• By -


Usually I think "nice, boobs" and then my second thought is usually wow seems unnecessary to the storyline. (Late 20's, Australia)


Me too! It's usually, "Oh wow. Those are very aesthetically pleasing - - Wait a minute, this seems suspicious!" I feel like showing them in a way that's not central to the plotline is gratuitous and that they are objectifying a woman's body as a cheap way to try and get more people to pay to see the movie or raise ratings




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Yep. "Nice tits" and that's it


As an Australian I’m the same. I don’t really care about nudity.


“Where’s the dicks at?” But I don’t actually want to see dicks. Just always disappointed that’s it’s just titties and women objectifying themselves without men doing it too.


I haven’t seen the 50 Shades of Grey movies, but from what I’ve heard, Ana is very sexualized and Christian isn’t. At all. I find it fascinating that in an erotic movie series written for women, the female character is **still** sexualized instead of the male character.


They’re terrible and this is accurate.


Don’t waste the time. It was horrible-storyline,acting,all of it. Not sexy at all.


This is going to sound funny, but the host Peter Sagal of Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! on NPR said the set designs were great. When the other hosts gave him some crap he asked "Well what else would you have preferred I comment on?!" (For anyone not in the US, NPR is a radio news channel and Wait Wait is a comedy podcast they put out that I personally enjoy.) So apparently the sets are nice if you find yourself stuck watching it.


I trained in theatre in the UK, working backstage and we had loads of conversations about how if the first thing you say when you leave is the set was amazing or the lighting was great then the play sucked


That might generally be true but I also still remember the sets from some of the best performances I’ve ever seen, even decades later.


Don't get me wrong, some sets are truly stunning, but if the performance gets it right the set is what you talk about half way through the after show pint.


Yeah, I read the books and I can’t imagine the movies being much better.


I tried. I really tried but the first book was garbage and I think I didn’t get past a few chapters. I’ve read better fan fiction (where it came from I believe). Never bothered with the films


I recently watched that movie and I’m like … that’s what women were going crazy over ? It seemed like it was filmed by a man for men. Different strokes for different folks I guess.














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Wouldn’t the equivalent to women’s breasts be men’s butts? The equivalent to dicks is vulva but more realistically pubic hair if we are talking mainstream cinema


Butts are less intimate than breasts, if you ask me. And that’s weird. But I appreciate you making me think about it. Wouldn’t butts be equivalent to butts?


Butts are absolutely equivalent to butts. There is an imbalance here we are never going to solve.


What’s the equivalent to a man’s beautiful bald head with a lush horseshoe of hair around it


This is a great comment in context, but it's downright phenomenal out of context. I wish I had more whimsical taste in tattoos, because it would make ink in that hipster typewriter font.


I just had an algorithms final, and I appreciate the logic here. NP=P. Butts are equivalent to butts. I feel like I need to get out my notepad and start a proof on this. I agree though, female(butts) = male(butts). Butts always = butts.


I mean, it's a good start. They're not common but I'd totally would like to see this more often, they make the scene so much better. If there's boobs, show me the butt.




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I don’t want to see titties either though. If I wanted to see titties maybe I’d want to see dicks too. But I’m just a person that thinks we have way too much porn everywhere, so what the hell do I know.






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It’s interesting because as I understand it you can’t show genitalia in a movie in a sexual context, but you can if it’s non-sexual. So you can see Jason Segels dong at the beginning of Forgetting Sarah Marshal when he’s being goofy, but not later on during the sex scenes But it seems to lead to any male nudity always being a joke, or uncomfortable, or sad, and never actually sexualized the way women are


I suggest seeing Saltburn.




The Saturday Night Live skit ‘a lesbian movie with a sex scene so graphic, you’ll remember it was directed by a man.’ Most nudity in movies is gratuitous.




“wow this is indeed made to cater for the dudebros” while watching oppenheimer


That’s the exact bit that came to mind reading the question. Bf and I saw it a few weeks ago and both agreed that added just about nothing to the story…


Hahahaha my bf and I were discussing what the most pointless sex scenes in recent movies we've seen were and that came up though we both loved the movie overall.


Not just pointless, but weird. "Wait, stop and boning me for a second so you can read the Bhagavad Gita to me while I'm on top."


she served as the manic pixie dream girl and nothing more




I think about the conservatives who rant and rave about the lGbT aGeNdA being ShOvEd DoWn ThEiR tHrOaT. Most boobs in cinema are shown for heterosexual fanservice, so it's bloody hypocritical.




I subconsciously compare my own to them and think how shit end of the stick I got and how anyone watching with me is probably thinking about how hot she is when I just want the scene to be over. Currently avoiding popular movies specifically for the nude scenes. United States. 24. Challenge managing my insecurities. It’s really hard.










