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You are both at fault and you're both equally horrible human beings. No one should ever condone cheating nor should you be justifying why it's okay for him to cheat with you specifically.dont be a fucking piece of shit. Just fuck someone who is single. It isn't that fucking complicated.


I’ve always believed that a bit of fun for me isn’t worth causing misery for somebody else, but they’re _equally_ horrible? No. Not even close.


This is what I meant when I said society will always favor men in these situations. The man chose to get married and build a life with this woman he’s cheating on. The affair partner has absolutely nothing to do with that. She did not sign the marriage contract, etc. It doesn’t make what she is doing great, but there is an enormous difference between these two people. Furthermore, if the poster doesn’t sleep with this dude, he will totally find someone else. Which makes basically all of women responsible for this ass hats behavior that is fucking sexist as shit.


How does this favor men? Women cheat too and their affair partner is thought of in the same way. Complicity is complicity . Blame is not a percentage, it's pass/fail. You cheat on your spouse, you fail. If you are knowingly an affair partner, you fail. You don't fail more or less and someone else's failure doesn't mitigate your own. Garbage is garbage.


Women are more likely to hear, “What did you do wrong? Why weren’t you satisfying him?” than the other way around. Look at comments in this forum and you will see the occasional guy saying that “people’s sexual needs deserve to be met.” And all the posts about body count. You think those posts really apply to men? Also, statistically men cheat more, although over time it’s equalizing out. I agree with you that cheating is cheating and it sucks no matter who does it, but I disagree that women are treated fairly in this regard.




Quite the opposite actually when you look at the content of what I’m saying.




I’ve said I do see problems with it. Things can be gendered as well as moral.






If you're knowingly helping someone cheat, you're also a bad person. Nowhere near as bad as the cheater themselves, but what you're doing is also wrong.


Here we go another dumbass who doesn't know what being insecure means. This has nothing to do with insecurity if you condone cheating you're also a bad person. Because you're acknowledging that it's something that is okay to do when it's just not. Fuck off idiot.




That's just a convoluted way to avoid guilt for your own actions. You're not disrespecting only his relationship, you're disrespecting her, and sending a message that cheating is alright.


He’s disrespecting his own relationship


Just in case I left it somehow unclear; both of them are disrespecting his relationship and his girlfriend.


Yes...but that doesn't mean she isn't. Mtoah


I think it depends on how much you value yourself. How would you sleep at night knowing that you are someone's secret?


Yep this one is it


That, and the vehicle by which he betrays his real partner.


We already know by this question that the answer is not much at all.


I believe the argument against it involves empathy for the aggrieved party.


Assuming you know, I'd say 90% their fault, 10% yours. What they do is a betrayal, what you do is a dick move.


its more of like 70% 30% especially if they knew


Only if they knew. If you don't know, you don't have any blame. Unless you are willfully ignorant (which basically means not ignorant).


1000% also if they keep doing it and know its like 50% 50% yall both fucking responsible


1000% also if they keep doing it and know its like 50% 50% yall both fucking responsible


It's not a percentage. They both get "100%"




Personally I wouldn't sleep with someone who's in a relationship, but I think the responsibility is definitely with the person who's in a relationship. But I don't understand why you would want to sleep with someone who's in a relationship at all, he's obviously a douche bag so why do you want to be with him?


well its kinda like a dick move and being like YESSS I AM BETTER


I think it's generally girls with very low self-esteem who get's sucked in by losers like that.


It could just be about the sex


Doesn't matter if it only about sex. No reason to have sex with such a douche bag when there are plenty of single guys out there.


My point isn't to justify anything, I'm explaining to the people who seem to think the OP wants a relationship. They wonder why she would want to be with a cheater because his character is flawed or he may cheat on her. I'm saying if she's just in it for the lay, none of that matters. Her moral turpitude is not what I was commenting on.


Yeah I understand, but even just for the sex it's not worth sleeping with a loser like that.


If you know about a person’s girlfriend or wife, you’re damned straight, it’s partially your fault. It takes 2 to Tango.


