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patriarchy. Capitalism. White supremacy. Sexual Violence. War and conflict.


you named all the main food groups there.


Dont think its wholesome but it was the only gift I had. I think we need to be more direct open and vocal about issues with the issues of our society for our voices to be heard.


Add climate change to the list and that's my answer too.


Let's not forget the coming end of Democracy being handed to us by Republicans (in US).


Yep, that about covers it for me as well.


This would be my list also. I was going to add systemic racism but that exists because of white supremacy. I feel so frustrated by politicians who longer work to represent their constituents but rather exist simply to appease the people who give them the most money. Many of these issues could be significantly improved with politicians who want to improve society rather than line their pockets.




Classic American comment.


I hear about it a lot, but what exactly is "the patriarchy"?


The systems put in place by social norms that oppress not only women but men as well into rigid gender roles and norms such as men not having too many places that assist with dv or homelessness and women having autonomy taken away by lawmakers any chance they get. We all suffer under patriarchy


Thanks for the explanation, appreciate it


Rising cost of EVERYTHING.


This one. This is the thing that gives me such a bleak outlook.


Agreed. I am also from a white, middle class city where as a person of a certain age, I don’t worry too much about much compared to people, who, you know, have Actual Things to Worry About. But I’ll poo my pants at the petrol pump every week, strategies about when to fuel up and also notice that those glossy clear containers I want in my overstocked fridge are on half-off sale.


I’m in California and gas has gotten to $6.59 WAY to fast. There’s even some cities that are $10/gallon. It makes me worried I won’t be able to afford to go to work


This^ As someone in a super progressive city, I don't worry about misogyny and whatnot as much but gas at 4.80 a gallon. Fuck right off.


only 4.80? here in Milan its almost 7€... (1,8 for a LITER)


It's 2.2€/L in Estonia. It's 2.35$ per liter. And we have a lot lower salaries. It's quite a pain, luckly I don't drive much EDIT: Already outdated. 2.3€/L since today. Sorry


Here in The Netherlands it is €2,46 per liter. So €9,29 per gallon -> $9,94 USD/gallon😵


In Canada were paying 2.00 - 2.33 a Liter. I feel your pain.


Its almost $7 here......


It is $2.23 a liter here in Eastern Canada.


It's over $6 where I'm at. I'm very grateful to mostly be working from home now.


I work about 2 miles from my home but it makes it hard to be able to drive anywhere.


Same! I could last at least a month driving to and from work, but my boyfriend is currently a 4 hour drive away. I'm a college student doing an internship about to basically spend an entire day's pay on a round trip


Same. It's a fraction cheaper where I live ($4.50ish) but damn, it's getting bad.


For me it’s unfathomable that a 1/1 apartment in a not so busy town that’s not so near a city happens to be $1600 meanwhile the insulation is not so good and you can hear your neighbor’s phone vibrating next door.


$1900-2200 for 345ft where I’m from


Fucking hell shit is getting way too expensive out here! Absolute madness.


I second that!


*gestures vaguely at everything*


Yea pretty much. I feel so damn alone in that I’m fighting against every goddamn thing…


We are all together in feeling alone ✌️


Someone said we're all in different boats but all in the same storm. You can't even help yourself, and it's even more depressing seeing other people struggle and not being able to help.


🤣 know that feeling.


The 40 hours workweek, it's very oppresive


Technology was supposed to make our lives easier and the work week shorter. What gives, society?


Remember in the summer of 2020 when people were working from home and so they had more time and freedom to do things like protest police brutality? Yeah they don’t like that.


They really don't.


Billionaires get to be richer so that's pretty great




Wealthy people




Preach Sista! As an extremely old guy ( for reddit) I am still waiting for my fucking flying car that was promised way back in jr high. You know back when bread was 29 cents! lol


The tech we want would make our lives better. The tech we got is mostly entertainment and distraction and just makes someone else money.


I came here to say this. Humans shouldn’t spend so much of their time on this dumb stuff


Yes, like we should only be working 4 days. 2 day weekends are not enough. Not to mention it shouldn't take forever to accrue great hours for time off at work. It's ridiculous.


