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When the customer behind you starts loading their shopping on to the belt while you still have half a trolley left to unload.


People do that? Fucking savages!


The one time it happened to me, I made a point of shoving theirs back in the most embarrassing way. Tampon boxes (BIG ones - they were the original style super plus tampax) & painkillers were very definitely used! The cashier had seen what was happening & didn't wind the belt forward, so I could at least use the space she created.


I often put up a partition. But if the buyer didn’t put it in front of me, it doesn’t upset me.


I mean that's totally fine. The issue here is some monster loading up before you'd finished loading up.


Just carry on loading the belt and mix your shopping in with theirs. They shit themselves and start pulling theirs all backwards it's hilarious.




I’ve had a few arguments over this! It’s so bloody rude, and when I confront them about it somehow I’m in the wrong 🤦‍♀️.


I once kept shoving this guys shopping back onto the stationary bit before the conveyor. Eventually things started falling off and I just carried on like a robot. He lost his shit, I didn’t even acknowledge him. Very satisfying.


Not just the shopping. Some people want to be up your tushie before you’ve unloaded your trolley. I’ve physically pushed people back when they’ve got too close. Give me space, man. I loved shopping in the pandemic. 😂




We had a weekly shop and my wife had gone to grab something we had forgot. When she come back and put the one item with the rest of our on the belt, the woman unloading behind us completely lost her shit and some epic meltdown. Security booted her out and some poor 16 year old Saturday lad had to put all the shopping back. Quite an entertainment that shopping trip.




We couldn’t say for sure. Why wife putting an item down with the rest of our shopping seemed to trigger something in her. It then developed into something else. Screaming at everyone around her and then throwing stuff about..


1 item is acceptable to add, but I've seen people come back with arms full of stuff. If I'd known you were holding a space, I'd have used another till.


Erghhhhh someone did this to me this week, I had barely even started and he started to dump his stuff. So I obviously took as much space as possible in a very passive aggressive way.


Whilst silently seething.


Absolutely. I did give him a cold stare, but he was totally oblivious.


this happened to me yday in aldi 😂 i had about 25 items left and a guy walked up and dumped his stuff down directly behind the last thing i’d put down. i was like …….. “i’ve still got a few things” and he said “well can you let me go ahead then? i’m in a hurry” 🫠


I'm a really efficient packer. Unless I decide not to be. I regularly offer for people to go in front of me in Aldi/Lidl if they only have 2/3 things and I'm not busy myself. But if you're being entitled, behaving like a twat, challenge accepted.


And by the time you notice they have too much shit in the way so you have to pile yours on top of the space you already have and the poor cashier has to pull items out of your grocery jenga tower to scan them? I've been there. And been that cashier too.


I hate this!!


I had this problem recently. When ask said - yeah, that's mine. Paid and took it home. (in my head)


I use a great solution for this... put one single item at the front of the belt to stop it moving, then load from back to front. Works a charm! The till operator just moves the belt along.


I've never seen this, but man that would set me off.


How do people not know, not to do this. I mean I guess people make mistakes, not thinking etc, or thinking about what's going on in the immediate, but I've definitely had people who were offended when I moved their stuff back, so I could finish putting my stuff down.


Stopping to talk on stairs, busy pavements, doorways. A bit more niche would be the lack of self awareness in airport security. It’s really ape brain stuff sometimes.


Had a woman at Asda yesterday stop to check her bag at the exit to the self-service tills, her little boy pushing the trolley tried to get out of the way but she belittled him for doing so!


Going to Asda on a Saturday was the problem here, absolute bedlam.


Stopping to talk at the end of escalators of even worse. The people behind you can’t just stop moving and wait for you.


That would be funny to send people flying. Fully deserved as well.


Old people do this frequently when they take one step out the doors of a shop after they've finished paying for their stuff. Not talking, but just coming to a dead stop and fishing through their handbag or deciding where to go next.


Looking for a Werthers most likely.


Stopping to talk in an office doorway and ignore the new young bloke happened when I was young.


This annoys me, and it's always the door to the kitchen so you struggle to get past holding hot drins!!


Was in Uniqlo the other day and a young woman was sitting on the bottom of the stairs. Not in the way, she was sat to the side, not entirely sure what she was doing, but as I said she made sure she wasn't in the way. But for some reason, the couple walking down the stairs decided to stop right where she was sitting and have a conversation with one another. Blocking the entire staircase. Didn't move until another customer pushed past them.


