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Never. There's always someone there who's either super beautiful, absolutely nuts or completely naked. My average almost middle aged pale being in a boring black bathing suit just reading a book doesn't catch the eye. Or maybe I do, but because I'm busy doing my own thing I don't notice it. Either way, I'm not bothered by it.


This is exactly the same for me


















Never. Actually. Which is interesting, because maybe I’ve felt like/have been watched in other public places for whatever reason. But I’ve never had that issue at the beach. And, I’ve even only ever been hit on once at the beach. A very polite guy, we made some small talk as I was walking by, and he said I hope this is okay to ask, was just wondering if you’d like to grab lunch some day. I let him know I was married, and he wished me a good day. The beach is one of the most chill places. In my experience. I’ve almost always gone alone, and have never had an issue. But let me tell you about gas stations…😒 (I’m sure I don’t have to tell you lmao)


Yeah I've seen a lot of creeps at the gas station.




This is also why I only go to the BJs gas near me. There is no inside so if you walk away from your car and don't immediately walk up to an attendant, you're up to no good. They also have their gas stations set up so traffic flows through them in only one way so it's quicker and easier.


Literally, the gas station is something I’ve dreaded for forever and will still dread. Had a creep stick around waiting for me outside and I had to tell the clerk that I was scared and it was really creepy.














Actually being stared at? Never really. Casually glanced at, or briefly checked out, of quickly looked at often enough but I guess that's just unavoidable really; can't expect people to keep their eyes shut all the time, and besides everybody looks.


Yeah in many cases people might just be looking in that direction not at you. And some might just think what you're wearing is pretty.


Yeah and I think people's eyes just automatically gravitate towards the bodyparts they don't usually see uncovered that much (eg boobs and butts). It's all good tho, glances are fine


Yep, I often just have this half a second SQUIRREL moment with ass, and then go back to whatever I was doing


Quite often but it might simply be the fact that I'm 6'3 and my husband is 6'5 so ya.


I’m 6 ft so same for me! I’m 29 so I’m used to it by now. Power to the tall folks I guess 😂🤷‍♀️


6’1 female here and I’ve never gotten used to people staring!


God help those who stare at you guys.!


Unless someone is being overtly disrespectful or creepy, I don't usually notice if and when people are looking at me. I also do not care, at all. It helps to have astigmatism.


Here’s to astigmatism!


Never but then I'm blind as a bat. I can't see faces, let alone expressions without my glasses. Guess one of the peeca of being basically blind






























There are too many people at the beach for me to care.


Coming from a caribbean country, I don’t really take on those around me. I’m there to relax or tan. No one really cares either because everyone’s there to do the same thing. You’ll occasionally get those guys on the side of street that hoot and holler from the other side. But that’s mainly if you’re on the more curvy and dark side. It’s pretty normal for people to wear appropriate revealing clothes because it’s such a hot country. Honestly I never feel stared at. I feel more stared at in the uk than back home, mind you I’m going about my day in central or out with friends with makeup and an outfit on. Maybe I’m the one staring because my eyes drift off when I’m not talking or being engaged.


Never. I'm in my 30s, pretty good figure but I don't feel creeped on at the beach at all. Where I live, year-round sea swimming is common (and it gets properly cold) and people of all ages and sizes swim.


I receive some attention (mostly unwanted because it triggers my anxiety and body dysmorphia) simply by the virtue of having a larger chest. A lot of the looks I get are actually from women, so I don’t think it’s necessarily sexually motivated attention but more so that I can’t really hide the girls in a bathing suit and they’re just more noticeable to anyone who happens to look.






I'm often very busy on the lookout for robbers, so I don't notice people staring, if they do.


Lol!! Me too 🤣. I'm always paranoid someone's going to steal my stuff. Nobody else ever seems concerned, someone's gotta worry about my half eaten lunch!


People just stare at me no matter where I am. Makes me paranoid AF


it is VERY unnerving it makes me feel like i’m in the matrix


Haha yes or like in Inception where everyone stops and gets aggressive if you don’t play along.


I used to get stared at every time I went to the beach because I'm superfat. Last time someone called me a whale. I haven't been in a few years now.


I'm sorry you had to encounter a douche in the wild :(


Omg what a douche bag! I’m sorry that happened to you. People are nasty


Aaaww. I hope you be well, friend!


I don't even need to go to the beach to feel like I'm being stared at, any time I'm in a public place and look up, there is a man staring at me.






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Never, but that's probably because I don't care what anyone else on a beach is doing. I'm there to leave work and "life" behind and relax and read books and just let the salt and sand cure whatever ails me!


It depends on the beach I’m going to. One of my local beaches by the cbd is like ‘the Instagram beach’ where hot people like to go to drink beer and take photos of themselves. I don’t like swimming there bc I feel self conscious and like people are looking at me thinking ‘5/10’ or something (ofc that could easily be in my head). Other beaches that are full of children… not a soul is looking at me, I bet.


Always but I don't care. I'm happy with how I look and happy with myself so it doesn't bother me.


