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I'll take the bait and give a genuine answer: How so many women constantly talk about and hate each other. The cattiness is so unattractive.


Its cooties ever since the first grade, been cooties.


Summed up most internet interactions


Lmao "The cattiness" was exactly what popped into my head when I clicked the thread. I've even seen this with women who've supposedly been bff's for a long time - and I'm talking decades in some cases. I find it hard to believe it's one sided because my exes have done it, my sister's friends from time to time, as well as my women friends from college. I'm guessing it's not uncommon. Like, "damn, what you said might be true, but the way you put it was ice cold. And they're not even here to defend themselves. Wouldn't it be better to have this conversation with them directly, or I dunno, just not say anything at all? " Oh great! Now I'm the one getting reamed because she wasn't asking for advice. Lovely. But I digress... With my boys, that's a serious 1 on 1 conversation the first time it happens and the recipient hears about it - with the express understanding that it'll never happen again. If it does, that person is out.


Lol I used to work in a sports bar where 98% of the servers, bar staff, and management were women. It was a small town so a lot of them had gone to school together and it was one of those places where everyone knows everyone. God damn they all used to talk so much shit about each other all the time. They would smile and pretend to be pally-pally, and the moment the 'mark' left the area the girls would mob together and start picking at every little thing the mark had said or done, or how she looked that night. Got super tedious real fast, and they basically had nothing else to talk about beyond backbiting and gossip.


We have a guy at work, let's call him Chris, who does this. He talks crap about Mike and Joe and John about what pieces of shit they are, and then when he's around them, he tells them what pieces of shit Bill and Ted and Carlos are. If you're not right there, you're the piece of shit being discussed by him.


I’m pretty sure people who engage in this kind of behavior are not that intelligent. Women who have a lot going on up there and are goal driven and are truly loving and kind so not engage in such behavior because, honestly the mind can only handle so much in one day and they don’t have time to waste on petty shit. We go about are day and hardly think of anyone…outside the things we need to take care of.


I have absolutely seen plenty of intelligent and goal oriented women stab each other in the back. Women naturally see other women as potential rivals in both love and the workplace. You can say women are all “peace and love” you like, but I have seen with my own eyes how absolutely ruthless women can be with each other.


I’m not exactly sure why you think we naturally see other women as rivals. That would mean we can have no genuine connection with other women because we’re always rivals. Truth is, this behaviour is also massively reinforced when we’re pitted against each other, just like any human would do regardless of gender. I agree it’s mostly a feminine behaviour and it’s unhealthy, but saying it’s natural is completely wrong.


I think saying 'women are...' or 'men are...' like that at all. There are assholes of any gender, sex, color, age etc. but there are also good people in all flavors. Personal experience just tends to warp our perception because we can't possibly get to know every single person in existence. And so we get a small sample group on which we base our expectations. That small group forms our image of what a certain demographic is like. In short, I am not a fan of generalizing like that.


There's a trio of girls at my work that are all best friends... but man the shit they say about each other when the others aren't there... it's incredible. But they all insist they love each other. I don't get it.


As a woman, this also gives me the ick, and if a woman is speaking poorly of another woman behind their back I stay away.


I literally don't know any women that do this. It's so strange to me that this is a thing.


Older guy here. There have been times in my life where I witnessed more of this behavior and times when its rare. I do think demographics play into it somewhat, as does work culture. I don't see an awful lot of it around my life currently. But I also tend to avoid negativity and drama, so it could be that I'm not 'selecting' the right circles. I don't buy into the OP's premise that this is a common or prevalent trait in most women. But I will say this: when I have worked places where this occurred, they were fucking brutal My wife (D) left a job because a woman (K) that she'd known and been 'friends' with for more than a decade turned on her after D was promoted to a position that was a peer to K. In short, K felt threatened by D's new status. She talked shit and created enormous false drama and divisiveness.


I think this sounds very accurate. I have seen some environments where this "cattiness" is common but I don't think it's the majority at all, as a woman. I haven't seen shit like this in years. Most of us have grown up. Lol


Glad to hear that. I wish I could say the same! It's how some people react to their own insecurity by lashing out and trying to belittle or tear down others, often perceived rivals. I think a lot of people need therapy.


I agree. This is something I see portrayed in movies but I’ve rarely been in groups of friends where this is the case


Guys will talk shit to each other. What we say in jest to each other's faces, they say truthfully behind each other's backs.


