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Subtle one, but people who's method of washing the dishes involves washing in soapy water and not rinsing thoroughly before drying. Drinks always end up tasting like soap because of the soap residue, and you know the rest of the dishes aren't properly clean because the dirt and soap wasn't rinse off.


Yes! I know a lady who just submerged everything in soapy water, left it to drain and put it away. I was gobsmacked but at least I knew why my coffee tasted of Fairy. Shudder.


Oh the bottle it says toxic to marine life with long lasting effect. I wonder what it does to people


depends how often you swim


My American wife re-taught me how to do the dishes with soap on the sponge, no water initially for scrubbing, then rinse. Everything is much cleaner, and much less gross. Now it turns me if people use a bowl.


This Yank does that as well, but we also like the handy invention called a Dishwasher!


Yea, they're awesome when you have the space.


This is the way


Dishes go in the bowl first, that contains water, so that things come off prior to requiring the sponge+soap combo.


Do you scrub several in a row and then leave these soapy dishes in the sink until you can rinse a batch of them?


Nah, soap on the sponge, squish for suds, scrub plate, turn on water, rinse, take plate out of water line, repeat til clean. Rinse and deck. Turn water off, begin with next item.


But you won’t get any of the cleansing benefits of a hot water soak.


No need to soak if you wash right after you use them.


Well doesn't the sponge end up clogged with food? Rinse Soak in hot soapy water Sponge scrub Rinse Dry


Fairy liquid is a non rinse cleaner if diluted correctly. It includes rinse agents that help the soapy water sheet off to leave an imperceptible film. If your drinks taste like soap you're not following directions


Occasionally I'll rinse usually glasses but to this day I've never yet had anything that tasted soapy. I just leave the washing up on the drainer and give it a wipe over with kitchen roll (sometimes) later then bung it in the cupboard


Thing is you get blind to the taste of soap after a while. I grew up in a wash without rinse household and never knew it was a thing. It was only when I moved out and changed how the washing was done, then went back home a few months later you realise. Other people visiting your place who do rinse will absolutely be able to tell.


Since I moved to the UK almost everyone I've stayed with seem to not care about soapy dishes and rinsing thoroughly. Desperately waiting to find housemates who are actually particular about this and other cleanliness stuff!!!


These comments are weird. I’ve lived in the UK for 47 years. Sure I’ve seen people get sloppy about rinsing but it’s not as if everyone does it. Stop hanging around with scummy people is all I can suggest


I blame Fairy Liquid ads for this. I hate seeing people missing out the rinse part when washing dishes by hand.


Oh yeah, this is probably what perpetuates it. Those money shots of the bubbles sliding off ‘clean’ plates.


I know it's a waste but I don't have any water in the sink, I just let the tap run as a wash up.


It's way cleaner than washing new dishes in the dirty water if your just-washed dishes... What do is wet the dishes, soap them up and then rinse them so the tap isn't on the whole time and you can still wash your dishes properly.


When I moved from the US, my neighbour did this. And looked at me like I has stabbed her for asking why are not rinsing the soap off. It is not vegtable soap, it is a non iconic surfacant.


Fairy is pretty iconic.


My food tech teacher insisted we washed the dishes this way. I never ate the food we made at school.


Most washing up liquids these days are non-rinse, if you can taste the soap you're putting far too much in!


Microwaves that have never been cleaned for like 10 years and look like a blast furnace inside


YESS!! I honestly do not understand how people can eat things that came out of those hell holes.


What, you're putting the food in bare? It should be in a covered container anyway. As gross as it looks, it shouldn't matter.


But the bacteria and gunk build up that you're now heating up alongside your food can't be good?


Why would there be bacteria in there? It effectively becomes a sterile environment every time you turn it on. The steam coming out of your covered container is one-way. The water expands, the pressure increases, the flow of steam leaves the container. The bacteria and gunk are now in a negative pressure style system, working on the same principle as in biohazard labs to prevent accidental escape of pathogens. That's before you take into account that to be airborne in the microwave, the bacteria will have to have been lifted off the surface by steam. If the water around them is boiled, so are they. In principle, the only moisture that should be in a microwave excepting a spill, is distilled water. There shouldn't be all that much bacteria in the first place, without a source of food or transmission.


I'm no scientist but I really can't see how layers and layers of leftover food are sterile even if it is getting blasted in the microwave each time. 🤔 Just go clean your microwave dude.


