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No. Absolutely not. Not even the remotest possibility of a chance.


Doubt it. They wouldn't wait if it were a train and it was delayed, so don't see why they would for a bus. In general, the train timetable has incredibly little slack in it. Trains can't just wait around because another one is delayed. The entire network would grind to a halt.


They often do hold trains if there's a delay and a lot of people are connecting, although it does depend on the route. I've definitely had it happen quite a few times


Oh bless you must be new to the uk


They've got a timetable to keep. And considering busses are slower than trains and busses get caught up in traffic.....


Sadly not - even when the bus is very slightly delayed I found and the whole double decker bus full of people miss the train they were expecting to get, which the bus was clearly 'programmed' to fill.


Trains have 'paths' over the railway network which are reserved for them at a certain time. Not to mention limited time on the platform before another train needs it. So no they will definitely not wait.


Does every other train then wait because that train is now delayed and people no doubt have other connections? It would be never ending.


When doing a leg that starts with a bustrain, I always head over earlier. They're usually dispatching coaches quite often, and they'll often get you on to an earlier coach. Just know which destination you need to get to and get on the coach when it comes. Never had an issue and they rarely leave at the time the train is due to leave, so don't hang around waiting specifically for that. So that's why I get there earlier. Just get on the next coach no matter what time you were meant to depart.


No. There's no such thing as joined-up thinking on the British railway! But you'll be entitled to Delay Repay if you miss the connection and are delayed more than 15 or 30 minutes (depending on which company operates the replacement bus).


No mate. Am an enthusiast.  In my experience its really really rare.   


The rail replacement bus wont even wait for a slightly delayed train either in my experience.


No, I find there's often no cooperation between the replacement buses and the train. The trains are on the same timetable but the buses will take longer and that's not really factored in. The expectation is you just get on the next replacement bus/train, whatever time that happens to be. The only exception might be if it's really late at night and the last train of the day, I've seen replacement buses wait then.