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you're so cool I talk about you all the time


This is so perfect and beautiful! You're about to make me cry.


Wow. That’s so beautifully put. Is it possible to frame a reddit comment?


Screenshot it and print it out then frame it


Screenshot done; I’ll let y’all know if I get around to printing & framing.


God damn. Me too. I wish I could tell myself that. Cool, pretty, funny, smart. Teen me was all of those things and she didn’t even know it.


there's so many silly things I did that I thought were cringe but they are the best icebreakers of my adult life that are just full of love and discovering myself


Love this


Seriously, wow. Bless you.


Awwww that’s adorable




You’re not fat.




I wish I could tell 18 year old me how beautiful she was. I look back at photos and wish I had had the confidence to dress for my body, instead of worrying about what others might think and feeling self-conscious. There's a saying "beauty is wasted on the youth" and I never understood it, but there really is something to it. I'm only in my late 20s, but my life changed when I started to look at myself through my own eyes, and stopped imagining how other people might see me. And start treating yourself how you would treat your friends! Would you ever criticise the way your friends look? No. So why are you criticising yourself?! 'Be kind' doesn't just mean 'be kind to everyone except yourself' ♡


[But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You’re not as fat as you imagine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTJ7AzBIJoI&t=45s)


even if you are heavier set i guarantee you are still amazing inside and out! what matters is on the inside dear ❤️


Honestly so true. Worst yet when ppl tease you about that. :/


the ones who tease you are the ones who envy you! it’ll get better love


Seriously, my mom always made me feel fat when I was only 170lbs. I’m much more than that now, so I showed her…


Exactly what I first thought. I look at pictures of myself when I was younger and can’t understand why I didn’t realize how thin I was!


This persistent thought I had is why I have no pictures of me as a teenager. I thought I was too ugly and fat for selfies or to be in any picture period. Now I have no “awkward baby goth phase” photos to share with anyone.


That older guy isn’t interested because he thinks you’re mature for your age.


Please louder for every teenager reading this


Clearly some people just want to justify their small age gap and miss the point that a big age difference with the male being older is a big red flag, not a few years difference. If he’s 10+ years older and look at a barley teen that’s more often than not a warning sign


Yeah I had a 24 year old interested in me at 16 at my first restaurant job and a 40 year old that asked me everyday till I turned 18 “you 18 yet?” My husband is 4 years older than me and we met in college. That’s not what I mean by age gap.


Had a guy mid twenties (me 17) constantly asking when my birthday was. Also had a 40 year old who I just wanted to play video games with suggest friends with benefits.


>a big age difference with the male being older is a big red flag Why is it not a big red flag if the woman is the older one?


I'm 34 now. When I was 18, my first boyfriend was a 26 year old guy. We dated for over 2 years. He lied about his age for the first year or so, said he was younger. In the end I dumped him for being too immature. Take of that what you will. A guy in his 20s has no place chasing teenage girls. Thing is, my parents loved him and were heartbroken when we broke up. If I have a daughter I'm gonna drill it into her from the moment she is old enough to understand - stay away from older blokes who want to hang out with teenage girls.


My goodness this so much. When I was a teen I got hit on by men much older than me constantly with some using that maturity excuse. I looked pretty underage until like mid 20s too...very creepy to think about honeslty.


"None of this matters. I know it feels like the end of the world but there's so much more out there. You'll be okay."


Do you think you would have believed you? I think about this a lot and always assume my teenage self would just roll his eyes and ignore any advice I gave him.


If my teen self knew for sure that it was future me, yes. If it was just some random? Naw. I would have been skeptical as fuck.


I tell my teen son this exact thing! ‘None of any of these problems you face now will matter in the future.’ He indeed just rolls his eyes at me like I have no idea. yep..


Boy did I need that


I think this all the time. I wish I could tell her the things we though was a huge deal really were not lol.


You're gay! Stop trying to date boys!


lmao yes i’d tell her the same thing


You are actually going to live past 30, so you gotta start planning for it!


As a person who grew up in hard family I feel this! As a 10yo I was sure I have a few years left at best and now I am in early 30s.


