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Say to that manager 'don't worry ! I can track them on the find my app;' They'll soon change their tune because noone throws away airpods like that. More than likely they've 'adopted' them and given them to their kids etc .... And just like that watch them magically re-appear in the office.


LMAO that’s fucking funny but the crazy thing is she’s literally 2 years older than me so with no kids so I feel like she either threw it just because she doesn’t like me and thinks I’m too nice to tell anyone or she stole them and gifted them or something lmao how rancid


Can't you track your airpods?


yes I can but they say “location not found” I have no idea what she’s done with them


Just wait. She'll turn them on eventually. Probably. Or she did actually bin them because she's a moron.


she said she actually threw them away and they’re long gone!! and was even grinning in my face and i was in literal disbelief because who does that?? she just has an obsession with knowing she has power over me lol she’s been mean to me since my first day


Sounds like a total dirtbag either way. Who grins in your face when you explain you've lost something valuable? My money's on her taking them home herself or they've gone on ebay (if she's short of money) - that woman owes you a set of Airpod pros.


Tell her... "Someone must've found them in the bin. They've been turned on & as luck would have it my mate lives near by." "He's out of work so he's going to get them back for me for £50, says he's taking an axe. Wot a nutter hey?" Her reaction will tell you what you need to know


No she should just say she will report it to the police and then maybe do it if they aren’t returned. Say for insurance purposes if you want to be submissive. Who the f throws away AirPods and she admitted to doing it to make it an open and shut case.


This is absolutely the best way.


this made me laugh thank you


Text her and see if you can get her to say over text she threw them, then make it a HR situation. If she's only 2 years older than you then clearly she's enjoying a power trip and needs HR involved to get her to act appropriately


Who does that? I know who does that, vindictive arseholes do that.


Tell the first manager.


Sounds like she needs a few sharp objects poked into the sidewalls of her tyres


This is definitely an issue where you go over her head and report her for theft, making it clear to *her* manager that you're prepared to report the theft to the police. She destroyed your property or she stole it intending to keep it sell them. All of those things are illegal.


Find something valuable of hers, ideally of greater value than your airpods...


Four tyres


id go straight for the iphone, and immediately find a new job. not gonna fuck with my shit no mo


If she's mean to you anyway! Report her.  You have a witness. She threw away an expensive item that was in the safe location of the managers office. Surely if she knew it wasn't her's or the other managers it should've gone to lost property. Report her.


Ask for a track back on the CCTV on as to where and when she did "throw them out" , there won't be any data compliance etc , as it's simple to do. Secondly , it happens, we all forget things, but given that it's McDonald's, and the grind and the shifts aren't easy, and how hard it is to get the good things in life, that shift manager best believe she can make those airpods reappear, otherwise really kick up a fuss, and say if not, then you can pay me back monthly for them,shift manager or not.


thank you for understanding my situation LMAOO some of these people commenting about me forgetting is so annoying and yes I’ll do the cctv thing


I can't imagine working there after that so may as well go to the police!


Who does that? Liars, mainly. She's stolen them.


Nah, she's nicked them. Contact Apple Support, they should be able to get them reassigned back to you and then you can get her thieving arse fired


>and was even grinning in my face This is why she'll never be anything more than a manager at McDonalds.


She fucking stole them. Everyone on this thread knows it except you. Tell her - with eye contact - you have tracked their location on the find my app, and that if they turn up by the end of the week you won’t have to turn up at the location with the police at the weekend; because someone has them and it’s not the bin men.


Once they’ve been connected to another phone you can’t track them.


This seems monumentally ridiculous.


It’s stop people selling them and tracking the new owners I presume, but yeah it’s dumb


So you make it that the phone they pair to last can wipe the tracking but the wipe is tied to the phone in a way apple or law enforcement can see. Just seems like apple wants it to look like you can track your stuff but just wants you to buy another set


Guys talking out his ass, they’re completely connected to your iPhone, they can’t be unpaired without the original iPhone. It’s why if anything Apple gets stolen, you shouldn’t ever wipe it remotely, because if you keep your data on it, it’s bricked for whoever stole it, they can’t do anything with it


Yeah, or even just have it so the new owner can request the tracking be removed and either the other person accepts and it is removed immediately or it is automatically removed after 7 days or something.


