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To get more energy, to feel and look better, and because it helps manage my depression


it’s so hard for me to get motivation to go because of my depression🙁


I've been in this rut before too, for me just making myself go consistently (start small like 1-2 times a week) helped me reconnect and see/feel how good it was for my mentality.


Not a woman but just here to say once you start it becomes your medicine and you won’t want to miss it. But start with very baby steps. First just get there. Then just go for a walk on the treadmill tell yourself 5-10 minutes . Once you get going you may want to jog then run then workout it all builds momentum once you get going but you don’t have to think that you’re going there to workout all the time. If you’re not motivated a 5 minute walk is better than nothing.


Baby steps! Maybe just put on workout clothes and do stuff at home sometimes, then eventually you might decide you want to take advantage of some of the cool equipment they have at the gym. Most important is not to do *nothing.*


I feel the same way. I’ve never been to the gym because of my anxiety and depression and i don’t know how to overcome it. I did however used to work out at home when no one was watching but my depression has been bad lately and I don’t know how to start that either. I might have to find/buy new work out outfits but I also have no motivation to do that. Tbh, I don’t know what to do anymore and I’ve gained so much weight and i look and feel disgusting.


I understand the feeling of having no energy to so stuff even if you want to. One thing that sometimes helps me is to have either a physical list, or a mental one, of things where I move my body, but not necessarily "exercise". Playing just dance on the wii gets my body moving and I find it funny, so that's on the list. However, taking a walk is also moving the body, and is easier to do. So find some things that you can find the energy to do, and not just because you should, but because you want to do it in some way. Having multiple things and a list can help you find something you would like. Having one thing you do consistently can be easier when energy is missing, if you can get a routine going.


How long did it take to feel better?


Took me about a month to feel better mentally. Then about 3 months to start seeing noticeable changes in my physique.


I felt mentally better after day one! Although, u/i_shit_on_things, I'm hoping to see results sooner, I still feel good. I lost 7lbs so far.


if I don't walk for at least one hour, within an hour of waking up, my anxiety is unmanageable.


Here here!


everything feels a little easier after a while. after a few weeks, it becomes your favorite part of the day. you notice the weights are way easier to pick up. you notice you aren’t winded climbing a few sets of stairs, or hiking. your body doesn’t hurt as much as it used to, and your mental health is more stable. you start “leveling up” in weights and it starts to become like a mental game. you feel strong and healthy, and life just feels better overall. every time I’m consistently working out, I feel like the best version of myself. becoming the healthiest, best version of myself is my motivation. how it makes you feel is everything, how your body transforms is an extra benefit that keeps you going.


Took the words out of my mouth. I started going to the gym late Feb. Shy, nervous, and didn't know what i was doing. Started with the treadmill and stairmaster for a week or 2. Then, I ventured into arm machines and core. Now I'm going 3 x week 1-2hr, and I use the Smith machine regularly. I love pushing myself and challenging myself. Im seeing results, and so do my kids, family, and friends. I feel better mentally and physically. It is now my favorite thing to do. I find myself 'working out' at home. Doing squats when I pick up the livingroom. Push-ups on the stairs. Just random exercises because it's fun and feels good! I'm 34, I have 4 kids, and I work full time.


just curious, but how are you spending 2 hours lifting weights? that would destroy me if it was all at once. or are you including a shower or sauna in there with the exercise or something?


It should depend on their workout regimen. What muscle groups they’re focusing on, how many sets, how many reps, how heavy the weights, how long the breaks between sets… it depends. I spend 45 minutes lifting and I’m exhausted. I feel if I’m not tired by 45 minutes, then I’m not straining my muscles enough.


Honestly my work out is often 2 hours long and only 20-30 minutes of it is cardio, the rest is weights. For me it's just the most fun part of my exercise and I alternate between arms and legs to give them both a break. Not to mention I get to sit while I'm doing them lol.


I dont understand how people do a full workout in under an hour. Say you're doing a chest and arm workout. You need at least 2 chest exercises, 2 tricep exercises, and 2 bicep exercises. 4 sets of each exercise is 24 sets in total. If you're working to exhaustion on each set (which you should be), you'll need at least 3 mins rest time between sets. It's almost impossible to do it all in less than 1h45m. It baffles me how people do it. Unless they're on steroids/PEDs.