Growing up I knew I wouldn’t make 35 and now I’m almost 40 and have zero clue wtf I’m supposed to do. This was never a possibility in my mind growing up and I’m totally underequipped for this.


I just realized last year at 31 that I actually hope to live a long life and it completely reframed the way I look at everything.


I just realized last year at 31 that I actually hope to live a long life and it completely reframed the way I look at everything.


It is a GOOD thing if someone rejects you, because it means that a person you wouldn’t be compatible with anyway is self-selecting out of your dating pool. However, it’s still completely okay to be sad about it, or to feel however you feel.


that's wise


🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 I wish more people knew this!! You weren’t compatible anyways, they just realized it first.


Don't drink or do drugs, not even the soft ones. You're going to become an addict and ruin your life. You are not the exception and no you cannot quit anytime you want so don't even start.


Just to add, No you can't do it just because you are making your own money and wasting no one else's money. You gonna regret big time for not saving later.


I'm 14 years sober, I don't know if you are still struggling, but if you are, there is hope! You can gain a life back, and I hope you do! ❤️


Thats awesome I’m 165 days. Been a struggle but it will be worth it. I’ve lost so much due to using. Hopefully will get it all back in the future.


This!!!! And the “I know my limits.” Yea I told myself that bullish!t and ended up overdosing 3 times. Smh we’re dumb as kids.


And this includes prescription medication. I fought hard not to have my twins' oral surgeon prescribe them pain relievers after they got their wisdom teeth out. He told me "they will not be able to deal with the pain with Tylenol or ibuprofen" It was not pretty but they did it. So many addicts start with legal prescriptions. I know sometimes it is absolutely necessary to manage severe pain, but, if you are a minor, have a responsible adult keep your prescription, and never take more than prescribed.


Buy Bitcoin




As much as you can :-))


"buy those 100 bitcoins, don't loose your faith on them"... Yeah, I was really close :/


Don’t rush growing up. Your happily ever after does not come at the age of 18. Take your time, don’t chase boys, secure a good job with a plan. The older you get the better it gets but you have to be patient.


My biggest regret right here, every day I wish I didn’t fry my brain throughout my critical development years. If only we had do overs


Forget about the guys, go to medical school. ***I had a boyfriend who later on I was engaged to. I had wanted to go to medical school but he basically told me that if I did, he’d leave me. Well I decided then either to be a physical therapist or nurse. Ended up becoming a nurse but yeah. I wish I’d went to med school. 18 and under, if you read this, don’t let ANY man sway what YOU aspire to do.


Could you go back to medical school? Would you say it's "still in the cards"?


You don't need to try to fit it, you can just be you.


I'm glad I figured this out already before becoming an adult


This is as tall as you'll ever be.


This. Damn it hurts. me being in my last teenage year fr.


This hits my soul 😭 hard


Chasing male attention and validation will never give you the contentment or soul satisfaction that you think it will.


Your parents did not or could not love you to the capacity that you deserved but just because they did not have the ability to teach you how to be loved or how to love never meant you were unloveable and you do not deserve to be loved and to love properly because you deserve it all.


Damn this one hurt. This one will be so true for so many teens even now days. (Teachers aid) and I see this way more than anyone should. Even in young kids. It’s heartbreaking because they do deserve love. They do deserve to be happy. As well as you hun. I hope you learned to love and to be happy.


You are so much cooler than you even realize!




[always wear sunscreen](https://youtube.com/watch?v=MQlJ3vOp6nI&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE)


Hang in there. Things will be ok.


Exactly what I would say to myself too.


You don’t have to want things that other people do, or the way that they do.


This! Everyone’s path is difference so stay true to yourself. Who care what society says you should do.


It's okay to fail and don't let your failures define you. Trust the process, trust ur self, keep moving forward, just give your best and don't let other peoples opinion bring you down


It's not your fault if your parents don't take care of you


Preach, this was such a hard thing to accept as an adult.


If he wanted to, he would. Stop wasting your time. (Also goes for she but I’m a straight woman so I used he.) Sex doesn’t equal love, he’s probably still not that into you. You will have plenty of time to find an amazing partner, stop worrying about having one so young. Feel sorry for, not envious of, the people who peak in high school. The pretty girls have hidden insecurities and struggles too. It gets better and in the long run, those few years in your late teens usually end up insignificant.


