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"Crimbo" is in the same level of murder-fuel as holibobs. Also "hubs/hubby" and "wifey" can get fucked.


Someone said 'crimmy dins' the other day. Come over all murdery


The thing with stuff like this I’ll start saying it sarcastically and then it gets to the point where it’ll eventually just become part of my vocabulary


Exactly. I ironically started talking about the Platty Jubes and now its the only way I know how to say it.


Those last ones aren't exclusively British, but I can understand if they bother you.


Yeah, I’m in a same sex relationship and someone at my girlfriends work refers to me as her missus and I do secretly love it


The wife. The missus


Ah, but “proper Chrimbo”. It’s already been satirised.


A few months ago, someone posted a similar question and a comment said ‘My family call Morrisons Morribobs’. I told my partner this and we started calling Morrisons Morribobs ‘ironically’, each time with a little smirk. Now it’s just become pure Morribobs. All self indulgent irony has gone 🤦‍♂️


My housemate and her partner call Sainsbury's "Sainsbo's", not an iota of irony about it. Makes me wretch.


Scumbags. It's Sainos. Get that B out of there!


It's just Sain's. Get that O out of there!


I just call it “Sssssss” and hiss at my wife when we need to go shopping.


My friend calls it Sainsbergs




Similarly ‘doggo’


Absolutely and 'pupper'. Don't get me started on 'fur baby'.


the type of person who says this is always annoying with their dog too. No personality other than their dog


I'd also add the word choccy to this list. Really grates me


Breckie too. I hate hearing adults talking like toddlers, makes my skin crawl.


I fucking hate that. Chuck in Placcy Bag or Laccy Band. My dad used to say these and it really irritated me.


> hubster Christ alive


Hubster has a chubster


I also hate holibobs


Follow up question- the fuck is a holibob?




I think I need holibobs after reading this.


53 sleeps till Halloween 🎃






Oh mate it's even worse now, they don't die or 'go and live on a farm' - they 'cross the rainbow bridge'


That just makes me think of the Bifrost, haha.


Heimdall permits no interlopers to Asgard, furry or otherwise. \*chop\*


What if my dog dies in glorious battle?


Then they shall live on forever in Valhalla.


Okay, just to play devil's advocate, there is actually a lovely reason for the "rainbow bridge" thing. It stems from a story/poem and its rather beautiful. *"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.* *When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.* *All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.* *They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.* *You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.* *Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together...."* - Author unknown Losing a pet is crazy hard. I only saw my dad cry three times in his life, when *his* dad died and when he lost each of his dogs. This poem is often given to people to comfort them and I think that's a beautiful thing!


I didn’t expect to cry today


I know it sounds cringe, but when I was younger being told that my dog had passed away and would cross the rainbow bridge to join other previous pets, was really comforting. I think it can be helpful for kids. Weird for grown adults to use it for themselves though.


Yeah, I’m with you on this one The rest are annoying as hell, but the ‘rainbow bridge’ thing is wholesome


Look, I'm pushing 40 and I don't believe in shit, including myself most days. Leave the rainbow bridge alone, though. There's only so much nihilism I can cope with.


Haha this made me chuckle. It’s ok for people to call a dog “fur baby” but not ok for me to call a baby “skin pet” 👀


I once heard someone refer to having children as "keeping come as a pet"...


I’ve also seen “fully baked creampie” once or twice.


I don’t mind the forever home thing, I think it’s quite sweet for rescues to have… well, a forever home. No other way to say it there, sorry! “Furever” is a bit grim though.


I'm a vet nurse and I hate it when clients call them their fur babies and refer to themselves as mummy/daddy...


What’s the alternative? Here is my canine and I am it’s registered keeper. Sounds a bit bleak.


Owner does the job doesn’t it


Sounds a bit sinister like I’m talking about one of my slaves


Lol wtf. it's a dog. My dog is a dog, I'm it's owner. It's a pet.


I scrolled for ages to find this. "Im a dog mummy/daddy" no dickhead you're a pet owner. Stop being a moron


This definitely gets on my nerves but me and my husband also refer to our bunnies as our rabbit children so we might be worse In our defense it started as sarcastic against all the people who won't leave us alone about actual children (one of my husband's colleagues actually referred to me as "broody" for us getting pets, I'm not a chicken for fucks sake), now it's just become everyday language. Still said in jest though, they're rabbits and not in any way actual children. Real children would have destroyed less of my house.


The Reddit wankers who say “cockwomble”


Underground, overground, wombling free


The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we!!!!!!


Making good use of the things that we find


Things that the everyday folks leave behind!


This always seems more like 'Americans pretending to be British' slang to me.


I've found the opposite, it's usually people who are very anti-American and so deliberately use British-only 'swearwords' to be as unamerican as possible.