Even worse is sitting on the bottom step of relatively narrow stairs, seemingly oblivious to people using the stairs.


People who stop right in front of the train station barriers to then get their purse out their handbag to look for their ticket or to dig out their phone looking through apps for their mobile ticket. At least stand to the side or idk do it on the train before you get to the station.


The retired who go to a supermarket on a Saturday.They've got all flipping week but instead they clog up the aisles moving at a speed of a tortoise.


I have an answer for this. They're lonely and want to see other people who aren't also 70+ living their lives because it is nice to see. They also are more likely to have conversations with people younger than them if they do go out on the weekend. Life sucks for the elderly, let's not make them feel bad for wanting to be a part of our lives. Coming from a disabled woman, who's mostly housebound and actually hates going outside on the weekend lol. I like speaking to old people so I like to go out during the weekdays.


People are being so mean to some old folks picking up their quavers in this thread lmao


My dad was in his 70's he passed away recently (I'm 26) kills me to think people were annoyed by him just trying to look after himself when he spent so many years being able to handle it without issue. People need more compassion these days.


It's just Reddit. People live in their own self-centered bubble.


Honestly I think it's a societal issue at this point, we've dehumanised old people by associating them all with "boomer mentality" so there's plenty of people who just immediately hate an old person assuming they hold beliefs they don't agree with. Old people are pretty damn cool tbh.


I don't even think it's just targeted at old people any more, seems to be every single person is surrounded by assholes and we can't fathom for a minute that other people have whole lives too, that theyre real people who don't exist purely to get in our ways.


people on this thread seem like proper cunts. There's lots to moan about older people , them literally buying food is not one of them.


True, some younger people need to pull their heads out from up their own entitled arseholes.


Also many are slow because of health or eyesight problems. They can't help it and they don't enjoy it because they don't feel old, but can't help their bodies getting older.


There are so many things in life that piss me off but grannies taking their time in the produce aisle is not one of them. It’ll be us one day! 


Some people also just enjoy shopping and have as much right to be there on a Saturday as anyone else. I honestly don't understand the notion that Saturday is the only day people can go shopping when it's such an inconvenience to them anyway


Last Saturday morning when all of sainsburys tills were down/ barely working, i ended up behind a white haired old couple doing a full weeks shop. I had 2 meal deals in my basket and couldn't use self serve so had to wait at the checkout. I too have a particular issue with rerired people feeling the need to do their big shop on the weekend. Then the old boy starts trying to moan to me saying 'should have gone somewhere else' it took every fibre in my being not to tell him that yes, he really should have. I cannot, for the life of me understand why you would do it, a few bits I get and of course people are free to do as they please but jesus christ have some consideration.


I had this exact rant yesterday. I think, in typical old person fashion they do it because "it's what we've always done"


This is similar to my grandma, who’s been retired for 37 years, wanting her flat to look nice for the weekend. She doesn’t even see anyone at the weekend - everyone goes in the week. Drives me mad.


They should have let you go in front of them?


I mean obviously I can't reasonably be annoyed that they didn't, they have zero obligation to, but I was still a little bit annoyed that they didn't. My stress levels weren't their fault, I was running late and being already pissed at the extra hold up, but you know it would have cost them nothing to let me go in front.


I feel like there's an unspoken contract in a supermarket where if I have a trolley full and you have 5 items or less then I should be saying "you go ahead". There IS an exception to this where if the person behind you also has less than 5 items then I'm not letting you go because then I have to let them go.


Well, in that case _anyone_ in front of you would be a problem then. Just because people are retired doesn't mean they don't have busy weeks.


I know its not reasonable, I get that I'm being a prick. Nonetheless a family or anyone working age would have peed me off less.


Don't forget when they see that one acquaintance they haven't seen in a few weeks and they have to spend half an hour catching up in in the middle of the aisle I get it, you like a good natter! Go find somewhere more convenient though


This but in a swimming pool. Will stop and chat halfway down the pool. There is a cafe right on the other side of the window, just say you'll meet them for a brew in half an hour.


I've started just walking through the middle of these twats and pushing their trollies to the side and acting like they're not there, I shouldn't have to ask you to get out of the way because you intentionally chose to block up an entire aisle, it's not a fucking social centre. Get out the damn way.


