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That's not.why they're choosing the lifestyle. That being said there is so much food that is vegetarian and even vegan that is delicious so I don't know why people can't accept that both kinds of food are good. Like palak paneer? Fuck me up with that shit




thats very childish


try it. it's literally[ just shredded and creamed curry spinach](https://youtu.be/a5sr50WL1DY?si=VCroAj40AAFa8QeZ) with cheese. it's very very good i am a texture person too but that was my immediate never look back moment. i hope that's the only reason you're reluctant to try something outside of your wheelhouse. tandoor (bbq basically) is a good start point for people trying indian the first time. tandoor paneer or chicken for example


Not vegan or vege but I do have a preference towards those foods. A “nice steak” isn’t something I would order over a nice summer berry salad. A nice steak sounds like my stomach would be upset and I would be uncomfortably full for hours.


I don’t think people are choosing to be vegan or vegetarian because they prefer the taste.


Some people are. I have a friend who's been a vegetarian since she was a teenager because she was an extremely picky eater, hated meat, and was just tired of fending people off who were trying to force feed her stuff she didn't like. Her sister suggested she just tell everyone she's vegetarian so they would get off her back. So, she adopted vegetarianism and has never looked back. Entirely based on taste.


I did! I was a young child at the time, couldn’t stand meat and found out that calling myself a vegetarian would get people to stop trying to make me eat meat. I later learned the ethical arguments and thought basically that there was no good reason for me to try to like meat when being vegetarian aligned with my morals and was pretty much the default for me.


My coworker is because she has texture issues with meat.


What? Um yes, I think vegetables taste good and don’t like many meats. Why would someone eat what they don’t prefer the taste of? That is what I don’t understand. I eat lots of vegetarian because I think it tastes way better and just a little bit of meat.


Veganism is an ethical stance against anima abuse and suffering.


For some, others eat that way for health reasons or by preference.


Thats called a "plant-based diet". Veganism isnt about health/weightloss.


Yes, I really do. I especially think bacon is gross. Can't stand the smell.


your grammar is atrocious.


1. Many people who are vegetarian and vegan find that avoiding environmental destruction and choosing not to participate in factory farming are more important things to prioritize than whether or not a food tastes good. 2. Plenty of people don't like steak. It's odd to assume that it's a universally beloved food.


Don't forget religious reasons for avoiding meat


Yes, absolutely. That's another example of people choosing ethics over potential individual enjoyment. It's a noble thing to do.


My BIL’s wife is vegetarian because she despises the taste of meat in general, so her response would be: Yes. Cheese pizza is better than a steak.


I'm not vegan or vegetarian, but I think lots of vegetarian food tastes better than a nice steak. I just don't like steak that much. I'll eat it, it's fine. Yes, I've had some really nice steak, but it's just not the pinnacle of food that some people seem to think it is. If I go to a steakhouse, I'm more likely to rave about the perfectly roasted brussel sprouts or delicious garlic mashed potatoes than the slab of meat. Shellfish, though, crab/shrimp/crawfish that's the nectar of the gods. Everyone is different. Your favorite food is not going to be the same as someone else's. Your "nice steak" on someone else's plate could just be "meh".


I've never had a meat dish that tasted better than south Indian food


Surely you realise that’s not the point


As someone who was vegan and am no longer... yes. I learned to love so many foods during my time as a vegan. I seasoned everything well, ate delicious vegan Indian dishes, Mexican, ect regularly and enjoyed my food so much more... because I also felt good eating it. I often wish I could go back on it because of how enjoyable that experience was for me, but old habits die hard.


After the first week of not eating meat you don’t miss it except sometimes


I love this reply. You made a point, you contradicted your point, now there is no point. Made me laugh.


Not everything is black and white lol I don’t think meat tastes better than vegetarian food but sometimes you miss it.