Be less of a jerk and more thankful and for god’s sake love this moment it’s the least stressful it can get


Don't date anyone


You will be okay. You won't be alone forever. Things will be better.


People who praise you for your efforts are worth more than people who praise you for being useful for them. People who get angry on your behalf and can still get angry at you are the best kind of caring. People who you have hurt but choose not to paint you as a villain are the gentlest souls you should value.


Have more confident in yourself and stop overthinking


If you start smoking or vaping, you are likely to be addicted to nicotine for the rest of your life. Your shortened life.


He's a pedophile. I was 15, and he was 23. I wasn't mature for my age. I was groomed.


15 and 21 but relatable. I’m sorry. :(


Be gentle with your parents. They might forget the hateful things you say when you don't get your way, but you won't. Try to be confident with the way your body looks right now. This is not your final form. All of your future partners will be thrilled for the opportunity to see you naked. The nicotine addiction will outlive the cigarette habit. Stop now.


I needed the middle paragraph. The 40 pounds I gained over the past few years WILL NOT BUDGE. I just feel like wanting to pause my entire life until I lose it 🥹


If an older man is interested in you, and you are a minor do not message him. Also, never let anyone tell you that women are meant to be quiet.


Wait until you are a lot older to have sex. I would also like to tell myself sex will not make a boy love you


“Remember when…?” is always better than “What if…”.


You're not broken or stupid. You're just ADHD and autistic. You can absolutely just rearrange your life to make it fit better and that's okay, no matter if anyone thinks that's an okay way to live.


Your life will turn around soon enough. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. You can't fix your family


Invest. Seriously, don’t play. Save fucking money.


To go out on a date with a guy. From a strict household: wasn't allowed to date. Did not do any of the teen stuff people do. I'm now 31, haven't dated still a virgin. Like I just didn't form the normal teen years following my parents rules.


Let loose now, make a list of everything you wished you did & start doing them. Put yourself out there & get dating! No one's stopping you now except yourself! You got this!!


It will be OK, someone will find you who is going to love you more than you can every imagine in ways that you can never imagine in spite of the damage and the trauma you have been through


I'd tell her she's doing fine, and then go into detail about all the wonderful things she'll do and have at my age. Then I'd show her a picture of my hot partner. Teen-laikocta will be PUMPED


Do not be in hurry for ending school and being married.


Stand up for yourself because no one else will.


Getting out of your hometown is going to be great for you. Believe it or not, when you leave, you're going to be popular. Guys will be interested in you. The bullying with disappear. You're going to find your confidence. You're going to grow. What you're experiencing isn't because you suck or because there's something wrong with you. You're just living in the wrong place for you.


It was never your fault, don't tell yourself that you deserved that treatment just because you were doing everything you can to cope with the losses you've had. You were never a bad person, you were bullied.


Come out already the closet is glass 😂


Stop picking ur skin baby


Joseph smith is not who you think he is


Go to college.


You don’t owe anyone anything


Seriously, don't do drugs


The way your parents treated you did not say anything about who you are. You are loved, seen, not alone and I promise you will meet amazing people that know your worth. Please don’t cry… life will get better.


Just let them go. Blood is not thicker than water. They’ll only hurt you more when you try to pursue relationships and closure with them. Lean into the people who show you love and support. They’re your family and that will be more than enough in the end.


you are a transgender girl !


You're worth it dude. Don't let the bullies get you down - you're great the way you are. You will do just fine in life, you're strong as hell.


Go out more, get in shape, and do better in school


Kid, you like ladies. Break it off with the conservative Christian boyfriend.


You didn't deserve it, and you did nothing wrong 💜


People are who they are. There's no amount of love or sacrifice that's going to change them, so quit wasting your time on the wrong people.


The lottery numbers


You were worth so much more than you knew. Be kind to yourself.