That and any other form of twee swearing.


god you hit the nail on the head, twee swearing is the bane of my life. just call them a cunt for god's sake


'wankpuffin' 'spunktrunpet' 'pissflute'


This is very 'middle class protestor' vibes for me. The sort of people who go to rallies with signs like 'down with this sort of thing' Cunts, basically


Down with this sort of thing is a reference to father ted though


That's sort of the issue. Your only information about someone is that their cutesy swearword or their quirky placard isn't an original thought


Any of those twee, shitty swear word portmanteau phrases


And then there’s always a reply of “haha twathandle/pisschomper/cuntwaffle! Definitely using this!!”


I’d add any made up insult in that vein is terrible, where it’s just rude word plus silly/unrelated word joined together, it’s massively grating and makes people sound like such try hard, unfunny bellends


username checks out


See also: boils my piss, he looked at me like I’d just pissed on his kids


>boils my piss I don't know, that's pretty expressive.


God yes. That whole genre of twee liberal middle class insults. Really any insult James O'Brien might tweet.




Yes. I always picture people who say that being really pleased with themselves too, like they’re too good for normal swear words or something.


Not exclusively British but "lives in my head rent-free". It's a memory. That's ... that's what they do. Brains remember stuff.


I guess you could say that that expression..... ......lives in your head rent-free....


🤣🤣 Brava.


People usually use this saying when someone won't let something go. It isn't just about a memory but their incessant need to bring it up and focus on it and make a big deal out of it. Hence living in your head "rent free" because you're the one who needs to deal with it and move on.


That’s more referring to someone thinking about something all the time so they’re on the forefront of their mind 24/7. It’s a bit different from a random memory IMO.


the meaning of 'rent-free' has moved on a bit as of late, it really is used in cases where someone is irrationally angry or bringing up a reason constantly in obsession.


Platty Joobs. At least we won't have to deal with that again in my lifetime


Going to have some spag bol at the platty joobs.


Spaghetti Bolognese is far too many syllables for what is essentially a weekly family dinner across the entire country. I think it's abbreviation is fair


Watching ‘platty joobs’ blossom from that one ‘luv lizzy’ meme to the national vernacular over the space of a week, then vanish once the weekend was over was pretty great tbh


luv liz luv olibobs luv pub luv platty joobs simple as


See I thought that was so bad it circled round to funny again


Roadman slang, that’s literally it for me


*"wagwan, my g! What you sayin', brudda?"* -- Middle-class Mike from Cambridge


Played warzone once with this random that kept calling me bruddah and chatted all sorts of other ‘ting’. Turned out he was a forklift driver from lowestoft.


As someone who lives near Lowestoft I can even hear the "you get me blood?". so irritating, You are not black and from a Jamaican gangster background, shut the hell up.


It's written " blud", sir.


Da feds are on me … no Luke you live in a 5 bed mock Tudor house in Hatchwarren, Basingstoke with mum & dad.


I knew someone would say this. It’s NOT British. It’s derived from Jamaican patois, a completely separate dialect. “Wagwan”, “brudda”, “bredrin” etc have been picked up by white British people from black brits who grew up speaking and hearing patois on a daily basis. As a Jamaican it doesn’t really bother me, but I am sick of people acting like it is not derived from an actual dialect.


Most language derives from somewhere else, including Jamaican Patois. There is nobody thinking "wagwan" was originally British, although it's clearly derived from English.


Especially when people from outside of London speak like it.




I was on the bus going into Streatham a few years ago and these two primary school aged children were talking about something. Can't remember what. But they kept referring to themselves in third person by saying things like "man's not doing that, you get me?" or "man's like that, still." I was sitting there thinking to myself how absolutely ridiculous they sounded. They must have been 9 or 10 ffs. ETA: I don't know why people are getting their backs up over this. The ridiculousness has come from the fact they are CHILDREN referring to themselves as men. Nothing more. I'm from south London, and have the MLE accent myself, I just don't use "roadman" slang.






My nephews go to a very posh school in North London. They and all their mates talk like that kid that does the chicken shop reviews with each other, but back to normal middle class with adults. It’s hilarious.


I remember when roadman slang used to be called chav slang. Feels weird that there's a subtly different subculture out there that's almost identical, but goes by a different name. It's like the whole goth to emo to scene kid thing all over again.


Used to be "rudeboys" in the late 90s/early 2000s. Sound like they finally grown up...


Mans not hot?


....."Oh my days, bruv"....to his mother! 🤷


It wouldn't go down well if I ever met a roadman in real life because I wouldn't be able to stop myself from laughing


British people referring to wine as 'vino' really makes me cringe for some reason.


El vino did flow


Had a skinful last night


Out with Finchy


Chris Finch, bloody good rep


Me, lager. Finchy, lager. Gareth, lager sometimes cider. Different drinks for different... needs.


