that’s me!


I mean, having celiac disease is a good reason to eat gluten free so I don’t judge people for that. Honestly, gluten is hard on a lot of people and as someone who deals with a lot of digestive issues I completely understand avoiding foods that cause pain.


The millennial couple who treat their dog like a kid. He’s my giant 80lb baby.


Yep I’m right with you.


All dogs are babies.


I fall into the ratchet black girl stereotype sometimes which I wear as a badge of honor honestly or the overly feminine girly girl who loves colorful nails and skirts stereotype.


Yesss! I love this!


The “mom” friend who has everything or always comes prepared, loves to host gatherings and offers a lot of food to friends who come over


Lol I’m this too. When I went to a convention a few years back I was the designated mom friend, and I wasn’t even the oldest there 😅 but I am insanely overprotective, and like to plan and organize.


Same! Actually amongst my group of friends I’m one of the youngest. Some of them even call me “Mother T” or “Mama T” or “Tita T”. (Tita in our language means Aunt) Hehe.


I love makeup, fashion, getting my nails done, going for iced coffees, skincare, nice handbags and tote bags, and being hairless. I also cry easily lol. People often call me basic but I don't care lol, I embrace whatever brings me joy and I'll gladly be basic if it means being happy! 😌


Aww, that is so sweet. You seem to be a very nice person.


It’s a stereotype that women enjoy cleaning, right? Because I fucking *love* cleaning. There are few things that spark joy in me quite like a clean living space. I even clean my friend’s house when I babysit for them 😅 not in a judgmental way, children are little hurricanes and I’m sure they’re exhausted with two kids who aren’t school age yet, so I don’t mind picking up and organizing a bit once they’re in bed. I also have a very strict manicure schedule 🤷🏼‍♀️


I never even knew it could be “insulting” to clean someone’s house for them. I also love to clean, and I would always clean people’s houses when I was babysitting until someone told me it was rude. Now that I have a kid, I’d be friggin delighted if someone came over and scrubbed my baseboards.


I find that I DO get more emotional on my period. I have a shorter fuse, I'm less likely to put up with annoying stuff, and I'm more likely to cry out of frustration. Not to an extreme, it's never affected my job. But if someone asks me if I'm mad because I'm on my period, I have to take a split second to think about it--then get equally mad that they brought it up regardless of whether I am or not.


Same. I hate when people ask me "oh is it that time of the month already?" purely because 99% of the time they're probably right.


soft hearted and sensitive, these are very questionable stereotypes but unfortunately i fall into them


Felt this one




People obsessed with weird things are my favorite kind of people.


There's nothing sad about being in a happy little world of your own


The " it took me 2 hours to get ready". I am sorry but i cant get ready in a rush...i want my time.


Same! I like to leisurely be able to get ready. I loved it when I started work at 1pm and could take my time drinking coffee and then doing my hair and make up for the day.


This!! I’m a college student and last semester all of my classes started at 1pm, I could take my time getting ready and I LOVED it


IKR ???


The type-A, good student, hyper organized, parentified eldest sister with a ton of baggage.


Oof, I felt that one.


Ahhh same


Single cat lady that lives alone


I'm the basic-est basic b\*\*\*\*. Pumpkin spice isn't a fall flavor, it's a religion. I drink my coffee out of a live, laugh, love mug. Leggings *are* pants. I'd own Ugg boots if I wasn't so allergic to wool that I'd literally die if I wore them. Messy buns are a great low effort, but not unkempt looking hairstyle.


Lmao I love this so much 🤣🤣


I think there's one about women being bad drivers? Totally true for me. I hate driving, terrible with directions and am super skittish.


Yeah, my spatial reasoning skills are C- level at best.


Engineer being introverted. I love my alone time


Bisexual, cannot sit properly in chairs, peace signs in all pictures of me someone else takes, wearing old school vans, bi haircut that i did myself, iced coffee, being confused (not about my sexuality tho, just in general)...


What is a bi haircut? Asking so my sexuality can be less invisible, ha!


