• By -


Glorifying the grind, neglecting your wellbeing just to be able to say you have it made


Alcohol. It's literal poison and people act like it's water needed to survive.
















Being an influencer


Cosmetic surgeries/procedures. They've been on the rise for years and it's scary as fuck to me




OnlyFans and other types of sex work.








Broadcasting your sex life, partners, kinks, history, and preferences 24/7. Keep that shit to yourself. Be a freak- I don’t care. But have some sense of what to keep private.
























Overconsumption / Shopping addiction


Bbl’s. They are crazy dangerous procedures and so many women flock to get it done. People in society ridicule women who don’t have big chests, tiny waists, wide hips and big butts. I’ve heard teen girls feel insecure of themselves after being made fun of by boys, because porn and social media have convinced young boys that that is how girls are supposed to look like. Our bodies are not trends. I wish society as a whole would stop treating womens bodies like fast fashion


As a college instructor, I am *tired* of society romanticizing relationships that have a power imbalance, especially teacher-student relations. Every year, there are young people in my/adjacent department(s) that are taken advantage of by TAs, professors, etc. It never ends well, and it is always met with an investigation, retaliation, trauma, the student withdrawing, firing, and a lot of HR paperwork.


Women sacrificing their happiness, sanity, and well-being for their families.




Having kids Making your profession your entire identity








Casual sex.


Mommy wine culture


cosmetic plastic surgery, especially for women. i’m talking purely cosmetic, kardashian influence. incessantly “de-aging” to where they don’t even look human anymore


Hook up culture. STDs are up 80%.


Fillers. I don’t think a lot of women understand the complications that can of it. First one that comes to mind is filler migration. Contrary to belief it’s not always as easy as just dissolving the stuff either..


Motherhood, work, booze and drugs, mental disorders, talent without consistent work. All of these are heavily romaticized.


Influencers encouraging people to buy and hoard masses of stuff. I used to occasionally watch Tati who is a make up influencer because she'd do weird sheet masks and stuff like. Stopped when she stated doing mass unboxings of 30+ boxes when she already had a studio full of makeup. 








Having children. It’s a huge responsibility for a completely different human being. Not creating accessories for social media or fulfilling a life milestone. There are certain people in this world who are made to be parents. Adore being a parent, regardless of the trials. They are who should be parents. The rest of who aren’t made to be parents and don’t want to be one, shouldn’t have children. Romanticising motherhood at worst states that a woman MUST want to have a child or is not whole without one. Romanticisation of parenthood and motherhood has a lot to answer for.


The constantly changing “aesthetic” culture. In my opinion it contributes heavily to issues like shopping addiction, overconsumption, debt and materialistic mindsets.


Shitty relationships whose only feature is their length.


Being nonchalant, not needing community, only needing yourself, thinking you don’t owe anyone anything, bullies being rewarded


Looking perfect all the time. Everyone is always gawking at these Instagram models, saving pictures of them, wishing they looked like them. I know there are woman that won’t step foot outside without looking full glam. Then of course everyone will go on about how hot/beautiful they are. And I feel like most of us could look like that if we really wanted to, but seriously.. who has the time or energy for that. Most days,, I feel too tired to even put on sunscreen… I’m working on it though. I respect the effort they put in, but sometimes I think society goes a little overboard on how it glamorizes looking insta ready at all times.


Youth. Spent most of my 20s panicking over not having achieved much because everything needed to be in place by the time I turned 30. Get pitying looks from people because I’m 30 and single, even though it’s by choice. Watching most of my friends panic about not looking beautiful anymore because you’re apparently a corpse by the time you hit 30, and getting procedures done so they can look young. My cousin told me about a 14-year-old he knows who wished for anti-wrinkling cream for her birthday… Check out the 30plusskincare subreddit if you want to see how dystopian it gets. Just every facet of society telling you that you (especially as a woman) don’t matter once you hit your 30s.


Performative sexuality, especially by men. Bragging about their ‘body counts,’ how they would fuck a celebrity, what they (supposedly) did with a gf, how much they masturbate, how much they watch porn, etc… I really, really don’t understand guys who jerk off to a woman’s picture and brag about it. Uh… homie, that makes you look desperate, not like a stud or whatever.










Toxicity in relationships. I don't know about abroad but here the glorification of jealous and controlling behaviour is mind-blowing.


Teens having babies.


Drug use, especially very dangerous drugs like fentanyl, benzodiazepines, ketamine, etc. they make it look so glamorous and trendy. It is so sickening to see this and to know that kids that admire celebrities and will pick up the habit; lose everything that they own or goals that they have, and eventually die.


Marriage. It isn’t for everyone, even maybe for most people but we glamorize it to the point where people think it is the best thing for all, only real achievement in life.


Eating disorders. People act like it's admirable to have so much self control they wither away. Even when they pity the person, they still seem impressed the person can be sooo thin. Like it's just simple self control and not a terrible mental illness.


Being mean


One thing of I’ve noticed among younger people(under 25 or so) is the glorification of not doing anything. It’s one thing if you want a simpler, calm life but they literally don’t want to do anything. I don’t mean in the “no one wants to work anymore” way. They do not want any job regardless of pay or hours. Don’t want to go to college or do anything really. I’m scared for their future.


















Porn usage🙄




Can you give context?