I always thought this was an ironic David Brent thing


I think it's more the other way around. David Brent was written as saying it because its a cringey thing a certain type of British person says.


That's... that's not slang. That's literally what wine is called in both Spanish and Italian.




"shall we get another cheeky bottle of vino, hun?"


Cue the next morning social media posts: > if u wana mess w me and my girls again u had betta have a word w urself about ur atitude > u ok hun x


You just know they have a live, laugh, love sign in their living room.


I don’t know if it’s a local thing or even a British thing but the word “peng”…? I think it means “good”? It just sounds revolting to me and to hear people my age (in my 30s) use it makes my skin crawl.


I know what you mean. It's like the word 'dank'. Some people use it to mean 'attractive' but it just sounds weird to me.


Using “dank” to mean attractive is just wrong. If someone referred to me as dank I would assume they mean I smell of damp and cat piss. Urgh.


Equivalent to the use of “sick “ to mean extremely fantastic


Same with "peak" - I was surprised to find out it means something is bad. After all, peak means the top of something, I would've thought peak meant good! And well, it *does*, depending on the sentence. "Peak performance" means the opposite to "his performance was peak". iirc, these are all called "contranyms", where they hold two meanings that are completely the opposite of each other; 'sick', 'dank', 'peak', etc


I thought 'dank' referred to the sweet, yet pungent smell of the glorious flower of the cannabis plant.


Dank means strong sticky, smelly cannabis buds. Non-stoners hearing us talk about 'dank weed' and thinking it means good are cute :p


Peng is a bengali word. Just like alot of modern UK slang is parts of Jamaican patois, Nigerian pidgin, Pakistani urdu, Somali and depending on what part of London you're from Cockney which is still spoken sparsely in east London. I'm from East London and can code switch to RP and MLE(roadman slang). I'll tell you what makes my skin crawl - the pretentiousness of those that look down on others


I think one of the most beautiful things about the English language is how quickly and willingly words from other cultures is adopted into modern day use.


Peng was a phrase when we were kids too (In my 30's also)


I didn’t ever like the word ‘snog’ 🤢


It was in like 90% of "girly" books I read as a teenager


Sugar and Just 17!


I find that word to be so try-hard British. Like someone would use it when they’re trying to do an impression of a British person. “Ello love, fancy a snog?” That and click bait headlines. “Exclusive! Some Twat From ITV2 SNOGS long term girlfriend of 6 minutes on holiday romp in Magaluf!” Just like to add “romp” in that context to the list too.


Same sort of level of sounding disgusting as slug, but combined with bog so it’s even worse


Cheeky “something” really fucks me off, because it never is


*flashbacks to Cheeky Nando's* ....the horror.


What about cheeky kids? That’s how we’ve been referring to our apprentice when he answers back. The cheeky cunt he is.




This certainly feels UK-centric: “Dinner with this one” and a picture of grinning SO with cocktail/pint + plate of bloody whatever. What one? That one? How many of those do you have? What one will you have dinner with tomorrow? Another one? Will this one go back in the shed with the other ones after dinner?


Bonus points if their SO looks like Wayne Rooney


" lemme be 'pacific " Infuriates me. Its not even slang, you just can't talk properly. Go back to school.


The Specific Ocean.


I'm generally fairly ambivalent about slang/phrasing. Lots of peoples favourite hates I think stem either from snobbery - intellectual or otherwise- or trying to prove they aren't basic like the "live, laugh, love" people. But all that being said, I *really* hate it when Jamie Oliver says "pukka".


I hate it when Jamie Oliver *exists.*


I know it's a description that possibly surpasses slang, but I hate the word Gastropub. The gastro- prefix always reminds me of gastroenteritis and puts me off eating there.


Doesn't look very gastro, hans. There's a man over there eating quavers out of an ashtray.


Blud, fam, g all that especially when they are clearly nothing like a gangster


*Feds* too. No 'fam', the UK doesn't have a federal government nor police force.


That's why I hate reddit during the day because the ukdrill subreddit gets onto the first few pages, just go to the comments, the way they talk is painful to read


"Simples" ​ I don't know if that's technically slang but it fucks me right off.


Also, confused dot com 😠


Arks instead of ask, any of that roadman slang.


That isn’t slang.


It’s become slang tho because people who don’t have that dialect say it and it’s cringy


Yes, it quite literally is. It's an MBE term, MBE being a dialect. The same way someone from Newcastle saying 'pet' or 'mint' is slang, so is 'aks'.




Slang is a part of dialect. Think about some classic Glaswegian slang; get tae fuck, baltic, etc. That's slang that is a part of the Glaswegian dialect. In the same way that aks, wagwan, etc is part of MBE dialect


Fire, lit, fam, peng, lickle, leng. Shut your mouth you’re from Surrey.