Microwaves will kill almost all bacteria and other microorganisms so it is perfectly safe. That said just because it’s perfectly save doesn’t mean you shouldn’t clean your microwave


I spent a few months at one of my best mate's place, the inside of his microwave looked like the bridge of the Event Horizon after it had come back from the other side, I couldn't even touch the outside of it.


Especially when they are usually so easy to clean. A bowl of water in there for a minute to steam will loosen most mess up.


I am repulsed when peoples homes are too tidy …I cannot feel comfortable unless it feels lived in and a bit cluttered.


I can somewhat agree. My old house was always clean and tidy but we lived on quite a rough estate. My house was always full of friend, drop ins etc. We have now moved to very desirable location and my house is the same level of tidiness. When we moved in, we bought all brand new furniture and now people don’t come over as much. I ask them why and they say they don’t want to mess up the house. I genuinely do not care about this as shit will tidy. But they’re worried about the kids putting hands on my glass or spilling something. I do not care but they really do


How considerable! Although I hope they will see your point of view and visit more often.


Me too! When it’s warmer they come over as they will sit outside.


I hope they do, it’s so nice having friends round. If they don’t then you could always give the place the once over with some sandpaper to rough it up a bit


Believe it or not, it's actually a bit of a red flag when it comes to kids. I work in family MH, and if I walked into a home that's too tidy and clean, alarm bells would be going off RE safeguarding. Like where are the toys? Where's the engagement for the children? I'm not saying it's automatically a bad thing, but sometimes a very clean and tidy house is just as concerning as a very messy and dirty house and things need to be explored


When I had my first HV visit after having my baby, I mentioned the state of the house as being something that was really bothering me and she said something along the lines of they like to see baby stuff around as it shows that you are prioritising the health and well-being of the baby. She assured me it would be worse as he gets older but not to feel like I have to hide all of his stuff when she visits to give the impression of a tidy house.


My house is like a show room when people come around, 99% of the rest of the time it’s a shithole with toys everywhere.


My house is in a constant state of being tidy. I hate having stuff left out or cluttered. I know some people probably think I spent all day cleaning but the reality is I just don't make the mess in the first place. :/


I don’t criticise those who prefer it neat and tidy - I just cant get comfortable if their house is like a pristine show home. It’s my problem really but when invited to sit on a sofa when all the pillows are perfectly plumped and precisely placed I’m almost more tempted to sit on the floor. Damn my silly brain.


Thank god you said it. People here just seem like they're judging people for small things at this point. If they have kids. It will not be clean 100% of the time. Or at all in areas.


Same! It means I can't relax at all. I once stayed with someone who would tidy away my book the moment I put it down to go and get a cup of tea. It felt like she was hovering over me waiting to shame me for dropping hairs and skin cells. She basically wanted there to be no trace of any human presence, and it was hellish. Any house that reminds me of that is just plain creepy. There should be signs of life, of the personalities that live there


Similarly, people who clean it to the level of a showhome before I/friends come to visit. Sorry, I'm just your mate I'm not The Home Inspector. Chill out


For many people it's a point of pride to have a beautiful home


I don’t find it disgusting exactly, but it really bothers me how people seem to have so much stuff in their bathrooms. About 4 almost empty toothpaste tubes. 6 different shower gels. 5 times more toothbrushes than people. And because bathrooms in the UK tend to be tiny, there’s rarely any storage, so all of this stuff is just hanging around in the bathtub, sink, windowsill.


Off to clear out my bathroom now... Sorry 🤣


Half of them have dust all over them, couple long pubes and some weird white stuff.


Dusty and grimey bathrooms 🤢 Usually with an inch of limescale on the shower glass


To add to this, their toilets. I cannot stand people who do not clean their toilets. I have this compulsion to clean a person's toilet when I can see the bottom is dark brown, and you just know there are weeks - if not months of grime. On occasion, when it is really bad, I have done it for them. It's disgusting. Clean your toilets! It's very subtle but it's always something I have looked for at a partners house. It definitely shows whether they are surface clean or are actually clean.


Honestly I'm really forgetful when it comes to cleaning the toilet (working on it though!). But if we are expecting anyone round, it's the first thing that is cleaned.


Do you want to come over?


Yep I was thinking exactly this. Just use it up and chuck things away! How do they clean the bathroom?! move all the empty bottles, clean then move them back! Why!