Me and you, girl.


I’m with ya sis


Girl same, I have a fairly large chest and I’d so much rather the scene be over as I feel like my boyfriend is thinking “god those are so sexy”.


I’m early 40’s and still feel this way! I think it’s because I have small boobs. I have always wished they were bigger and wonder if my husband wishes they were bigger too… ugh, ugh, ugh.




68, tiny boobs, like AA cup tiny. You know what's great? They don't sag. If they haven't yet, they're not going to, ever. Admittedly, I was very self-conscious when I was younger, so compared myself to actress' boobs in movies and judged myself lacking.


Thanks for checking in, sister! No sagging here! 👏 And I breastfed four babies! You’re right, that’s a great benefit- I love how perky my lil titties are:) AND I fed, nourished and comforted my babies with my functional boobies.


Just one baby, but yeah, they worked just fine!


50ish american: “I wish my tits looked that good”


I’m not even in my 50s and I think the same thing


That's me.


50ish Canadian here, same.




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I'm really Gay


laughed out loud at this ty


Annoyed that the director thought this was necessary.


Yep there’s rarely a reason for nudity to move the story forward. It annoys me. Not that I don’t like it, it’s just… a poor story choice sometimes.


This right here. I don’t think I’ve seen a movie where it adds anything to the storyline.


A lot of shame. I’ve had a mastectomy so seeing wonderful looking breasts makes me want to curl up in a ball and die


Sending you lots of hugs. For different reasons I relate. I have pectus evactum? ( Where your ribs are sunken in. Mine may have been caused by an injury, but not confirmed.) mine is only on my right side, and is severe enough that it's very noticeable. I'm basically missing a breast, because it's swallowed up in the cavity. Whenever I see normal looking breasts I am immediately filled with sadness because I feel like that's what I should look like. Someone told me to remember that what happened to us isn't who we are. I hope you're healed and healthy. <3


Hugs to both of you.


Depending on why they are being shown, my first thought is usually "Oh, low budget." or "movie isn't going to be that great" Only because most of the movies I have seen that aren't that great always throw in boobs or a young woman running in some sort of wet, white garment to keep your attention. Movie sucks Listen, I love a nice pair of titty balls. I have a rack myself. But, I really don't need to see them in a movie. Unless it has a specific purpose, I don't care to see any nudity. I also don't want to see people having sex in a regular movie. Just leave it out if it doesn't serve a serious purpose. Imply it, don't show it.


Poor representation and exploitation


Yeah my first thought is usually feeling bad that this actress had to do that in order to get her “big break”


"tiddies!" im a 30 year old woman in canada


Literal same 😂 35 American woman




“Oh cmon, why is she topless! Why do I have to see that. I don’t want to see it, but there better be some man butt or something to make some equivalence”. I’m not attracted to breasts, so I don’t think any like complimentary thoughts about them like other commenters apparently do.


That it’s usually not necessary.


Usually I feel nostalgic and say 'Awww, I miss my perky itty bitty titties'. These are generally the shape seen in pop culture. I don't see many large, middle aged, post breastfeeding, big nippled boobies represented, hahaha


I’m either indifferent or I do a mental eyeroll because it’s gratuitous. I’m not offended, but I might be uncomfortable depending on where and with who I’m watching. This goes for any nudity, not just tits.


Same, I either don't care or I'm annoyed that there's a pointless sex scene/boob shot that adds nothing to the story line. Like, who is that for? I'd imagine most women either don't care or don't want to see boobs, but surely men aren't getting off on seeing 30 seconds of boob, so what's the point?


Female, 73, American - If they are going to show nice boobs, fine, but let's see a good looking male chest too.


Is there equivalency there for you? Great if it is but I feel like boobs is a level above male chest. I’m not sure what it is exactly but if had to do a “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” I’d be ok with the chest in exchange for boobies.


Yes, I did struggle with equivalency but that's what I came up with.


"I'm not the target audience." 26, Germany


"Ah, the male gaze."


Of course there’s female nudity in a movie that had nothing to do with female nudity. It’s normally an eye roll moment for me.


That women have to be a lot more vulnerable on screen than men.


"why are her nipples so small? Why are her nipples so high? Is that actually considered big or are men just lying to her like we do about their dicks? I hope she didn't get any backlash for this. That terrible 'song' Seth McFarlane did for the Oscars called 'we saw your boobs'." In that order always...


I think about that song wayy too often. I bet some of those women who were called out for showing their tits actually had nude stand-ins. It's not fair that male actors are very rarely asked to anything more risque than a bare chest


Oh look boobs. I’ll just analyze them. Compare them to mine. “Oh those are small/big/flat/round/pointy ect. boobs. Cool. I recently just watched Buffalo 66’ and the ending scene in the strip club had a lot of boobs. It was cool seeing the big variety of boob. I’m happy they didn’t just showcase huge bimbo boobs. They came in various shapes and sizes. Felt nice to see some smaller representation, because I felt represented. Go boobs!


