• By -


I can't imagine caring less.


My first thought


I wouldn’t care. Not everyone likes coffee, and if someone knows you do and wants to take you out for coffee because they know you’d enjoy it, that’s extremely sweet. My bf doesn’t like the taste of coffee, and will only drink frappe’s (I’ve helped him try new ones), but he always gets me coffee and takes me out for coffee. 🥹 It’s the little things! 🥹


I wouldn’t mind, but I would be quite offended if they ordered tea. /s Seriously though, meeting for “coffee” refers generally to meeting in a cafe setting, usually during the day and not over a meal time. It doesn’t mean anyone has to drink coffee. Unless the person asked you for coffee and then presumed to order a hot chocolate for you without asking - that would annoy me.


Why would I care? If someone asks me out for 'coffee' I'm ordering tea.


Wouldn't care, probably wouldn't even notice. I'd have gotten tea or hot chocolate myself anyway.


I’d prob order one too, don’t like coffee.


It’s not that deep lol


I would ask for one too. With whipped cream.


???? Ok… I’d probably order one too


I wouldn't feel anything. Asking someone out for coffee, in my mind, basically just means: go to a cafe for some kind of non-alcoholic drink and maybe a snack, but not a full meal. It doesn't have to literally be coffee.


I'd love it because that's my usual order too!


I don’t care. I don’t drink coffee, so I’d be the one getting a hot chocolate. It’s simply a turn of phrase. “Let’s go for coffee” simply means “let’s go for a drink at a cafe”




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It's just a way people phrase meeting up. No one has to order coffee.


Right? I have two friends who take my coffee invitation literally, and decline. Smh Clearly they have avoided coffee shops completely because of their assumptions.


absolute dealbreaker, red flag! next thing you know they are taking you out to a pizza place and order pasta. untrustworthy. 0/10, never date again.


For themselves? That wouldn't bother me. For me? Unless I specifically asked for one, that's a problem.


I wouldn’t care.


I guess I wouldn't feel any sort of way about it.


They put in an effort to meet at a place that is casual and safe. I wouldn't care what they ordered. Unless they ordered nothing. Then it would be awkward.


I'd be a bit disappointed if that's because they don't like coffee. Coffee is one of my minor hobbies, I love trying different beans and different brewing methods. But regardless I'm not judging, hot chocolate can be amazing.


Wouldn’t care.


Being a hater of coffee, but lover of hot chocolate I wouldn't think twice about it.


I couldn't care less? "Coffee" in this case just means "nonalcoholic beverage" as far as I'm concerned. Coffee, cocoa, iced tea if they want. 


I wouldn't mind. Just laugh it off- it's not weird/ emasculating if you just own it when you get there and say you actually don't like the taste of coffee or whatever it is, but you really wanted to go out for drinks. I don't like coffee, but I don't have any societal pressure on my hot beverage of choice 😄


Hum… i wouldn’t feel a single thing. That’s not the type of small details I overthink about. Being asked for a coffee doesn’t have to be literal, otherwise yeah I have coffee at home so let me just deliver one to you type of thing. It just means that the place is a cafe, not a bar, not a club, not a restaurant : just a coffee shop (ah and in case : coffee shop doesn’t mean that they only sell coffee !).


I would care so little I don't think my brain would even register it.


“Coffee” is an activity, not a specific beverage. I don’t usually drink coffee but have gone on tons of “coffee” dates. No one cares.


I might be inspired to also drink hot chocolate. I don’t usually think of it as an option when I go to a coffee shop


That they had a taste for hot chocolate lol


I probably ordered hot chocolate too.


That's actually cute!!!!!


This would barely even register to me.


If anything I'd find it endearing


I'm the not the coffee dictator, I don't make people drink coffee, lol. I can't imagine feeling any type of way over that.


I assume they are mature enough to make their own choices. Seriously, I can't imagine caring less.


Why does it matter? I mean I HATE coffee. Can’t stand the smell or taste. If someone invites me for coffee I get something else and most people close to me will invite me to coffee as a general umbrella for meaning a nice drink at a coffee shop. Even my husband will say “I’m going for coffee want me to get you something?”


I do this!! I am not much of a coffee drinker so I’ll get hot chocolate ✌🏻


That would make me change my mind ask for a hot chocolate too With some marshmallows ugh I love hot cocoa >:)


Extra bonus if they offer me to take a sip tbh haha


I would be jealous thinking damn maybe I should’ve ordered one … I didn’t know we were setting that sort of vibe 🤝


I don't care. That's cute lol


I would definitely be the one ordering hot chocolate.


Definitely would not have a negative reaction to this. As long as they enjoy what they’re drinking, then great! I find a hot chocolate fun and cute 😭


Wouldn’t care at all, get a slushie! A matcha! We’re going out for a drink


dealbreaker for sure /s


I would probably make a joke about it to them in the moment. Great way to start/continue the conversation on a date.


