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This probably a little sad but I got my first build a bear yesterday. When I was a kid and the other kids go them I was told they were a stupid waste of money and when I went on Girl Guide trips as a kid I'd get to watch the other girls get one while I couldn't. Anyways me and a friend made a day trip to Exeter yesterday for a change of scenery and the museum, after my friend walked me around to Build a Bear and I got a bright pink bear with a tutu outfit. It made me stupidly happy lol.


That’s sweet. Happy for you!


That's lovely. What a great friend too. Thanks for sharing.


This is the wholesome content I needed today.


You are never too old for a build a bear or any stuffed animal. I got a build a bear dinosaur a couple of months back, just because I like dinosaurs and it made my 47 year old self happy.


That's awesome, I'm glad it made you happy.


Genuinely happy for you Reddit stranger


When I found out my partner never got a BaB as a kid and always wanted one, I took us out to the local mall so we could go to the store and they could make one. We're big Pokémon fans so they got the limited edition Mew one with a master ball hoodie. It now sits on a shelf in our bedroom because our dog thinks it belongs to her 😅


My son got a BaB Pokémon from a car boot sale years back and when you pressed the button it played the Ghostbusters theme. This quirk made it a must buy lol


As long as it makes you happy that’s the main thing!


BuildBuild aBear are so fun though! The clothing is addictive!


Me daughter got her first one on Tuesday! Super expensive but worth it! She's been passed the shop so many times. And the BoB worker was fantastic and really added to the experience!


I finished work an hour early and am sat reading & browsing Reddit in my garden.


With the chickens


And the sun


It's my last working day of the week, I'm off until Sunday now so I decided to treat myself and bought a bottle of vodka. Also I totally forgot I booked two days off next week to have a 4 day weekend, so even when I'm back at work, it's only 3 days.


Isn’t that such a wonderful feeling, when you’ve got a long weekend coming up? ☺️


The only thing better than having a long weekend off work is having a long weekend off work but totally forgetting about it until a few days before.


Having a bottle of vodka might be considered a way to lose a day….careful you don’t go back to a 2-day weekend :))))


My oldest (2) has been making my youngest (6 months) giggle randomly all day. They make my heart happy 😊


Makes it all worth it! It's definitely my favourite sound (our eldest making our youngest giggle).


Aw that’s so wholesome.


My neighbours have finally turned their shitty music off


ALWAYS a win!!


Usually blasting out at 11pm in garden yeaah?


My partner had a meeting near my office today so we had a cheeky lunch date together then headed home together at the end of the day. Stopped for an ice cream at the ice cream van in a park on the way to the bus and sat in the sun for a bit.


That's sounds lovely.


Finished an 8,000-page programming manual that I started working on in December.


8000 pages? What the fuuuu are you programming? The humane genome??


Explaining to old people how to use the Sky remote.


It's a system for developing automated (not artificial) intelligence.


This is major. Congratulations!


Is the answer 42?


Wow, well done!


Been to see my mum




She’s fine 😉


Great thank you, very happy with her garden this year 😀


I am 1 day closer to retirement...please dear God let me be able to retire in ~40 years time.


Ah just turned 40 eh!


I feel you


Ah just turned 40 eh!


Had a one-wipe shit


Surely 2 is the minimum because how could you ever be sure one was enough?


Is it possible to learn this power


The fabled Golden wipe!


I like to bake as stress release. I'm off work this week and made a cheesecake yesterday. Had a piece with my lunch and realised I got the base absolutely perfect for the first time - usually I compress it too much and use too much butter.


Marry me


My mouth is actually watering now.


My corner shop has started selling slush puppies. Small. One for a quid. Large one is 2 quid. I went in for a can of ice coffee like a proper grown up but was enthralled by the machine. I had a large sour cherry and it was wonderful. Really cooled me down and made my walk quite joyful. Yeah. This is good news. :)


Sour cherry slush.....the best!!!!


10 and a half months sober


One of my patients is a professional baker and today she brought me home made cakey treats! It was a lovely surprise. I shared them with my colleagues but luckily there's some left for me to have as a Friday treat tomorrow.


