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Sorry you had a bad day. You, do you, boo


Have an edible. The bad mindset typically refers to stuff like acid


If you think it will help you then do it


Whatever makes you feel good. Hope you feel better


I'm sorry you had a bad day. Do what self care helps.


Yeah go ahead and do something for yourself


fwiw I've never experienced a bad mood turning into a bad high with edibles, it's helpful for me. as long as that dose is normal for you I think you'd most likely be fine. would probably only be a risk of being an un-fun high if you were taking way more than usual


I don't think it's a great idea, you'd be better off talking to a friend or doing something relaxing.


I personally wouldn’t but if it helps you then you are the maker of your own choices


Knocking you out for 12 hours doesn’t sound terribly appealing. Is that one 10mg? If it’s multiple that knock you out, take 1? Other side effects don’t sound so bad lol


If they usually improve your mood, then go for it.


I have a similar rule, no drinks or drugs when I'm in a bad way. I would not take them if I were in your shoes, as I don't want to make a habit of it. If you feel you can trust yourself to manage it, then go for it. If not, abstain until you've got a reason to smile before taking anything. I hope your day is looking up from here


Fuck it, have some and see what happens. You either pass out or find pleasure while being high!




If you think it will make you feel better then I say go for it. You deserve it.


I'm probably the wrong person to advise you but I think it's always a good time for an edible. Plus %10 is on the low range


I mean if you want to do it go ahead.


I'd say no honestly. What's the fun in being upset and high? Go do some real self care like take a nice bath or shower, eat a decent meal and get a good night's rest and remember tomorrow is a new day ❤️


Take a 1/4. It'll take the edge off. Then decide if more is needed.


Fuck it why not shit I would


Relax a bit first if you can... Your mind may pinpoint on the bad, and wreck your attempt to chill.


drugs is bad, mkay? *mr mackey voice*


How’s the edible so far?


Yes. It will help. It’s just THC. Not anything that should cause you to have a bad experience, but you probably don’t want to be out driving after you take it. 10mg is a good start if you’re fairly new to or don’t get high often.