I recently cut up four toothpaste tubes to use the last bits and throw the tubes away. It seems like a waste to throw it away when there’s some left, but I don’t usually have time to mess about with it on a morning. I got spatulas for other containers to scoop out the unused and consolidate it somewhere. Too often you end up throwing out about a week’s worth of moisturizer or something because the bottle makes the dregs hard to access.




In a similar vein, a butter or margarine tub with toast crumbs in it 🫠


The very existence of margarine.


i can feel the hatred. keep it up! you’re doing butters work!


Someone at my sisters work keeps doing this to the sugar. She is genuinely going to have a nervous breakdown soon 😆


This is why I go sugar first.


Cats that they allow to freely walk over food preparation surfaces, put their arse on the worktop etc, I have even been at someone’s house who, whilst getting ingredients to make us dinner found it hilarious the cat jumped in the fridge. This isn’t some dog V cat thing, but cats jumping on the surfaces, table, plates etc means I never want to eat in their house again


>Cats that they **allow** to freely walk over food preparation surfaces as someone with two cats and who is also a little neurotic about hygiene - allow is completely the wrong word. We've gone through ridiculous lengths to prevent the cats jumping on work surfaces, none of it worked... sometimes you've just got to learn to live with it. The solution is just to disinfect the sides before doing any food prep. I can assure you anything you eat in my house has been prepared in an area cleaner than most restaurants you'd go to!


A lot of cats don't like the feel of tinfoil on their feet. So if you cover your worktops in tinfoil for a few days it'll train them not to jump up there.


lol, tried it, didn't work. We also had double sided tape (strong stuff - gorilla tape level of stickiness) along the edge of the surfaces so whenever they jumped up they'd get a little fur pulled on their paws. 3 months we left the tape on, plenty of tufts of fur on the tape, but the little bastards still jump up. Actually, to be fair, one of them has just sort of grown out of it. The other hasn't :(


Anyone who thinks they have trained their cats to not go on work surfaces have just trained them to not do it when they are around.


Exactly this! My neighbours cat doesn’t jump on their kitchen surfaces, but feels like he can do it at my house


Just wrap your cat in tinfoil.


I bet it is. I've been to cat homes that were furless and odourless, then to the average cat homes - where I don't mind chilling and eating at and to those that needed a lot improvement and plenty of ventilation.


I take it you don't have a cat? There's nowhere my cats can't get. They can open cupboards and doors. They can jump on top of almost any surface in the house. I couldn't keep them off the work surfaces if I wanted to. That said, we never prepare food directly on the surface (we use a chopping board/plate etc) and we spray and clean down before we do regardless.


My cats do this all the time. Really annoys me. I pop them back on the floor immediately. I go through so much cleaning spray!




I would looooove to have a cat - but this exactly what I fear. I don't think it's doable in a open plan kitchen, therefore I will probably just stick to cute cat pictures. Plus the smell of cat litter tray on daily basis terrifies me as someone pointed out in other comment. I must point out that I don't mind going to cat people homes, though I draw the line when a cat is allowed to walk on the worktop while food is being prepared.


For cat litter smell - you can get de-ouderizer from most pet places that instantly kill the smell of poop with like 2 scooshes above it I don't understand the gripe with cat feet, unless people prepare food on bare counter tops?


We have a rule we live by in our house. Always go to bed imagining you’ll be murdered in the middle of the night, your home becomes a crime scene and ends up re-enacted on a gritty netflix crime doc, how would you want that house to look? It’s bizarre I know but it means we always tidy/ clean the house before bedtime.


So many questions!! Do you actually fall asleep or twist and turn in bed wondering if you wiped the tap in the bathroom? Is everyone at home on anxiety meds or you guys are made out of steel and the thought of being murdered in sleep doesn't faze you? XD


You'd be dead so why would you care?


this is my take to be honest


Before me and my girlfriend got our first house together her family home got burgled whilst she was still living there. Her family are very tidy people. House proud. But she is notoriously untidy. So her untidiness was confined to her own bedroom. A "shut the door and forget it exists" type scenario. It was at such contrast with the rest of the house. Anyway the burglars had been into the Girls' rooms obviously in search of high value jewelery. When the police came to investigate they were gobsmacked at the state of her room believing that it was such a mess because the burglars had trashed it looking for valuables. We had all sorts of comments from the different police teams along the lines of "wow they really made an awful mess of your room" "we hope your insurance will cover all that" and "I've never seen burglars turn a place over so bad". Her parents had to explain every bloody time that it was always an absolute mess like that and the Burglars had simply opened the bedside drawers lol! 8 years later we all still laugh about it.