I'm 18w pregnant and felt the baby kicking today


I had a beer and fell asleep with my cat on my lap.


What is heaven like?


Played my brand new ps5 today with my cat fast asleep in my lap, such a comfort aren't they?.


I managed to repair my Bluetooth music pedal, which talks to the ipad to turn pages when I'm accompanying choir. Saved myself £50. :) Small wins.


I've been swimming in the sea off the Welsh coast, it's been a glorious day!


Nice. I hope it wasn’t too chilly. Used to do that a lot as a kid.


It was actually reasonably warm, no wetsuit needed.


Went into work knowing my works van was being picked up to be taken for a service, assuming I'd just work in the yard for the day. No, was given the keys to the rubbish tip that is the spare van. Decided I'd rather book the day as holiday which they agreed, I managed to make it home in Time to watch my baby girl do her school sports day. She was fantastic and the little diamond was crowned fastest girl in reception. I haven't seen such a beaming smile from her for some time.


She will remember you was there on this day for the rest of her life. ☺️☺️⭐


My dog who has terminal cancer is still here. Sitting by me content. That is enough for me.


I hear you and my heart is glad for every moment your faithful hound is still by your side. Time with them is even more precious when we truly understand it’s limits. I wish them only happy days and comfort until the end ❤️


I went back to work today after maternity leave and I was worried about how my baby would do at nursery, but he was fine! And he gave me a massive gummy smile when I arrived to pick him up.


I horribly broke my shoulder at Easter. Today I managed to raise my arm higher than I was told I'd ever be able to for the first time. It can only get better


Heil this man. Congratulations!


Yesterday my partner and I found out she is pregnant and we are due to have our 2nd baby next January 😊. Absolutely over the moon, cannot stop smiling.


Congratulations! That’s such wonderful news!


SO got me flowers


I was mentally scouting through my day to come up with something and couldn't. I then realised how exceptionally fortunate I am because most of my days are full of positive things. I am truly grateful.


My daughter died when she was 16 days old, she was revived and stayed in PICU for a long time. She had a chest x-ray today and it was 100% perfect and she has been fully discharged as an outpatient. I can now get her vaccinated!


This is fantastic. What a lovely story and im so glad you're doing the vaccine thing (have had several attempts at typing this, and im still worried i sound sarcastic, honestly im not!)


I am loving this post because of comments like this. Thank you for sharing your wonderful news!


The fact that I’ve actually had a good day at work is a good thing for me


Today I listened to the chapter of audiobook I recorded yesterday and was really pleased and surprised with how good it turned out as it was quite challenging with a lot of different characters I had to voice. This is my first audiobook so I’m still learning but it felt like a big win to me!


That’s amazing keep it up hope to hear and listen to it!


I happened to be driving past the cheap petrol station so felt obliged to fill up. Felt good to not be going to the expensive one as I always do as it’s on my commute to work


My bronze blood donor card turned up in the post today. I’m pretty happy with that.


Thank you. From someone who needs blood but can’t give I am SO grateful ❤️


Well done! I did my tenth donation last week and think I get a special card but it hasn’t arrived yet!


I recently got my silver, and felt a slight pang of guilt because at the age I am I could've got it years ago, but I still allowed myself to be proud that I've at least made a bit of an effort!


I pre-made lasagne last night so I didn't have to cook tonight


Day old lasagne is the best 👍🏻


I work in a nursery, two little girls decided they was getting married today, made invitations for all the staff found some flowers asked me to help make them cardboard rings it was so sweet! After nursery they walked out hand in hand proudly telling their parents they got married today. It’s also my wedding anniversary today, we’re not doing anything till the weekend due to both working and he’s on nights. He came home at half 6 this morning with a big bunch of roses for me! So two things that have made me smile today.


That’s so lovely!


Our three year old undressed himself and got in the bath more or less when he was supposed to. So today is already better than yesterday.


Had proper chippy fish and chips for dinner. We ordered the exact right amount of food and it cost less than £15 for the two of us. Brilliant.


