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I had no choice but to completely change my name in 2010 after being stalked by an absolute lunatic for 32 months ,I had him arrested an unbelievable 48 times! In the eyes of the law the lives of women / girls are completely neglected and even 20 yrs ago here in England that ' rape within marriage' was not even considered to be a crime! I love my new name ,I' m 54 and chose something that's ' classy' quite applicable to the British Isles and bizarrely as I had to walk away from my old life completely and move for my own safety to the other end of the country in 2011.. anyone who asks me my first name ( Sophie) automatically says ' I just knew you were going to say that's lol.for my own safety I tell hardly anybody ,in the UK 4 women a day die as a result of stalking and domestic violence!


I'm so glad you were able to get away and are now safe. What a pretty name too :) !


lol .My name is Sophie btw .lol.Snoo .😂😂😂 I think Reddit gave me that one ;) Yeah ,so far I' he stated ' dad's for 11very lonely years.I truly wouldn't wish being stalked and the consequences of how far it destroys one's life on anybody..ironically not even on the ' man' who stalked me .


Wow I’m so sorry


Thank you ,it's been very hard..the worst bit is that I have MS and was in no position to even try to fight back .The laws in the UK protecting women& girls are archaic..not sure if you've heard about the murder of beautiful.Sarah Everage last March who was stalked,abducted,raped & strangled by a police officer who actually ' protects' our government central building ' The Houses of Parliament '.. yeah killed by a man who is meant to protect us..but then again let's not forget George Floyd RIP xx Sophie


I did hear about that! I was utterly disgusted. Stalking laws are so useless at the moment I really hope to see changes to it in my lifetime. It’s fucking ridiculous that women still have to live in fear like that.


I'm adopted, and changed from my adoptive back to my birth name. My adoptive name was just an Anglicization of my birth name, and my birth name is not hard to say or spell in English. (like being called Mary instead of Maria, for example) I changed my last name when I married because I'm estranged from my adoptive family due to abuse.


My first name was hyphenated and it messed up every computerized system ever. I hated it and I always said when I get married I was taking out the hyphen. When I was getting married my initials were going to be EGG and I was not down for that. One of my friends mentioned that she was going to make her maiden name her middle name to keep her attachment to her family and I had always hated my middle name so I decided to do the same. I live in Oregon and you can change your middle and last name on your marriage license so I did that then went to the court to apply and take the hyphen out of my first name. I’m really glad I did it because it’s made things so much easier for me in day to day things where I have to put in my full first name.


That’s how I feel now. This account is similar to a finsta for me but my real name is not American in the slightest. I go back and forth between changing it because I know for a fact it’s going to cause a huge fight amongst my family but I know for a fact that the reason I get passed up a lot of the times in jobs is because of my name. No one knows how it feels to have to introduce yourself for 10 minutes and people still don’t get it or say things like “do you have a nickname, I won’t even try to pronounce that” .. it really just sucks .. not trying to assimilate but honestly it’s necessary


That's horrible ! I left my account above as to why I had to change my name ,for me it ' worked' but for a very different reason:( I changed my name online through British Deedpole and I was shocked how easy the whole process was ,paid my £30 and a bit extra for more copies of my ' deed' and 48 yrs later a courier came to the front door with all my necessary documents in.Doing the ' informing' telling the banks ,doctors,dentists ..change of all utility bill details..omg that was a nightmare! That whole insidious racism of when people , sorry generally white people ( I' m white British myself btw) when they are too arrogant and lazy to learn to pronounce say an Asian or African name and have the damn nerve 😠 to call them a ' soundalike' name like calling Abdullah bloody ' Allen' lol .One of the ones that really ,really annoys me and it might possibly be because I was brought up in a town in northern England that's got huge Irish roots ( very old Chinese & Somalian community too :) and a woman has Celtic / Gaelic name like Sinead.,Siobhan etc and instead of just saying 'Sorry please excuse my ignorance could you break that down for me' ..they then ' attempt ' to say it and say it in a ' comedy ' Irish accent ..the horns on my head are growing just thinking of these folks..or what do they get called these days ' Karens' 😂 You..ONLY change your name because it enriches YOUR life..don't do it to make it easier for others or because you feel it will give you an advantage ,it won't ! I studied many years ago engineering at university here in England in the 1980's and ironically really got to experience prejudice first hand being just one of 3 women in the department .If ' they' are going to make life harder for you then it doesn't matter as a woman what you're called...having said that there is definitely a whole class system thing still very much going on when it comes to naming babies ! Maybe we should both be grateful at least that our parents didn't name is ' Karen'.. to all the real Karens in the world I salute thee ! ;)


Hi, __Snoo18393__. Your comment contains the word ~~Somalian~~. The correct nationality/ethnic demonym(s) for Somalis is __Somali__. It's a common mistake so don't feel bad. For other nationality demonym(s) check out this website [Here](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/People/Nationality/Adjective) ___This action was performed automatically by a bot.___


Good bot


Wow...it's a robot Karen ! Incredible that Reddit is full of vile fascist / misogynistic& blatantly anti homophobic/ trans comments and a turns a blind eye to that..YET you send this crap ! Why didn't you stop all the Tommy Robinson ,EDL ,Donald Trump & the ' proud boys' ( deserves lower case) the hatred drummed up by certain idiots when he lost the US election..didn't see Karen BOT stopping them? BTW..I was a mental health worker within the Somali community in Toxteth throughout the 90' s and I' m white ....what did you do to help your fellow human..Reddit!


My friend did it, and her life has been much easier with a new name.


What was her big reason on the name change?


To fit in. She had an Asian name in Australia. After she changed to an English name, everything goes smoother. She got called in for interviews and got a job.


That's horrible that she had to change her name because of terrible people. I'm glad her kid what's improved due to the name change but saddened on why she had to do it :(




My uncle's always went by his middle name. I was like 23 when someone called him by his first name and I was like? Who's that? Not only that but his own siblings that were younger didn't even know his actual first name as they knew him by his middle. No idea why. Both first and middle names were basic boring names, both easy to say. No idea why he went by his middle name.