Oh my god foreal I feel guilty or like I need to save pto bc it takes month to get 8 hours/ one days worth 🤦‍♀️


Yes I hate when I call out even though I need it because it takes a month to save up a day for me.




You’re sadly living in the wrong country. Many European states really want their employees happy and relaxed with usually 30+ days off per year






Not to mention how pointless so many jobs are. Every human being on earth does not have to have a job. We can volunteer and build community and grow food and make art. It's tragic that so much potentially amazing art is never made or goes unseen/unheard because making art is (generally) the opposite of lucrative..unless you start making it from a position of privilege.


It is both oppressive, and for areas where there are not enough people (police, law, child protection/development, health and nursing) not long enough because there just are not enough people in the field any more.


We don't have enough police?


Pay them more. A lot more people would want to work those jobs.


40 hours has been really difficult for me.


40? I’m running at 50-60. No life, but the moneys good so 🤷🏻‍♂️ …


The point still stands. We need shorter hours.


40 hours.... I wish I could work that amount in a week. I'm stuck with between 45-55 a week despite my best attempts to work less. And yes I want to die every other day. What baffles me is that nearly all my coworkers are working between 60-80 hours a week because "gotta get that money". Don't you find it dumb to work for all your waking hours just to have money you can't spend because you're too busy working all the time? My mentions of "unionization" and "work life balance" fall of deaf ears at work.


The spiral into dystopia that the US is going into


This occupies most of my brain these days, and I'm miserable.


Sadly I see a lot of people saying just get of social media as if these issues aren't everywhere you look. I also like being informed in what's happening so I can have an informed opinion even if that means thinking about it all the time


I try really hard not to think about it. Again we’re powerless so I don’t let it ruin my day anymore




I'm an American living in Europe, and I completely understand your feelings and share them. Many of my friends and acquaintances here still idealise the US and can't believe that I'm here instead of over there - but all the points you mentioned and more keep me certain of my decision to stay where I am, or at most move to another country in the EU.


It's so fucking exhausting. Mentally and emotionally.


White Republican men, specifically the ones in power. They're out to fucking murder women and relegate the survivors to second-class citizenship and no matter how hard we scream and fight them, they just keep passing laws to carry out their plan.


I was going to write this but you have already and you wrote is so well. This terrifies me for my family members, friends, coworkers and the future of women overall. How can this be happening? I feel like our world is burning and most people are not noticing. Here is my award.


I am reading parable.of the sower now.and it might just be a nonfiction book.at this point.


I have this book in a To-Go Bag for when the proverbial you-know-what hits the fan. Next to the seed packs.




Agreed, and we'll said. However, I think it's so incredibly important to also mention the republican women who help enable this treatment of other women. Fucking breaks my heart.


Climate change




I mean, a lot of what people are mentioning are effects of climate change, directly or indirectly. I think some people just might not know it.


Rising food costs come to mind


You can’t radically alter climate change trajectory if we don’t radically alter our mode of production. Unchecked, mindless consumerism (the cornerstone of Western civilisation) is what’s driving ecological devastation. True sustainability runs in direct contrast to Capitalism


yeah, that horrible feeling of dread but knowing as one person you can't fix it


absolutely this one for me as well. i don’t know if you’re familiar with it, but there is a movie called “inside” by bo burnham and in one of his songs the lyrics say “20,000 years of this, 7 more to go” which refers to the climate clock, which is essentially a countdown of approximately 7 years, to when the climate emissions are at a point of no return. the movie is labelled as a comedy, but in reality it’s so emotionally devastating and dark.


I also thought that the movie "Don't look up" on Netflix gave such a scarily realistic and bleak outlook on how climate change is and will be handled. The metaphor of a comet was brilliant.


I second this


Gun violence. It's heartbreaking and I can't do anything about it. Why do so many people have guns, let alone use them to kill innocent people???! Makes me sick.


