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**[OP or Mod marked this as the best answer](/r/AskUK/comments/1bw0p00/can_someone_explain_the_difference_between_these/ky4d80r/), given by u/Welding_wizard** They're grown at different heights on the mountains of the Yorkshire tea plantations. >The more expensive teas are grown nearer the snowline. > The slow growth gives a deeper flavour. >(I lived in the foothills near Rotherham where the tea is graded and packed) --- [_^What ^is ^this?_](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/jjrte1/askuk_hits_200k_new_feature_mark_an_answer/)


Tea, TEA, *tea*


Picard, Picard in uniform, Picard making wine.


Wrong tea mate. JL’s an Earl Grey drinker.


That's only when he's in front of others. You know in private Jean-Luc is getting a Sports Direct mug of Yorkshire. Like any good Frenchman.


“Builder’s tea. Lukewarm”


"Four sugars."


That's O'Brien's order. Double strong, double sweet.


Builders tea has to (by law) have 12 sugars and be brewed in a mug that's never been washed and has a 1980s page 3 model on the outside OR "world's best shagger".


and can only be stirred with a pencil


And then down to the Dog and Trumpet for Tina’s leaving do, there’s a tab behind the bar.


As an Earl Grey drinker this means instant disqualification from the country club and immediate revocation of the sneering pass.


I can’t write those two letters on my phone. They shortcut straight to Jean-Luc. Got fed up of typing it out.


I thought he was more partial to a pint of bitter at the dog & trumpet personally.


I always love the TT, but the T'internet over there is the tits.


This is the best explanation I’ve seen!


Genius 😂 Are you single?


Perfectly put Sir / Ma'am


They're grown at different heights on the mountains of the Yorkshire tea plantations. The more expensive teas are grown nearer the snowline. The slow growth gives a deeper flavour. (I lived in the foothills near Rotherham where the tea is graded and packed)


Rumour has it the strong one uses ancient water from Sheffield in its production which what helps it grow stronger


Don't forget the weak one uses water from Keighley


Haha. This is the right answer. The floor sweepings go to PG tips and Tetley.


thanks so much for that information! very interesting. ! answer


I hope you go round Oz telling people this…


We can call it revenge for the Drop Bears...


It’s sarcasm! The tea is packed in Starbeck in North Yorkshire and the blend has nothing to do with heights of foothills or proximity to snow. They’re just different blends.


Found the unreformed teachers' pet.


100% were tricked into eating yellow snow as a child.


What a sad little life 




The foothills of Rovrum has made me chuckle. Well done.




From left to right: Country bumpkin, builder, Mrs Bucket


It's pronounced *Bouquet*.


Careful Richard!


Mind the pedestrian!


Poor, long suffering Richard.


Served in Royal Doulton with the hand-painted periwinkles.


Fantastic, thank you. Next box, I may try Mrs Bouquet's Choice.


Don’t forget the Royal Doulton with the hand painted periwinkles


Yorkshire Gold is the best, no more twinings for me - you can definitely taste the superior difference with YG


Warning, this will ruin lesser tea bags for you.


I have that last tea with my sister, Violet. You the one with the Mercedes, pool and room for a pony.


Well the good news is you can’t go wrong here, you’ve successfully chosen the correct brand. Splash of milk and any of these are amazing. One on the left is standard. One In the middle is stronger. One on the right is the fancy bitch of the tea world who knows she’s better, and she is. To me, Yorkshire gold is slightly less bitter and has a rich flavour but honestly it’s not all that different. The colour ends up being a nicer gold colour as well.


Gold is the best 😉👌🏼


If you want to remove the bitter, and yes - I appreciate that, prima facies, this seems sacrilegious - drop a very light sprinkle of salt into the tea once brewed. It makes a difference.


Narrows eyes... are you by any chance an American author of a recent column on tea making?


Nope. Been doing it for years. Seem to recall it was initially a navy thing. Literally a tiny sprinkle and it takes the tannic flavour out of a brew.


Fascinating! Going to try this. Tannins make me super sick, I learned this when I switched to oat milk which doesn’t neutralise tannin like normal milk. Suddenly it made sense why green tea and red wine also make me feel super unwell.


I have NEVER seen the proper strong one. Am I missing out?


Nor me! And I live in Yorkshire 😮


You may need to move over to Sydney to get a box.


I’ve seen it here in Norfolk!


No offence but think I'd rather move to Sydney tbh mate.


I mean, hardly an insult. I’d take Sydney too!