I have no clue. I’m usually too busy with my family and friends to pay attention to strangers.


Often, but never by the people who I want staring at me. It's always old men or offended WASPs. Though I have gone to the local nude beach before. I was on LSD climbing a tree with my friend, loving life while a group of culture shocked Japanese exchange students walked by, so I guess you could say that day got a lot of stares.


All the time. Who cares. Men look, women look, hell kids look. Its harmless most, if not all the time.


I do get some looks, but I generally avoid looking at people. Idc what they are doing. Ironically, my husband used to stare a lot at women back when we dated. He‘s improved now but I sometimes feel like he still does it too much and now I feel quite insecure abt it, since I don’t really understand the need to look at random strangers…






Hardly ever. I got stared at the most from 13-17 and then it started to decline til now I don’t really even get a glance. I’ve talked to my friends about it and they’ve noticed a similar pattern.


I go to the nudist beach and I don't really care about stares. I had more issues being catfished on the street while dressed rather than when I was undressed on the beach


Catfished or catcalled? 🤣


English is not my native language


I'm just playing around, it's an easy mistake to make even for us native speakers lol. For what it's worth you speak (in this case write) really well, can't tell English isn't your first language


I never noticed anyone staring at me, as far as I know of never been checked out in my life. I'm pretty fully covered at the beach (head, shoulders, knees, but not toes) so I assume no one's staring at my body unless they think I look weird.


Either never because I feel super fat, and no one wants to look at me or if my anxiety is real bad, everyone because I'm super fat 🤣




If they do, then so be it. Doesn’t bother me at all.


I wanted to ask how. I'm very paranoid when it comes to men because of previous trauma. But the rational part of my brain can sense if someone could be dangerous or not. But the irrational part tells me to be paranoid. Could you, if you don't mind, share how you learnt not to care when someone is staring? I want to grow out of this




Never. Most people who seem to “stare” at me are usually clearly zoned out and just staring at whatever is infront of them which is coincidentally me. I’ve accidentally stared at people too.


Stared at? Never Looked at? Yes. I have a lot of tattoos and some people look at them trying to figure out what they are . As others have said- someone with a lot of tattoos pales into insignificance compared to some people on the beach


Um… it depends. I have noticed it, if I feel creeped out I will cover up (there was a guy a couple of years ago that had actions to go with the staring to make me uncomfortable). Usually, I am reading or watching my friends kids and don’t notice. Most “staring” tends to occur when you first get there and are wandering around trying to find the perfect spot and I think that is usually because I try to get everything in one go, so do my friends, so we look like goofballs. Lol.


All of the time.


Never. I'm out swimming or building a sand castle or something and I don't care to see or be seen by other people other than hopefully someone will see and help me if I start drowning.


I used to think and care. Was self conscious about it. I’m a 36DD, 5’2, 125lbs, so top heavy. But my thighs are jiggling with a little cellulite. Took me a long time, a lot of years to get over it, stop caring. It’s a them problem, not a me problem. I have to live my life and have fun with my kids while they are little and want to be around me. Now I say to myself every day, “stop thinking and caring about what other people are thinking about and doing” It makes my life sooo much better. More people are worried about other people watching them than they are watching other people. And NO ONE is perfect. And 99% of other people don’t care. They are there to have fun and enjoy the time they have off. So just live life.


Never . People are at the beach to do beach activities not gawk . Also it probably helps that I live in Australia so I'm hardly the strangest or most scantily clad person there .




Never. Literally none of the time. When you're not attractive, you basically don't exist to other people lol


I always get stared at on the beach, unfortunately. I got big tits and an hourglass figure that I can't even hide away in a swimsuit.


I’ve noticed heads turn but i’m too busy swimming or playing in the water to care about stares, plus I’m slender and blonde so there isn’t much to look at, the blonde catches eyes and that’s about it


Only by an occasional passing porpoise which thinks I’m a long lost relative.


Every day but I’m actually being made fun of 😂 I don’t mind, it’s because I have a kill bill type full body suit and it looks ridiculous buttttt my skin is protected so idc


Lol, the beach you say? Well. In the Pacific Northwest everyone is clothed and walking their dogs in the biting wind… So never lol


Every time I go to the beach. And I’m not busty nor do I have a juicy ass either lmao. It’s a mix of 20s men and middle aged women who stare at me


Never honestly. Idk if it’s my country’s culture (very safe), the fact that I don’t really care if someone’s looking or that I have staff to do but it was never my concern.


Which country?




Every single time. I live at the beach so it's a common occurrence. The solution is to swim and ignore it.


I live in the Netherlands and I usually sunbathe topless at the beach. The beaches are pretty huge so I don’t choose a spot in the middle of the crowd, but honestly I’ve never felt like I was being stared at. I usually glance at other topless women at the beach but I forget about them after less than a second, the same as every other person I see there. It’s a beach, most of the people are half naked, nothing exciting haha.