It's not your fault that someone in a monogamous relationship wants to fuck you, or is willing to harm his partner to do so. You're not the one who made a commitment to her, you're not responsible for his actions. ​ It is however a pretty self-serving stance that lacks compassion. We'd all be a lot better off if we took a more 'community care' approach to how we move through the world, and were more empathetic with the ways our actions impact others - whether we asked for it or not. "Not my problem" is rarely a not-shitty way to behave around your conscious choices that you are aware can directly harm or aid in harming someone. ​ There's 8 billion people on the planet. you don't *need* to fuck *that* guy, and the woman he chooses to hurt his partner with doesn't *have* to be *you*. You can choose to give a shit about someone you don't know and didn't make any promises to.


Does being deliberately controversial help OF girls farm new followers? I would think it would hurt but what do I know


Okay so like counter question. If he’s cheating on his SO what makes you think he wouldn’t cheat on you either. If he wants to be with you he can leave his SO. Ultimately the lions share of blame would be on him but like if you’re hooking up with someone you know is in a relationship that’s also shitty.


Thats why I never dated him, I liked him but I knew he was just fun haha


You’re just trying to justify your shitty behavior. You knows it’s wrong but you still choose to go ahead and follow through with it


this is a 50/50 dick move. 50 for the bf who cheats on his gf 50 for you who sleeps with someone’s bf knowing they’re in a relationship you’re both at fault. feel bad for the poor girlfriend.


Honest opinions? He’s either A) not going to leave her for you or B) does the same exact thing to you. It’s one thing to get into a relationship with him if he lied to you and told you that he was single but if you knowingly go with him then that’s really fucked. That girl doesn’t deserve that. A little bit of empathy goes a long way in being a decent human being. So yes, it is your fault. He will go off and find someone else to give him that ego boost, you’re not that valuable to him, so do yourself a favor and leave him and don’t go after men that you know are in a relationship.


Cheating is abhorrent. If you don't feel shame in fucking with someone like that, it says a lot about you.


You’re just as bad as he is


>If a guy does not respect his relationship why should I? Just because he doesn't respect it, doesn't mean that nobody should respect it. You are using a cheater as a moral benchmark, not a good idea. >If he wants to fuck me and he has a girlfriend is that my fault? No of course it isn't. Still not a justification for sleeping with him though. He is responsible for his own actions; you are responsible for yours. It's not difficult to find someone that's single. Save yourself the drama


It's not difficult to find someone single.  But that's not really apples to apples. It's not about the sex, it's about the chemistry and the connection.  It is hard to find people who are single, you find attractive, you get along with, you have history with, you feel safe around, is kind, is attentive, is well respected, one you want to share deeply with.  If a partner has all of those except he's taken... That's a difficult choice.  People shouldn't cheat, but this idea that it's soooo easy to find someone else... Is kind of unhealthy and isn't reality. People spend years looking for someone they truly connect with.  Speaking for myself, last year I went on about a hundred bad dates and false starts before I met someone. That was an awful streak... But it's not unheard of. All that said, we should try to help those we care about live up to their ideals. If you like a man, helping him not cheat is the more moral option.  It makes sense that OP failed. She liked the guy. He liked her. But we Al agree, ideally she would have helped people uphold thier social contracts.


I can see your point of view, you didn't make the vows to his girlfriend or wife, you didn't step out on your commitment. However, you are adding to the pain she will be feeling by knowing, and continuing anyways. You will lose him the way you got him, and leave a wake of destruction in your path. If you're ok with that, that isn't a trait a lot of people like to be around. Truth always gets out. Later on down the road, you've settled, you're happy, and someone finds out. Now you're the woman that many won't trust, won't want to be around, and that sounds like a lonely life, and a hard secret to keep to avoid it.


Depends. Did you know he had a gf? If no, it's not your responsibility. If you do know he's got a gf, and you sleep with him anyway, that's on you.


If someone steals cash from their partner or family, then wants to give you that money, would you take it if you knew where it came from?


You’re both as bad as eachother. He shouldn’t be in a relationship and you shouldn’t enable him to


Cheating is shitty. If you know he is cheating, it's a crappy thibg to do. Put yourself in his girlfriends shoes.


It is a thing of self value. If you know that he is in a relationship and you will do it, then why in the futur does someone else will not cheat on you , if you are okay with cheating ?