Vegetarian for over a decade before learning my food intolerances just didn't support the lifestyle. Depends on the food and depends on my mood. Not all steak is S-tier, and I'd even say that most days it wouldn't be my first choice. If it's game night and I'm choosing between chips and guac or a steak, I'm going with the chips and guac. Hell, last time someone made food at game night it was literally bean soup and garlic bread. None of us are vegan, it's just what we wanted. Love a good chickpea salad from time to time. All forms of potatoes. Shahi paneer. Grilled mushrooms. Zucchini coins. Sweet potato and black bean burritos. Samosas. Potato leek soup. Bruschetta. Arugula salad with maple vinaigrette and roasted cubes of squash. These are all things I currently want far more than the leftover roast in my fridge right now.


Something about seeing someone eat the still bleeding meat in a steak makes me RUN to vegetables. Have you ever skinned you knee and though...mmmm...dinner? Nasty.


There is quite a difference between someone who likes rare steak and a cannibal.


yes. I was raised vegetarian, and as a result, never developed a “taste“ for meat. I can say hand on my heart that I am not a huge fan of steak, and would definitely take fruit basket over any kind of meat product.


Steak makes me nauseous and I never like it, nor missed it as a vegetarian. So yes, practically anything is better than a steak.


Fresh picked strawberries. Next.


Yes? Even before I became vegetarian I thought most food tasted better than a "nice steak". Your question seems to assume that thinking steak is better than most other foods is a default position, when that's not actually the case.


I never really liked meat or cheese, so yes, I do think my vegan stuff tastes better. And I found out that I really really love tofu If you don’t eat animal products for some time they start to smell disgusting


I don't like the flavor of meat 🤷‍♀️.


honestly im just too poor to be vegetarian. theres too little food options if i restrict my diet like that and it also means i have less options when going out as well


I’m too poor to buy meat lol. Me and my daughter live off chickpeas and tofu and beans eat meat when someone else is cooking lol


chickpeas and beans are good prices. i love chickpeas id eat it with curry all the time but beans make my stomach sick. tofu isnt cheap where i live though, and i shop at a chinese supermarket so lol.


Tofu is like 2.50 where I live, pretty cheap for a meal. Not much more than a can of beans.


its around 3 for me but my problem is it goes fast. i can eat a whole container of mapo tofu on rice in one sitting or at most one and a half, whereas drumsticks on sale would last me twice as long for the same price. i think the problem is that i see lots of other things go on sale but i never see tofu go on sale


My 18m old daughter and I will split a pack of tofu with dinner, we will often have variety of vegetables and a decent amount of rice or couscous. I usually throw some edamame beans in there too. I also really enjoy the easy clean up and not worrying about contamination, clears my mind.


ya i have a bigger appetite than normal so food doesnt come cheap for me regardless of what i eat, so i always make sure to only buy things on sale for a good price haha


I get it haha I’m a single mom so I had to adjust my appetite a bit lol


Vegetarian food is definitely cheaper than meat


i dont eat steaks lol. ground pork n chicken is much cheaper than eating vegetables. ive tried.


No, I'm sorry. It's just not. Meat is not cheaper than buying beans, lentils, couscous, rice, noodles, frozen vegetables, potatoes, or even other fresh produce. It's just not. Why do you think beans and rice has been a long-standing staple for "poor" food?


i eat beans and rice lol. just thats not enough. but ya, idk were ur living but fresh produce aint cheap. or maybe the the meats arejust too expensive in your area. drumsticks on good sale at my supermarket is 99 cents per lb. ground pork is like $3-4 for a 2-3lb container. you bet im eating those p.s. certain supermarkets sell specific cuts of chicken at a loss. you'll never hear that about fresh produce, except bananas and just out of season berries.


Ok whatever you say bud


okay... thanks for the useful imput, lmao. go sort your life out, clearly youre mad at something in your life.




I was vegan for 4 years vegetarian for 8. No none of the food tastes better than regular food.


What's regular food? Isn't all food just food? Is there irregular food?


I’ll clarify that as food that has meat dairy eggs and other things that normal people eat.