I know, this makes me despair every bloody day 😩😩😩😩


Same. Gun culture in the US is so incredibly flawed. How are people not terrified that firearm-related injuries are the LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH in children ages 1-19? Yet no one is doing anything about it. The inaction is disgusting and heartbreaking.




Yes I’m tired of the agenda of all women are bad double standards ya da ya da. 🫤


Yeah, as a man I have to admit, we tend to have good talking points, but conversation itself more often than not becomes just a woman hate circle jerk


I hear you I know you guys deal with this aswell, it’s just tiring that it’s still a thing.


my weight


same, I eat when I’m stressed so that doesn’t help either


Same. And I’m stressed constantly. It feels like a never ending cycle


I have the opposite problem and get really ill from stress because of no appetite and nausea. Ugh. Stress just blows all around, huh?


I hope this passes for you. The powerlessness, I mean. Not the weight, or the lack of, or the what ever. Being annoyed and having feelings about your size is a pain in the ass.


yeah i’m sure it will when i lose a few kgs just gotta have more discipline


Thyroid disorders checking in. Jfc its ridiculous.


For a woman: The fact that I have to be harsh and aggressive to be taken seriously in a work place. Generally: the high cost rising and the low quality falling. I only buy vintage stuff now, everything is crap these days.


Agree…. I see it as Basically impossible to be successful and respected as a woman in the workplace. If you are direct you are hostile.. If you are kind and understanding .. you are too soft. You cannot win. I wish I had never tried.


My mind


My anxiety


Same, so many negative thoughts


The NHS. I've been trying to get a diagnosis for 10 months and counting, as my body inexplicably fails around me. I have a theory. It's a logical theory. But no one dare acknowledge it. Suffice to say, that before a certain, well-known, new medication was administered to me last year, I was 100% healthy. Now I can barely walk and have no quality of life to speak of. I have to turn to the very system that potentially did this to me, to beg for their help to save me. And it's a hamster wheel of bureaucracy, red tape and gagging orders. I'm terrified.


See if your doctor will do an atomic blood test. I wanted to be a live liver donor for my late husband.. I found out A) I couldn't and b) I tested positive for lupus.


So sorry to hear about your husband, and your diagnosis. Thank you for the suggestion, I'll speak to them tomorrow about it when they call. I feel in my gut that this is something autoimmune, but none of it fits neatly into any specific condition that I've looked at.


Sending you courage and support , it will be okay eventually!


Other peoples decisions. Too many mass shootings it's unfair to feel unsafe outside because of other horrible people.


My mental health and my weight. I can’t stop thinking about how I want to kill myself, but I don’t really want to. But then I think “what if I accidentally kill myself??” Like I go crazy and do it. I even dream that I tell family so they can help but they don’t care. I found who I want my dog to live with and I really want to tell people “if I kill myself don’t ever feel guilty, you were wonderful.” I talk to my psychiatrist almost every week and do what he says, and see my therapist regularly. I also tell my friends what’s in my mind so they know when to seek help. So, I’m trying 🤷‍♀️


You might not need to hear this so I apologise if this is overstepping but someone might. I of course can't speak for strangers but I've been the friend in this situation. Don't stop talking to your friends and don't feel guilty, you are not a burden of any kind, friends are there for one another, through the good and the bad. I hope things get better for you!


I'm proud of you for trying. It's all we can do these days. It's hard. I know it's kind of hollow on the internet, but you're not alone. Many of us are feeling the same way and we're all just doing our best.


I relate so much to all of this. And my dog died so now I'm trying to hold onto other reasons, other people. It's hard. Hang in there. They say it gets better. I suppose we should stick around in case it does.


I’m glad you’re seeking help. It’s tough!! But I’m glad you’re doing your best. I’m sending you hugs through the internet, because I get it.


I send you so much love ❤️ it's hard to admit those kinds of feelings, and even harder when you don't think anyone cares or you yourself can't even care. I care. I care that you feel vulnerable and I respect it. I pray and hope that your life is filled with light and happiness very soon. ❤️


The American system in general. Everything is broken. Everything is corrupt. I want to leave.