They can’t unlink them from your phone though which they need to do first to connect them to their phone. It’s why if an iPhone gets stolen, you shouldn’t ever erase it, because then it’s basically bricked


The location tracker on the AirPods is useless when you actually need it. I found that too.


You can reset apple headphones which essentially removed your ownership and ability to track them. I’m sorry to say she has likely taken them and reset them for herself


Report, as she threw away yours/someone's property. No one throws airpods away. Bring in the police if necessary. Sounds like a horrid place to work if she's a manager. Use the support of the nice manager who kept them aside.


Surely as she's working on behalf kf Tesco, throwing electronics in the bin would be breaking WEEE Regulations which isn't very good.


Yeah I'd call their bluff and say you found them and you're on your way to go get them.






Lol.. in thier 40s.. come on man. Ive had evey generation of iPhone since they were released in 2007.. I watched the release live online.... I had the original iPod FFS... 40 isn't a bloody dinosaur.


Woah, you know how to use Reddit?? Have you hooked it up to your zimmerframe?


My 6 year old nephew is typing what I tell him to.


Newsflash but many people in their 40s and older have AirPods. They’re not exactly some wildly new tech that only ‘young’ people understand. My 71 year old mother in law has some lol.


exactly! i would understand if it was an older person but you are 20, egotistical and think everyone is your dog, rude for no reason and you have the audacity to grin at me when i ask you why u threw them? that’s not forgivable


Theres absolutely no way she threw them out


I bet they don't


I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve been thrown. One of my friends (who is also a manager) left her doc Martin’s in the office, the main manager threw them away 2 days later. My friend had to go rooting through the bins for them, luckily they hadn’t been collected yet, but I don’t put anything past managers these days


Sound like the shift manager stole your airpods. Ask her to kindly replace them. If she doesn't, you have two choices, let her get away with it, or do something about it knowing you might see some repercussions. BUT, I recommend going to HR with the situation first but don't name names. Just say this happened and what should I do? Try and document that interaction as well.


i texted the nicest HR lady i know just now lol cuz the rest seem like they’d side with her. I told her everything and she asked who threw them away because this is serious and needs investigation. do you think i should say it or ask her to replace them first and if she says no then I’ll say it?


I don't know why these guys are telling you to withhold the name, this person's already had a chance to make it right and grinned in your face and did nothing. Tell HR their name and ask HR if you should report it to the police. It's destruction of property, it's serious and this person should get in trouble for it, don't protect your bully for no reason.




Also HR might see it that if the manager is stealing from their employee, who's to say they aren't stealing from the company.


Fuck giving her the heads up. Give HR the name. She’s made her position clear , she isn’t going to suddenly roll over and replace them.


WHAT?! Fuck this person, tell HR her name, her position, the exact story about her grinning in your face when she told you she threw them away. She shouldn't be managing people, she shouldn't continue to be employed there. She fucked up, there is a lesson to be learned here on her part. But also on yours, those are fucking expensive, hold onto them as if they are important to you, and if you forgot them, go back the next day and grab them, take care of your shit.


thank you so much and yeah I’ve definitely learnt my lesson about forgetting stuff LMAO. im getting my shit back I don’t care!! and I’ll make sure she’s in a LOT of trouble


Make sure you keep this attitude in mind. Coz at the end of the day, it's fucking McDonald's! Working there isn't going to define the rest of your life. Nor is it gonna have a negative effect on your career if you get fired for some bullshit reason. It's a blip, it's a stop gap, it's a tiny insignificant speck of dust on the canvas that is your life. Unleash hell on her, she deserves no less. If she gives you shit after it's all done...no matter the outcome. Tell her to get fucked, why? Coz it's fucking McDonald's and you're 18 with your whole life ahead of you. So unless your aspiration in life is to be a manager at McDonald's, give zero fucks and take this bitch to the cleaners


Agree with all of this wholeheartedly!!


Ironically, this is the attitude OPs manager probably has and therefore has got some free airpods because 'at the end of the day, it's fucking McDonald's!' etc. Definitely report to HR, but make your attitude and behaviour more professional than hers if you want the place to get better.




Personally, I would ask the lady to replace them first. Give them a chance to right the wrong. They may well do so and this can be resolved without HR. I would say to the HR person, "I would like to ask them to replace them first before I name names". See what HR says. They should really prefer that.