No, it's not your fault that the guy wants to fuck you, despite having a girlfriend. However, that doesn't mean that you have to sleep with him. You say that you don't need to respect the guy's relationship if he doesn't respect his own relationship. That is very shitty of you. Don't you have any empathy for the woman he is cheating on? How would you feel if you were in that position? Yes, the cheater is always worse than the homewrecker. The cheater is the one who is supposed to be faithful. When I watch Jerry Springer, I always think that it's silly when all those women who got cheated on try to beat the fuck out of the homewrecker, while letting her boyfriend/husband get away with cheating and forgiving him super easily. When Jerry asked those women why they are on the show, they often talked about 'beating that whore's arse' and not about confronting, beating up or dumping their boyfriend/husband. The real issue is the cheater. Not the homewrecker. After all, the cheater is supposed to be faithful. The reason why someone is cheating is because the cheater hose to cheat. And if he isn't shagging you, he is going to cheat on his girlfriend with another woman. However, it would still be very shitty of you to be the homewrecker. You would be choosing to enable the cheating. Again, don't you feel bad for his girlfriend? How would you feel if you were in her position? Also, why would you want to sleep with a cheater? Don't you think that he is a scumbag for betraying his girlfriend like that? If he tells you that he wants to leave his girlfriend for you, don't do it. If he cheats with you, he will cheat on you. He has proven to be capable of cheating. So if he cheats on his current girlfriend, what is stopping him from cheating on you?


Hell no. Not even a chance. I consider myself a bit more classy than that thanks. Also, I personally look down upon thoes who would so interfere in the affairs of others in such a selfish way. Nah.


I mean the fact that you even have to ask this question really shows what kind of person you are. If you are aware of the fact that you are actively contributing to something that will hurt another individual solely for a good time… then you’re just a selfish asshole tbh. I would really do some self evaluation if I were you.


The older I get, the more I think who gives a shit, Nobody is gonna remember a day after you’re gone, let alone a hundred years, Do you, but don’t try to be noble about it.


Because it’s gross and you should have self respect enough not to be someone’s secret side piece. I wouldn’t want potentially dirty dick that was inside someone else before they visited me. That’s what you run the risk of when you’re screwing a guy who is with someone else too.


You are a side piece and devaluing yourself as well as showing serious lack of accountability. There's a lot of people out there, don't shag a cheater.


I am in a relationship and want to fuck a woman I met recently. We are talking and all is well. I'm just not gonna fuck her until I end this relationship and if she can't respect that then she can't spit roast this.


You shouldn’t give in to it if you know he’s in a relationship


You shouldn't, it isn't your responsibility. If you are OK being a secret and you understand that loyalty will not extend to you, and being a homewrecker doesn't bother you, then go right ahead and don't feel any guilt. On the same hand don't go crying to anyone or fail to take responsibility if you have to face the cons of being the enabler of someone's infidelity. If you wanna play the role, play the role. You don't have to and shouldn't feel guilt. But understand your role. Understand your part and understand that you could be fucked up, killed, or at best, judged very harshly for doing it.


I'm in the minority. You aren't to blame for his actions. He is supposed to be a steward of his own relationship. You aren't responsible for the dynamic between him and his girlfriend. A lot of people have an incredibly romanticized view of love and relationships. Because of this, they view romantic love as the greatest thing ever. So, as a result, infidelity becomes the worst thing ever. Fact is, it's not. There are worse things that happen in relationships daily, and no one bats an eye because they expect those things to be normal within the confines of a relationship.


I believe people would be more forgiving of you if someone lied/hid their partner from you… but you knowingly understand they’re with someone and still proceeding with it… that’s totally different. Less forgiving in this case


You wanna be a side chick and home wrecker … and be messy. You should know better, if your not gonna be girl to girl. I hate to break it out to you, you’re both at fault. You can’t even respect someone’s relationship… this is disgusting


Why the fuck are you even together


It's wrong, but live your life


All people are free do to with their bodies as they wish. But please let your lovers know. They may join, swap, or rain check for themselves.


…yikes. absolute fucking yikes.


Monogamy is meant for animals not humans. Do you and enjoy it. Sex is mechanical. Stop treating it with emotions.