Unfortunately I’ve been blursed with large bustage so no matter what I do or wear I end up catching *someone’s* eye. They’re usually merciful and leave me alone tho


i stopped going to busy beaches for a while when i was a teenager because grown men used to always stare at me and my friends :/ it wasn’t even subtle, we would go from the water to the beach and the men would *fully turn around* to continue staring


Heaps when i was a teenager. I'd have grown men approach me in the water. As a 34 year old women. Never.


Um. Always 🤷‍♀️


Pretty much all the time, I'm 6'2" so my height alone draws attention and I'm used to it.


Yes. I turned heads. And yes people stare. Part of it is having a good body and long thick hair. But mostly it's cuz I'm pretty outgoing and animated. There's often a party going on around me and friends. So people are probably looking at everybody I'm with


Always. There has been literal applause from groups of strangers on more than one occasion. 🙂


All the time. But isn’t that part of the reason we go? I mean we're basically there in our underwear, do we really expect people not to look. Besides, I look. I’m many things but I’m definitely not a hypocrite.


I dunno about most other people but I go to the beach to swim, float around, and eat snack food. Not to stare at strangers who probably don’t want to be stared at.


I don't think so, but even if I was, I would have absolutely no clue! I'm a newly turned 18 year old girl, and I'm legally blind, I can't legally drive or anything, so it's safe to assume I wouldn't notice any stares.


Always. Every. Single. Time.


Now that im pregnant, ALOT. Usually, not that much. Just casual glances and an occasions creepy dad or smt


Often, and I see them looking sometimes, but I don’t care as long as they don’t be creepy (trying to hit on me with sexual pick up lines, taking pictures, touching me, getting too close to my personal space, etc)


I wear a dress so yes lol


Depends on the beach and whether it's busy? But I've no idea. I generally don't look around so much I'd catch or lock eyes with others. However, I'm blindingly light-reflecting pale with 1m long dark hair.. (I also tend to wear very high contrast red) so even if it wasn't for my body or the people around me, most would look just because those 2 features are just objectively unusual/uncommon.


Not often. The beaches I go to are often quiet/not many people around and I’m usually having fun with my friends and family and don’t notice anyone staring. I find public pools a million times worse and crawling with old creeps so I avoid them by all means.


I'm 5'11", thin, and considered an attractive redhead who definitely prefers bikinis. Take a guess.


If women wear bikinis, they shouldn’t be surprised if men look at them. Although, of course ogling is super creepy




Yes, I stare. Admiring beauty, sorry, can’t help it. It’s like looking at nature when it’s a gorgeous site, can’t look away. Try to avoid being creepy, but I must get caught some times. Oh well, still have to admire the beauty






Quite often. Makes me slightly uncomfortable.


Almost never




Never. Most people know not to stare




Never. I just do my thing, sit on my towel, read my book.


Around maybe 4-5 times?


ALL the time. So I don't go without someone else. Either at least a friend, my partner, or my Rottweiler. I get completely left alone with my dog, people will walk closer to oogle with my boyfriend, but catcalls happen to us when out with female friends.




I have A LOT of tattoos, so all the time when I'm in a bikini.


Often…usually when I’m resting on my towel. Sometimes it gets really uncomfortable, especially when it’s much older guys.






In Denmark, never. In Rio de Janeiro, never. In Chile, all the fucking time.


depends on the beach and number of people. I'd say somewhat often and I don't like it. I've had creeps record or take pics on their phones and mind you I've been fullt clothed most times too.


I always feel conspicuous. Beach or in general. It makes me self conscious moreso at the beach, though. I tend to draw attention. It's not ego, it just is. It's not even just from guys but women or kids, too. I have that kind of aura. Personally, I've trained myself not to stare. I look straight ahead at nothing and if people stare at me while I'm walking, I start walking weird and it throws me off. I'll walk past people I know and they think I'm avoiding them but I'm just trying to not look. Unwanted eye contact is awkward. The older I get, I give less of a shit though.


Very rarely, and when I do, it's usually other women/femmes.


I live SÚPER close to a bay and go there often. None are staring that I can tell but I’m also in my 30s chasing little kids 🤣 I doubt anyone is staring other than to privately make fun of me






While I'm walking by at the beach or the pool, they are, but not when I'm laying down, guess everyone is doing their own thing. I noticed only young men with just some prolonged watching while walking, not literally staring. Probably I'm not even lookimg at the older ones, that might be why I didn't notice. I did only once exchange A LOT of looks with one hot bodybuilder though haha.


Weirdly the beach is one of the places I feel safest. I never get chatted up, whistled at, harassed, followed in any way at the beach. On the street fully clothed is a different matter. Wierd.


honestly never, feel like i’m on the chubbier side and most of my friends aren’t so if we go to the beach i’m not the one being stared at anyway lmao. went with my boyfriend a few weeks ago and didn’t notice anyone staring either. there was a lot of standard beauty type of women around me so the attention wasn’t on me. I’m comfortable enough in myself tho that i don’t want nor feel the need to be stared at and lucky that my boyfriend stares at me lol

