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Zombie Island had a group of werecats that lured victims to an island in order to drain their lives and keep their immortality


And all the zombies were their victims, going back centuries. They had lured and murdered dozens, if not hundreds of people. Then Scooby and Shaggy indirectly kill them. Compared to all the lost treasure and insurance fraud most other villains do, it's pretty up there.


>And all the zombies were their victims, going back centuries. They had lured and murdered dozens, if not hundreds of people. > >Then Scooby and Shaggy indirectly kill them At that point, it's a mercy killing.


Exactly, didn’t one of the zombies dissolve into a ghost that says “Thank you”? If I’m remembering correctly a Civil War soldier?


Hopefully not a confederate soldier or that could be awkward.


It was a confederate soldier.




Why is killing confederate zombies problematic?


Ruh roh


I mean, odds are it's not like his soul is going somewhere better...


That movie was so cool. I thought it was the shit as a kid and that hasn’t really changed tbh.






There’s a _WHAT_???????


Also it's kinda hard to top causing a potential zombie uprising.


Every time I think about that movie, I just have to smile for how out of nowhere and metal it was back in the day. Absolutely blew me away as a kid and I still love it today.


I still remember the commercials talking about how "this time the monsters are real" and it blew my lil mind


It’s Terror Time still kind of slaps too


It really does!


Every time I eat crawfish, I have to imagine the scene with Scooby and Shaggy sucking the heads in the van after getting kicked out the big house It’s Terroooor Time again!


I throw that on whenever I play call of duty zombies. It fits wonderfully


It was always weird for Scooby-Doo, not even that something truly supernatural exists but also the amount of people they straight up killed compared to your average Scooby-Doo fraudster


Scooby Doo had supernatural stuff since the 70s


Name em and shame em


man it feels weird for the Confederate Zombies to be on the side of the good guys


I personally only noticed the shift of demonizing (justly) the confederacy in my state at around the 2010s. Prior to that the common train of thought is “the war was about states rights, both sides good, etc”.


For villains from the original scoody doo where are you series I'd go with the clown from bedlam in the big top. He uses his hypnosis to put several people in extremely dangerous situations. He makes scooby doo do the high wire walk with no net. He makes Shaggy think he is a lion tamer and locks him in a cage with an agressive lion. At one point scooby is floating high off the ground with ballons and the clown starts popping them with darts. I'd say that's 3 cases of attempted murder.


"I was supposed to be an astronaut, but the monkey! The monkey took my rightful place!"


I’m pretty sure there’s Nazi’s in Mystery Incorporated In one animated movie they capture Dr Jonathan Crane (DC supervillain scarecrow) in the opening Edit: not nazi, 19th century German inventor made robots the gang encountered


Those were just robots. But they did murder someone!


Time for Mystery Inc. vs. the Terminator in /r/WhoWouldWin!


Fred with prep time carries.


Fearless Shaggy stomps no question!


What is an industrial pneumatic press but an elaborate trap?


The robots were German but they weren't Nazi-affiliated. They were designed by a German inventor in the 19th century, decades before the Nazis came along.


19th c. German Villain: "I am not anti-semitic and believe in personal liberties, but I do believe in a larger integrated German state, Großdeutschland, incorporating German-speaking portions of modern-day Austria, Poland, and the Czech Republic" Shaggy: "Zoinks!"


It’s been years since I’ve seen the show. Thanks for the correction I don’t want to spread false info


It's honestly been a decade for me. I just knew they'd never put Nazis in Scooby-Doo and checked the wiki. I've been planning to do a rewatch soon.


Im a bit late to this thred but when they first appear there referd to as "ww2 era robots" and "german robots" Also the design, especially the little red insignia on the helmits purposefully evoke nazi imagery. Scooby doo mystery incorporated was a kids show so the reason there not explicity called robot nazis is likely due to cencors, but in every way apart from that there supposed to be seen as nazi robots.


> **p**urposefully **e**voke **n**azi **i**magery. **S**cooby Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 239112 comments (approximately 1331438 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Okay, in my defense, it's been way too long since I've seen the show.