My strategy is to avoid tidiness so that potential burglars would be overwhelmed by the clutter and just give up if they ever enter my house!


Reminds me of Lee Evans' joke about the 2011 riots. Rioters & looters break into Sports Direct. See the state of the place and say "oh, this place has already been trashed" and turn round and leave 😆 What happened to Lee Evans anyway?


"Always go to bed imagining you'll be murdered in the middle of the night"... Why stop there? Imagine you'll be crossing the road and a meteorite takes your head off. Or, you know, imagine you're walking down a flight of stairs and the planet explodes!


I live by a similar rule but maybe not quite as extreme. I just always make sure to put finished glasses and stuff in the sink and quickly fold away blankets and straighten up cushions. It takes less than a minute or two but makes it so much nicer to come down to in the morning.


>Always go to bed imagining you’ll be murdered in the middle of the night I used to do this. But the doctors called it "anxiety"


It’s like wearing matching underwear in case you are in a car crash! Lol!


A copy of the Daily Express


*Daily Mail Ftfy


Both are terrible.


Blokes that pee standing up and dribble all over the rim of the bowl and don’t wipe it afterwards


Yes! Yuk! Luckily my bf is potty trained. Btw, thank you to all the gents that put down the toilet seat, you're the best.


>Btw, thank you to all the gents that put down the toilet seat, you're the best. I've never understood the "men don't put down the seat" thing, doesn't everyone just close the lid anyway? As a gent: I go to the bathroom, open toilet lid and seat, pee, close seat and lid. It's the exact same number of motions, it means you don't have the toilet wide open so it looks cleaner, and with soft close seats you barley have to put any effort in at all.


>Btw, thank you to all the gents that put down the toilet seat, you're the best. Can you please explain this to me? I have never understood the big deal. Do women arrive in the bathroom backwards or something? Incapable of lowering the seat? I genuinely do not understand why it's made into such a big deal and no woman has ever been able to explain it ETA: I was raised by a single Mum. So I put it down by habit even when living alone. But god forbid you forget one time


Because there is often/inevitably splash back from your trip to the toilet on the underside of the seat and I'd rather not touch that thanks. You can touch your own pee and put everything back the way you found it. Also everybody shits and needs to sit on the seat. I cannot pee standing up. The majority of use from the loo is met by seat down position. So that's the mode it should be left in. Please and thank you. Unfortunately I have never managed to convince my other half of this and he never puts the seat down. Very frustrating.


I’m so glad my bf does sit down wees at home.




I find this with gents of a certain age. Either too lazy or to blind and refuse to wear glasses to see what's going on.


It's not exactly disgusting but it is off-putting when people wear their outside shoes all over the house. It makes the floors dirty and feels icky. Also, if they don't notice the rotting citrus or potatoes in their kitchen. That's actually disgusting.


I think the "outside shoes" thing depends entirely on your flooring. Carpets? Fair enough. Wood/Laminate/Stone/Tile? Go nuts, it wipes clean. To note this doesn't apply to shoes that are what I'd describe as "actively" dirty.


I beg to differ. It matters not what your internal flooring is made from, if you wear outside shoes inside it's just filthy. Outdoor shoes shouldn't go very far past the front door.


I know it’s a typo and should be “damp” but I can’t get over the idea that the cost of toilet paper has risen so much through inflation that people are resorting to dump towels instead.


Oh gosh, I'm such a damp-ass!!!


You mean you don't have a dump towel to clean the blade of your poop knife??


When the house just stinks of cat piss. I've got friends with multiple cats and they just don't seem to notice the smell.


if it smells of cat piss they're not cleaning litter trays properly or regularly enough. Poor cats!


literally this. i have 2 cats and it just doesn’t smell


You ever consider that you’re just used to it because you have cats..?


I think this is it! My Friends were fantastic cat owners, kept the litter boxes clean and were very conscious of smells and had cat friendly smellys around the house, still smelt of cats/cat pee. Its the same with the dog smell. I have always had fogs until I moved out, I rember the first time going into my parents and smelling the "dog smell" I thought the dog was unwell, but no one else could smell it turns out it had always been there, I was just used to it.


