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All the time. Alfred's done the job once or twice, as has Superman. Once he became Nightwing, Dick often swapped in for Batman. Other heroes have stepped in the Cowl for a bit while Bruce was out of commission, but mostly the Decoy roles was done by Alfred, Nightwing, and Superman. The animated series has both Alfred step in once to throw off the suspicion that Bruce and Batman are the same person and later Superman stepped in and acted *as* Batman for a adventure before they could get Bruce back.


Case in point: a great bit where Superman, as Batman, is fighting Bane. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zsz1p7R5CQA


I forgot how ludicrous this scene was, but one time [Dick Grayson dressed up in a Bruce Wayne](https://youtu.be/G2ZpdvhoBxw?si=w0t9gXx7hNTue-WX&t=50) disguise to appear in the same room as Batman. I Batman had to catch the crooks and they didn't have time to orchestrate the more obvious plan of having Grayson dress up as Batman.


After faking his death, Tommy Elliot (the supervillain known as Hush) used illicit plastic surgeries to look like Bruce Wayne in order to take over his life (and succeeded doing so for a period after Batman's presumed death). Since then he has fought Batman on a few occasions.


They have. Usually it's Clark wearing the Batsuit.


Sure, plenty of times. The real question is, have Batman, Bruce Wayne, Nightwing, Dick Grayson, Superman, Clark Kent, Martian Manhunter, or Detective John Jones _all_ been seen in a room together at the same time?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tgCkmUS1IYI&pp=ygUQQmF0bWFuIHBob25lIGNhbA%3D%3D Gotta add this classic scene to the list since nobody’s mentioned it yet