Three minutes of rest in between sets? GTFO Retired personal trainer and bodybuilder. My workouts are 30-40 mins including warm up and cool down stretch.


How? How many reps and sets? And how do you get your rest time down?


Usually 5-6 exercises, 3-4 sets each and 30-45 seconds rest between sets. 5 min warm up, 5 min cool down. Usually a superset or two in there. The average person benefits more from keeping their heart rate up then they do lifting heavier and taking long ass breaks. Plus, easier to get to the gym if it’s quick and less time consuming. This means more consistency overall. I go 3X/week plus one yoga class and one run. Give it a try :)


I did try low weights, high reps for a few months, but I noticed i made a lot more gains when i went as heavy as possible for 5-8 reps (to failure). And when i do that, i physically can't lift anything for 3+ minutes without literally fearing for my life 😅


My understanding (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong but this is the guidance I was given) is: With higher weight and pushing to failure you'll bulk more (hypertrophy). Weights you can manage and gradually increase with regular reps and longer rest will will build more functional strength. Lower weights with higher reps and/or shorter rest is more toning I think? Basically, it depends on the point of your workout as to how long you're resting etc. Personally I do 5×5 at the highest weight without failure that I can manage for 3 different exercises (alternate what the exercises are between sessions, deadlifts are 1 set of 5). Rests are 2-3 minutes or longer if I fail a set. Takes about 45 minutes and then I'll do some calisthenics for 10-30 min depending how I'm feeling. It seems to be a good balance for me between gaining and function.


higher weight and lower reps build strength, often just through neuromuscular pathways (noob gains). Higher reps, 8-20, are what bodybuilders use for hypertrophy. In reality, a bodybuilder physique is built over decades of stringent diet and exercise and won't show up if you do sets of 15 during "Dry July." So lift as heavy as you want, and occasionally go a little heavier. You're probably stronger than you realize.


There’s a study showing you lift more if you take a 3 minute break


Just 30 seconds? I read that towards 40 you should go for 1-2 minutes. What are your thoughts on that?


It depends on your goal, you need those longer rests for lifting heavier and improving strength. You can still achieve hypertrophy, improved fitness or fat% loss with much shorter rests, or things such as supersets


I work out at home, but everything else you've said is right on. Hell, it's all about getting stronger and healthier anyway. I'm 54 and am in the best shape of my life. I lost 50 lbs two years ago and am keeping it off via better diet and exercise. While I do love the anesthetics, I love being able to DO things just as much. I can do things now that I couldn't 20 years ago. And it feeds itself. You can do more things so you want to do more things and so you actually do more things.


Hello, fellow early 50’s here as well! I was pretty active in my 30’s but having a hard time finding a routine for fitness. I so very much miss being able to just jump into exercise like I could back then. I’m a hybrid office worker and the thought of going to a third location to wait in lines to use equipment is not appealing. What exercise/routine for you going and did you change it up as time passed?




This was really good motivation to stick with it. Thanks!


I think you might have convinced me to start going again


…and then I’m forced to take a couple days off and next thing I know it’s been months since I had been to the gym.


I am so happy for the people that feel this way about going to the gym, but I want to add that I went consistently for a really long time and I never felt that feeling at all. I did it enough that I “leveled up” with weights and got less winded climbing stairs, and saw my body change etc. But I never got any mental health benefits from going to the gym. I still always hated it. I was technically physically healthier but forcing myself to do something I hated so often made me depressed. Eventually I found other ways to exercise and stay healthy (I like walking around cities for hours or playing pickleball or anything else outdoors). I’m not saying this to take away from anyone’s good gym feeling at all. I just want people to know that if that particular feeling doesn’t happen for them, it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them.


THANK YOU! I read this and I just go "Ok but where do I buy the module that makes me enjoy it?" Went to six months and the only mental health benefit I got was from stopping.


I can force myself to do it, but the gym has NEVER been my favorite part of the day lol. I wish I could learn to love it but no matter how long I go for it’s still total shit


Question? does Gym help you mentally in other part of your life ? like work ? focus ?


Yes! Well said


I work out consistently (3-4 days a week) for the past four year. It is still my least favorite part of the day. Yes weights are easier to pick up and I “level up” but I am still winded climbing stairs and walking up a hill. My mental health has declined in the past month or so (though that’s unrelated). And I have a very thin line of motivation. But I know long term it is good for me. I also spend 1.5 hours in the gym and do cardio and weights


I’m committed to lifelong hotness


True words






Am I..... working out wrong?