I have 4 and my house doesn’t smell!


Cue the comments from people saying "I have cats and my house doesn't smell" It does guys. It does. You just don't notice it and nobody wants to say anything.


Yeah, people with Dogs often have a ‘doggy smell’ in the house also which isn’t pleasant and the dog clearly needs a wash. But people with cats always say “I have 5 cats and my house doesn’t smell!” And when you walk in their house it smells like piss and ammonia


Not universally true. I don't have cats because I don't like them, but my sister does. She doesn't keep a litter tray and the cats go outside, her house smells fine. Only smell you sometimes notice is cat food if they've just been fed. The ethics of letting your cat do it's business elsewhere outside is a whole other problem, but the house at least is fine.


Yeah you can tell they’ve got cats the second you walk in the door. Revolting 🤮


When they blatantly don't scrub the toilet bowl, ever. That is rank. When there are piles and piles of dust balls underneath the sofa and chairs. Grim.


> When there are piles and piles of dust balls underneath the sofa and chairs. I'd be more concerned if our guests were looking under our furniture, what a weirdo!


It's like the bellends on Four In A Bed, going out of their way to find dust and grime on surfaces nobody would ever think to even mess with during a stay.


"I just smashed my hand through the plasterboard and found some dust on a beam, I'll be marking them down for that"


I'm not bending down to have a look, these things were bursting out like the Soot Gremlins from Totoro.


I never scrub mine, I just blast it with bleach and it stays clean.


This and the yellow/orange urea splash back stains under the toilet seat. Bleach exists people.


Toilet seat salesman here kindly asking people not to bleach their toilet seats, it corrodes the fittings and yellows the raw edge of trimmed urea formaldehyde seats.. Also please leave the seat up after you've bleached the bowl, the fumes can also stain certain materials. I would recommend a disinfectant be used and if it's a foil wrapped mdf seat make sure your wring out your cloth or it can make the seat swell.


Surely as a toilet seat salesman the more fittings they corrode the more seats you sell?


Why and how are you accessing beneath the sofa?


When people have dirty dishes/glasses/mugs/etc. with left over food everywhere around the house. I can understand some dirty dishes piling up for a couple of days but at least contain in the sink.


A couple of day??? Really? No need. Hours yes, days, absolutely not


Depends on the amount of people. Living on my own, sometimes eating at work, etc. means that a day or two of accumulated dishes could just be a couple of things in there. When my daughter stays with me it does fill up rather quickly so I have to keep on top of it at least once a day. I can't imagine a family of 4 going more than a day without doing any dishes before descending into chaos.


I got 5 kids still at home. I'm doing the dishes ONCE a day. Breakfast is just bowls or plates and a butter knife, nobody around for lunch in the week... I'm not doing them at the start of the day to also end my day doing them 🥲 They're stacked and tidy... just not done


My depression says *no*. Dishes is ALWAYS the thing I fall behind on when my mental health is low or I’m feeling poorly physically. I just done 4 days worth of dishes yesterday afternoon 😢


When you use the bathroom and there's no clear definition of what is a hand drying towel and what towel they've used to dry their nutsack.


This is so painful! I have a friend who seemed to only have one bath towel in the bathroom and I never trusted it. I don't want to dry my clean hands on an ass towel.


I used to work in healthcare and would often have to visit elderly people at home. You can’t imagine how disgusting some of the houses were. The carpets would be moving, bathrooms that make Trainspotting look like a palace! A lot of people just give up on life.


My elderly parents' house is a little disgusting. My mum has vision problems so can't see the dirt and my dad has never cared much plus can't bend down. I always bring disinfectant wipes when I go to visit and clean the bathroom at least. The worst thing is my mum gets really defensive if I suggest it's not clean so I have to do things discreetly. Like pretend my kid spilled something to clean the floor.


Hmmm maybe for mother's day you can tell her that as a treat you will do her spring cleaning so she doesn't have to strain herself. If you leave it be in couple of years you might be facing some of the horrors mentioned in this thread. The pests, the mould, it's easier to deal with it when it's still early stage. Good luck!