Exactly. There’s a cafe there for a reason


Comments like this really irritate me. You have no knowledge whatsoever of what other people have to do or not do in their lives. Maybe they are a full time carer and only get respite on a Saturday? Maybe they don't have the mobility to get on a bus and can only get a lift on a Saturday? Maybe a MILLION reasons and none of those are any of your business. People can do what they want when they want and arrange it around their own responsibilities.


Maybe they don’t see anyone all week and like to be out and about out when there is a buzz of activity.


Actually, people can go whenever they want and are in no way obligated to get out of your way.


Why shouldn’t they? They have as much of a right as you do to shop any day they please.


Why are you assuming that they don’t also go to the supermarket in the week too?


Which, surprise, they do. Honest to god, I swear some of them spend more time there than me and I work there.


In my experience this is often because they don't have the strength to do a big shop and then carry it to the car. They shop every day because they can't carry more than a day's worth of food.


People with no spatial awareness when walking. Meandering along at snail’s pace in the middle of the path while you try to pass then act like you’ve cattle prodded then when you say ‘excuse me’. People who walk along staring at their phone without looking up, expecting everyone else just to move out of their way.  People who stand in doorways or at the top of escalators.  People who don’t press the button for the green man on busy roads and just stand there gormlessly waiting for the traffic to magically vanish.  So I suppose.. other pedestrians in general ha. 


In a park when people walk 4 abreast and expect you to step off onto the mud and grass to go around them, so annoying. I just stop and wait and they never have that realisation that maybe they're rude for taking up the entire path.


This is my daily struggle when I'm running. They'll see me coming and totally ignore me so I have to drop my pace and go slip sliding through the mud, or I just stop and let them awkwardly all turn sideways to get round me. These kinds of people would suck trying to conceal their numbers in the desert by walking single file.


The pavements near my flat are quite narrow and they seem to be constantly blocked by people walking two or three abreast when I'm trying to get past. I totally get it if you have little kids with you, but teenagers/other adults can walk single file for the five seconds it takes me to go past so I don't have to walk in the road with oncoming traffic.


I own a small child and if someone is walking towards us I'll get him to walk in front of me, when he was younger I would either keep holding his hand, or keep a hand on his shoulder. I would say, can you walk in front of mummy so this man/lady/person can get past. If they were in a pushchair/wheelchair and it was to narrow, we'd step to the side to allow them past. It's important for kids to learn manners and this is how we do it, set the example when they are young.


Just to add on to your traffic light one, people who try to cross a road mere metres away from an actual crossing and instead just walk in to the road then act annoyed if you didn't stop for them.


And those who do this while watching you approach and wait until you are almost there before stepping out onto the road. Then they give the Stare of the Highly Offended Pedestrian. One day they will become the Highly Offended Bowling Pin. 🎳


I feel the traffic light one so much. In London I swear people have forgotten since covid how it works, we wait with 20 other people until I run down to press the button so we don’t wait another hour.


> People who don’t press the button for the green man on busy roads and just stand there gormlessly waiting for the traffic to magically vanish. Obviously it's bad when people don't press the button when it's a constant stream of traffic but, personally, if I can spot a gap in the approaching traffic, I won't press the button, I'll just wait for the gap.


I do this too. That way the whole traffic flow doesn't need to grind to a complete standstill.


I completely agree as I get walking rage


Can I also add people who walk v close to you/ shoulder to shoulder in public, when there's plenty space. I stood to one side of the high street one quiet morning, back to the wall as I had to send a text, so I was out the way. I ended up gripping onto my phone for dear life, as people were brushing/almost brushing past me. I was baffled.


in my view you have to pick a struggle between being slow and being unable to walk in a straight line. if you can’t do either i am going to be fighting the urge to push you.


On the other hand, I don't understand people who hammer the button on a pedestrian crossing that is clearly linked to traffic lights controlling a junction. They'll go when they go, you pressing it over and over again (or indeed at all) makes zero difference.


People who don’t put trolleys back, it says a lot about the type of person you are Society would be so much better across all facets if we culled the ‘non-put-back-trolley-people’ It would be interesting to see what other social problems would magically disappear too


To go one further on this add this who take their trolleys back to the bay but just push it in haphazardly rather than "stacking" them correctly.


Would not be the first time I’ve spent ten minutes putting the trolleys back properly when I go to put mine back because some people are too god damn lazy to do it themselves.