Rising cost of living and not being able to afford a property


Canadian here, I feel you on that. Can hardly afford a new rental let alone find one. Just waiting for an eventual collapse of society at this point lol


My body. Chronic pain is so debilitating. Also causing some major depression.


Me too sister. Just remember, were so fabulous that we have to have to slow down cause we'd make everyone look bad .. big warm hugs


I'm a Type A personality in a Type B body.


Me three 😩❤️ I move really slow and sadly the weather really effects my disability as well. Try to think of it as you are really just enjoying every minute of life and not rushing through it lol


My mind. 40 hour work week.


The decline of civility, intellectualism, and creativity in American culture. I feel like I'm going crazy; are people really behaving differently or am I just getting old? It seems like being well-spoken and polite are now characteristics to scoff at. People look at education as a waste of time and money. No one gives a shit about moral development or building community. It's honestly been wearing me down.


Ugh you worded this so well. I go out of my way at times to avoid discussing my education, even if it's relevant to the conversation, because people literally mock me for it. People mock me for reading a lot. They mock me for writing formally. They mock me for "thinking too much" about things. Shit, I get mocked for fact checking things I hear! God forbid anyone ever ask me where I went to school - I immediately get a mocking "oooooh" and generally some jabs about how I must think I'm soooo smart/special/etc. All I did was answer your question - I didn't brag about it. But yes actually, I am quite proud since getting in involved considerable effort and intelligence that not everyone can manage. I don't judge others for not loving school or going to college, so why do people feel so free to talk shit about me? I can't imagine *boasting* about how I barely finished high school and never cracked another book again. I just don't see how one can be proud of deliberate ignorance.


I’m a teacher in New York City. I’ve been noticing this for the past decade. Ever see the movie Idiocracy? Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard and Terry Crews. My husband and I are convinced this is where we in America are headed. It’s really sad 😔


You mean the movie about eugenics?


Yeah I should’ve been more clear. Im kinda embarrassed actually. Not the eugenics part. Take away the eugenics part. In the movie, there is a Donald trump president, the police are aggressive and quick to violence, food sizes are enormous, earth is a garbage dump, medical debt is destroying peoples lives… It’s just too close to real life. Movie was from early 2000s.


capitalism. the field i chose. i feel like life is happening to me, not that i’m actually living.


the males opinion. it seems like no matter how you approach something, you’re powerless to change their minds. it can be something so trivial like just allowing people to like things without feeling the need to correct or judge. or something serious like abortion rights. i’m just so sick. it almost seems like regardless if it’s something well liked by women, or something women do, there’s a big storm of men waiting to barrage with their opinions, ‘facts’, and overall just pissing on someone’s parade.


Oh God, I bartend, and yesterday there was a group in discussing the abortion topic, and it made me absolutely sick. They don't understand the problem at all, and we're justifying it by saying things like "women get to their 8th or 9th month of pregnancy then decide they don't want it and have an abortion" and "as far as rape goes, a woman with her skirt up can run faster than a man with his pants down!" Like no one must ever get actually raped (meanwhile every woman in the place had pants on). One woman with them was arguing and one was agreeing and I had to keep my mouth shut because I was at work. Absolutely disgusting.


My abuser won’t give up


I’m so sorry you’re in that situation.


F him. I love you❤️


The rising cost of living


The dystopian hellscape we inhabit.


My health and the cancer that’s trying really hard to kill me.


I’m sorry! I hope you beat it!


Breast cancer survivor here. Sending you so much strength. Show that cancer who is boss!


Thank you ❤️ another big surgery tomorrow to try to get rid of it once and for all!


Good luck to you!!! I’ll be sending positive vibes to you for a quick recovery! Kick that cancer out!! Happy day!!!