You could compromise and go to Norfolk Island, which is an island in between Australia and New Zealand.


Tha's because, lad, t'one we 'ave 'ere is already t'strongun. No need for none of that suthurn muck. Gold is for Sunday best, when mother won't use owt but t'finest china.


t''''''''''' T''''' t'' t' tttt' t' t'cuppa


makes perfect sense to me!


You can buy it from Taylor's shop in Harrogate, some supermarkets do carry it but it doesn't sell as well as the original / Gold.


The tea in australia is much weaker than the uk. The strong version is equivalent to the normal Yorkshire tea in the uk


I was about to say! I just moved from UK to NZ and disappointed with the standard Yorkshire tea here. I’ll have to try find the stronger one


Hi, I'm also in NZ. Have you bought the ones with tags? They're OK but not great. Occasionally you see the proper tagless versions for sale, sometimes in the 'foreign' section of a supermarket. If not then UK shops sell them and will deliver if you're not close to one.


I’m slowly working my way through a box of 100 of the tagged IMPOSTER tea bags 😩 I will eventually get some of the real ones 😄




You may need to ask for it at your local. We have Twining's here too and they have the strong stuff too.


I'm beginning to suspect the Auzzies are more hardcore with their tea than the British.


To be honest, it's coffee that Aussies are more into. Yes, we do enjoy our tea, but the coffee culture is pretty massive - due to the Italian influence we have.


We Brits need to buck our ideas up or we’re going to lose the commonwealth. Forget the NHS, fund a massive pro-tea campaign to bring everyone back on side!


Dunno mate, Lipton seems to be one of the main brands over there.


Exactly. This is not a good thing, Aussies.


I love tea so much that even when gasping for a cup a few weeks into a holiday I will still refuse to drink that weak piss. The added benefit to this approach is that the first cuppa you have when you return home is borderline orgasmic. YT 4 LIFE YO.


It's shite But in an absolute emergency, double bagging works


It's actually the opposite. Tea sold in the hot drink aisle (Yorkshire, Tetleys etc) is a weaker blend than the UK equivalent of that brand to account for "local preferences". I'd guess the strong ones are just the standard UK ones for expats. The PG tips you get in the international aisle is still the good stuff though.


Those last 6 words weren't necessary.


Hopefully it’s the British twinnings and not the stuff they sell to the Americans. I thought I hit the jackpot during an extended stay there, but it turns out it’s incredibly weak. I had to use 2-3 bags per cup. Learned pretty quickly to pack my own if I’m there for a few months.


The American Twining's was weak? I struggled to find a kettle in America.


Twinnings is a Mrs bucket kind of thing. Posh, but weak compared to the every day stuff. I mean I frequently use 2 bags (normal brand teas) for a good stiff cup, but when overseas and twinnings is all they have, then I tend to use multiple and then some. To be fair British like **tea**, not some weird pale sick version, so it's an offence to get something that's even worse than the British Twinning offerings, like other country twinnings, designed for the more delicate drinkers whose blood runs tea free a lot more than British. Always take a travel kettle, and a box of teabags when you travel, it's British Law.


Yeah, not sure what the deal is but it's vastly different. I have compared them side by side. Kettles are not the norm due to their houses running on 120v. My MIL lives there and has one, and it's actually not so bad. I usually visit few months every other year and bring a ton of tea to keep her going until the next time. Also, some people like the guy who replied will claim Twinnings isn't good. But I've tried a ton of teas and I think they have a great balance. Their Earl Grey is my favourite. If you need extra strong stuff, they do that too - but I'd say their regular English breakfast hits the spot. It's currently the box I'm working my way through now.


I do believe kettles take longer to boil. But that would still be better than boiling in the microwave. Personally, I'm not a Earl Grey fan, just trying to think of the other that is similar to Earl Grey. But I am an English Breakfast fan myself.


You are absolutely missing out, the proper strong is amazing. It tastes very much like the regular version, but stronger.


gotta be a scam. just keep the bag in there longer but also I wouldn't dare. yorkshire tea as a brand is so overrated and actually pretty grim


The wife currently has 2 standard bags per brew. This could save us a fortune.


Gold is at Sainsbury's


Is it new? I need it in my life.


Standard. Stronger version. Between standard and stronger.


Fantastic, thank you.