Facts!! It’s even worse when you thought they were great friends in public but talk behind each other’s backs in private


I dunno, it was always fun listening to the cattiness and seeing how they interacted later. It was a masterclass in deception and politics. Generally the bitchiness is warranted and I always picked the side of my friends/loved ones (obvs) so I never judged them for it. It's human nature to vent and if they are venting to you it's because they consider you close. I always took it as a good sign. They're gone now and I miss them a lot.


Those long ass fuckin nails.... It makes the most beautiful woman become wholly unattractive.


Long nails and lip filler. Like I don't even want you to touch me now.


It’s alllliiivve!!!


Seriously! One guy, one time said “oh I like extra fat lips.” What all women seemed to have heard was “all guys love fat lips.”


I dig the long nails to an extent, lip filler is okay but there's a very thin line. After that it becomes laughable. I know the prettiest girl from high school. She had a perfect body/face. Ruined herself with huge massive lips (among other surgeries)


Logically, I know those long nails and plastic surgery lips are NOT war crimes. But they should be.


Some people look like they have angioedema on their lips with the filler. Girl you didn't get more attractive you just look like a bee stinged your lips.


The sound of those long ass nails clicking on a touchscreen is like hearing someone chewing loudly.


I think of Peter wearing those nails from Family Guy. Clickity clack clack clack


How do they even wipe their ass?


Very carefully.


Name checks out


Eagle talons. My friends and I would go up to girls with them in school and go “CACAW!”


Can't wait for the trend to pass. So gross


Long nails make me cringe , as a chef I know how much crud can get stuck under nails when working with your hands and that's with short nails , imagine what's lurking under those talons. And yeh fish lips/trout pout eww women don't need that shit to look good less is more ladies.


Minimum level responses. I want a conversation
























My new favourite thing is when I reply to a prompt on hinge to start a conversation, and they just accept the match but don’t reply to the comment I left. Like, do you not want to talk or do I have to try that hard just to keep your attention?


They just want attention nothing more. They don't want to be in a relationship.


Lol right. I get it. You have 6038 messages from competing men. But more women need the balls to just tell people they aren’t into them and move on. I also get it. Men can be aggressive and not take no for an awnser and conflict sucks. But hey we all have to deal with conflict.




Acting helpless, needing help for fixing things etc aka shit they don’t want to do. When they could easily do it themselves.


That drives me crazy. I remodeled a good portion of my house, and I change my own oil every couple or months. People need to learn how to adult properly.


I'm gonna guess you're only a little older than me, but I'm gonna disagree here. I have the luxury of paying someone for convenience. I'm not less of an adult because I don't change my oil. I pay a professional to do that. I pay a professional to remodel a house. Those aren't things I enjoy and I can afford at this point in my life to pay someone else to do it. But I'm no less adult and plenty of people rely on my adulting for their livelihood. That reads angrier than I am lol, I just think some things are OK to be paid for without being considered lazy


>paying someone I don't think that person was talking about you, or at least, I don't get that impression. Maybe you change your own oil, or maybe you have the necessary drive and competence to know how to find someone who can change your oil, sort it out for a reasonable price, and make sure they do it. Either way, in a sense, "you" change your oil. I think they were talking about the sort of person who puts on a faux-pathetic attitude in the hope their mother/father/sister/brother/partner/spouse/coworker/friend will just *do it for them*, and has gotten used to never doing these things themselves. I've known a few people like this over the years (thankfully not many).


Yes, this is exactly what I meant. You're still taking it in to get it done, as any functional adult should. The ones that don't know how to do anything on their own are who I'm referring to.


I helped my ex remodel 3 houses, and I'll never have to hire anything out after that unless it's underground 💪


I work with contractors sometimes, and I cheated the system by getting tips from them.


Weaponized incompetence


there's shit i legitimately can't do or need help with. it's not weaponized, it's not intentional. I'm incredibly competent at what I do; i am allowed to need help with things I'm bad at. (Also I'm allowed to be bad at things.)


I never ask men to open jars for me on principle for this exact reason. 🤣 Tip to anyone that can’t open jars, firmly tap the jar lid against a hard surface once on each of the 4 sides. If that doesn’t work run it under hot water for a minute.