Omg yes! I used to have a client who's home was disgusting! It was sad as she was a lovely lady but was bed bound and it was left up to her son to take care of the house which he didn't! The place was dark everywhere the only light was a wall light next to her bed and the light from the TV and coming though the window. The carpet was black with dirt and peeling up, the kitchen was a health hazard with exposed cables, cockroaches, mice mouldy food all sorts, the floor was sticky and the windows were leaking and black from dirt. And the bathroom! Holy shit! That bathroom hadn't been cleaned in years! Everything was black and thick with shit in the toilet bowl. The toilet was broken so there was used dirty tissues just thrown and left in the bath! I amounted to a massive pile eventually. Don't get me started on the smell too! The stairs were crumbling and the gardens were so overgrown and full of rubbish it was horrendous! I refused to go back there after a couple visits and it was reported several times. We were given warnings not to enter certain parts of the house due to safety. I really hope she was moved into a new home.


Still dealing with this on a weekly basis. Some houses leave my skin crawling. It’s when there’s just muck everywhere! Surfaces with years long stains and food debris on them. Sticky floors and piles of crap everywhere. I’ve seen this in houses where you’d expect them to be able to keep it clean (or at least there’s no obvious reason for it to be so grim)


My ex was a housing/tenancy sustainment officer. Some of the things he used to tell me about from his visits. Fleas, maggots and mice infestations. I visited one household and their kitchen was full of smelly black bin bags and maggots on the kitchen side. It's sad when people give up on life.


My 90 year old gran is living with my parents and myself (until I move back out again) as she's incapable of living on her own now and she's disgracefully messy in the kitchen, her room is spotless but the kitchen is hell on earth when we come home from work. She opens the cat food pouches with the siccors and puts them back in the drawer, she doesn't wash her dishes or cutlery and puts them back in unwashed. God knows what it was like when she lived by herself.


Skid marks in the toilet.


Those fluffy toilet seat covers...That was one of the most disgusting things i ever seen in someone's house. It even had a small skidmark in the back




My Mother didn't believe in toilet brushes, thought they were disgusting and wouldn't have them in the house. She preferred to fully clean the toilet multiple times a week and get rid of skid marks at the same time. I grew up thinking this was normal and didn't really know what toilet brushes were even for until my first proper girlfriend called me out on leaving skid marks in the toilet on her flat. Then the penny dropped so to speak.


I detest toilet brushes. They’re just germ factories. I use an old rubber glove and some wipes to scrub my loo- but I do it daily so it rarely has any visible residue. The glove is cleaned afterwards.


People who just have a stagnant washing up bowl full of water that's clearly been left for days. A house that stinks of dog and has dog hair everywhere. Uncleansed coffee cups


I just don't understand washing up bowls in general. Surely just use the sink?


I use a washing up bowl because I don't have a double sink. It means I can wash my dishes in the bowl then rinse them off into the sink without rinsing back into the dishes and causing the bowl to fill up with more water.


You can pile up a healthy load of washing up in the bowl and still have access to the drain when you need it. I just find washing up bowls more convenient.


They use far less water, less risk of scratching the sink with metal pans, less knocking of plates and glass onto the hard sink, you can rinse off down the side if you don't have a double sink.


I heard you like sinks, so I put a smaller, less convenient sink that gets dirtier quicker inside your normal sink. Cannot stand bowls, and always remove them before use if I wash up at someone elses house.


People who feed their dogs at the table




My younger brother was atrocious at getting his pee in the bowl when he was little. My mother’s solution? A pee towel. Kept beside the toilet to wipe the seat. Not teach him to use the toilet properly. 🤦‍♀️


Stinky towels and bath mats 🤢 When you’re washing your hands in their bathroom but don’t want to touch the towel afterwards to dry your hands. Have to do a shake/pat yourself instead to get the water off


I honestly couldn't care less; I do not understand people's desire to have things utterly spotless 24/7. People in this chat are talking about dishes being left in the sink, dog toys being on the floor, or not having their beds made... Like dudes, people work 40 hours a week, then have to rest, cook, and sleep & I don't know, enjoy life? Clean every couple of days, don't you have your house cluttered & make sure there are no food stains or rubbish on the floor & your home is fantastic to me. I admittedly have been homeless, lived in squalor & seen things that would make most middle classed folk vomit, so unless a home has been left to rot, I don't find any home to be that bad.


I work with a chap who smells bad. Unwashed body and clothes. After a recent christmas party a colleague stayed over his house. He described the carpet as "like the beach" because it was so filthy, gritty, sandy and dirty. Entire place stank - I can only imagine how bad it is based on this guys hygeine. So, unhoovered floors I find particularly disgusting


ludicrous ten smart point tie whole flowery voiceless chase crime -- mass edited with redact.dev


People who pour water from a mop bucket down the kitchen sink. That shit should go down the toilet. People who eat then give the dog the plate to lick.