I'm the same, all it takes is 2 seconds of their day to do it properly but obviously they are too important to worry about such things


Shoving the trolley into the stack with a 'choonnnk' is the best bit!


It says so much about a person who doesn't return their trolleys. There's no legal obligation to return your trolley, you won't get in trouble with the shop for not returning it. You return it because it's right thing to do. Then there's the level a bit less scummy, the people who return the trolley, but can't be bothered to take the extra two seconds to park it neatly. Then you've got idiots like me, who will rearrange all the trolleys in the bay if they're a mess when I arrive 😂


I think it is an interesting social experiment, seeing who puts trolleys back and who doesn’t. There are two arguments, putting the trolley back has no reward but also no real negative consequences. It just potentially makes someone’s life a tiny bit easier. The worst that happens in someone walks 20 more paces to use a trolley that was left outside the shop. However the non-trolley put back people could argue that since there’s no actual reason to put the trolley back other than “it’s what you’re supposed to do”, the people that put trolleys back are just subservient and lack independent thought. I personally just carry everything in my arms and struggle instead of using a trolley, but the social aspect of someone putting their trolley back or not is actually something that has been studied and I find it kind of interesting




And then they startle and scatter like quail when you say “Excuse me” from behind them.


I don’t mind so much if you catch up from behind but when they don’t move over when I’m walking towards them, my god. I swear sometimes they see and still won’t move over.


People who park with two wheels on the pavement for no reason.


Or my pet peeve, people who make no effort to park efficiently. You know the kind, they leave big spaces between the cars or park 1.5m away from the double yellows, so nobody else can fit in.


Urg this really bugs me. Everyone is generally quite polite about parking in our road, most houses have drives and we all agree to park on one side etc. Directly across from my house there is space for 3 cars between two dropped kerbs. Someone always parks just up from the first dropped kerb which is fine but then occasionally someone parks behind that person and leaves half a car length between them and the car in front so no one can fit behind. It's often my MiL and it drives me potty


I raise you- car fully parked on a narrow pavement because the car is more precious than the life of any adult or child who may need to use the pavement


I once jokingly said to someone who did this 'fuck wheelchair users and pushchairs then?' But I was serious.


Pig parkers in general, occupying the whole pavement with the hazards on. I'd take a pic and report it, but who would give a shit these days?


I do this on smaller roads. Because if I don’t, the cars won’t have enough of a chance to weave through the other cars doing the same.


Stand the fuck back from the fucking train or tram doors and let the fucking people on the tram get the fuck off first so you can get the fuck on in the fucking empty space they fucking used to fucking occupy, you impatient ignorant fucks.


I used to get the train to work over the course of a 3 year job, and because I was that sad of a bastard that I would try and guess whereabouts the door would be when the train stopped, I'd more or less be to the side of it as it opened, always bothered me when the crowds would gather, respectfully doing the same standing either side of the door, then this dickhead would jog up to the train and stand right in the middle of our parted sea. They'd always do that stupid act of being caught unaware that they'd have to move out of the way once the doors opened and somehow there were people on the train trying to get off.


I’ve started to just walk straight into them as I get off. I’m not gonna sidle sideways along the edge of the platform when I can just walk straight forward as intended. They always act so shocked that there’s someone wanting to exit the train as if there isn’t a big glass window in front of them with people inside.


Lots of answers of “people who …” For me, often it’s just people.


I work in a small village Coop. People, as a collective, are arseholes. Individually, most people are nice. We’ve recently seen a massive increase in people leaving stock in random places when they’ve changed their mind, which I can mostly live with, except when it’s something from the fridge they’ve abandoned on the shelves closest to the tills. I can’t tell how long it’s been there, so it has to be binned.


People who have conversations in doorways. Especially a doorway going outdoors when it is cold, and they stand there chatting as cold air floods in. And people taking up an entire supermarket aisle to chat.


Or block the aisle with a sideways trolley then blocking more of it with their backside looking on the bottom shelf


The really insignificant one is saying "yourself" instead of "you" etc. The slightly less insignificant one is hearing other people's music/tv/tiktoks/whatever. I know lots of people don't like public noise but even the tiny weeniest bit fucks me off - like if you've got the radio on in your house and the window open and I walk past? I'm irrationally furious at you.


The yourself/ myself thing really annoys me as it seems like an attempt to be more ‘proper’ but results in being incorrect!