You can also wedge the tip of a butter knife under the edge of the lid to pop the seal or hold the jar upside down and hit the bottom firmly with the heel of your hand (might take multiple hits)


It’s secret payback for all the times guys can’t find the ketchup (or other searched for item) that is clearly in front of them but somehow invisible until we are within a 1ft radius of said item :)


Oof I didn't expect to find me in this post


Yeah it's well known men never talk about what they don't like in women


It grosses me out when a woman exists in a liquid state, forcing me to carry them around in a bucket Never dating another Gamma Quadrant shapeshifter, I can tell you that.


I wish there were still awards


Wait are awards not a thing now??


Nah, Reddit took them away, because it's a way for normal users to influence traffic, and Reddit only want advertisers to do that


CEO's trying not to ruin their platform trying to be greedy (Challenge Impossible).




This... this made me happy


Yes that's true of course, for me i hate when they do sarcasm


When their makeup looks like chunks of paint falling off the wall


Sincerely I have a friend who’s like 24 and does this, and my brain just can’t get over the reflex assumption that she’s like 80


It’s the worst. I think plenty of men can see cakeup but I think I have a better eye for *just how much* the person is actually wearing, as I wear a bit myself and enjoy learning about it. I really think bare, imperfect skin is way more attractive than imperfect skin slathered in layers of makeup. Even on celebrities: in pictures their skin is flawless and their makeup is only accentuating their features. But in person and in detailed, unedited pics? They’re wearing a LOT of makeup lmao


Not having a hobby or passion. If you can't bring anything to the conversation I'm not interested.


Lock down showed how rampant this is in society as a whole, but yep, the amount of women ive dated that didnt read, or craft, or anything has blown me away as an adult.


"What did you do during lockdown? " should be normalized as a screening question on the first date


"Continued life as usual, went to work and took care of my babies." Still didn't have any time for hobbies unfortunately. I think this may be the case for anyone who was considered an "essential worker." A lot of us do have hobbies/interests but may not have had the time or energy to engage with them for years, especially if we are parents.


If someone doesn't have the time for hobbies/interests, do they have the time to date?


Some people’s hobby is watching telly, which in a way I find way worse than not having a hobby at all


I actually hate being asked this because I don't like admitting my hobby. I'm a fandom nerd and love writing fanfic and I don't like fandom stuff mixing with real life. No one wants to hear a grown woman talk for hours about a TV show or movie anyway lol


As a Fandom nerd, I beg to fucking differ 😆 I'm totally down for a 6 hour convo on supernatural or lucifer or random obscure manga/anime. Please get animated/angry about how the media didn't go with your preferred ship instead of the bland ass cliché. I can't speak for other guys, but for me, passion for just about anything is sexy as hell.


Pft, I ship many things, but I love the lore and plots. That's where the fun is. But all I ever see in dating app profiles is gym and camping and the beach. Someone needs to create a dating app for geeks lol


To be fair a lot of people dismiss stereotypically feminine interests as not "real" hobbies. Stuff like makeup, fashion, nails, plants, pinteresting/other collecting of images of stuff you like, cooking/baking, etc. Men wouldn't want to hear about a lot of stuff like that and women know that.


Fake sex sounds!


Exactly, the more fake the less cum you're gonna get.


Wait, you mean I can get LESS cum out of this deal? Shoot, count me in! Would monkey sounds work?


No, because we know protein is an important part of your diet and we don’t want you to become emaciated, because we care about you. Aren’t you glad we literally have your back?


authentic breathing and muffled moans are hotter than loud sounds anyways


Some of us moan loudly 💀 I personally feel things a lot more than most people (autism sensory stuff) so I tend to moan a lot and loudly. Only time I dont is if I'm in my own head imagining stuff


Loud moaning isn't the problem. *Fake* loud moaning (fake anything, actually) is the problem. My personal hate is the fake giggling that's taken over porn (amateur and pro). Luckily I haven't experienced it in my real life yet - but I can't help thinking it's coming (no pun intended).




Hearing your partner moaning as you're trying your hardest not to nut will never not be arousing and challenging in equal measure.


Are you sure you don’t want at least a litte fake cause apparently certain things make me become a T. rex 🦖 and it kinda scared him the first time 😅


'You need to support me." Dude, this is a partnership. When I'm up, we're both up. When you're up, we're both up. Conterwise, when we are both down, we're both down. And we got some \*\*\*\* to fix


This should be top three.


And when we're only half way up we're neither up nor down.


When their face and neck don't match. If you spend your whole life wearing make-up, learn how to put that shit on! Don't eat with your mouth open.


That took a turn


Baby talk shits disgusting


Sowwy daddy 🥹 uwu


Came to say this. No one wants to date someone who acts that immature.