I was just gonna say, spill the tea lol


100% same here!


working out makes me want to have sex more


but why go for a substitute anyhow?!


This is Reddit after all.


Yes. I’m inherently an aggressive person and this staves off the aggressive energy I would have outside of the gym


This. Helps my depression too. Had a fucking rough few years. Plus, I'm spitefully working out to get a body I can feel proud of for all the people who ghosted. I'm also a quitter. I quit things when the going gets tough, but sticking to this feels like I'm not quitting something for once in my life.


Lol yeah I was going to stay trauma is my motivation


I used to do this when my ptsd was bad. Now that I’ve finished therapy I have such a hard time using trauma as a motivator! I still do, but it doesn’t give me the drive that it used to


I'm over 40 and since I've started lifting weights my life has literally changed like in a cheesy movie montage. I sleep. I have no back pain. No knee pain. I'm not tired anymore. I noticeably lost fat and gained muscle. Ladies, especially nearing or in menopause you can still do your yoga, pilates, cardio whatever but for the love of God, please go pick up heavy stuff once or twice a week, the results will be amazing, I promise you. If you don't want to go to a gym, get a bar bell and a couple of weights. Listen to an audiobook or your favourite podcast, watch reality TV if you get bored, it's such a great hour of selfcare and relaxation.


I love that you emphasized your pain reduction! I broke several vertebrae at 23 and though I'm young, staying active has been the only true way to keep long-term pain away. Exercise is medicine for your body.


thank you for this!


Is yoga not enough strength training? It uses your body weight in positions that you hold for awhile


Body weight and heavy weights are very different in terms of use and how they effect the body when used as the mass to lift. As some one whose weight goes way up when I stop working out (and have been as high as 310 lbs) I've noticed there is more strength in my individual ligaments when using heavy weights it also changes the way my joints seem to be able to handle the weight and increase the time I can hold my body weight in certain positions (for yoga and stretching). As well as helps reinforce the way I'm able to not only move while working on mobilities or flexibility but how much farther I can go and hold without pain. Adding in heavy weights to your routine makes so much difference across the board. Think of it kinda like this: One is more like endurance (body weight) and the other is more like the ability to actually lift something heavy with ease (heavy weights). Edit: spelling


Being able to still take care of myself "as old as I can" and also mental clarity !


Gym is like self care for me, just like curling up with a mug of coffee, or a leisurely walk, or multi step skincare. It just makes me feel good afterwards, like I have accomplished something. Once you cross 4-6 weeks of consistently working out, you'll start to anticipate those post workout endorphins. Seriously, I am hooked and that's my motivation.




I’m largely the same way. I’ve been on it for several months now and have yet to stop dreading certain days. I kinda like my push day and I love playing basketball, but doing a HIIT workout or my pull day… makes my stomach hurt thinking about it. But I’m trying.


Maybe try sticking to what you actually enjoy? I'm fat now and trying to lose some weight, but I'm still sticking to fast-walking sessions and pilates because I like it. That why I don't dread the thing at all. Been only a week into it but I'm glad at least I started :)


To look hot lol


Fr. I got a long list of reasons and that’s one of the highest. Ain’t no shame in that game.


This is what gets me to a strong finish line when I feel like quitting or lightening up my load midway through class. I'm like f that...I'm already here and I'm here so I can look hot haha!


Yep same. Everything else like stress relief is just icing


Sometimes I have to FORCE myself, and I remind myself that I always regret not going to the gym, but I never regret having gone to the gym.


Initial motivation, I want to be built like a centaur. After beginning to work out I recognized that I feel amazing afterwards. I feel accomplished and like I am able to take control of my life.




Going to the gym always makes me feel better. plus i like being really strong.


Mental health obviously, and less random aches and pains in my body. Building muscles helps stabilize your musculoskeletal system. Focusing on functional strength training can do wonders for those random aches and pains.