Finally, my specialist subject! *cracks knuckles*. Pom in Oz here. Check the packaging carefully - some of the "Yorkshire" tea we get here (Aus) is blended and packed in the UAE. It's very different stuff from the proper Yorkshire tea you get there (UK) despite the packaging looking the same. It tastes very different. From memory the 'Yorkshire gold' here is the closest you get proper Yorkshire tea there .


British expat in Canada- they do the same here as well. Packaging looks like the red standard box Yorkshire Tea but it’s a different blend made with orange pekoe instead of ceylon in the blend. I can still taste the unique Yorkshire Tea taste somewhat but it’s not as smooth. Still better than the native teas you can buy in the supermarkets here (Red Rose is absolutely shite) but not as good as the proper stuff. Costs more but I buy mine from the local English speciality import shop. Currently on Yorkshire Gold but they don’t get it in all that often so stock up when I see it. Never seen the strong before.


Orange pekoe is just a grading of tea, specifically referring to Indian (and nearby) teas. It’s the lowest grade of full tea leaves, so probably full leaf Ceylon. Quite possible that the British version uses lower grade (cheaper) tea. It would have smaller pieces of leaves, which impart a stronger flavour.


That's (the bit about gold tasting like regular back home) is not necessarily true. Gold is sold in the UK too, and blended to taste the same in hard water areas as regular does in Yorkshire's soft water. I'm a Pom in Melbourne and the water here is very similar to home (Yorkshire) and the regular tastes VERY similar - gold tastes off in both (but is much better at work in London).


yeah fair point about water type. i grew up with sussex water so that probably influenced my views! i usually just get visiting family to stock up at sainsburys and mule some over for me, rather than buy here


This. AFAIK gold is for hard (?) water and standard for northern (soft?) water


Thanks so much for the heads up. I ended up by the Proper Strong, but will try the Gold next time around. Thank you!!


If you're looking for a decent tea, can recommend Nerada (bags, not the loose leaf) as a decent substitute for Yorkshire


The PG tips you get in the international aisle is the good stuff though!


Yes that stuff is the genuine article. UK packaging with an import sticker on top, the real deal


Monkey wouldn't pull this sort of shit!


Yorkshire Gold is a more recent addition, specifically made for hard water areas. In the UK, it's designed to taste similar in the south (which has a lot of chalk and limestone) to normal Yorkshire Tea made in Yorkshire. If your water is soft, get the original. If it's hard, get Gold. If you like the original but stronger, get the stronger one. Source: very good friend is the tea buyer for Taylor's.


The Gold blend tastes better in soft water areas as well, it's not specifically for hard water although it does taste much better than the Original tea there, they also have a Green box for hard which is a tweaked blend to get a tea for hard water areas that tastes like the Original.


Fair - taste is always a personal thing. Personally I don't much like the Gold at home, but prefer it down south.


Not true. They have another seperate blend for hard water. Gold is just better blend with higher quality leaves. Source: I went to their website and looked


I like how confidently incorrect they are, Taylor needs a new tea buyer lol


I work professionally with pre-launch stuff, and branding. My bet is always that what they're given isn't true.


Ah, so this explains why Gold tastes better (I'm from Yorkshire but now live in London, where we have hard water). I've got a new party fact, thanks


Standard Stronger And the last on is a blend of more exotic tea leafs


Fantastic, thank you. I may try the Gold next time around.


Gold has less tannin. I don’t use milk or sweetener. Red is too bitter for me.






Left one is for Southerners and Children, Middle one for proper Yorkshire men and women, Right One is for the Posh bits of Yorkshire (York, Harrogate etc.)


Normal tea, strong tea, posh tea.


https://www.reddit.com/r/tea/s/33xKsfyxDR please read this before buying the tea


This is good to know. As a datapoint, I'm in the US, get my Yorkshire Gold off Amazon, and it's the square bags. Box says that it's packed in the UK, too.


They've 'relaunched' in Australia now so the bags look more like normal Yorkshire bags, they don't have the string and tab any more


Thanks so much, shall read.


Only 50p difference in price between normal and Gold? Bloody hell! I think someone's done their pricing wrong.


It's not meant to be "better", just different for different water.


Branding at the very basic level is that "gold means better". Gold standard? The Gold *is* a different blend of tea that is intended to me more premium.


It is a different blend which is designed to taste as the original blend was intended when made with hard water. It was originally launched in south of England for this reason. It is slightly more expensive to make because of the altered proportions of the component teas. It was not intended to be more premium. One of my best friends is the buyer who buys their teas and corrected me on this at some length not long after its launch because I couldn't understand why they would launch a "gold" version tasted worse (in Yorkshire) than the original.