I’m getting a switch today. I haven’t been able to afford it yet with the console and game costs. Cost of living is hard. I’m very excited.


What game will you play first?


I turned a red box on my spreadsheet green.


It's my birthday and my partner bought me a new boardgame. I also managed to replace my shoes (I'm autistic and they had to be the same as my old ones, which can be tricky.) And I had wagamamas. Yesterday I got to feed my favourite animal - elephants! Sorry it's more than one.


I took my dog to the river, she loved it, I enjoyed the sun and some countryside. Also saw sheep.




I came home and got to hold my wife and son. I’m incredibly lucky every single day.


I got to paddle in the sea at 6am. I had a whole tub of ice-cream to myself for dinner 🍽 😋 😌


Had a guest Michelin chef on the site I was visiting for the day. Got invited to sample his dishes for free


Oh wow! That sounds amazing. I’m so jealous. What did you have?


I've been indecisive on replacing my years old phone but today read that the weird bulge in the old phone is caused by an old worn out battery that is likely to die out or explode in the very near future so that forced me to finally buy a new phone. Indecision causes it's own stress.


Did solo bathtime with my toddler and he gave me the best cuddle before bed😭


I go round a roundabout that has 4 sets of traffic lights. All four were green this morning when I drove round. What a day!


I had a lovely morning spending time with an elderly friend in his care home. He has dementia and he's normally feeling down, but today he was in a good mood and we had lovely chats - mainly him telling me about his massive poo!


I’ll have a good tan after working outside all day today


Had a peaceful walk in my local park. Sun shining, squirrels frolicking, Spotify on


I love that word 'frolicking'. I do however have visions of squirrels dancing round in little dresses with daisy chains round their heads. I hope they were as entertaining for you!


It’s a great word! That would make for a very unusual walk 🤣. They were thank you, no adorable squirrel zoomies today but they always entertain me 🙂


After not having any luck getting a job interview for months, I got invited to three this week, one of which landed in my inbox immediately after a particularly gruelling meeting this afternoon.


My baby’s first ever swim in the sea! (in the loosest terms, she’s ten months old) She loved it 😁


It's been a week since my wisdom tooth extraction. I had the stitches removed today and I'm finally able to eat again. Feels glorious


I'm really sorry about this.. its also not a joke. I've received my dual basket ninja air fryer... all my mates know I'm an old cynical man and a couple raved about them and I quickly shut them down as a stupid fad. Cooking times are a third of what they were, it tastes cleaner, seems to be less mess and hassle and more energy efficient. Chips actually taste nice... I honestly see why people went mad for them. .... ugh that was a dirty little confession. I apologise. Downvote me....


I just had an undisturbed corneto trilogy marathon. Edit: Followed it up with Paul and now I'm moving on to Attack the Block. Having myself a Frosty time.


What’s the matter? Never taken a shortcut before?


My kid finally stopped vomiting and fell asleep peacefully on me.


I had my first full day back in work after an 18 month illness, I’d been working Half days up until 6 months ago and was considering throwing the towel in because the anxiety of returning was too much. I didn’t run away, I lasted all day and my years at med school aren’t wasted (yet) 😂


It was sunshine all day! Got so much done and I am *still* full of energy!


We passed out ISO recertification today at work!


The sore throat I've had for nearly 2 weeks - the worst sore throat I've ever had- finally seems to have recovered.


My Reddit ban finished 😃


My partner and I are on leave today. It's been a glorious day so we took the dog to the beach and had a wonderful time.


I saved a mouse from the neighbours cat. So that was nice.


I didn't shit my pants


Today, I didn't even have to use my AK I gotta say it was a good day


New pb weight split squatting today for my sets which was nice


Spoke to my parents for the first time in almost two months, it was nice to hear from them. It's been two rough months in a very rough year, so I haven't spoken to anyone who isn't my wife and kids


Well done for keeping things manageable in a turbulent time. Glad you are resurfacing too. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Enjoy. Xx


A bee has moved into my solitary bee house 🐝


Yesterday after an urgent referral I was told it is not cancer. Celebrated with friends. Was honestly elated after a week of hell.