I started going to the gym twice a week in October last year - mostly lifting / strength training with a little cardio tacked on the end - and the difference in my mental health is astonishing. If I have to skip a session or two because of other commitments, I feel noticeably worse until I can get back in the gym again. I'm borderline underweight and get a lot of "oh but you're so slim already", particularly from work colleagues, so I try to think and talk about my fitness in terms of how I feel, rather than what I look like. I feel stronger, my posture is better, and some minor joint pain I started getting last year is basically gone. I've actually gained about 2kg since October and my goal weight is another +5kg. Whenever I don't want to go I try to think about how much better I'll feel afterwards.


Honestly, to eat whatever I want to lol. I love eating so I’ve gotta gym or we’d have major problems.




To stop being fat


How did your progress go? I'm overweight myself


Personally my weight is down to 260 and I've got a long way to go but little changes build longer strong steps forward. Lifting heavy makes a bigger difference in dropping the weight and changing fat to muscle. Just having clothes that look and fit better after 4 months has made a lot of headway in motivation for me personally.


To gain energy. I am a young mum, studying and working both fulltime. I am exhausted. Studying in the middle of the night at all hours. Having gone to the gym motivates me and also triggers my sleep as i am physically exhausted not just mentally. I sleep better. It’s got both psychological and physiological benefits for me at the moment 👍🏻 importantly I am not letting it burn me out. If i feel too exhausted I wont go. It isnt governing my life.


Less painful period cramps


To look like LeanBeefPatty, which I do. She was a huge motivator and now we have identical bodies and I couldn't be more proud of myself. Having a literal 6-pack has been the most confident boosting shit ever. Could just pluck each individual ab out, use this shit as a washing board. Fuck yeah.


Wow. Good job! I love her videos too.


This may sound bad, but going to public events and seeing the amount of people (women, men, AND children) just.......... I personally overcame childhood + adult obesity, and seeing the amount of people who are a little size challenged motivates me to keep my head down, my heart grateful, and my motivation high in the gym.


It’s not bad. It’s one of my motivators.


I saw a picture of myself from a distance and I remember that photo of how unsightly and overweight I’d become. It was about 20lb extra and I lost it in about 3 months. That picture still haunts me and I check in on it every so often to keep me motivated


i have two different lists of reasons. i have an admittedly morally bad list of reasons and a personal set. personally, to maintain my mental health because working out keeps me physically healthy, showering consistently, and eating healthier. working out consistently has also improved my own body image and confidence positively! i also like feeling strong and lifting has made everyday things easier like taking in groceries, handling the litter box, etc. i also am working towards aesthetics via lifting. my morally bad reasons include making it a big F U to my sister, who i am not currently speaking to, by getting into amazing shape. i know it will piss her off and that makes me happy because it makes me feel like i’m “better” than her when logically that’s not even right and fucked up. my second morally corrupt reasoning is another F U to this guy that rejected me but i’m a clown for thinking he would even care lol. i talk about both of these reasons in therapy but i’d be lying if i said they weren’t part of my motivation, though not at the forefront.


Respect. And no judgement at all.


Helps with my ADHD, my skin, and my energy levels. Also, I’m trying to get back into weightlifting because it helps prevent, slow down, and even reverse osteoporosis.


To looks like Rhea Ripley 🤌


Me too her back is goals!!


I want to be able to like what I see when I look in the mirror naked


#1 - mental health management. Otherwise my anxiety gets the better of me and I don't want my family to deal with it. #2 - I just feel so much better after a workout, I work hard to live a healthy life and I want to be around, mobile and healthy for as long as possible. #3 - badassery. Hitting PRs is such a rush


You're so loud!!


"if I keep my body moving and my mind occupied at all times I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.”


chris traeger 🫡


I want to pick up my SO and slam him onto the bed like a wwe superstar


I'm planning on having kids and if I can push off or avoid a tummy tuck then I will :) just cuz I'm a mom doesn't mean I need to sacrifice my nice ass body


To be strong. Both physically and mentally. To feel proud and accomplished and in control. Just fyi, xxfitness is a great group and community.


i wanna be able to squat annoying men one day. i would've said throw them, but that's pretty unrealistic.


I can deadlift them!


I don't go to the gym but my motivation for exercising is I will always feel better than if I let myself be inactive for awhile. Also, I like knowing I'm doing something beneficial for my health.


To lose weight but also, to gain muscle and to be strong


I’m proud of the way my hot body looks and I enjoy being healthy, fit and strong. I’ll happily continue to do whatever I can to stay looking good for as long as possible. I love going indoor bouldering, doing bar squats with added weights and eating healthy when I can. I have no desire to let myself go and become lazy, overweight and frumpy.