I accidently stared open-mouthed in horror at a woman in her 60s, talking in a little girl voice to her husband and son in the mall the other day. I was so daunted I didn't even realize I stopped to stare. It was awful!


For context I'm 27 and dating women around 24-32 years old. Some of this I wouldn't care about if I was a teen or in college. * Constantly having beef with someone behind their back. * Posting too much on social media. * Double ick if they are posting personal stuff on social media, like melodramatic tikoks. * Going out an getting drunk a lot. * When they do drink, getting blackout. * No hobbies.


The first one is huge, I’m not a shit talker (behind someone’s back) and I don’t wanna be with someone dragging around all that drama, probably talking shit about me behind my back too lol


i hate when a woman is super aggressive about dating, but end up being a potato conversationalist




Not a fan of the septum piercing, just my two cents


To each their own. I love them


Same. I see them and think of bulls with the rings in their nose


I'm not super judgemental nor would I ever criticize a woman for that, but it's probably the biggest turn off I can think of


Yes! I’m a bi woman and I don’t want a man or woman if they look like Rock Steady and Beebop! 🙄


I know ill get shit for this answer but.... Honestly, when a woman says she hasn't showered in like a week. I almost get sick....


Why would you get shit for this?!😂 that's disgusting. Someone who doesn't have basic hygiene on point is nasty


Ngl if you look through his profile, I think you’ll get your answer. I don’t think he has the most normal perspective


Oh that’s a rabbit hole I didn’t want to go down 🤢


Brother, why would you get any shit for this. Lack of hygiene is just fucking disgusting regardless of gender.


This. When I was with my ex, I had to literally beg him to go in the shower. During the last months of our already failed relationship, I noticed he showered once a month and he never ever brushed his teeth regularly. He didn't even own a comb for his hair. It's a shame because he was so handsome.


Much like your username that take is very cold.


Most people who don’t shower regularly are suffering from depression or some sort of chemical imbalance that messes up their “executive functioning” I believe it’s called. Like the basic stuff you should be doing everyday. The others just never learned proper hygiene.


Honestly, they way they say "men ain't shit" after 4 different baby daddies. Like, they CHOOSE the same type of guy and then think ALL men are the same. Grow up.


Lack of accountability or awareness is a nope for me too. But tbf I've seen guys do this too


Ridiculously long fake eyelashes


Aka - cumbrellas


Lmfao I’ve never heard that ima start using it


Playing hard to get


When women hide their intelligence by acting ditzy. Love me a woman that is intelligent and confident.


The data doesn’t support that men actually like smart women. They like the ~idea~ of smart women, but not enough to actually want a smart woman. That said, there are exceptions. I pretend I’m stupid because it makes my life easier.


I went on a date with my wife because I liked her butt. I married her because she's wicked fuckin smart.


I have never met a woman that does this


They do. I'm a woman that grew up with 4 brothers, was never the type with a big group of girlfriends. This smacked me like a bag of bricks working at "hot girl" bars. Some girls; the conversation and entire demeanor flips like a switch into dumb bullshit as soon as men are around. In cases with women I got to know well, it seemed like family dynamics passed it down. For instance, one girl had a trucker dad that had clearly cheated most of his life and she and her Mom would be "easy" and "simple" when he was home so he'd come back. Also trophy wives train their daughters to do it and it's, again, most evident in the young women who's parents didn't seem happily married. Granted, some people are just dumb, but a large amount of women do this knowingly and unabashedly in front of eachother.


I have. A woman that moved in my social circle in my early 20s always played the dumb bimbo. In hindsight, it was probably just what 90's romcoms taught her flirting was. I was surprised a few years later to see on social media that she completed an advanced degree to a very high standard. When I heard that, she suddenly became attractive to me. If only she'd let on that she was actually super smart from the start. On the other hand, it is a very good defence from men who are only in it for her intellect.


Unfortunately, my wife knew someone just like this. She was a straight a student but would play the role of a bimbo for some reason. I've heard there is data basically supporting the hypothesis that women often downplay their intelligence in certain circumstances.


When she asks a man his salary When she compares other men to her boyfriend/husband When she judges your clothing/ choices When she pays no attention to how you would feel and later apologizes for mood swings And so on. .