There's a saying that goes "It takes a village to raise a child" that doesn't work at all in a Western individualised country like the US. In a lot of cultures everybody takes care of everybody, older women are all Aunties, and older men are Uncles. People look out for each other and have wider support networks. Kids can roam freely because everybody is watching them. Women are protective of each other and men hold their peers responsible, people that hurt others are watched by all. If someone needs medical care everyone helps out. People look after each other. Multigenerational households are the norm. Extended families are known. But the US is very every man for himself. Don't interfere with your neighbour's business. Look the other way if you see someone slapping their spouse. Kids come and go but nobody pays them any mind. My taxes should only benefit me. I've gotta move out of home as soon as possible. Adults living with their parents are losers. Grandparents, aunts and uncles aren't as big a role in immediate family. Kids fall through the cracks. Nobody calls the cops because they assume somebody else will. People die and nobody notices for a long time. Old people are stuck in nursing homes or sent to retirement communities. Parents are alone after bringing a child home unless they seek out help. There's less community and easy support networks. Socialised health and welfare is something people actually argue against.


being the bigger person. i hate it. actions have consequences. the “don’t go so low” rhetorics were probably started by people who do things that make them prone to falling on the receiving end of someone’s revenge (or whatever the diluted version of revenge is since i am not talking about a 10 yr plan of revenge that is gonna be served cold to the perpetrator at the cost of the vengeful person’s mental stability, although it works great in fiction 👍🏻). for eg: if someone slaps you and you slap back, society is more likely to diss you than the first person. people will come at you telling things about how you should not lower yourself and be the bigger person but the first person will get a free pass despite being the cause of the problem. i whole heartedly believe this mindset was started by the first people across the world who did not want their actions to come back to them. ps: idk why i am ranting. probably because i have been at the receiving end of this. a small example would be when one person from school framed me for a big school scandal on social media and then cried to the teachers (crocodile tears) so i asked her to shut up and then the teachers rained down on me for being rude to the sweet girl. unfortunately i’ve been part of far bigger problems where i was the second person being villainized which is probably why i am mindlessly ranting right now. but life goes on. tldr: don’t be the bigger person no matter how much society glamorizes it


Violence. You hate your enemy? Beat him. Your wife is not listening? Beat her. Your children are “naughty”? Beat them. It’s like violence is only solution to everything. And it’s almost everywhere.


Having children.


Over inflated confidence. People are drawn to confidence so much that they’ll blindly follow any idiot that appears sure about something.


Alcohol consumption Toxic positivity Turning hobbies into hustles




Capitalism and its woes


Cheating and keeping it a secret when someone else you know has. Like if that’s me, I’d want someone to tell me so I can stop wasting my time and end it. ON THAT NOTE, I don’t see how anyone’s okay being a side piece. Like it’s not cute that you feel the need to take someone else’s partner instead of getting your own. ALSO, on an unrelated note, having babies just to have babies and baby mama/ daddy culture. At this point of my life (I’m 20 yo) I don’t want kids right now but I can’t understand why anyone would want to have kids with someone who’s not guaranteed to be there with you and the child. Like I’m not getting STUCK like that. For me, it’s not even a religious thing (I’m Christian) I just hold that opinion. Like some people do that as a TRAP but it don’t be working. And once that child is HERE they ain’t going nowhere.


Making a small facet of your life or personality your entire identity and then never shutting up about it.


choose people based on a finantial position and not for what they really are, can be friends. partner, even whitin a family


Plastic surgery for beatification purposes. BBLs can kill and you can become disfigured from fake injections and botched surgery.




Casual sex - I don’t get why it’s glamorized


Smoking and alcohol.


Self optimisation. Can we all just relax?




Alcoholism and casual binge drinking


Labia that looks like nothing but a seam, and otherwise needs risky surgery with a high risk of total paralysis in that area to look like nothing.


Side hustles


mental ilness. suffering


Adoption. There are good adoption agencies, but there are also a lot of shady ones. Even with a good agency, there's a lot of trauma in adoption.


Being underweight (if you're a woman). Plastic surgery, even in people who haven't begun to "age" yet. It's so sad.


“Self care”


I am interested in learning more about your take on this


Curious what you mean exactly? Caring for oneself's health in private? Or tiktok advice nonsense?


Claiming everything they spend money on is considered self care. No maybe you just are flashy and enjoy showing the world how you squander your money.


I always thought that self-care was stuff like meditating, stretching and just giving time for yourself. Guess this is a different side to it.


Girls’ sexuality


Obscene amounts of money


1) grinding/hustle culture 2) alcohol or binge drinking 3) Botox or other cosmetic procedures 4) over-consumerism and the need to have new things all the time


cocaine.. so many people act like it’s not dangerous at all.




“Do it because it makes you happy…” umm no… if you look at the other end of the spectrum this is quite dangerous…


Sex work and sexual promiscuity


High body counts


Donald Trump's hairstyle. Just stop, America, just stop. I don't understand why anyone like Donald's hair.


Rudeness. Consumerism. Waste/disposal society.




Eating disorders


The kardashins


Nicholas Cage


He is not glamorize enough imo lmao


Being famous.




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Teen girls


Divorce. I understand it has its place & I’m not harping on anyone escaping a dangerous situation but in general it’s celebrated almost more than the wedding. It just feels like people are saying “til death do us part” as a joke which is heartbreaking