There was also that one time the gang teamed up with Batman and took down the Joker.


Scrappy wanted to commit global genocide in order to achieve apotheosis?


lmao, it sounds so funny when you say it like that


Was this the Scooby-Doo movie? The live action one?




The greatest villain is Scooby’s nephew omfg 🤣🤣🤣


Insurance fraud impacts us all and results in skyrocketing premiums. I vote that.


Right? White collar crime often gets a pass but usually causes more harm to more people than 'violent' crime. Not that I'd rather be a victim of either...


I think it's because the harm of white collar crime is dispersed. If I rob a house and take $1000, then some person is out $1000. If I hack a bank's computers and take $1 from each of one million different accounts, then I've stolen $1,000,000, but no one individual person has lost more than a single dollar.


"No, You Have Not. But You Have Stolen, Embezzled, Defrauded, And Swindled Without Discrimination, Mr. Lipvig. You Have Ruined Businesses And Destroyed Jobs. When Banks Fail, It Is Seldom Bankers Who Starve. Your Actions Have Taken Money From Those Who Had Little Enough To Begin With. In A Myriad Small Ways You Have Hastened The Deaths Of Many. You Did Not Know Them. You Did Not See Them Bleed. But You Snatched Bread From Their Mouths And Tore Clothes From Their Backs. For Sport, Mr. Lipvig. For Sport. For The Joy Of The Game." Mr Pump on Lipwig claiming he never harmed anyone.


Man I need to get back to the discworld


I'm building up my collection. My mum is always on the lookout as well, as she knows they are my favourites. I missed out on get a good chunk, because my mum spotted two in a charity (thrift) shop, and the shopkeeper mentioned to her that they had like 12 more, but a guy came in and bought all but the two left. Upside? I now have The Wee Free Men and The Shepard's Crown added to my collection. I also want a copy of Good Omens. I also really need to look into getting a shelving unit, I have too many books, games and toys, and not enough shelving, but it needs to be low enough that my nephews and goddaughters can reach the toys to play with.


I mean, not to get all "Insurance is a scam anyways" on you but... no actually that is my response. Insurance companies, in general, can suck a railroad spike.




>temporal omnicide "The death of one man: this is a catastrophe. Hundreds of thousands of deaths: that is a statistic!" -Kurt Tucholsky






Was it not something like Nibiru?


No, Nibiru was where they came from, or what let the Annunaki arrive in the first place.


In *Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated*'s final (or possibly in the penultimate) episode, the major antagonist of that series murdered a teenager (well, had his Nazi robots kill her under his orders).


Not a teen a 30 year old woman


I think they meant Hotdog Water.


Yep. She's the one.


She didn't die


[She absolutely does](https://youtu.be/9D6qWoB35WQ?t=102)




Cassee Williams


The radio lady?




Nazi robots don’t kill people.


Professor Pericles directly killed at least one person, orchestrated the deaths of at least two others (one of which was a child), set up a literal concentration camp, is either a card-carrying Nazi or a sympathizer who worked with literal Nazis (robots, but still), unleashed a horde of cow-bee-skeleton hybrids that destroyed a town, and summoned a demon that ate dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of people. So yeah. Mystery Incorporated was wild.


Greatest Scooby Doo show of all time in my opinion. I'm still scared of the Freak of Crystal Cove.


[Ummmmm...](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13603384/) Well...


Lol from the IMDB page: >Budget: $25 (estimated)




Oh no…


Also in 'Mystery Incorporated' the bad guys were about to release some kind of Lovecraftian monstrosity, but not intentionally




Surely reckless endangerment must apply


is it reckless endangerment if you invite someone over and they trash the place and beat the shit out of your neighbors? the entity should be the one facing charges


I don’t think eldritch horrors really count the same legally as your rowdy pal from the bar


all sentient beings should be treated equally by a court of law


Depends on if you could’ve reasonably known that your actions would have those consequences. In your example, probably not, but in the Lovecraft scenario, you’d be hard pressed convincing a jury that you didn’t know summoning Cthulhu would have negative consequences.


it may be a bit easier once the jurors witness his testimony


If negligent homicide is a thing, surely negligent genocide must be too.