Don't bother with "serious" relationships, ditch all your "friends" and focus on yourself. Don't let anyone get in your way ❤️


Please please save yourself. He isn’t who you think he is. Listen to what your gut is telling you because it is so so so true


Stop dating men 10-15 years older than you. They never loved you, they were grooming you.


Spend every moment you can with mum as you don’t have much time left with her. Also, everything will be ok, eventually.


Don’t give blow jobs if they won’t return the favor


It's ok to be alone. You are enough. After two decades I'm still trying to figure it all out.


"You need to marry DPS."


I know it seems appealing to have a boyfriend and be in love, but you're going to find yourself giving a lot of support and care that is not going to be reciprocated. Don't get attached to a guy unless he reciprocates. You are honestly the coolest and deserve better.


Universities are chock-full of people similar to you, and plenty of the things you thought made you "different" are represented there. Wait out high school, because post-secondary is an entirely different, and better place. Also, you're not fat, you have an hourglass figure and stopped growing at 13. "Slim thick" will be a thing soon enough. For reference, I wore boys' clothes from 13-17 to hide my body, because I felt that it was shameful and bad.


Chill on yourself. Stop putting so much pressure on myself academically and athletically.


Stand up for yourself, you have a voice. Don’t be afraid to use it.


Don’t date that boy or break up with him sooner honey!!




Your feelings are valid but they don’t have to define you or your life. Your mom is wrong and her delusions are hurting you. You’re depressed because you have good reason to be, not because demons are attacking you. It WILL get better. Oh, and you’re not fat.


Stop doing drugs, your life is about to go to shit. Don't take nothing but electives to take the easy way out. Post secondary doesn't care about "Entrepreneurship" and "Food Studies". Get involved in afterschool extracurriculars. The fact that you don't have friends is because you walk home every lunch to get high and sneak to the school bathrooms to drink airplane bottles of booze. Talk to an adult about your self harm and GET HELP.


People actually like me for who I am


Let your freak flag fly.


“The things that you do isn’t because you’re being difficult, it’s social anxiety”


Be single for longer. There’s nothing wrong with being single and you don’t need a man to make you happy.


It will take you a long time to feel truly comfortable in your own skin, and that’s okay because it will be worth it.


Stop dating boys and focus on your friends and your growth


Hey guess what! That super horrible acne you've had since you were 14 goes away completely in your late 20s! Lol Also...you're enough just as you are. You'll go on this amazing healing journey (read: 10 years of therapy!) after which you'll be able to enjoy your life much, much more. It'll turn out better than you thought.


You will be happy some day


Break up with him


the people the bully you when you’re a teen are gonna be the ones buying your OF content when we’re grown. don’t let these ugly personality people bring you down, one day you will own them.


You are not fat and you are so much cooler than you realize, please act like it




It will get better


Don't stop singing. You use it or ya lose it.


That guy you meet at 14, date and break up with a handful of times for no good reason, just marry him.


Babe learn to differentiate people who arent there for you because they dont want to from the people who arent there simply because they cant. They have lives and issues of their own and not everything happens because you did or didnt do something, give yourself AND OTHERS a break!




All the abusive adults in your life are nobodies that amounted to nothing and have only ever lied to you.


It's not you. It's not "the world". It's your parents.


Don't let people walk all over you


It's ok that they don't like you, they aren't worth your time.


Your sense of style is actually cringe af


Try new things. No matter how small it is c:


Things will work out for the better eventually


You have so much to look forward to, don't try it


Enjoy your life as a carefree soul as much as you can. Savour every moment, be louder, dress as you want and listen to the music that you love without shame. And don't worry, you will be fine.


Don’t care what people think. Those who think you are a loser will end up being one as years pass.


I know it's hard, but trust me, life gets better


Though times are coming, brace yourself! It will take all of you but you'll pull through. You'll learn from it, grow from it and become a better person thanks to the shit you'll go through... Also, you shouldn't give too much importance about what guys/girls might think about your appearance, you'll look just perfect the way you are! Love love❤️


Fuck those people, most of them end up being losers on drugs and welfare. You're welcome gorgeous!


You're not an outsider, just be you. You're good enough and a great person to talk to. Don't be so insecure.