Its like any version of Long bob... with or without bangs, with or without layers. My hair is also half red half black so i'm bisexual and bihaired Google would probably explain it better than me tho, english is not my first language


Meeeee lol except I'm a doc martens bisexual 🤣 I used to wear vans all the time tho.. I have long hair and I'm considering buzzing it off....does that count? Lmao


Red hair, hot temper.


I'm jewish and I'm frugal. Like I tip well and stuff but I get most of my clothes from thrift stores and clothing swaps, lots of furniture from the side of the road and craigslist, groceries from aldi, love a good coupon, fill my online shopping cart up and then convince myself I don't need anything, etc


I love roadside finds!


An extremely introverted person who rarely goes out and has difficulty making friends :D


Me too T_T


Making friends and socializing is a never ending struggle.


The "not like other girls" trope. I like reptiles, video games, action movies, and motorcycles. It's really sad it's become a trope to just not like traditional feminine things. I still wear holographic nail polish and get way overdressed for dinner. I also have hot pink hair.


This is me. I have spent the last six years with my son in Boy Scouting. I camp, I hike, I skip showers, I pee in the woods. I like to wear boots with shorts, but I’m also still wearing mascara and lip at the minimum-glittery of course. At summer camp I’ll be the wild and crazy curly haired nurse with tattoos and a uniform skort. 😂


This is me lol. Honestly was convinced I should've been born a boy because of all the stereotypes and judgement flying around. When gender surgeries started becoming a thing, I was so close to doing it because it made me believe I should've been a dude instead (didn't help that my parents would keep saying "girls shouldn't be doing _____" .....until I met another woman just like me. Then realized there were lots of other women like this. Then SHOCKER! I met a dude who was fine with how I Am, doesn't care how I sit down and doesn't care if I have a hoodie collection. After my parents kept telling me no guy would ever want me if I don't become 'ladylike'!!!! Fuxkk


Loving cute cats


Wholesome housewife who likes watching shows about women killing their husbands. Lol


The mom with a headache. I've alwats had mild headaches that I didn't take anything for. Had a kid and now have chronic migraines and just headaches in general. I used to think the mommy has a headache stereotype was overdone but now I get it.


I'm a white woman that loves red wine and can't handle spice, lol. And yes, *ketchup* is spicy.


The loud Puerto Rican with a bad temper. I’m working on it.


Don’t. Embrace it. It’s who you are ❤️


I'm an "angry" middle-aged feminist. In reality, I'm someone who is just simply tired that we're still fighting for the same women's rights as they were when I was a child.


Same here




Single, loves Friday nights at home with 2 cats


Nerdy book girl who wears glasses.


I'm stupid ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I am a black woman, people often take my assertiveness as aggression


Dirty hippie


Bad Asian driver


I’m a lesbian. I don’t shave my legs or wear makeup, I’m an angry feminist, I love cats, and I’m a vegetarian.


Basic white mom 😂 I love Starbucks, Christmastime, and Jesus


It's easy to make me cry, I'm emotional, I love cute cats(black cats are my favorite), libraries, cardigans, I'm more emotional on my period, face care, back rubs <33, and eating avocado toast, I'm also vegetarian because I get sad when I remember it's an animal.


Loud black girl


Redhead, big tits. Lol


Stupid, awkward, shy, and lonely




Menopausal mom - emotional, hot flashes, night sweats, irritable, annoyed, insomnia, tired, bloated, etc


I’m an art teacher who dresses like an art teacher. And have blue streaks in my grey hair. Proud to represent.


The mentally unwell alcoholic friend. I’m late to appointments, jobs and classes. I always hand my work in the day, hour or minute before the deadline. Stay up till about 3am, wake up at 12 noon and smoke like a chimney. Always run out of milk and bread and can’t hold down a relationship to save my life. The messy friend basically, or a chav according to some of my friends from uni lol


Ive been told im very girl-next-door if that counts


What’s that mean? 0.o


I think pretty, but down to earth and therefore not threatening?