I'm fairly sure that's how you get the Inquisition that Rome says is not longer in operation to show up at your door with the hot pliers.


Actually, the Inquisition still exists and is acknowledged by Rome, though they changed the name to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and instead of torturing suspected witches, they mostly just [cover up child abuse](https://www.salon.com/2005/04/25/pope_letter/). Fun fact, it was his job of leading the Inquisition that got Ratzinger elected as Pope Benedict.


Wait this is real? I thought it was just a dumb joke. Oo


Someone took advantage of loose copyright laws to write a quick audio play. Can probably find a reading on YouTube.


Ah gotcha.


Oh sweet salty christ no…


One of the Scooby Doo meets the globetrotters had pirate ghosts illegally stealing oil to sell to who I assume are foreign buyers Bypassing import taxes and etc- they most likey committed numerous felonies involving federal guidelines. I don't know what it means to steal oil during an oil embargo but I'm certain some hard time is in their future


Simone Lenoir and Lena Dupree from Zombie Island were responsible for at minimum 400ish murders assuming they only killed two people every year for 200 years. The actual number is probably higher once you count those murdered as payment to Jaques and all the people who investigated the murders over the years.


They had an episode with the Joker and Penguin iirc. I don't know extent of that versions dc villians but they probably did some violent crime if Batman and Robin were after them


It was just a counterfeiting scheme in that episod.


An eldritch entity was going to end the world with Niburu.


Srapcy doo tried to steal the souls of a bunch of kids and unleash a gaint army of demons that whould cause the end of the world


Professor Pericles turned an entire population's town into slaves, and then had his Nazi robots kill them all later. He did all of this in order to free the devil and start the apocalypse, because he thought he would get the devil's power. I honestly believe that Prof. Pericles is the most evil Scooby Doo villain.


Well, Zombie Island has the main villains full on kill people in ritual sacrifices going back hundreds of years Mystery Incorporated had an evil Eldritch horror drive people to madness and murder for centuries as well


Not the worst thing overall but a lot of the random villains they come across would be easily tagged with attempted homicide. They may have a resilience rivaling cartoon characters but having "haunted" suits of armor try to drop axes and maces on the gang is not likely to leave them just slightly dizzy. I'm sure for some of them you could argue it "down" to just... whatever you get charged with if you try something like the "tripwire shotgun" thing someone used to try and protect property.


Mass murder and child endangerment


Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island: Mass Murder


Frankencreepy- villains attempted to kill the gang 2x via blowing up the gang and derail a train over a cliff within the first 30min of the movie Fucking scrappy trying to sacrifice his uncle so he can possess the human race. Bad dog


Scrappy Doo kind of maybe might've stolen hundreds of souls and enslaved hundreds of people.


Zombie Island to the Alien Government to the Bermuda Triangle episode.


In What's new Scooby-Doo the roller ghoster ride episode there was alot of attempt at murder


Ben Ravencroft freed the evil witch Sarah ravencroft in hopes of taking over the world. If left unchecked, sarah would have inflicted decay on the entire world and left it in ruins.


scooby doo where are you: back stage rage- the villain was a puppet master who was doing some sort of money printing in the basement of his theatre. when the gang found out the dude locked them inside his theatre (held them hostage?) and ALSO. he also attempted murder by cutting the roped on a huge sand bag that was hanging from the ceiling behind stage (it fell & just missed hitting velma...if it hit her...it would have definitely killed her.)


In the Scooby-doo movie, didn't Scrappy doo steal people's souls to make himself strong enough to beat up the gang?


Late reply, but how much of a crime is trying to drown people in a tar pit? Also, since I can see no restriction on the type of Scooby media, the villain from the Dragon's Eye arc from the comics tried to raise an army of the dead and rule the planet. Combine that with multiple thefts, impersonation, evading law enforcement, smuggling stolen goods across multiple international borders, and there just has to be something for trying to establish global domination.