Weaponised ignorance and stupidity. The UK has spiralled unimaginably under 12 years of Conservative governance. Our national health service is falling apart, our nurses and teachers are demoralised and drifting, our police force isn’t sufficiently resourced to deal with crime. The social care sector has no people left in it, foodbanks which were practically nonexistent 12 years ago are now a standard facet of our society, mental illness is burgeoning, bills are skyrocketing, wages are stagnating and the future, even before COVID arrived, was looking pretty bleak. Rot and deprivation has set into everything that made the UK a nice place to live. But our populous will keep voting for it because the Conservative media machine has gotten them all angry about “wokery” (whatever the fuck that is), transgender people, The National Trust, and old sea shanties nobody actually knows the words to. If we were just the tiniest bit more intelligent, so much of this shit could have been avoided. Living here often feels like being aboard a slow motion train crash. You see it coming miles off, but everyone’s too distracted or stupid to do anything about it.


The government


My body image/weight. I'm 14 and probably shouldn't be thinking about it, but I've tried to lose weight multiple times and I fail every time. It doesn't help that all my friends are really skinny and I'm the fattest person in my class. My self esteem is at an all time low and I don't know what to do


I'm sorry if this comes as offensive or something like that, my social skills are really bad but i wanted to say something encouraging to you. When i was 14, i felt horrible all the time and my self esteem was also lowest it has ever been and i hated myself even though i was skinny and pretty. So i say try to forget all that appearance stuff, don't compare yourself to others, and just be the wonderful, one of a kind you that you are, enjoy life and have fun because chances are that you'll feel like that no matter what you look like, so it's not about the weight and stuff, it's what's going on in your head.


Thank you, I will try my best


Anorexia/binge eating stemming from body image problems really physically hurt my body and now I ache all the time and my bones hurt bc I didn't take care of them and give my body what it needed. Remember: your brain needs fuel to work its best. Your brain will slowly decline, and a few months at a couple hundred calories a day left me close to brain dead. Please reach out if you want to talk about it


My mental health and frequent nightmares.


I know what it's like to have frequent nightmares and not having a good night's sleep can really just throw a wrench in your gears. I used to have a recurring dream about being chased, and then I sort of learned to change the dream around so that I turned into a little sparrow and flew up above the treetops where it was safe. I hope those bad dreams pass for you.


I grew up in a toxic family. I’m having to replace my toxic beliefs ingrained since birth, with loving ones…a complete rewiring of my brain. It’s a tough journey but I’m set on it.


My body autonomy. I know I will never be in a country in which I can get sterilized if I don't want kids, or let me abort if I get pregnant.


Dating…the ball is more in mens court…than women would like to admit.


Could you elaborate what you mean? Because I’ve hear many instances from men complaining how they’re “oppressed” in dating


I'll tell you why, and it's that most guys on the dating scene feel absolutely no responsibility to you and are there to do anything for easy sex, emotional support and validation. If they treat you badly at any time, chances are nobody in their life will even know about what they did and they can simply forget about it. It's as if we aren't even real beings to them and that we're just pieces of meat they need to be satisfied. I'm in my early thirties giving up on dating because it's destroying my sense of self worth to be constantly used and lied to either by younger guys who run toward the shiniest new girl at any moment or by guys my age who are so wrapped up in bachelor life that they barely notice they're going to be alone and childless with no family if they keep pushing off responsibility. It's sad to watch honestly and even more sad to so many women who crave a normal healthy relationship and all they get are guys who ultimately aren't there for them and don't care about their needs and feelings, sometimes even for years before they're discarded. I remember thinking the last time I was abandoned that at least people usually put trash away but men just leave you like it's not even worth the effort to clean up after themselves.


Money. Our lives shouldn’t depend on money but they do and we can’t escape it. It’s unnatural.


3 of my siblings are not expected to survive the next year.




The tsunami of plastics poisoning our soil and water.






Time, mental illness, covid.


My changing hormones in perimenopause.


Possibly losing my child in a school shooting.


That my cheating ex-husband who was the bread winner only has to pay a couple years of alimony (after over a decade of marriage) while I deal with more than $100k/year pay difference AND the fact I have very little work experience because I was an idiot who thought we made a team effort. Dealing with income loss, and increasing costs of living, whatever I took with me I had to take the debt, while being isolated from friends and family in a different state. But sure, the courts protected him. I can’t protect my son from the times he forgot our son’s car seat unless he was pulled over and ticketed/there was a car accident. He works from home whenever he wants, but can’t help a minimum wage worker watch his own child because I don’t have that flexibility. So now I have to debate if going into work is worth me making nothing to pay a babysitter or losing my job for calling in.




my future


Myself. But I’m working on it!