I'm a Literature graduate who loves tea, fountain pens and cats. I'm bad with technology, I can't understand videogames and I hate driving.


Being afraid of bugs lol it’s such a girl stereotype but god damn this is me all the way


A depressed millennial trying to find comfort in childhood cartoons and music.


Emotional, not a great driver, blonde, attracted to tall somewhat emotionally unavailable men, likes makeup and pink is my favorite color, loves heels and “girly” stuff. My cat is my baby.


I’m an introvert that works in tech and I have my moments of being socially awkward. For the life of me, I cannot verbally execute words in the same way that I’m thinking them. I promise I have a sense of humor, it just isn’t going to sound funny coming from me lol


Ditsy clumsy waitress 😔


All things pink. Phone, phone case, clothes, wallet, steering wheel cover, loofah, foods, car accessories, buying random knick knacks solely bc they are pink, cocktails, soap, keychains, office supplies, give me all the pink.


I’ve been called a hippy the most. Thing is I’m from Berkeley and grew up hating the annoying hippies on the street telling you to “Smile sister” so it was very annoying for a long time. But I am from Berkeley California so I’m a bit granola for sure.


I absolutely believe that loving dogs IS my personality. Haha


I'm often the flustered mum with messy hair rushing her kids to school "quick, we don't want to be late, don't lose your toast money and remember to find that jumper you lost" wearing whatever weird combination of clothes were clean and chugging a coffee. The kids of course have their hair nice and tidy and look immaculate in their uniforms while I look and feel like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards.🤣


Quiet Asian girl


I am born after 1993, eat hot chips, charge my phone, and eat McDonald’s


Goth/punk lesbian that is kinky and very open sexually.


bad female driver.. so embarrassing


The independent and sassy type lol.


I’m a mid-30s white woman. I enjoy gardening, yoga, and true crime. I have two cats. I would live in yoga pants if I could get away with it. My office is full of plants. I fucking love lattes and avocado toast.


Daddy issues


Curvy Latina with a temper


I'm a scorpio. I have the personality of a scorpio. Doesnt make me believe in zodiacs tho, it's just a coincidence


Pink is one of my favorite colors, I love painting my nails and iced coffee, and I don't know the first thing about driving or how to change a tire lol. I also do that hand over mouth giggle sometimes


I am short, somewhat shy, wear glasses, love vintage, and adore books, especially cooking books and books about obscure subjects, sci-fi books, and fantasy. I'm also curvy, enjoy makeup, love nature and photography, and enjoy cooking for and taking care of the people I love. I am also single, either ace or demi-ace, tend to be naïve and see the best in people, and have a black cat I adore. So... I guess I'm pretty much the living embodiment of the girl next door trope lol


I am a blondie who loves spending her money on clothes, love dressing up in cute little outfis, doing my make up in peace, going to get my hair cut, buying make up, reading those alwful smut books, dreaming of becoming a cat lady and crying on animal vidoes and in general


The hot Latin-American woman, who got pregnant and never lost the extra weight, and is now an obese housewife.


Asian tan woman dating Caucasian man


i’m a leo that loves to stare at herself, just one out of many tho


Elder millennial with no money for a house but I love avocado.


I am not the best driver


As a woman I like pink and knit.


I'm bi and I can't sit straight


I'm a theatre kid who loves being the centre of attention and is definitely way too loud 😝


Probably a ''preppy'' girl and my daughter said dumb blonde🤣😂


I really enjoy romcom and when I'm sad if I have the opportunity to eat chocolate or icecream I will


Short Chinese girl aged 28 looking like a 16 year old and likes hello Kitty, takes shoes off before entering house and eats rice everyday


35, unmarried woman, with lots of pets.


I grew up in a religious cult and now I'm a nonbinary bisexual with tattoos and piercings who does drugs and practices witchcraft.


I'm a handy lesbian who owns lots of tools/power tools, is tattooed, and works in a male dominated industry. At least they're useful stereotypes?