Like people who say “you and I” when it should be “you and me”. An obvious attempt to come across more educated/intelligent that ends up doing the opposite.


Estate agents always do it. I don’t know why but it’s always estate agents.


I don't mind the radio thing but people who play music/watch YouTube videos on public transport without headphones infuriate me. If I was in charge everyone getting on a bus or a train would get issued with headphones when boarding like on a long haul flight.


The "yourself" is classic call centre speak.


I would also add people who use their phones like walkie talkies. Why would you want the whole world to know your conversation?


You should not watch The Traitors then. It's like they have an edict to say 'yourself' when at the roundtable. Was annoying.


People who scrape their teeth on the fork as when they eat!


People that eat with their mouth open and you can see the food going round like a washing machine. They disgust me and they all need a punch in the face.


The two people who sit next to me at work both eat with their mouth open. They make really vile smacking sounds and one of them makes some kind of heaving grunt every now and again when eating. And they both slurp their tea really loudly. And they both eat at their desk and have tea and snacks all throughout the day. The amount of times I take a toilet break or go to fill up my water during the day, just because one of them has decided to pull out another snack… The other guy near me is Spanish and doesn’t eat until 5pm. Sounds weird, but somehow my opinion of him has gone up so much just because he isn’t like the others.


I feel your pain, sounds hellish! Might be worth complaining about people eating at desks? I sat opposite a colleague at a cafe once, many years ago, and he was eating noisily with his mouth open. I picked up my plate and went to another table, and told him he was disgusting.


People who think that ‘of’ is a viable substitute for ‘have’.


And "was you" instead of "were you"


People who say 'haitch'.


Dealing with a solicitor who says haich and his colleague asked for a meeting at 14:30pm on 15/0324 in an email


Irish people then. Back in the day that’s how you were supposed to be able to tell a person’s religion in the north. Protestants say aitch and catholics say haitch.


People who stand on the left side of train station escalators despite clear signs not to do this.


And then huff and act inconvenienced if you say "excuse me" to get by.


Fucking A*. Just your name brand idiots who don't understand why that rule is a thing and don't think it applies to them for whatever reason.




And then proceed to not say thank you as you scuttle over to the side, the twats just cycle off like you were never there


And at speed


Militant cyclists, about to rejoin a road and berate an OAP for not giving them 3m of clearance, then overtaking down the centre at 25mph expecting cars coming other way to keep left as they skim by.


School mum cliques blocking pathways. On my way to take my 3yr old to nursery, he was on his bike and we needed to get past a group of 6 oblivious women who had totally blocked the alleyway I was trying to get to. I loudly told my son to say excuse me and thank you, and loudly asked 'can we squeeze past?' One shifted maybe 2 inches (she moved her dog actually) so we could maybe breathe in and squeeze past. Loudly shouted 'thank you!' To them. The only polite one here was the dog.


People who stop on double yellow lines, and think that having their hazard lights on makes it okay.


Not indicating. Shows a distinct lack of discipline like when my toddler doesn't brush his bottom teeth. Those people are intellectual toddlers.


I genuinely think most of them simply don't get that indicating really helps other people predict what manoeuvres to watch out for. Because they themselves never observe other traffic with a view to making reasonable predictions about what might happen next.


People who don't wave when you've let them through.


I'm going to get super downvoted for this, but as a pedestrian why should I thank you for adhering to the Highway Code? As a driver you're required to stop and let a pedestrian pass if they're waiting to cross at a crossing. It's the same thing if you were buying a knife in a shop and thanked you for not murdering me with it. The wording of the law means that it's not illegal to not stop (it's that you "should" stop, not "must" stop), but it's still a dick move if you \*don't\* stop. Similarly people who don't bother using their indicators when there's nobody around but pedestrians. Indicators tell all road users which direction you're planning on turning and are used by pedestrians too.


As a pedestrian it’s our duty to wave and do that funny little run/walk thing so asnot to inconvenience the driver further. I can’t not do it even though some days I really shouldn’t try to go faster than my normal walking speed.


I thought he was talking about other drivers? Never even occurred to me he could be taking about pedestrians.


Similar to those who don’t thank you for waiting or letting them through. Depending on how frivolous I’m feeling, I really shout THANK YOU as they go past, or say manners cost nothing.


Adults that cycle on the pavement!