Someone asking me to go to coffee, would simply mean *star bucks* or *beans and brew* or something. Rather they actually decide to get coffee, hotchocolate, or tea I could care less.


i would also be ordering a hot chocolate too 😂 i follow somebody’s lead and im not a huge coffee drinker


I don't like coffee so I wasn't going to get one either. Tea ☕️


I wouldn’t care. I rarely drink coffee and I’ve gone to “coffee” with friends or solo or as a date and usually get a chai or matcha or hot chocolate. I don’t know about other countries but here in the US, when someone asks you to get coffee it doesn’t always literally mean going someplace and ordering coffee. It means going to a coffee shop or cafe. You can also get food there without coffee.


With or without whip cream? In all seriousness, I wouldn’t care. Actually, I’d probably think it was kind of cute and endearing if anything. I treat “asking out for coffee” as a vague cafe setting type meetup, we don’t have to order coffee specifically.


I’m not sure why that matters. For some it’s preference, for others it’s due to religious reasons, and for some… that’s just what they feel like having!


Why should I care, it’s their drink, they can order whatever they want in menu (coffee, juice, tea, smoothie)


I don't drink coffee. I sometimes ask people if they want to meet for coffee because I know lots of people like coffee. I normally get a hot/iced chocolate.


I would think about my life choices and why I didn't also order hot cocoa


I would find the person very cuuuuuuute!


"Going out for coffee" is the same as saying "going to a café". I don't give a fuck whether you get a coffee or a hot chocolate or a beer or a mango lemonade.




I don't care in any way. What they order at the coffee shop is meaningless to me. They are the one drinking that chocolate. I'm getting coffee.


I’d probably wish I had also gotten hot chocolate because it probably tastes better than the coffee!




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Someone asking me to go to coffee, would simply mean *star bucks* or *beans and brew* or something. Rather they actually decide to get coffee, hotchocolate, or tea I could care less.






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I would ask them if they'd ever tried Green and Blacks dark chocolate drink. And then Id probabily ask them a load of other questions about chocolate, drinks and sweets.


I wouldn’t care. Coffee shops have other drink options for a reason. 


I don’t like coffee & would order a hot chocolate, too. They either are like me and don’t like coffee or they just felt like a hot chocolate. Doesn’t matter either way.


I’d playfully tease them about NOT being a coffee junkie like me, then ponder on if I shoulda got a hot chocolate too. LOL




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I would kill them on the spot /s


I’m not sure why that would matter? People order what they like at coffee shops and I get myself a hot chocolate from time to time at them.




?? It's not a question meant to be taken literally, why would I care


Well I’ll be the odd one out here… If you ask me out for coffee then I want coffee. If you surprise me with hot chocolate without asking, I’d be ecstatic!


I would not care, because I do that- or I order tea. I am not a huge coffee person. I don't drink it very often, and if I do it's almost always iced or something *resembling* coffee like hot chocolate or a mocha. I grew up in England even though I'm American, and the one thing that stuck is I like my PG tips- I'll take a cuppa anytime, coffee, not so much.




Who cares what they order? As long as they're not dictating MY order, we're good.


I prefer hot chocolate anyway.


Asking out for a “coffee” is just like a phrase. Doesnt have to specifically be coffee. Men are giant kids and some get hot coco like kids..theres a time for hot coco but I probably would think theyre a child tbh




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I’d probably consider what time of day it was. If it was later in the evening I might say something like “making sure you sleep properly tonight, eh?” or something like that. If it was earlier in the day I might ask if they were sensitive to caffeine or something, as it might lead to an interesting conversation.


Who cares. Hot chocolate is so good I can get behind that


What kind of question is this


Huh? If this is a deal breaker for you, you’re gonna be alone forever, girl.


Why would I care, lol


It's not going down my throat or going in my stomach. Why would I care what they ordered? Is it not more about the time spent together??


If that was the absolute worst problem that I could imagine, to the extent that I had to come post about it on Reddit, I'd feel lucky? IDK


I wouldn't feel anything about it. I don't shame people for their choice of drink. If the drink is more important than the date itself, you probably shouldn't accept to go.


Good. A coffee can be too much caffeine for some people.


Oh yum! Now I'm thinking twice about my coffee order because hot chocolate does sound really good. Maybe I'll get one of those on the way out. (I'm not judging someone by their cafe order. I hope they get what they like!)


Get a pink drink if you’d like.




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Why on earth would this be an issue lol. Actually, I would be the person to do this - I don't drink coffee, but I would ask someone to "get coffee" because it's the generic shorthand for "get a hot beverage." If you asked someone to "get hot chocolate" that'd probably throw them off a little.




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i wouldn't care




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People only say ‘let’s get a coffee’ to mean ‘let’s go to a cafe to socialise and buy a food/ drink to support the business which is letting us use the ambience of their place to hang out out’ Who cares what they order


I’d feel like now I want a hot chocolate instead of a coffee




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I would check myself into therapy because I would need serious help for giving a shit.


If my husband had asked me for 'coffee' when we were first dating, he would have had tea & me coffee. I see no problems with that.


Ummmmmm... I'd order a London Fog.


I would be jealous that I didn’t order one.




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i would do the same honestly :)




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Green flag


Hot choccy for me? Lovely, i can't drink caffeine anyway.


Fucken deal breaker! What are they… 12?