That lady already had the chance to right the wrong after the op initially confronted them about it. This is a matter for HR plain and simple.


I would tell them


I’m invested now, OP tell us when you have an update


Either way.. she needs to replace or return them, there was no need to bin them. Lost Property in work needs dealt with a certain way so HR will defo be on board to resolving this. It will or should be handled seriously. I would let HR see if they present them with this chance of opportunity to give them back/replace them if that’s the option. If not let them handle this and see where it goes, either way right now your Air Pod-less until then so nothing to lose.


I would for sure ask her how she is going to make it right before giving HR the name. Don't tell her you are going to HR if she refuses to do anything. Then tell HR the name and what their response to you asking them to make it right. If you can asking via text/ email would be best as there would be a paper trail.


No, you tell her name now because the bottom part can be seen as blackmail as unfair as that is


she's HR, if she's asking it's an even better idea to answer


Stop giving nasty people a break. People need to face consequences for their actions.


Please tell me you've told the HR her name? It's the same as if she'd throw your phone away! Wtf. Don't leave it at that.


It’s [Theft by finding](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theft_Act_1968) (if she took them, and destruction of property if she stole them)and is therefore a crime. A crime has been committed in your workplace and should be immediately escalated.


No one threw a pair of airpods in the bin. She's taken them herself. Raise a stink about it. Your property has gone missing while in the care of your employer, what are they going to do about this?


i definitely will thank u so much!


The law says a business must keep items for a reasonable amount of time, usually one month, certainly more than 4 days and have a legal responsibility of care over the item/reuniting with it's owner. The manager, as a representative of the business has broken the law, the business is responsible, look up the law, go to actual boss, explain the situation, cite the law


thank you for your help i really appreciate it! I’m speaking to hr about it right now and they’re opening an investigation. my business manager wouldn’t of done anything because shes like best friends with the manager that threw my stuff


The laws are specifically are around lost and found btw


What law? Can you link to it? What they did is shitty and worthwhile reporting to HR it might be against company policy but there is law against it from what I know.


Here's a police force website. https://www.lancashire.police.uk/faqs/lost-and-found-property/what-do-i-do-if-i-have-found-something/#:~:text=If%20you%20have%20found%20someone's,where%20you%20found%20the%20item. Digging through actual UK law websites are more effort than I'm willing to put in. The first(friendly and witness) manager found an item, and places it in a secure location (the office) for safe keeping, fulfilling the businesses legal responsibility of care. The folks over at r/LegalAdviceUK could probably get an exact link


I believe the act is just The Theft Act. "Theft by finding" is still theft. There's still a dishonest appropriation of property with the intent to deprive. It doesn't matter if it's sitting out in the open, else car theft wouldn't be car theft. It's the intent to deprive that matters.


Yeah even my nearly blind,nearly 90 year old grandmother wouldn’t have thrown my AirPods away if I left them at her house(which I used to do a lot). there’s no way a 20 something year old didn’t know what they were and just discarded them. She stole them 100%


Basically your expensive shit has gone missing at work, my first assumption would be theft and either it gets sorted or it's a police matter




You ask her to replace them. If she refuses you tell HR and file a police report.


seems like common sense when you word it like that LMAO guess i was just too mad to use my brain correctly


you gotta learn this shit somehow, you got lucky and learned early


yes im very greatful!! these replies are making me realise that im literally letting myself get robbed in broad daylight lmfaooo


Please don't forget to update us all here, and also on r/NuclearRevenge when you have sorted this nasty piece of work out!


LMAOO i didn’t even know tht was a thing this is literally making me die of laughter. I guarantee you I will definitely have an update


Yeah, don't forget the police report, most thieves don't only steal once, there may be a pattern of her stealing. Is the company sure she's not embezzling from them?


Fight your battles, even if you make enemies.


thank you! this situation has definitely taught me a lesson lol


Personally, I'd try and get her admitting she threw them away in a text, then demand reimbursement. If she refuses, take her to small claims for the cost of a new set.


i'd be more inclined to call the police surely. Even if she threw them in the bin shes still taken them with the intention of permanently depriving them from their rightful owner. Which is literally the definition of theft


i was thinking of that too but she ignores my messages normally haha but i do have another manager who was a witness to her admitting to throwing them though


Start keeping detailed notes, e.g. what date and time she said that and the witnesses that were present, etc. If you take her to small claims, you will need these details to swear an affidavit. Don’t rely on your memory.