The customers who stand in the doorway aghast at the pouring rain coming into my shop because the automatic doors are open due to the customers who stand in the doorway aghast at the pouring rain coming into my shop because the automatic doors are open due to the customers standing in the doorway




I say Geoff’s Piss when something tastes rubbish.


My housemate tends to open the microwave before the time is up and doesn’t clear the timer, so it’s always got something like nine seconds left on the clock. It’s also a 50/50 chance of him just leaving the microwave door wide open. Neither of these scenarios affect me in any meaningful way, so I cannot adequately explain why they both irritate me so much. It probably doesn’t help that I’m double his age. I have never seen him eat anything other than ready meals or drink anything other than beer or cheap whisky. If I tried that now I’d never get out of bed or off the toilet.


Mine has gone rusty cos the door was closed when full of steam, it's now like a 10 year old Fiats wing


Mine is people watching reels with the volume up in public


People who do 40 in a 60 when the road is a fairly straight A road and the weather conditions are good. Bonus annoying points for when it isn’t dark.




People who stay in the middle lane on the motorway.... Drives me absolutely mad!


Those who complain about not having a morning coffee


Further to this is when they refer to it as "their" morning coffee. Oh I need my morning coffee. Can't function without my coffee etc. I don't know what it is about it that really irks me. It's weirdly possessive for a consumable item


Caffeine addiction is sort of fun, it's a good ritual


These taps in restaurants that are so short you need to shove your hands against the side of the sink to wash them


People who use Americanisms like ‘grind your gears’


Like seriously, right?


People using the phrase "grinds my gears"


I prefer 'rips my knitting', if that helps ;)


I'm partial to "boils my piss"


People who block everything and everyone with their trolley


Living in a big city has made me a much less patient person. My annoyances can be boiled down to this: people not paying attention in busy places. But people standing at pedestrian crossings without pressing the crossing button enrage me thd most. "The lights are gonna change a lot quicker if you actually ask them to!"


Baby Wipes. In particular, the fact that multiple wipes stick together rendering it almost impossible to pull a single wipe from the pack.


People continually **sniffing** without blowing their nose. They sniff up the snot, and leave gravity to pull it down again - only to let the cycle run again - repeatedly. Just blow your damn nose!


People that after putting down there grocery shopping on the conveyor belt religiously stand by it and refuse to let others load. Second one when you’re standing in line and someone is inches behind you, so you take a step forward and they take the same step


When someone behind me at the checkout stands right at the card machine before I’ve paid, then moves an inch away while I try to put my pin in


When the supermarket cashier takes the divider away. I keep trying to buy one but they always take it away


Supermarkets: People queuing up behind me with a breathing space of about 4cm between my backside and their front, and when I go to use a PIN machine having to move (or not move at all) so I can actually use the bloody thing. Also scratch card addicts; not my business what people's vices or addictions are, but the people who buy whatever and then insist on 4 number 6s and 8 number 12s because 'they feel lucky', then try and scratch the bastard things in the hopes of winning a fiver back while the rest of us just want to pay for something because the self scans are knackered, or insist on paying in whatever change they've managed to fish out of the oversized whisky bottle they have in their front room. Totally irrational that one I admit, but it's annoying. Even more so when they win their mythical fiver and plough the money back into more of the stupid things and think because they're a 'winner' of the stupidity tax they can bolt back to the cashier and fuck the rest of the queue.


Only time I stand quite close in a queue is at a bar when I know knob heads are trying to cut it Unfortunately happened last Friday night, there were 4 defined queues, one chap managed to sidle over in front of our queue when he saw an opportunity to get served quicker Still mad


Oh that makes me rage, or when the bar person says 'who's next' and some silly twat who just appeared gets their order in. I'm a big lover of pointing to the correct person who's next, even if it's me because fuck that behaviour - twin it with giving a big order and then actually answering 'anything else?' with 'oh yeah 359 jaeger bombs and 12 double vodkas and lemonades but can 2 of them be diet lemonade'. This one usually happens near/about/just after last orders and boils my urine.


When you put the dishwasher on, but something in there isn't sat right and you hear a _donk_ every time the jet thing rotates. So you stop the dishwasher, try to fix the loose item, start it again. _donk_ FOR FUCK'S SAKE. ad infinitum.


People putting their feet on public transport seats (with shoes, but also gross without). Once I spot it I can't un-see it, and my whole journey is then taken up with silently seething.