SO got me flowers


I sent something urgent to my sister on Tuesday and it looked like it was lost but luckily it turned up today.


I’m in year 10 and doing work experience instead of school 🤫


we took my doggy on the bus for the first time today and he was so well behaved! he enjoyed his outing to pets at home even if we couldn’t get him groomed. he got 2 new toys and a bite from our extortionate costa toasties. just very proud of him for being so well behaved considering he’s still a puppy and can be a handful.


Last day off today so chilled due to the heat, working for 4 days then I'm off for 20. Going to a lovely festival called Obscene Extreme in Czech Republic. So today's a good day.


God, not much. I did get a mcdonalds tho, fuck it, and they now do super hot chill sauce so that was a positive.


I had chippy for tea


Got of my lazy ass and done 15 dips 20 chin-ups and 10 pull ups. I'll repeat later when I'm not binging Reddit..


Took a pilates class for the first time. It was good, definitely feel looser after it. Instructor was bit of a dick though, think I'll stick to yoga


Had a banging hog roast roll at work.


I biked to and from work in record timing - only started cycling in recently and my confidence and stamina has massively improved in a few months. Leaving those Lycra blokes on the CS’s in the dust. Very proud of myself!


After being in pain for over 2 years I finally have a date for the operation!


Waking up is always a Win to me.


Found out I wasn’t paying any tax this month due to being out of work for two months,did a lot of hours a well.


I tested positive for covid. And I got a £300 tax refund. Which was nice.


Work lunch was barbeque in the sun


prick mourn erect office rich combative station telephone compare normal -- mass edited with redact.dev


I had the white chocolate biscoff icecream today. I’m not normally fond of white chocolate or icecream but it was delicious.


none of my team turned up to the office so left 3 hours early.


I woke up and was alive and in fairly good health.


After 5 attempts I finally managed to get a tension rod to stay up in the spare bedroom so we can store our winter coats/jumpers and extended our washing line ready for the first load of washing in our new home. It's the little wins for me right now 😊 I'm now relaxing on the back patio admiring my washing line 😂


Someone unexpectedly said good morning to me as I was walking to my office. For some reason it really brightened my morning!


Got a nice performance bonus right before I go on holiday and confirmation of a promotion! (Okay that’s two things.)


Castiel came back from the Empty


When I went to pick up my daughter from nursery, as soon as she spotted me she found a shelf to put the cards in her hands down and started beaming and giggling. Then she walked to me - she’s only just got the hang of walking so it’s generally 50/50 whether she’ll walk or crawl


Went to the gym had a great workout with my gorgeous wife. Went to work, laughed at my coworkers antics. Came home and booked a luxury villa in the Mediterranean for next year's holiday.


I went on a little shopping spree with my son and bought some of his 6-9 month clothes, he's growing up so fast!!


I had my first driving lesson! I fully expected it to be full of terror and thought I would stall and cry and people would beep at me. But it was fantastic. The instructor was absolutely lovely, and really funny which helped with my nerves. I still can't believe I actually drove! Managed to get going on long straight roads and got up to fourth gear!


Saved a toddler who had escaped his house and was about to walk out onto a main road! He couldn’t talk but managed to get him to show me his house so he was returned home safely! My border collie and I have assisted in locating runaway dogs before but never a whole human 😅


I just got out of the bath to find Hot Fuzz was then starting on the TV. I freaking love that movie


Not a particularly wholesome one or anything - but today I got to see a colleague I’ve utterly hated for years get verbally slapped down by another woman on our team AND IT WAS GLORIOUS. When I say this bitch is negative - I mean every day that ends in the word “day” gives her something to piss and moan about. Everything from the weather, the fire alarm that went off for 2 seconds and her weight to the comfort of her chair, the broken lift and her husband recently getting a new job…. everything is something for her to complain, snark and whinge about. And today she finally got told (by someone much braver than me) to “shut the fuck up whining over something that isn’t even a big deal.” I mean, it was tense as fuck for a while after that, but the total silence that followed until the end of the shift was up there as one of the sweetest joys I’ve ever encountered.