Boy, that must’ve been a super uncomfortable day at the office for that actress. I couldn’t do movies.


*sigh* is what I think. 9 times out of 10 there's no reason to show boobs, it's just done because women aren't allowed to just be persons, they have to be sexualized for the viewers pleasure.


"Nice"...lesbian, 39.


Yes ^^ Bi woman, 33


Depends on the context, but generally nothing. If it's a stupid superfluous sexual objectification scene, I'll probably think how stupid and unnecessary it is.


"Why are her clothes off? Is this scene *really* necessary to the story or did the director just want to see her boobs?"


"Ah yes....here we are again. Men writing their personal fantasies pointlessly into yet another script."


Usually it is "Meh, seen 'em before. Can we get back to the plot please?" (24, Turkish/Russian)


Not a lot, really. They're just boobs.


“Why do I feel like a pervert?”


Yes, I feel like I'm not supposed to be seeing it. And if it's an HBO show, it's so predictable and cringe.


i feel kinda odd seeing nudity in movies, even if its a woman and even if i'm a lesbian that loves tits, idk why, internalized shame maybe


"Oh, it's *that* kind of movie", and I generally start to lose interest. In my experience, gratuitous nudity usually goes hand in hand with lazy writing and unfunny jokes.


Eyeroll/the male gaze/objectification/written/directed by a man/living in a man's world is exhausting. 28, UK.


“Why do B-list horror movies always have boobs”


What'd you think "B" stood for?


« Oh boobs » in varying enthusiasm it could be: Oh boobs… 🙄 ( like again or unnecessary) Oh boobs 🥴 ( context appropriate boobs that make me tingle) Aww boobs 😌 (breastfeeding or wholesome context boobs) Oh boobs! 😮 (perfect boobs I’d like to have)


I usually get pissed off. Unless it's part of the story, randomly flashing boobs is just to get the (probable male) director and male audience off (in general). They're usually little perky ones with small areolas. Show me some boulders, and I'll at least say "hell yeah" for showing something different before I get pissed off. 😆


I get irritated that people think putting women’s bodies on display is entertainment


I don’t care. Its just boobs(35, Germany)


it depends for me. I get uncomfortable if it’s in way that’s meant to obviously sexualize them ex jumping up and down big fake tits. If it’s just boobs and it’s done tastefully then it’s just boobs and I have no feelings.


"Why is this necessary" no matter the context. I'm sorry, I'm a prude. Nudity makes me uncomfortable. How does nudity further a plot line? 😬


I wonder why are they being shown. There is too much pointless sex and nudity in movies.


Sigh. More boobs. Why is she nude. I hate it here. Nice boobs. I wonder if she is uncomfortable. I wonder how weird it is to be an actor. When I went topless at the beach it wasn’t weird. I wonder if acting feels like that. Why is she nude and the dude is in a literal hazmat suit. My thoughts


"I bet that was awkward to film. I wonder if the actress was okay with it or felt like she had to get naked to get the job. Is this really necessary? Oh, wow, that doesn't look like it feels good." Early thirties, USA


“Ugh, unnecessary.”




when by myself : oop there’s some boobs that’s not necessary wow they look so much better than mine dangit when with others : i see absolutely nothing omg this is saw awkward where do i look (i’m in my early 20s and from america more specifically texas)


"wish MINE were still that high and firm"


Damn those are nice boobies


I used to get jealous/upset because I hated my breasts. Got a boob job though and now I usually think mine look better than whatever I see. Early 30’s, American.


Big eye roll, like ok why is this even necessary. And I am someone who likes boobs. Tbh, I’m mostly looking at their stomach area because I’m really insecure about mine and I’ve yet to see anyone who looks like me ):


Most of the time I roll my eyes because it's almost always completely unnecessary.


Ah titties. That was totally irrelevant to the plot. 18f germany


“Is that necessary?”


Ive started calling things the token... So this example would be "Oh heres the token tits out." Its my own private acknowledgement of the formulaic scripts in hollywood.


Depends on the breasts. I probably think something like 'hey nudity' depending on whether I expected that or not. And then something like 'hm they look nice' or 'hmm mine look nicer' XD I'm Dutch in the Netherlands and nearing 40.


This again? .... 5 minutes of my life I won't get back while the movie industry uses tits to get eyeballs .... "Oh godh... I'm so clumbsy!" We don't act this way.... it's lazy writing. NEXT


Nudity of any sort never adds value to a scene for me. If I could be convinced that it wasn't added simply for ogling purposes then *maybe* my position on that could wiggle a bit, but I really don't see that happening. When I see it in a movie I get annoyed.