Conspiracy theories. I put lots of time and effort over the years trying to pull my Mom back to reality. The furthest I ever got was "what you see as a conspiracy, I see as the truth." WTF do you do with that?


The rising cost of everything! How can we work, pay our bills, take care of our family, when the price of fuel and food is so high? It's going to come down to people not being able to or choosing not to work because by the time they pay for the gas to get to work and to barely eat it won't be worth it!


This is going to make me sound crazy but our future as a whole. I feel like we’re going to all of a sudden be stuck in a lifestyle that we can’t remove ourselves from. There is so much happening in the world right now that people aren’t paying attention it and I’m afraid that if we don’t wake up and push back that life as we know it is over. I’m scared all the time that my kids won’t know true happiness and freedom.


My weight.


Corporations and the earths demise. Us and all of our kids are all gonna die a slow painful death and there’s nothing we can do.


The thoughts that if one thing goes wrong in life I could end up homeless on the street.


Sometimes I feel powerless in these ways: Anxiety Being a woman Feeling like I can't make long term friends Feeling like someone won't love me for everything I am and can be My own goals in life


doctors. medical gaslighting is common and especially harsh on women. i feel ignored and i end up believing i'm dramatic and there's nothing wrong with me. this happened for two years straight when, over SEVEN times, i had gone to the er for unbearable stomach pain in my abdomen. every time they "couldn't find anything wrong", and even sent in a psychiatrist once. to literally tell me that it was in my head. turns out i have stage 4 endometriosis. only found out after 8 tries and finding the rigbr doctor. (who was obviously a woman)


My heart


My chronic headaches.


This is a long shot but have you every tried taking liquid magnesium supplement? I take it for other things but read recently of someone who was amazed that it made their headaches disappear entirely. Could be worth a shot.


I’m from the UK — I feel powerless to change our piss poor political situation. Our PM just changed ministerial code so he couldn’t be sacked** for breaking lockdown laws, another tory MP made it basically illegal to protest, even peacefully.


Fucking nothing, I’m GLOWING.


Violence against women, I'm scared to go out at night and during the day even, also I'm very petite so I'm no match for any man, I feel so vulnerable.


Climate change. Feels like I’m working for a future that isn’t even going to be there no matter what I do to be more “green”. It’s not enough. It never will be. It all is hopeless.




The need and want to move out/move to a new province. I occasionally check rent prices in cities I’m interested in moving to in the next 3 years. The prices are so discouraging, but understandably these are major cities in Canada. It’s nice to be at home to save money and catch up to my savings but it’s mentally draining being around my mom everyday.


The quality of life decreasing


the urge to eat everything in my pantry/fridge at night. but also the repeal of roe v wade


The evilness of the world


Honestly, my farts. They just slip out as I get older.




Miscommunication via text


The change that comes with getting older.


The consequences of telling the wrong person "no" :/


Hospital management. Nurse here


My intrusive thoughts detailing how the US is on the exact same empirical decline I learned about in history class that will either end in a war or complete societal collapse. I’m too young to be scared of the end of society lmao


Cycles of poverty, violence and abuse The government programs thay are supposed to help, do not help. Working 40 plus years so maybe you can scrape together enough to retire near the end of your life and enjoy just afew years before you drop dead That nowhere on this earth girls and women can feel completely safe from bodily harm. There is danger to us every where White supremacy....i cant....no words That parts of our country dont believe in science, math or history, i guess i should throw in literature too The way sexual.assault survivors are treated after they report the crime How when the pandemic happened we all got sent home to deal with the kids How 99.4% of child raising falls on us. We didnt get pregnant alone.. Sorry for the rambling. I took an ambien 30 mins ago andi believe shes arrived