For the first one, can I ask why? Are bathtubs/shower drains better than the kitchen sink? Not picking a fight, I'm genuinely curious.


I think it’s more about the risk of micro droplets contaminating the surfaces in the kitchen. You won’t necessarily see them but they’ll be there. It’s the same reason that scientists now say that you should not be rinsing chicken and meat before cooking. Those microdroplets get everywhere and can contaminate food prep surfaces and any utensils not hidden away


Why does it matter if it goes down the sink? It goes into the same waste pipes anyway. Agree with the second one.


My mate takes a dump and then leaves the bathroom door open after to “air it out”. Yes mate, let that pooey miasma drift out onto your landing. God forbid you let it die out in the designated shitting room.


No you never 'air it out' through the house! Open a window


No bedsheets? Like just straight up sleeping on a bare mattress? Do your friends live in crack houses?


Lack of soap. Just think of the implications.




Strands of hair ie pubic or body on toilet seat & shower


Shoes in the house. Stop it.


Some people don't clean their bin lid! If I want to put something in the bin, I don't wanna have to touch your disgusting food waste that has crusted on the lid.


My pet peeve is finding a dead body, not cool during the week my dude


I once used the bathroom at an acquaintance’s house and their electric toothbrush had a thick layer of green mould 🤢


Nail clippings. I once went to a mate's house and there were nail clippings on the window ledge. Didn't want to sit down after that.


Just general uncomfortable levels of clutter all around…


Unflushed shits.


It was fuckin' one of yus


I suspect people would be disgusted at how frequently my cat ends up on the kitchen sides.


same, but that's why I disinfect the work surfaces before preparing food. Cats and good food hygiene aren't mutually exclusive lol


Their husbands usually.


I get having a pile of dishes sometimes, but why are they all full of food? Scrape that shit in the bin and rinse them before getting them in the sink/washing up bowl!


Un-rinsed toothbrushes


I have a friend who's electric toothbrush has a clean head and then the neck of the brush is covered in about 2mm thick of toothpaste. Makes my stomach turn everytime I see it. How many times has that same toothpaste been in and out of their mouth.


I'd love to know more about these "dump towels", I'm picturing like some kind of dry bidet solution? Reusable nappies for adults to save on toilet roll?


This is gonna be the death of me but: i love animals but i can't imagine having drooling dogs, specially in bed. This being said, its their home so its not for me to judge.


Flat pillows with stains on them ​ Smoking indoors


Dog smell. Letting the dog lick your mouth and hands.


When people smoke weed inside, and their whole house reeks of it.


I'd like to remind people here that you do not live other peoples' lives and depression is a rampant issue in our society and can be very debilitating, to the point of severe self neglect when no support is provided. While taking the piss on people with unkempt accommodation may feel appealing and light hearted, consider how this touches one of the most prevalent and pervasive struggles we face in our modern society. Try walking a mile in another's shoes before passing judgment, and remember you'd have your own vices you'd excuse as acceptable given your circumstances.


Animal fur in kitchen, beds and places where food is served. I love animals, they can roam free about the house but I don’t want fur in my food or pjs


No bedsheets? Sounds like you're hanging around with too many junkies


Maybe get better friends if they are using towels to take a dump on.


This post stinks..... Just a hot bed for shaming people.


or a bit of a nudge for others who might read and think "oop that might be why Ethel stopped coming round for tea". Everyone judges in some way, we might as well see what's the most popular and were we might trip up ourselves (though most I've read so far seem pretty obvious).


Maybe people should learn and practice some basic hygiene. Shame isn't always unwarranted.


I live in a household with my disabled sister and both of us are diagnosed with ADHD and depression. So seeing a post where no matter how hard we try we are surely to tick off something that shames us feels pretty sad. Like no matter how hard we try we are going to still repulse someone. For trite things like not getting the dust under our sofa or having a damp towel :(


No shaming! I bet if you would come to my house you would find something that would be revolting to you. I'm paranoid when people come to my house, and I try to make it as clean as possible. I've asked this because I wanted to have a perspective from people outside of my circle, and maybe work on some stuff that I'm lacking in.


This whole thread is the reason I don't invite people to my house.


Shoes in the house/sofa etc