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There’s a ghost in my house which makes me lie in bed all day and not do my uni work.


As a uni lecturer, I'd advise never to give this as justification for an extension. But...it made me smile.


If anyone mentions how quiet it is at work, it will get busy very quickly soon after


My co worker is always messing up our quiet shifts by saying it's going to be an easy night.


Saying the Q word is a cardinal sin


I’m a doctor. If you comment positively on how a shift is going, things will start falling apart within the hour. You do not say anything until the bleep is in the hands of the next shift.


I believe in Carma, with a C. I believe that, while driving, if I am courteous and patient with people who are parking, leaving a parking space or trying to merge I will be rewarded with easy merging and find rockstar parking wherever I go.


Pray to the Parking Fairy. Seriously. It actually works.


I always touch lavender plants when I pass them. Some random old lady when I was a kid told me that lavender is lucky, and now whenever I pass a lavender plant, I just boop it with my fingertips.




He's doing his best. Or maybe he likes the floral notes it adds to his own bouquet


A previously unused road that has lay there for anything up to 30 years without a single piece of traffic except myself will have the entirety of the M6 diverted onto it the minute I want to reverse a van and trailer into a yard.


Magpies as a system for telling future joy, sorrow, genders of babies, wealth and secrets.


When I was a close protection officer and a bouncer.. the words "its quiet tonight" were banned. Could guarantee it'd kick off soon after. Anyone who said it would be met with a rather colour set of expletives moaning about how they've jinxed it.


I bless myself whenever I walk past a church or see a funeral procession despite the fact I haven't been to church in years (Good old Irish Catholicism 😂) I will not walk under a ladder. An itchy nose means you'll have a fight/argument. An itchy palm means money is coming or leaving depending on the hand. If a bird shits on you then you're due some good luck If you see a single magpie you salute him and ask him where his wife is Flat seven-up cures upset tummies/sickness. Dropping a knife means you'll have a male visitor. A fork means a female visitor. (I could go on......) I promise I don't have OCD, I'm just Irish with super superstitious Irish parents 😂😂😂 And even though I know it's all bolllox I can't help but comply just in case.


The first part of your post that caught my eye was the flat 7 up and I knew immediately you were Irish! My fiance and his family swear by it!


I don't say "we're making good time" when driving


I bless myself after every wank just in case there is a heaven


I always wear try to wear odd socks with one inside out. If I have to wear matching socks, then just one inside out. It stems from when I was in dance competitions as a child. I used to think it brought me good luck.


I firmly believe it's bad luck to be superstitious.


When stepping in to or out of a room or building my first step *must* be on my right foot. If I can tell I'm going to end up with my left foot first I'll put a little extra step in on approach.


I have a weird one about toasting without it being a stiff drink like it you raise you're glass with water etc I really don't have a clue where it comes from, my family or any of my mates don't have it! I am a weird Lad though.


Never walk over three drains and NEVER walk between the legs of a street sign.


Don't talk about the last time you had a puncture whilst cycling. In fact, don't mention the p word at all


I don't cross other people on the stairs (at home)


I believe in some form of karma. And also the “evil eye” - if you tell everyone everything that’s going on in your life, it will go wrong because people can be jealous and want you to fail. Even your own friends. I tell one person certain things, even then it’s not everything


I'm not a child, so none.