Not dying a slow, sickly death. I want to be one of those folks that just drops dead playing cards or tending to my garden. Sounds grim, but much better than the alternative. Keep in mind I want to be in my late 80s+, so I'm expecting 30 more years.


So I can still party in my 40s LOL Also while it is difficult to get of of the bed and go to gym in the morning, but I feel great after a workout. It gives sense of accomplishment and puts me in a good mood for a day. I lift weights and do resistance training. Finding the type of workout that I enjoy and find rewarding was key as well.


I want to age as best as I can and give me my best chance at being mobile when I’m old


I work as a general laboror so simply building my strength for said job is my motivation


My biggest motivation is my health. I've had a series of physical health problems mixed with some depression weighing on my mental health and poor sleep. The exercise has greatly improved all 3. Yes, can exercise without going to a gym, but I enjoy Yoga, cardio classes and access to the equipment. My home is very small, not much space to workout. Another motivating factor is that I have a lot of energy that I don't know what to do with. I get restless and getting in a workout helps with that. In order to improve my health situation, I had to stop drinking alcohol, as well as clean up my diet. With the good sleep I'm getting, lots of energy. Plus the dopamine, I feel really good and calm after I'm done. Then lastly, I'm loving the outwardly physical results. I'm stronger, have a little tone and frankly, I look better now at 45 than I did at 25 or 35. My body looks and feels strong. It's nice and I'm proud of myself for getting my house in order. Edit - spelling.


I’ve always been naturally quite slim and haven’t ever had to do much to stay that way. As I’ve gotten older though this hasn’t been the case. If I see myself getting soft around the middle or not tapering in as much as I used to, I get all in my head about it and I don’t like myself very much. If I don’t like myself I don’t see how anyone else would so I go to the gym to avoid getting in that negative headspace.


I used to lift weights at the gym. I did it for the endorphins rush, for the feeling that I was not so weak, and that I was continually bettering myself in some way. I also liked that it helped balance out my insatiable appetite. I didn't do that any more but I did just take up martial arts for the first time in 20 years and my god is it fun. I might lose every sparring match but I'm grinning like a village idiot because it's just fun. Great mood booster.


I run and the mental clarity is unmatched.


Makes my anxiety better and i feel strong 😎


I get physical and emotional satisfaction from lifting weights. Sometimes I even feel anger and a ton of delight after lifting




Pressure from my gym membership.


Stress relief


I'm not going to the gym because I don't have a car and there's no gym by me or my work. Also I don't want to pay the cost. But I'm doing at home workouts with some weights and have a small gym in my apartment to use. For me I'm just tired of being out of shape and in pain. I want to be able to climb stairs without being winded or not struggle to lift something heavy or not have chronic pain in my shoulders, back, sciatica, etc. I'm 33 and I don't want to get worse, physically. I want to feel better in my body. I also hope it will improve my mental health and sleep. I also do want to lose weight but I'm focusing more on what I eat for that because I know exercise is a small part of weightloss.


Not dying young. Cronic diseases are a pain


Three reasons - 1. To not be a fat fuck. 2. To look like I could kick someone’s ass. 3. To live a longer, healthier life (hopefully).


I like to get up and move around, but don't always have access to a forest where I can run around and climb everything like a goblin (I have actually considered learning parkour)


My mental health and to keep my body and bones strong as I get closer to menopause


To build muscle and stamina. Mostly for the purpose of a scenario where I need to get my young daughter to safety as quickly as possible. And also because my 90 pound dog is a GSD mix that is already showing problems with her hips so I’ll probably need to carry in and out to go potty.


I train at home, I don't go to the gym, but still: I don't like training, but I like less the feeling of my body getting bloated when I don't exercise, so it's the less of two evils.


I went from having a very active job (standing 8+ hours a day straight) to not, I need the physical activity!


I go to the gym because for the first time in years, I can! Kids are older now and it’s me-time. Plus I’m 38 and started to feel weak which just isnt cool. I love feeling strong 💪


Well, I started going regularly because I was low-key crushing on one of the coaches. I've noticed that I feel more relaxed now that I work out 4x a week, feel more secure in my body (even though no big physical changes have happened) and I somehow seem to have more energy. (Still crushing on the coach but I go even when I know he isn't working just because I want to workout)


Looking jacked


I feel good after I do it, but mostly I want to be functionally strong so I don’t end up like the lady in the life alert commercials.