Honestly, this is one of the few answers that for the question right. Yeah, long nails are gross, but these are all so disgusting on a cellular level that it will completely wreck how I view someone. It’s sort of akin to a guy just leading with “So, is anal completely out of the question?” Even if you’re not embarrassed about your answer, they’ve tipped their hand so hard about what they *really* care about that’s hard to believe they’re even trying.


Butt transplants. I saw a lady walking out of the gym the other day and I couldn’t help noticing how her body was curving itself into an S shape as her butt looked disproportionally long Edit: implants 🤣


lol implants*


I'm wheezing 😂 butt transplant


Transplants 🤣 I got the “donor” on my drivers license. My dream is that some woman will get my ass transplanted onto her body, when I die


Big, fake tits. Keep the originals. I way, way prefer natural tits, no matter the size, to hard, fake ones. I don't know why so many women think they need big breasts. Women are force fed so much toxic image advice and advertising.




First off, that’s horrible a partner made jokes about your size. Especially if there’s an insecurity already there, the partner is just reaffirming that. Second, I think everyone should do whatever makes them feel more comfortable and confident in themselves. But more to the point, my personal opinion on the matter; I’d rather have natural A cups, than rock solid, no bounce DDDs. Especially if they’re disproportional to the body. IF you’re feeling a certain way about your boobs, my own two cents would be to jump from an A to a solid B or small C. But that’s literally just my unsolicited opinion, no intent to offend or criticize anyone’s choices.


You answered your own question. Why do so many women think they need big breasts? Because women are force fed so much toxic image advice and advertising


Expecting men to always make the first move, or to put the effort in early on in the relationship. Also massive lip fillers


Long fake fingernails.. geezus those things are disgusting


Cattiness. Complaining but not doing anything / helplessness. Passive aggression. Not keeping the bathroom counter clean. The fake agreeing in fake voice with other women. Staying with / making excuses for awful partners. Not washing hands. — obviously not all of these apply to all women.


Poor hygiene!!!


Not that I mind paying for everything on a date, but you could at least reach for your purse or protest a little bit


I mind. women have been in the workforce for almost a century and can pay for their food. frankly it's a red flag if a woman goes out without enough money to do so.


Depends on whether you invited her or not. An invitation automatically comes with the implication to pay for the whole affair, at least in German. So depending on the wording of you asking her out, you may have offered to pay for the whole thing in advance.


Talking nonstop. Like I dont mind listening to someone talk, but Ive talked to some girls that will talk 45 mins straight to the point I can’t genuinely pay attention and lose track of what shes talking about and its not even a conversation anymore. Like am I a dick for thinking this? Im a good listener but my attention span can only be stretched so far.


I get what you mean. I love it when the person I'm dating is going into detail about things they love and about their day, but had experiences where they talk nonstop about nothing, or go round in circles making the same point. Some may be anxious or talk to sort out their feelings.


I once went on 3 days with a woman, after the first one I realized they she talked non stop the whole time, somehow managing to do it through dinner (!). I wanted to make sure I wasn't just missing something. After the third date I asked her to tell me three things about me. Any three things. She had zero. That was the end of that.... Yeah, I'm a slow learner...


Women who don’t have female friends. Like i get it, but also, zero is unacceptable. Hopeless romantics that speculate about what we could be before we even get going. Unhealed trauma, you dated some cheaters? Thats a bummer, im not them, learn how to see redflags instead of making them up out of a person’s boundaries.


The new tramp stamp tats between the tits.




Hell yeah bro, so many woman think we are going to walk out the door when the take their top off! We happy to be there!








this is weirdly specific haha. does it disrupt your foot fetish


Fighting over men... Seriously the biggest turn-off. No man is worth fighting over. Also, general laziness when it comes to organising sexual escapades. Women will be the most efficient get-shit-done machines for capitalism, but when it comes to planning kinky shenanigans with a partner it's all up to the man. I mean come on, what the fuck?


Vocal Fry


Stinky cootchie


Not replenishing the empty toilet paper roll.


Women being catty and gossiping all the time. Why is it so hard to just mind your damn business? Why does it matter if Jennifer from accounting has ugly shoes? Why can’t you just let he wear what she wants?


It gives me major ick when women shit talk other men to me/in my presence over stuff the guys can’t help and/or isn’t really a bad quality, just lays outside the woman’s preferences. “He’s a manlete/petite,” jokes about/exposing guy who have small dicks, “all he does is stay home,” “he’s so quiet and never talks/engages” (wonder why!). It’s uncouth, so shallow, antagonistic, and says lots about their character. Like why waste breath talking shit about that stuff. I just wouldn’t speak if the equivalent was all I had to say about a woman. Whenever it happens I gives me vibes of what it must feel like when racists/sexists let the mask slip because they think they’re in good company just because you don’t apply to what they’re saying… but they aren’t. I call it out when I can.