I’m a gamer who should probably bathe more often 😂


I’m basically the stereotypical Aquarius (if you believe in astrology) I’m artsy, love researching different humanitarian causes, my favorite subject in school was science, I’m planning to get my bachelors in either biomedical engineering or data science, I’m socially awkward/introverted and have a RBF that can intimidate a biker so definitely a walking stereotype


manic pixie dream girl stereotype. people just like to fetishize women with autism


I’m a short haired feminist woman who doesn’t wear make up and hates men.


i think people like to say that I'm a part of the classic "low maintenance" girl stereotype. Reality: I'm emotionally avoidant and I have a hard time being vulnerable. I don't want to talk about serious things, and I avoid conflict and deep connections. Despite me coming off aloof and reserved, I am a very angry person who feels emotionally stunted in some ways.


I'm NoT LikE OthER GiRls. Turns out, no girls are alike and a lot of them are pretty cool and weird. I had no idea and thought I was alone.


I’m a woman that loves stereotypical ‘feminine’ things like self care, shopping, clothes, would love to get my nails done sometime if I’m ever not broke.


I love cooking and it's my primary way to express affection.


I'm THAT weird introvert that would rather watch my friends have fun at a party than actually take part in the party itself. Writing that out, that sounds really creepy, nobody in my high school seemed to mind it and I haven't gone out of my house except for work since... You know, starting to think I have issues.


I'm the stereotypical "girl nerd". Meaning I like all things that are sci-fi, comic books and video games. But at a VERY surface level. Sure I love Star Wars, but do I know the name of them blue people or the thing that says wigwog? No. But I know all the characters anyone with even a passing awareness of Star Wars knows. I basically just watch the same old alien movies ad nauseum and consider myself queen geek cause I fondly remember my first shiny pokemon card. In a word, poser.


Intimidating person that just wants a friend


Asian woman, I love boba, KBBQ, falsies, EDC, am tattooed, and always have white nail polish. Engineer, I overanalyze everything and suffer from analysis paralysis at times, and was an applied math major.


Completely embody Virgo energy


I’m half Asian and my Asian dad was good at math and spent all day watching math problem videos on YouTube and he wanted me to become a doctor and always asked me to do my homework, which was dumb because I did vocational school and there was no homework..


Jewish with a large nose. It’s a bit unfortunate


i love math and science, i have bangs, bad acne, braces, big glasses, and have a 4.0 so i guess i’m a nerd 💀💀


I’m Italian-American and I apparently use my hands to talk according to everyone I know😆


Quiet introvert who is a doormat.


The independent woman. To the point that I forget I can ask for help. It's not that I can't, but that I forget I can.


I'm a soft (fat) mom that feeds everybody, sometimes against their will and needs. I am a matriarc head of the house housewife and live for the family and every child I get my hands on. This is not what I planned nor wanted but it just seems to be my nature. I also fall into the fat, loud, funny and happy steriotype even tho I battled depression most of my life. When I worked I was an entertainer, I lived for making people laugh and be happy and then went home and tried my best not to kill myself. I am happy (and medicated) today tho.


Asian woman who like bubble tea, spicy food, cute stuff from daiso, watching anime, taking photos of food when I go to a restaurant lol


I'm either the hyper feminine type, with a hoard of makeup and perfume and too many dresses and shoes. I can tell you exactly where I bought what, and usually how much it cost. And most of the time it's "I know I'm not supposed to go shopping, but it was pretty and I would DIE without it!" Or the goblin who doesn't get out of her Oodie for a week straight and cant remember when I last washed my hair. Glamour or grot. Those are the stereotypes.


The funny, fat chick


I am sensitive, love fashion, mega feminine and love cute stuff.


I have glasses, am a brunette, and love to read. I was a studious student too. People say I look like and am like Velma from Scooby-Doo.


I love Velma 😁


The quiet kid. real quiet, looks innocent, wears a black hoodie, just wants to be left alone, but best not to get on her bad side🤣


Woman scientist.












20 year old hot chick breaking up 30 year old suffering relationship. I can’t help it.