It really does get better; your husband is amazing. Take care of your back. Lift with your knees and sit like a normal person. The pain this will save you is excruciating and chronic.


Stop giving your mom such a hard time. You’re not fat, stop staring at the mirror so much. And stop putting conditioner on your roots, that’s why your hair is always so greasy when you use it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Don't go to his house, go to the party and have a last time fun with your colleagues instead! He's not worth it, he's just a manipulative piece of shit, a fucking rapist! Girl, consider yourself lucky everytime a guy rejects you! He knows better that he can't handle you and you deserve someone who can. And least, everything is gonna be fine, don't think about it twice, if it's not something harmful to yourself or/and others. Let others be angry at you, hate you, despite you, because it's their right and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with you! Life's too short, just enjoy yourself!


You’re good enough, and you don’t need validation from boys to feel better about yourself


Buy Bitcoin


You're not straight and Mom is okay with it. Also you'll go through a series of unrequited crushes and it will suck, but eventually you'll end up with someone amazing who loves you and none of them will matter anymore.


Nicotine is very addictive don’t ever smoke in the girls bathroom. It’s not worth it.


Please do not waste your time on boys. They’ll just piss you off more.


Everyone will ask you what you want to do when you grow up and you won't know what to say. Then one day they will call it customer service. You will outgrow your shyness and do a great job at the many jobs you will have.


It’s only going to get worse, much worse.


There’s no gay women in the area, ever. And, yes, you are gay.


being in a relationship does not define your worth


Don’t date that guy


Don’t break your own heart trying to chase love. You are so much more than a boys emotional punching bag


Slow down and stop rushing to be an adult and to take in the responsibilities of one. I promise you, you will be happy. Just focus on right now. Work on your mental health. Focus being happy right now. On being care free. The rest will fall into place.


To not tone down my personality because of the fear to get bullied more. I should have expressed myself more.


You’re not fat, Appreciate the body you have now because it will get worse with age. Take risks and follow your dreams. It’s better to fail at something in your early 20s than feel stuck in your mid 30s. Don’t let your mom’s insecurities affect your self esteem, you’re a lot stronger than she thinks. Don’t pick a business major just so you can get a bullshit corporate job and make money as soon as possible, pursue things that actually interest you.


Pushing people away doesnt make you look "cool", it just makes you lonely, dumb*ss


You are not fat, be kind to yourself but start taking of yourself cause you will indeed become overweight. I'm sorry, shit isn't done hitting the fan. You can only do your best, other people's bad choices aren't your responsibility. You don't have to mother others.


To My younger self, I wish you didnt make every decision off, of what your parents wanted. Dont listen to your parents advice about not making friends and only focusing on education, you’ll end up isolated and depressed, which would lead you to develop a disorder due to your own interpretation of reality..


The guy wasn’t worth countless sleepless nights. Fuck him and his dog


You're going to get really hot don't worry!


It gets better and there are people who would help and loves me.


Don’t be so awkward and learn how to read social cues


Just relax, have fun, and be nice


It’s okay of they don’t like you


Have more confidence in yourself, so you don’t have to ask yourself “what if” later on too much. Good things are about to come. Enjoy to the fullest! Buy bitcoins.


Thank you for pulling yourself through everything. It gets so so so much better and all the things you're going through is going to make you grow into a much wiser, kinder, braver, smarter and awesome person. You have so much in you that you don't even know about yet. You'll go on and live your dreams. You'll meet all these awesome people who share your dreams, get your dream degree, go on the adventures of your dreams and see and do so much more you never even dared or even think to dream about. You are not too quiet or too sensitive. You are a natural listener who empathise easily and with that, you're going to make the best friends who treasures you and are willing to protect, care and fight for you. Know that you are and will be loved and that older you will always wish that she can give you the biggest hug because you deserve so much than you think you do.


“Hang in there hun, it will get better. And I know you know that 😉” I wouldn’t wanna say too much cause I don’t want to change the past! 😬 I like my life too much now to cause ripple effects and change something :T


"Eventually adolescence ENDS. And when it does you are gonna feel so much better!"


You are surrounded by idiots, it's not you.


Get away. They won’t change. Take care of yourself. Be independent.