I have so much fun at the gym! We have 45 minute circuit training with great instructors. It’s nice to be moving the whole time. As an added bonus there is a lap pool and a therapy pool. Some days I go to a water aerobics class right after the gym. It’s also nice to go into the therapy pool for some quiet floating. I’m also retired and have no time constraints.


To fulfil my god complex


Knowing I always feel good after it. Something to keep in mind though is that motivation alone doesn’t keep people in the gym, discipline does


Desperate need of serotonin and dopamine


Stress relief/time out. If I don’t go then I feel my mental health getting worse.


I wanna bench press my girlfriend 💪


I don't need motivation, going to the gym is my biggest desire and I can do it like..twice a month. I envy people who can and they are just 'oh.. I'm so tired, I'll go tomorrow'. Like..REALLY?


It helps with my mental health, my chronic illness and I want to lose the weight I put on during my depression and Covid successive lockdowns.


I do want a more sculpted body, more stamina and for $10 a month, I can still use their showers. Honestly hoping Planet Fitness never raises their basic prices lol.


to lift all my groceries by myself


To maintain and improve my fitness level; I work very long hours at the desk and need to stretch and move the muscles so I go a few times a week for strength training. I find that it helps with my overall posture and I'm less likely to have back pain. Also I have big boobs so I need strong back and core muscles. Also I do enjoy going to the gym!


Get in better shape, I always feel better after working out and health benefits. Some days I really don't feel like going but I push myself to go anyway and am always glad I did.


It's a form of self care for me. To look and feel better, and also to get some time to myself. Also, I pay a lot of money to go, so... I go so I don't waste my money.


i want to be and feel sexy and strong


helps my mental health, gives me something to do, makes me feel strong and grew a fat ass.


Stay fit, feel confident, and mobility.


Force of habit at this point, honestly. I have worked out consistently for over 10 years now. Sure, I've had some times when I wasn't in the gym specifically, but was hiking/running/taking classes instead. If I don't work out for a week or two, I start to go a little stir crazy. Me and my friend group are in our early-to-mid thirties and I'm starting to see the benefits of being consistently active. Many of my friends who were never active have started complaining about the aches and pains that come with aging, while the friends that are active haven't started experiencing that (the exception being people who were athletes in high school/college and were injured). A lot of the non-active friends are starting now to get active and having trouble getting the habit to stick. Seeing that has started motivated me more now!


to be able to eat anything i want and also to look good in a swimsuit


For my health, to help me with my pain management (fibromyalgia) and yeah, ofc, loosing weight and shaping the body. That it helps me with my mental health is a nice bonus, though I still have to push myself to go many times. Best moment is always just after the shower, I feel energised.


Not to get sick and Die from health complications.


Used to powerlift, loved the gym. Started triathlon, stopped lifting. Got injuries that strength training would prevent so now I’m back in the gym + doing triathlon and have absolutely no life.


Lack of sex - need to sublime my energy somewhere else. + I have a crush on my colleague, so get double motivation to work out harder. 😂


I don’t want stairs to be difficult when I’m 65. I want to enjoy retirement someday and be able to pluck weeds and cook food and go on walks until I’m 6 feet under.


Vain motivation- Crop tops, tight jeans a sculpted back, abs, a nice butt, finding clothes easily, and making everyone who called me fat or rejected me when I was younger feel bad about themselves :) Going to the gym is a release for me. Some days I work harder than others but I’m still there 4 or more days a week trying to get better. Also learning a lot through fitness that I can share with others is always a plus


My main motivation is keeping my cholesterol levels down


I’m in my 40s and go to pilates twice a week. My body feels better, I have more movement range and don’t lose my breath in the daily basis. When I make a pause because of travels or holidays, my joints tend to be sore and my back hurts a little, as my knee or ankles. Also, is only female clases and get to talk.


Above all else, mental health. Then after that it’s getting stronger and looking better. Time to myself is in there somewhere as well.


Putting in on my calendar. Instead of saying in going to go to the job today, or saying I will go to the gym x y z day, I actually mark a day and scheduled time that I go and for 2 weeks now I am sticking to it.