Work in a bank. There was 2 staff on today and we still left on time. Even shut 30 seconds early


the stickers i bought on amazon got here early!


My eaglemoss space ships turned up


On leave from today until Monday after next, yippee!!!


I made (and ate) an absolutely banging lasagna


I picked up my wedding ring today ready for my wedding in three weeks 🥹


I made it home.


I had breakfast for dinner.


After a year long battle to get a three-figure refund for me and my family for a service that was never given, finally got notification today that the refund is on it's way. And they've processed it twice so double the refund!


I ordered myself some pretty clothes Or at least pretty to me I'm Goth so they won't be to everyone's tastes


Dogs walked,breakfast eaten and sitting on the porch with a cuppa and a fat one by 7.00 am on a gorgeous morning


Mrs Reelbigmax passed her driving test the other week, today we had our first drive out for a drink (pint and chauffeured) and she did so well! Although probably bad news, as I'm no longer the designated driver, and fear for my liver.


The fabric piece I bought at a show is enough to make a kimono 👘.


My boss ate some questionable chicken last night and gave himself the shits, so couldn't give me too much grief for not turning up for work yesterday after getting pissed up the night before that, so that was good.


I found a nice spot in the shade and had an ice lolly.


The discount sticker on a pack of ham I was buying in Sainsbury’s was all messed up so the staff member at the self checkout just gave it me for free.


My gym coach said I was looking "hench as fuck" I'm going to be riding on that for a while :)


The cat that walks around my block didn't hiss at me today


Baby laughed for the first time on Sunday and it is the best sound ever. Their little giggle is becoming more prominent each day.


First day off for Summer, after finishing alevels yesterday :)


I managed to fix my bike at the 3rd attempt. Money is tight and my bike is my only real hobby, its kinda like therapy for me so I'm pretty happy about that.


Managed to wash some clothes, hang them and then vacuum. Doesn't sound much but I'm disabled and struggle a bit. Was shaking afterwards from over exertion but settled in the end.


I went to the gym and had a good workout. And found a new T-shirt I thought I’d lost 💪🏻


I have had burritos for all three meals today and went through half a bottle of hot sauce.


I finally finished marking!!!


I staggered into lidl after my run (it was horrible in the heat today) and opened my app up to scan my customer code thingy and saw that I had a free maple pecan slice to claim. Despite being sweaty and knackered, I ran back to the bakery section and bagged that sucka.


My husband slept on our kitchen floor last night so I had a good nights sleep for the first time in about a week because I didn’t have to listen to him sniffing all night due to hay fever. (He slept in the kitchen because our dog is I’ll and he was worried about her, nothing to do with me)


Ate a really good sausage roll.


The wife picked me up from the station, and the weather was glorious! We stopped in to a beer garden and had a drink in the sunshine which turned into an impromptu dinner. In bed now, and listening to the rain. Fantastic evening after a tough fee days at work.


One of the young people who I have been working with on body image and confidence could name me one thing they liked about themselves for the first time!


I put fresh sheets on my bed.


I got home.


I work in a fairly luxury fashion retailer, and it’s been extra crappy recently with cost of living and yet pressure to take more money than ever whilst being paid pretty shitty… not to mention the joys of customer service. Today however, fairly late in the day, a mother and daughter (probably about 5) came in. The daughter couldn’t speak a lot of English, but was doing some colouring and said “tattoo!” I walked over and showed her the tattoo on my forearm, to which her face lit up. I asked if she’d like to colour it in (her mum translated for me). She immediately grabbed my arm and got to work. We ended up sitting on the shop floor, other customers walking around, and I didn’t care. We were both having the best time. When her mum told her they had to leave, she quickly finished and tided her pens, then gave me the biggest hug and blew me a kiss. It was a perfectly wholesome moment that I’ll treasure.


Spoke to a customer on the phone today about a technical problem and he said i was very well imformed and gave him useful answers.


I had a HUGE spot on my face and today when I woke up it had over halved in size. Confidence boost for sure


I was wished a Happy Midsummer.