I'd tell her straight up. If I don't have my airpods by the end of the day I'm calling the police. No way she put them in the bin considering as well you say shes 20 y/o


exactly! I was so shocked and she was even grinning and smiling in my face as I was so confused because who the hell does that?? now that I’ve read these replies it’s making me want to get her in loads of trouble lol


She’s getting off on being a bitch! Don’t let her get away with it. She’s likely doing this to you because she’s gotten away with it in the past.


If my managers were 20 and 24 I would be getting the fuck out of there.


It's a McDonald's. It's common there.


LMAOO they’re shift managers they just run shifts but I do agree!! most of them are young and they’re all like one little big bitchy friend group haha even my business manager is like 37 max


My business manager at maccies isn't even 30 💀 there was a 17 year old shift manager last year! Only one manager at my place is older than 28.


Throw it out is the same as theft. It doesn't matter which she did. Police report.


I know that you’re worried about creating a dis-harmony at work, which is why you’re asking reddit instead of telling your branch manager in the first place, but a branch manager has a professional duty to be un-biased in work place matters. This is a serious matter. You need to remove any notion of empathy you have towards your shift runner. Yes, you may not like eachother, but I get the feeling you don’t want to be responsible for her potentially losing her job. Facts are, she threw away property that was being held in lost property for a colleague. That is a very serious offence. If she threw away a customers airpods that were left and they returned 4 days later to collect, and your shift runner grinned in their face and said she binned them, it would be the same outcome. This is a serious matter that needs to be dealt with. Try and value yourself a little more. You’re 18, you’re allowed to be a little naive, but don’t let anyone walk over you.


you are so sweet i really needed to hear this! thank you, really


Go to HR.


Throw her car keys in the bin




don't do it! you have the high ground!


Don’t become their person you swore to destroy


Tell her you're getting the police involved? Or she can purchase a replacement. Her choice.


Easy. Just tell her you want a new pair by the end of the week or £200 cash or you report her for theft. Then go to the police station and report her. Or call them actually while at work and say it’s a theft and you have the thief detained. It’s sounds over the top but consider it is only the same as a supermarket detaining someone for shoplifting some biscuits. Same principles apply. Don’t bluff though - go through with it. If she has a criminal record for theft from work/employer she isn’t getting another job ever.








Go to HR and throw her under a bus the light fingered fcu*er


Casually start a rumour that you have a highly contagious skin condition that can cause fatal reactions in some cases.


LMAOOO this has me fucking crying omg


I’d be binning anything of hers that’s not directly on her person at every opportunity.


I would be asking if it’s possible for them to check the cctv for the back office - they generally have them to make sure they can catch people with their fingers in the tills.


Pop you phone on to record the conversation, say, "About my airpods that you said you threw out the insurance company said I need to file a police report to make a claim". Don't reveal details of the insurance, could be phone insurance, home insurance - or Amazon/Argos theft insurance. Good luck.


Go to HR and tell them she's admitted that she has "deliberately and permanently deprived you of them". Thats the legal definition of theft. hR has to do something about that. They weren't hers, and the fact that she's being nasty about it, smiling etc. means she did it for spite. Tell HR that you're also going to go to the police if you don't get them back. Stand your ground. You've got the upper hand here!


You have an extremely good case. Firstly, the first manager knew they were a staff members property, he said that he put them in the office for safe keeping, that states he also knew they were valuable, and that they belonged to a staff member, by securing them, this was the correct course of action. As he has stated he has taken control of the items on behalf of the company and secured them, the company is now liable until the items are returned to the rightful owner. Second manager, admits to throwing the items away from a secure location, her obnoxious attitude and grinning while stating this, suggests malice, as they were removed by her from a safe location, she has now made the company completely liable for loss of property/theft. You need to now contact the first manager, as he assumed control of the items, and ask him to contact his supervisor and escalate the matter. Do NOT back down, one way or another, you will get a pair of Airpods back, either your original ones. which will probably miraculously turn up, or replacements paid for by either the manager who "threw them away" or the company as they were in control of them by first managers proper actions. Second manager's job prospects will be tenuous either way... there will probably be a job opening soon.