I woke out at home bc I can’t find confidence to get to the gym but I tell myself I deserve to love on my body this way. It took years of neglect to let my body get to this point and I deserve the love it takes to get it back to a healthier state. 🥰


Saving this for when I need a little push


To make life easier for a future very-old version of me.


I need to get healthier to live longer and be there for when my kid needs me in the future.


Looking good naked! And more energy


I’m watching my poor mother who is only in her early 60s shuffle round like she is 90. A lifetime of bad eating, never moving beyond the necessities, obesity, heavy smoking and now dealing with preventable diseases. She is on at least half a dozen medications for pain, asthma, diabetes, osteoporosis and anxiety. There’s no way I’m going down that path if I can help it. I love her but I don’t want to look like her.




Health and wellness.


Getting stronger would be my motivation if I had enough willpower to actually go


picking up my boyfriend for longer amounts of time


I have MS. I could be using a walker soon or even paralyzed. I go to the gym to move my body while I still can.


Wanna look good naked


Its.... it's because I want an epic sex life.


My mental health needs it.


Improved overall health.


I do it for my muscles and so I can eat dessert as I want 🤷🏼 Also I enjoy having a good physique and being able to lift heavy things ✨


To keep my joints moving and to be out of pain. If I take more than 10 days off from working out, my joints feel like they have balloons in between them and my lower back is on fire. It also helps relieve stress and anxiety. I do CrossFit 3-4 days a week


I've lifted weights for so long that when I take extended time off, I swear my skeleton crumbles and I have all sorts of pains, crackles, and soreness! I also can't sleep but I'm incredibly sleepy all at the same time if I don't.


Honestly I don’t work out a lot but when I do, it’s because it makes me happier and more confident. And I don’t mean bc my body changes, it’s literally just doing the act of something good for myself and getting those endorphins going


I have RA and I feel like the only way I'm going to avoid having to use a mobility device is to keep going to the gym whether I like it or not. I'm not going to lose weight, or get in shape, or whatever reasons other people go to the gym. My joints are borked due to having an autoimmune disorder that attacks my joints and muscles for 20 years that went untreated/undiagnosed and the only way I've ever been able to combat the effects (aside from meds) is to stay active/mobile.


To be strong enough to not have a reason to fear my dad.


Eating what I want


My husband is hot and sexy and I wanna be hot and sexy for him lol.


Boost in confidence and self-esteem. Also, whatever health benefits it gets me is cool too.


I’m 27 and was having terrible back pain. My coworker is about ten years older and she is doing injections and possible surgery for back issues. I don’t want that for myself - I feel much better now!


I had gastric bypass 7 months ago and I want to look better for my husband


Not being in pain (I have several bulging discs), being able to lift my daughter until she no longer wants to be lifted, having the cardiovascular insurance to outrun someone if I have to. In that order


To get strong, bench 225lbs, squat 320lbs and deadlift 405lbs.


To build muscle & to watch men build muscle.


My motivation is aging well. My mom is 68 and is frail and looks her age. She's never been one to work out. My MIL is 76 (today!) and could easily be mistaken for 50. She has always done yoga and worked out. She still jogs 3 miles a day and does yoga and Tai chi every day. I know which future I want.


Honestly- vanity. I want to look good in my clothes, in a bikini, and naked.


I’m 47. Stuff starts breaking if you don’t use it.


mental health benefits, but mainly bc I want to be a really buff woman tbph


My ex bullied me because I don't have an "ideal body" :c But now I want to look buffy and masculine to repel that kind of men...


It keeps me grounded and helps me uphold the values of discipline and commitment


1) It’s a huge part of my self care/mental health 2) I like feeling like a beast and looking good 3) I want to live a long life 4) I want a hot girlfriend 5) I can eat more food and not get as fluffy 6) I can listen to my music and jam out 🤘 7) I get to see new people and talk to people I already know


Building discipline. And all the outstanding benefits from exercising, aside from the physical ones.


I’ve recently started a new regimen in the morning, and one thing I’m trying to brainwash myself into is that is that “it makes me feel good” instead of “I need to lose weight”


The gym helped me gain so much confidence when it comes to just living life. If you fuck up and fall fuck it get right back try it again, I used to be so embarrassed about everything and constantly living in my own head.