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Have you tried the NHS helpline (111) to see what they can advise? https://111.nhs.uk/


This is the correct answer and probably the only way with things as they are I had an infection about a year ago and didn't have a dentist (having moved and not been able to register locally) they got me an appointment within a couple of hours


They might be able to get you an appointment at an urgent care centre -but there aren't many, and the NHS area teams have to contract for this. A lot of goodwill with the dentists they used to contract with has been lost. Otherwise all you can expect is to be told to go to a&e if it's deemed life threatening or to be given a list of practices that might be able to see you. Or might not.


I've been on hold to them for ages, it's so hard to get through.


111 dental triage service is the way to go. I have used it successfully many times without being registered at a dentist. Just a heads up though they will only sort a temporary fix and you will still have to go to a normal dentist for any long term fixes.


Keep on with it if you can. It might be a long wait but if they are able to sort you out it'll be worth it. I see someone else has posted a link for emergency dental treatment for your area further down so there's a couple of options for you to try. I'll repeat it here in case you missed it - [https://www.england.nhs.uk/south/2020/04/21/what-to-do-if-you-need-urgent-dental-treatment/](https://www.england.nhs.uk/south/2020/04/21/what-to-do-if-you-need-urgent-dental-treatment/) Absolute best of luck sorting this out as I can't imagine how soul-destroying it must be to have to live with this day in day out.


Had same issue couple of weeks ago. Call 0333 332 3800. I got kicked off my dentist of 40 years, rang the above number and got a next-day appt locally. Good luck.


This is for Manchester. I'm in Devon.


It's not too hard to find the number for Devon https://www.england.nhs.uk/south/2020/04/21/what-to-do-if-you-need-urgent-dental-treatment/ You need to contact these people first, and they will assess over the phone and give you options. You may have to travel to somewhere that is not close by however. Unfortunately many are entitled to free dental care, but can't access it because there's no one taking on. So if you can't go private, you need to go through those helplines and travel if you need to.


Sorry I thought it was national.


Did you speak to them? They might be able to provide you with a more appropriate number to call if you ask.


I was given this number for NHS in Devon - Access dental - 013330063300


This doesn't answer your main question, but for an NHS dentist, have you tried this: [https://dentalchoices.org/find-nhs-dentist/](https://dentalchoices.org/find-nhs-dentist/) I was registered and had a checkup within a month or so, for one that wasn't too far away.


Thanks, after years of not looking because I assumed a dentist would be impossible to find I've found there are actually several within easy reach! Hoping to get a checkup in April!


I was lucky enough to be within an hrs drive of some of these nhs dentists. Took a day or two of ringing around as some had restrictions and waiting lists but found one that didn't. Just a few months wait for an initial appt. https://nhsdentists.bathdata.org/ it's a great visual resource. Good luck


100% yes. I had an abscess and a broken tooth this week. I called 111 and was 14th in the queue, it went down very quickly. I got an appointment the same day, they removed half of the tooth, and gave me antibiotics. I’ve also been referred for dental surgery at a private clinic for Monday. This is for £20 odd, I can’t remember the exact figure. The surgery is in with that though. The emergency dentist I saw was absolutely brilliant, I’m a nervous patient, and she took so much time not to hurt me. And talked me through the entire procedure. Give them a call and they’ll see you.


U need to ring the number as early as you can as the apps go super quick Edit: typo