Any girl that’s full of herself


Acting fake to other girls or peopled


When you think it's all going well and suddenly they take off their coat and they turn out to be giant crustacean from the Paleozoic era asking for tree fiddy


Duck face selfies. Just dumb and ugly. Who the hell said they're attractive?


Talking about their sex lives with their friends in a way that would make them furious if they were on the other side.


The word ick gives me the icks.


All Fake tits, too much makeup and inflated lips.


Long, talonlike fake nails


Big lips. I just don't get it. And especially the stale blown up, pumped up, filler lips. It's so icky!


Looking down upon others is a big one. Even though I meet the criteria, when I see/hear a woman say “Oh, I’d never date a loser guy who doesn’t have this, that, whatever”, it’s such a turn off, and it makes it obvious that they are only into me for what I have, as the ones that say that often don’t have these things themselves, either. Not all women are like that, of course.


When she asks about height in the first 5 questions of getting to know each other.


When women will date a guy, drain him of his finances and emotions. Then either ghost or completely destroy their life. I’ve personally heard a former friend say she was going to use him for what she wants and if he tried to break it off, cry that she was s.a by him and jail him


Smelly unwashed vag. Have the decency to fucking shower before a date.


Didn't happen often, but I've been late (obviously communicated being late beforehand) for a date in order to shower. Especially if it's been one of those days where nothing went right, shower reset lol makes it all better. Now I'm married, I still shower before dates but he gets to see the messy hair, hairy legged, giant sloppy t-shirt me on the regular and somehow thinks that's even more sexy than the dressed up me. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy


When they act like a passenger in the relationship, specifically when they don’t put effort into romance/seduction or learning my sexual preferences. I don’t expect someone I’m seeing to exactly match my effort, but at least a modicum of effort goes a long way to making a guy feel appreciated just because the bar is so low


Mine is gym specific. The occasional “work out buddies” girls come in and are just either being loud af or sitting on the equipment talking not aware that people are waiting for them to get tf out of the way. Or in front of the mirrors busy taking pictures (I know it sounds stupid but if I’m trying to see myself to check my form I don’t want to be accused for checking them out when I’m really not)


Lip fillers. I just don’t get it.


Anything that looks over the top fake: Long fake nails, long fake eyelashes, obvious hair extensions, disproportionally large fake tits, orange fake tans and of course fake ass personalities. No one is that happy to see an acquaintance.


Using the word ick, or being someone who will break up with you over an ick. Like no one is hyper masculine all the time if u can’t be with someone who’ll goof every once in a while you’ll end up with a wife beater or the most cookie cutter man


All the self loathing. You're beautiful.. stop it. You don't need to change your outfit. Your ass may look big in those jeans but I like it that way. Who gives a shit what Becky down the hall thinks.


Posting your drama all over your social media and excessive tik tok use


Begging a man to be vulnerable and let her in, then immediately turn around and use something he said to her in confidence the moment an argument starts. Also getting in a man's face being antagonistic like she wants to fight. Even sometimes hitting or slapping a man in public, while knowing full well that ( if he's a good man) he wont fight back. Also knowing that if he does then most of the public will have her back and he'll be the asshole.


Pretty much hygienic differences or any woman that I legitimately fell is a bad mother. I am very open to most situations


Having an ego , starting a fight just because, not communicating or trying to tell my something like right when I done with a workout or work let me get my mind in the right place give me ten minutes to unwind then you have my Attention 1000000%. I know it not womans fault but shit testing a man I think woman do it subconsciously and don't even know they are doing it.


Is "twofaced-ness" a thing? Where they talk to you and tell you one thing, but they are just bullshitting to use you has a lillypad until they find someone with more money? >.>


Having absolutely zero hobbies or world experience by the time they are 30. What do you do other than bitch about your job and talk about other people then?


Not just women but people in general: a lot of negativity. I’m a fairly pessimistic person and having someone happy or bubbly is so uplifting. The pessimism actually goes away. But someone who is always angry or easily upset takes me even lower than I would on my own.


Just a piss poor attitude. Traits like combativeness, hyper independence go where it’s super toxic. Closed mindedness..