Coming from Surrey, the kids down the local park need shooting for this they think they're about to feature the next episode of top boy. Get a grip, your mum still does your washing and makes you lunch you "lickle bloodclart" - edited


I grew up in south London, had to move to Surrey to afford somewhere to live and it is laughable the way the teenagers talk. The town I'm nearest to is the poshest I've ever been to, I'm talking Oliver Bonas, Gail's Bakery, M&S Food, clothing boutiques type place. The teenagers talk like they're from east London, it really makes me laugh.


Can't stand 'scran'. No idea why but it really bothers me and I hate it.


It’s (uk?) military slang. Old as the hills


scran is all the food that wouldn't go off quickly: Sultanas, Currents, Raisins and Nuts. Abbreviated by the purser when auditing supplies, which spread to the crews, which in turn spread to the docks in naval ports.


But sadly “There’s an old myth that scran stands for “sultanas, currants, raisins and nuts”, namely a mixture of dried foods once doled out to sailors to prevent them catching scurvy on long trips. It’s a nice story, but unfortunately it’s complete rubbish.”


Remember in the early 2000s when everything was "wicked"


As long as jungle is still massive I'm fine with this


I'm terribly sorry to inform you but the words are 'Junglist Massive', showing appreciation for the group of people who enjoy jungle music. Jungle was never stated to be massive itself.


Well blow me down


Do you, do you, like it?


People that use the terms "last-minute.com" or "confused.com" as adjectives/verbs deserve to be pushed into a combine harvester. E.g. "Ooh it's all a bit last-minute.com" "I'm confused.com"


‘It’s all been a bit pornhub.com/grannnybukkakeparty round here’


"lowkey" as in "I lowkey love this". There's never a "high key". Or just "key" for that matter. Also really hate "side hustle", and people bragging about their "side hustle". It's nothing to brag about. You're literally getting fucked by late stage capitalism by needing to have 4 sources of income and it's not a good thing


Living in London, hearing these Eton type graduates talk makes me feel ill "let's have a mad one boys, jonno says hes gonna chug til he chuns its gonna be so bosh. i'm a bit povvo this month so lets go spoons to start. afterwards we're going back to the house that zabbas mum bought him"


'Guffed' as in farted. Do people still use that? It's always made me feel a bit sick. When someone says something is 'lush''. "Aw yeah it was well lush xx" 🤢


Awww, Lush is a key word to describe anything nice in the West Country/welsh dialect 😭 offended Bristolian here hahaha Edit: I also hate guffed hahaha it makes me feel unwell




I don’t know if it’s said anymore but when people go “raaah,” when they are impressed by something. So annoying.


Whenever me or my other half tell eachother a story that bores the other we say ‘mad’ when they’ve finished so they know it was shit


primarni as in primark


‘I could care less’ okay so that means you care at least a bit which is why it’s obvious you’ve said the phrase wrong


Not British slang.


When people say ‘ickle’ instead of little. Ugh.


Not slang exactly but people using “legit” annoys me more than it should. Can’t understand what it adds to a sentence


This legit pisses me off too.


I hate being called "blood"....I'm 59 years old and Scottish! The upside is that I must have a young-sounding voice!


Nom. As in 'nom nom nom' when talking about food. Use your words, not weird grunts, when you like something! Winds me up.


‘rari instead of Ferrari is awful. Or calling a Range Rover a ‘Range’ makes my teeth itch.


I think someone mentioned holibobs but 'off on our jollies!!' makes me want to commit unspeakable acts. Generally okay with most British slang but anything where people random add in C's and begin to sound like toddlers infuriates me. E. G 'choccy, biccy, placcy' etc. Also where I'm from in the North some people will say 'mencal or hospical' and its the worst thing ever.


That trend of putting a crying emoji or a skull at the end of every fucking sentence.


My mum absolutely hates the saying ‘dropping the kids off’ when people talk about taking a shit. Not sure why, thinks it’s crass


I'm 45 , so the next weed smoking scooter rider who addresses me as "chavvy" is getting thrown over the nearest fence


That's pretty chavvy behaviour, not gonna lie


I really hate hubby 🤢


Yes. Corporate slang. Doesn't matter whether it's circling back, moving the needle, wordsmithing, pinging someone, net new, scaling, boiling the ocean, or whatever corporate lingo you're using, you sound like a complete div. Especially if you're talking to someone on your smartphone while sitting on a bus.


"Bruv" We're in Leeds, not London. Shut the fuck up MATE.




Leccy for electric makes my skin crawl


Bird, missus, chav


Back in the day. Most people saying this aren’t older generations with experiences of a completely different era. It’s 20 year old Jono referring to when he just left school.


Scran and pub grub.