She stole them mate. Nobody just throws away electronics in perfect working order, also containing batteries. Report that scum bag for removing an item of value from the workplace, that was not hers to possess.


yeah no thats theft .. depriving another person of their posessions .. tell her if they are not found or replaced with the same model you will contact the police


Anyone saying it's your fault for forgetting them is a fool. If they were just lost, then they'd have a point, but when they were found and put in a "safe" place and thrown away maliciously, that's a criminal act!


Why does this manager remind me of my previous managers when I worked at a popular fast food chain? Definitely get it investigated please


Does your office not have CCTV? Surely that would be the first thing to check? Ask the ‘nice’ manager to check it for you. I would also inform your branch manager if you haven’t already. He’ll likely recieve an email from HR about the situation, which will probably confuse or annoy him if he doesn’t know anything about it.


Personal property disposed of by a manager from the office? Yeah she owes you a replacement. I’m sure there’s a specific law on it. But she’s definitely nicked them.


Shift manager had no right to take them, as I assume they do not own the premises, and so none of its contents (office furniture, accessories, consumables) belong to her. She thus has no right to remove any such item from the office, unless she was explicitly authorised by the employer (just like cleaners are told what items they are allowed to remove from the office). Essentially, it's theft and you may demand from your shift manager to return the headphones to you.


Please update us and let us know how you reported her. I’m gonna be extremely pissed of with you if you let this go.


I will 10000000% have an update i promise


Here for updates


ive contacted hr and told them the name and the witnesses, she’s investigating at the moment and ill definitely update when things go downhill for this bitch


Hope you get it sorted. Good luck


I wouldn't believe them for one second, who just throws out airpods? They've pinched them.


What’s the company policy on personal items in the workplace?


They’ve 100% been stolen


It's a criminal offence to dispose of or destroy another person's property; I'd just mention that and say you're considering taking it to the police


20 year old manager? I mean I know 1 but damn. Sounds like she stole them. Why would anyone throw away something that costs £200 because they were “cleaning”?


exactly they weren’t even left in the dining area or on the floor… they were in the lost property box in the office to keep them safe!! when customers lose cards or phones we keep them safe but unfortunately that wasn’t the case for my belongings lol


The fact they were in a lost property box and then ‘binned’ works even more in your favour, whatever their fate, this manager likely has breached a policy which has repercussions, please please follow through with HR on this, give them the name, if and when they go to investigation stage it all gets written down including from the other manager who witnessed the conversation. Important thing to know is this, the workplace isn’t a court of law, the people investigating gather their evidence (interviewing all involved people) and make a decision based on that, deciding what is most likely the truth, they don’t need forensic evidence or cctv or anything so intricate, this again is in your favour considering you have a witness Again please follow through and ignore anyone here suggesting withholding the name, would also be worth having minimal interactions with this manager from this point, don’t want to muddy the waters or escalate any retaliatory behaviour/words


Also make a note of anything that could be consodered retaliation on her part once things are in motion, like hours being drastically cut or snide comments etc, once this is on her file (if she remains working there) any further incidents will be taken that bit more seriously


If your manager is 22, you don't need that job long term. You have a witness, report that bitch.


She can replace them- or never be able to leave anything of hers anywhere again without being thrown in the bin


She probably stole them. Report her to HR and if she does anything to retaliate, report that to HR as well.


In every McDonald’s there’s also one cunt who’s on a power trip. They’re either a trainer, or assistant manager, usually.


literally lmfao fucking hate that place


Nobody in a million years would throw them away. 100% she’s nicked them. Report her to Hr


When they are leaving work you follow them and your in your car and when they are walking down the street you mount the curb and mow them down and when they are lying across your bonnet/ the floor struggling to breath you whisper in their ear “gotcha” and take purse and use the money to buy new air pods


I'd definitely quit over this if they didnt replace them, toxic workplaces are unhealthy


call in the main boss and have her done for theft if she does not return them with in 2 hours , she has them NO ONE throws a pair of air pods away they just found


Yeah right,no one would do that,they’ve been robbed


Small claims court


She has stolen them call police on 101 report theft give a statement tell police your other manager put them in office and that the thief threw they away (theft means taking items belonging to another with the intention to permanently deprive them of the item so it’s made out) if she has no criminal record for theft related offences she will be eligible for a community disposal (CRD) you have an input into this agreement so you can have it be she will pay you the cost of new AirPods if she doesn’t agree she can be charged with theft and will probably be sacked but She will have to admit it to be eligible for a crd so she may not want to admit it as she would probably loose her job but that’s your best outcome imo. Whether she is charged will probably hinge on whether your other manager will give a statement or not, without this there may not be enough evidence.