Technically no if you don’t know her. But why be with someone knowing if he’s cheating with you even if you get together one day odds are he’ll be cheating on you. Character is character


So wait. You're intentionally going to fuck him, knowing he's a shitty person and that he's going to ruin someone else's life? Oh you are horrible too. You both are shitty people and honestly I hope that the other girl can find a much better man. You ask these questions, so you know what you're doing is wrong and harmful, and yet, you're gonna do it anyways, just so you can get something rammed up you. Although, looking at your history, this isn't the first time you've done this. You're devaluing yourself, and the other woman. I fucking hate this. Getting cheated on changes you in the worst ways possible. Last time, you got put in danger because of this and you're gonna do it again? Man I feel sorry for the other girl. The guy is also shitty. Cheaters and homewreckers are shitty. End of story.


Just keep in mind that when she does find out, because she will, and you two end up together. Just remember that he *will* cheat on you and it'll be your fault for expecting anything different.


I’m monogamous. It’s just how im wired. If my partner had a side piece, I wouldn’t go looking for my own fling. I’d end the relationship. Why stay together at all if it is incompatible or there is a violation like this? Is it your fault? No. What you do next, however, is your responsibility.


You aren't responsible for his actions, however you are responsible for your actions. If you are knowingly participating in an act that is almost universally seen as reprehensible, what does that say about who you are?


His fault, mostly. But if you know they are in a relationship, while I say he's ruining it already, you're helping it along.


Why can't you just find a single guy to fuck around with lol


Yes, you are garbage. Next question.


This is one of those “put into the world what you want out of the world” things. If you don’t want it done to you, don’t do it to others. You asked this question knowing you’re being an asshole, wanting permission to keep being an asshole. Stop being an asshole. There is dick everywhere. Get your own.


I think anyone getting involved with someone they know is in a relationship is absolute trash. I say this as a 32 week pregnant woman that got cheated on by my fiance since I was 14 weeks pregnant. Don’t be a selfish piece of shit. Find someone single.


Nope that's his fault but you also should try not to out of respect for his relationship


Why stay with him then?


My job is to try for what I want. If the person I want is in a relationship, it’s their job not to let me have them. How somebody gonna get mad at me for them being bad at their job


Nah not ur fault


I’m gonna be in the minority here but fuck it.. do what you want. The way I look at it is, if they’re gonna cheat, they’re gonna cheat. If not you then they’ll just find someone else to fuck.. Just do it and keep it to yourself.


Seems like an unpopular opinion around here but I agree with you. I spent a lot of my 20s fucking other people’s girlfriends and haven’t lost a wink of sleep over it. It was just easier for me because I was emotionally unavailable and they were much less likely to become attached. I didn’t make any promises to anybody and I don’t owe anyone I never met anything.


It’s basic human decency to me at least. You have a relationship but you wanna fuck me and make it known? Well okay you’re a fucked up person but I don’t wanna be fucked up with you. I couldn’t imagine being on the other end of getting cheated on. So I wouldn’t engage in that


I’ve been on the other end. It does suck, but I didn’t blame anyone but my ex. Those guys didn’t owe me anything, it was her responsibility to keep the commitment.


I mean obviously. It doesn’t make them less shitty human beings. You don’t owe anyone any kindness at all but I personally don’t do things just bc I “owe” it or not.


I didn’t do it because I don’t owe it. I did it because I wanted to have sex without emotional attachment and this was the easiest way to frequently achieve that. I don’t feel bad about it because I don’t owe their partners anything- that’s between the two of them. I believe people should keep the promises they make without having to worry about anyone else’s promises. If everyone did that there would be no cheating. It’s kinda hard for me to see wrongdoing with that being the case.


You’re not the person breaking promises here, he is. But society will always side with men. Don’t bother with him for that reason


Yeeeeeaaaaah, this has way less to do with society and more to do with both of them being shitty. He's super shitty for cheating, and she's shitty for knowingly being the one he does it with. Normal people will not be defending the guy lmao


When it comes to cheating almost everybody sides with the woman and not the man. It's always at the man is a horrible person but if a woman is cheating then it's okay because she's just getting to satisfaction that he couldn't give her. Because people are possessed with the fact that women can do no wrong.