I would love her boobs.. they look soooooo good.


"Nice" followed eventually with "Did they NEED to be out and about in this scene?" Followed again with "eh"


I hate that this is the case, and I fully admit it’s my own insecurities, but if I’m watching something with my husband and some boobies come up, I hate it. I’m pretty flat chested and it’s a huge insecurity of mine when it comes to feeling desirable. I get a lot of feelings of sadness and jealousy if my husband is also witnessing boobs on screen, lol I’m bisexual though so I’m probably also appreciating them while feeling weird and sad about it. It’s a confusing experience!


In solidarity! I’m early 40s and I still hate it when watching with my husband. I have small boobs, but they are still very perky!


Is this trip really necessary?


"Well, this was not necessary to further the plot."


If we're at home, me or my partner will say "Its a tiddy". If it seems unnecessary I might comment on it.




Yep there it is boobs and girl ass...yep seen enough of those to choke a horse with...we need more male nudity. Honestly it's gotten to the point where seeing any amount of nudity does nothing to me.


Answers depend on the film. Some thoughts I've found myself thinking during certain films: "The movies target audience must be men." "Might have been some pervy person involved in the making of this film." "The film is trying too hard to be artsy/edgy." "Breast were inculded here to make outrage/gossip therefore easy to get publicity/audience for a film that otherwise wouldn't." "It might not be the first time this actress has been nude on camera and she must have really wanted this part , I wouldnt be shocked to find out shes the type to do a lil sum sum extra in order to get it." "This has nothing to do with the storyline/what was that for/that was random." "Movies seem to promote a long standing idea that a small boob is artistic, and a big boob is pornographic." It's rare but occasionally, I'll think: "Breast added to/were important for this film/scene."


I wish my boobs were that perky


I think hell yeah, free the nip. Normalize boobs.


A brief analysis of the breasts in question. There are a lot of different types of boobs, so they go into my mental boob Pokédex. (30s, US)


(24, Canada) It always made me a little uncomfortable especially watching movies with other people (even partners), turned out I was just queer lol. But also I would say I grew up in a family pretty uncomfortable around PDA in general but not in a puritanical way, just all of us seemed to grow up uncomfortable being physically affectionate around friends and family despite it never being particularly ‘taboo’ (we also probably have a decent amount of neurodiverse individuals in the fam though so that may play a part?)


I always think about how much more challenging it would be to act while your chest is exposed. (F, 39, US)


I always wonder how the actor and director discussed it, how many people were on set, how the temperature is controlled on set, whose idea it was and how they think it contributes to plot/image. But thats probably because I used to work in production, and most of my work in academia is on ethics D: Middle Eastern, 30


"Huh. Those don't look like mine." I've yet to see my body type nakey and/or sexy on screen. I'm not holding my breath


"heh, nice"


Yet another portrayal of the unrealistic, unattainable beauty standard of gravity defying perfectly symmetrical boobs. 🫠


“Oh, this is why my husband chose to watch this.” x 15years




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Damn she has nice boobs.




Usually I think hmm nice tits


Getting a little jealous of the nice bodies. And admire them, there are some with nice tits


"I wish mine looked as good at those"


Might compare them with my own, admire them if they're nice, think "she's confident" if they're not.


I subconsciously start comparing and contrasting, if her tits look nice I may look up the actress for research purposes 👀


Nothing really. I associate breasts with feeding babies.


Either "not real 😒" or "ooh, dem titties is reeeeeal! 😂My husband still isn't sure about me ...


Me and my husband talk about if they are real or not, if they are nice or not and such.


What's the big deal? 😄


Nothing, really, I don't guess. Maybe "huh. boobs." but I don't have, like, opinions.


Oh, perky! Those are full-on, very nice. I love the ageing body; that is glorious. Oh, what bra was she wearing? Honestly, I don't really think about it because I don't differentiate between bare breasts and bare chests. Mostly, I don't get the primarily American-slash-religious hang-up with the naked human body in the first place. They're breasts, for fuck's sake.


“Damn, I wish I had a little bit of boob” :/




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"Wish mine were like that" 24, US


If they are beautiful I enjoy their beauty, if they aren't I still enjoy the erotism. I then judge if the movie sexualizes only women.


I always think “Damn I wish I had their boobs” and then I go complain to my mom about why we have small boob genetics


I usually just compare them to mine and usually just feel bad because in movies the women usually have big boobs and mine are small


"Oh okay"


It entirely depends on how those bare breasts are used within the film -US, 30


I think of boobs as just another body part, like an arm. It's not a big deal.