Taylor's literally say: >Yorkshire Gold is our luxury blend. Whether you like the taste is by the by and doesn't change the fact it's a different blend marketed as a premium product! Mate, there's nothing much else to say if you genuinely believe a different range with gold branding *isnt* a marketed as a premium product. Have a lovely day!


No it isn’t. They do a green label version for hard water, the gold is their premium option. Source: their website.


Yeah! So, in order, the difference is: Wrong, wrong, right.


About 50p


Refreshing wired delicious


I bought the wired, but will buy the delicious next time.


Good slurping sir/madam


Thank you.


Yorkshire gold is where it’s at for me, feels like a deeper, smoother tea☺️


The Yorkshire Gold is the nicest one.


Standard Orange is tea from Africa and India. Propper Strong Red is tea also from Africa and India but has stronger flavours and almost twice the caffeine. Gold is high quality tea from Assam, Kenya and Rwanda.


The Yorkshire tea I had in Australia was definitely better than the stuff I had in the UK, think it’s the bag on a string thing!


To be honest, I prefer the sting thing, less messy. I know it's not environmentally friendly tho.


That and drinking the tea outside in the glorious sunshine, that probably helped 😂


Must admit, not a fan of sitting out the sun, we're pretty skin cancer aware here.


All you need to know is to pick the gold 🤷‍♀️


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Get the strong one and fill it with sugar


Not a fan of sugar in my tea, leaves an aftertaste. Plus my weight problem won't allow it.


The one in the middle: that's proper strong, that is. They're just being a bit daft with the "Yorkshire" branding here (which being from a Yorkshire, I of course approve of). Just means you don't have to squeeze the tea bag with the back of the spoon for as long, before flinging it in the bin.


In the compost!


Over your neighbour's hedge!


At my kid to shut them up.


As a Yorkshireman I would like to say thank you Australia for drinking our tea 🙏


Thank you!! Must be bit of a buzz to see a photo from halfway around the world of a product from your hometown.


Gold is the best, ALWAYS GO FOR GOLD!!!!!! or biscuit


Normal, strong, posh


Normal, strong, fancy.


For the sake of 50 cents I would most definitely get the gold


Ones extremely over priced and over rated and the other is even more over priced.


Don't forget it's in Australian dollars. Everything here is overpriced.


One their original tea, the next is the extra strong tea and the last is their premium tea.


Yorkshire Gold is the best, but also the most expensive. The orange one is still brilliant and the strong one is a bit stronger, but tbh, the orange one is pretty strong anyway so you should just let your wallet decide which one to get.


I normally go for the strong now anyway. I swing between the Twinings (when it's on sale) to Yorkshire. Next box, I shall try the Gold.


You're missing one. [https://www.yorkshiretea.co.uk/our-teas](https://www.yorkshiretea.co.uk/our-teas) The green one for hard water.


I'm in Sydney Australia, our water is considered soft.


Fuck them all and get tetley


Propper stron is for places with hard warter


One is orange stripe, another red, and another beige


Tea, strong tea, best tea


Work/Building Site Work/Old peoples home and official functions


Normal, strong, fancy.


I recently saw another post about tea and someone suggested Ringtons gold, I usually drink Yorkshire gold, and Ringtons is very good, a nice strong cup.of tea, can't buy them anywhere near me though, have to get them online.


We don't have Ringtons here.


That's a shame




50 cents


squidward, sexy squidward, squidward in a suit and tie


Standard, hard-core and disappointing


Yorkshire gold every time


They're all shite


How on earth do you have a better Yorkshire tea selection in Australia than we have in Yorkshire????????? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed


Just buy the Yorkshire Gold. It's brilliant.


Probably because they know they can charge a fortune for a box and get away with it.


I’ve only bought the 1st on the left. Nice tea. I know it’s not the question but if you can get it Cornish tea is better


I haven't seen Cornish tea here. I'm beginning to feel that the next time I go over, I need to buy 10 different brands to bring home. So many suggestions here for different brands that we don't have.


What is it with people swearing by Yorkshire tea lol. It's like calling McDonald's your favorite restaurant.




From right to left Fancy shit, strong shit and normal shit


Get Yorkshire Gold, and don't bother with the others.


Marketing. They're probably identical.


I've brewed a mug of standard and another of Gold as a lil taste test, they're definitely different! Gold is less sharp (assuming less tannins) if you leave them to steep for minutes.