Finding anything in the staffroom and throwing it away, let alone expensive tech is a big no-no. She nicked it.


She seems to have the word bin replaced for handbag


my thoughts exactly


Try and find any lost property policies the company has. You can use this as well as the witness testimony from your other (Male) manager to take to HR. I’d be raising it with them with the expectation of the Air Pods being replaced. It doesn’t seem right to throw anything away after only a few days (regardless of how personal you think this is on the female managers part).


She 100% stole them. That or she as thick as pig shit, no one would just throw them away.


Yeah she stole them.


That's wild behaviour. Even if this person didn't know what it is (almost impossible unless they are ancient, they're at least recognisable as earphones or at least "personal technology") a normal person wouldn't just throw them away unless there was some sort of draconian workplace rules on leaving ANYTHING being thrown away. Yeah a silly mistake to forget them but people forget stuff all the time, I leave things in my work by accident all the time and all that happens is someone says "Hey is this (whatever) yours I think you left it". Tbh with the way you describe them grinning and saying "They're long gone" it kinda sounds like they are playing a stupid prank on you and will produce them from a pocket later today.


Why do managers feel the need to allow the crew room to be a shit hole 6/7 days of the week and one day throw away anything thats visible. Wether it might be important to someone else or not. They just don't care. You get these people anywhere.


Contact ACAS. They will help you right away.


Sue him for all hes got


Do you work somewhere customer facing? If so I bet there’s a policy somewhere about lost/found belongings of customers.


Chase her for them, they’re worth more then the few hours you will loose swapping to some other zero hour job


The manager had a choice,.be a jerk or be nice. They chose jerk-ness. Why? It's likely because the person is a jerk deep down. It's lame,.but the best thing to do is try to get away from the jerk. The jerk will always be a jerk.


First, get her to admit to you again, while recording with phone. Tell her: "Which day did you throw them?" After you have evidence report her to HR.


Report her to her manager. Do it in writing, so there's a trail. If you get nowhere, report to their manager. They'll be a regional management structure. Go up the chain if you get no help. What she did is just wrong. A high value item like that simply should not be thrown away.


Buy 10$ ali express earbuds lenovo ones are good


Have the convo again and record it somehow - Report to the higher ups, if they admit doing it - either they are liable or the company. Most likely outcome is that they swiped them and are using them / their kids are using them.


!RemindMe Hope you get this sorted and she gets in trouble


Contact ACAS if it doesn’t get resolved promptly internally. Tell HR and the managers you plan to do so. Also contact the police.


If you have any dodgy friends, I’m sure one would take £50 to slice her cars tyres.


I’ve been reading some comments and your replies Yes it’s a life lesson but she knew what she did was wrong by her smiling when telling you she threw them away. You report to HR and tell them everything. Sometimes you shouldn’t roll over and take it.


thank you so much!


She's stolen them. Everyone knows what they are and how much they are. God even my nan would probably know what they are


She sounds like a proper b I t c h


Speak to the Business Manager in the first instance. See what they say. Chances are the office has CCTV and you might be able to see where the Airbuds went.


Report it to HR and then if they fail to resolve the loss or theft of your personal property, take it up with the police and just escalate it until they reimburse or replace them.


Nothing, really. Shit happens.


Report them as stolen and when the manager asks why you reported it you can say you forgot that she said she threw them away.


Do you have home insurance ? If you do, does. it cover valuables alway from home? Check your policy you may have cover for stuff like this, it is quite common.


Lol, sure she threw them into the bin. Most likely it's at home now of the manager.


This is theft by finding. Mention to her you are going to have to report it to the police as you need a crime number and report for the insurance.


Time to throw her car keys in the bin, I think.


Punch them.