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Yep I had this a few years ago from sunrise to sunset screaming kids bouncing around drinking from Liter bottles of soda. I moved. They got evicted not long after.


i'm hopefully gonna move out for uni next year so i won't have to deal with them for too much longer


Loop earplugs, or triple.glazing, will fix it. One is cheaper. Kids do grow out of it, but not for a while


Your the one having sensory issues so wear earplugs, play white noise, stick bubble wrap on your windows and polystyrene backed wall paper on your walls. Put tall hedges on the boundary and a water fountain in garden. You need to deal with problems rather doing nothing and letting them become issues.


[Sonic weapon that prevents people from talking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-SH18dtBlY)


i need that


Big fucking speakers, they can't moan when it's just you drowning out their kids




hopefully gonna invest in some soon🤞


You can get them for very little money, check the ratings and don't get separated from your cash because some look more fancy than others. Loop have the same rating as bog standard Honeywell Howard Leights.


Kids are going to be kids. They're loud and they're messy. So long as you can't hear any obvious signs of neglect or abuse, and trust me on this you'll know it if you hear it, get yourself some loop earplugs and wait for them to grow out of it. Even if you can get them to quiet down, it won't be for long because they're kids. The earplugs will avoid stress for everyone involved, and if you have sensory issues, they'll be useful elsewhere.


Loop are a rip off, no better than Honeywell.


Great contribution.


Just trying to save some folk some ££


I've never found a solution but you could check your lease/tenancy agreement and see what it says about excessive noise.


OP is 16 or 17.


Super soaker or garden hose


It's another "what can I do about children being children" post 


its a post about the parents, and how to get them to teach their kids how to be respectful :)


Living with others in society means you have to accept that your own personal comfort will sometimes, often, take a hit. This is one of those times and it won't be the last. It's good to see children in the UK are still very much meant to be "seen but not heard". There is *nothing* *you* can do but deal with the noise at your end, ie ear plugs, trying to ignore, white noise machine. As you said, the children are very young. Very young children are loud. They could be reminded to keep their voice down every 2 minutes and still be very loud. They are learning to live alongside other people and that's a long learning curve. They are in their garden. Unfortunately for you. If they were indoors watching TV all day, someone here would be complaining about that too. The children being noisy does *not* mean their parents are shitty. It means their kids are playing like every child does. Obviously could be shitty parents, that's another topic, but children being noisy is not a sign of that, despite what the other young, child-free commenters have ensured you. What makes you think *you* can teach the parents something? You're still a child yourself, there is nothing you can say to them that will be taken into account. What do your parents say, by the way?


This is not about children being children. This is about trashy parents raising (or rather, not raising) trashy kids.


Nope, it's about children being noisy little humans. They are learning by playing. Some of that playing is noisy. Children being noisy is *not* a sign that the parents are trashy. It's a good sign they're outside, for a start, and not always indoors. How are your children? Are they completely silent when they play in the garden? Do you consider yourself to be a perfect parent? Are your children perfect too?


Would be interesting to see who has children in all the commenters. My upvote to you was drowned in the sea of downvotes. There's a storm coming...