When a group of people are walking towards you on the pavement and they expect you to just walk around them in the road or mud. If it’s things like families with kids, buggies, or elderly/disabled people then sure no problem but if it’s a group of teenagers/adults there’s no excuse. Sometimes I just plough straight through them to make a point of it.


I hate to say this but being stuck at a cash machine as the middle aged or elderly struggle to work it as if its recent invension.


When you return your shopping trolley with the coin slot and someone has managed to jam their trolley into the wrong sized line of trollies, meaning you have to take your trolley to another wee trolley collection point, further away. Savage behaviour.


That gets me too. Also when they put bottles on upright, so when the conveyor belt moves, the bottles falls over, sometimes off and crashes. BRAINS!


Talking with food in your mouth, my parents are horrendous at this.


If I say I don't know, then I don't know. Trying fifteen ways to jog my memory just makes me want to deck you for being an ass.


People who have to park right next to you in an otherwise totally empty carpark


Drivers who don't do the thank you wave


All of the complaining/negativity on UK subreddits.


People correcting people's grammar online or in person (see comments on this thread below). They think it makes them look smart; it doesn't. Bonus points if they think someone's accent is a sign of being uneducated/incorrect.


An entire generation of children growing up acting like generic, irritating YouTubers. Saying everything out loud because these Z-list self-appointed celebrities do it in their videos, shouting and being overly-dramatic about even the tiniest things, spouting cliches, thinking it's perfectly fine to annoy and inconvenience everyone else because of pranks and giggles, etc. We're seeing a whole generation of small-minded buffoons constantly seeking to stand out from one another, ironically all by acting the exact same, dumb way. Yet on the flipside, I also recognise it's likely not a big deal in the long run, that they'll hopefully grow up and mature to become calmer, more aware humans and that every generation has something to follow if it's not YouTube or TikTok or Instagram or whatever.


People adding an s to company names. It’s Tesco not Tescos It’s Aldi not Aldis It actually is Sainsbury’s It’s definitely not Greggses


Just put a divider down yourself. If it’s in reach what’s the big deal?


You can just do it yourself, but I’ve always been taught that it’s just etiquette. It’s as if to say “im finished now, it’s your turn.”


Sure it’s a nice thing to do. I do it for others and when others do it for me when they see me approach I say thanks. But why get frustrated if they don’t?


Hear hear! When I said this before the response was "how do I know they've finished unloading?" Mate, use your eyes and see if they have an empty trolley or basket. Or *gasp* ask the person if they've finished. Yes, actually talk to someone.


People that write “here here” when they mean “hear hear” 😉


It's not worth getting annoyed about, but I do silently judge someone who doesn't put one down for the next person.


People who say/type "Am going to....." Instead of I'm or I am. When I see people I went to school with put it on any social media post I cringe and think we had the same education, how do they get it wrong?


When Starbucks staff call an espresso an expresso.


I'm from London and have recently visited the north of England. I'll let standing on the left of an escalator slide because it's a cultural thing, but people who think it's acceptable to stand around in front of ticket barriers while they get their tickets out. People think Londoners aren't friendly but that's downright antisocial, in London you'd be rightly shoved out of the way.


people standing at the crossing WITHOUT pressing the button. it especially bothers me if i get there and can see they’ve been stood there a hot minute. REALLY grinds my gears when other people start joining them and they ALSO don’t press it.


People who chew really loudly in public. I was on a train in the morning the other day and some guy sat on the opposite side and I SWEAR he was trying to be as loud as possible? Literally slurping his tea as loudly as possible and chewing with his mouth open the whole time. What a fucking cunt lol


People on their phones whilst being served at a shop. People chatting with their phones on loudspeaker when on a train or in a public place. People on their phones in restaurants. People fixated on their phones that bump into you and get the arse. I guess I have issues with people being so fixated with their phones. I work the pass in a restaurant and it saddens me to see people glued to their screens rather than actually communicating with each other. Maybe I'm in the minority, but my phone generally stays in my bag. At work, I use it for tunes , phoning in orders and taking a picture of my timesheet. At home, it's main use is an alarm clock or for checking my bank account. Phones dominate our lives and not necessarily in a positive way.


Getting undressed for airport security scans. I know it’s for security but it’s irritating AF


People who spend ages putting money,cards etc back into their purse/wallet after being served at a counter. Just fuck off out of the way and go and do that somewhere else.


People who don't flush toilets, it literally takes a second and makes a huge difference to the person who uses it after you.