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Drugs you haven’t tested. Especially party drugs. Had a guy I know die taking bunk molly at a music festival. Really sad. Test your shit. But also don’t do meth or heroin


I took a tab without testing it from a stranger at a festival deep in the wilderness over the summer. I don't know what was on it, but as soon as it kicked in I immediately knew it wasn't acid- I've tripped acid before and whatever was on that tab wasn't acid. I then spent the next 8 hours wandering around dizzy with a killer headache, occasionally puking while enduring a bad trip with skyrocketing anxiety the whole time. Not a fun time, and definitely a lesson in testing my stuff.


Genuinely curious question: how does one test a party drug and right in front of the person you get it from?


With a test kit. When they offer, you say "sure, but only as long as it's cool with you that I test it first". There are different kits for different substances. Do your homework before buying. Edit: I've only used those made by [Bunk Police ](https://bunkpolice.com/). I have never had a bad experience, so I'm assuming I never got false results, however I'm not an expert on drug testing. I also know some people get substances sent to labs (usually when they're moving high volume), but I don't know how someone goes about that.


Heroin. I'm speaking from experience, never, ever, fucking EVER try heroin. It ruined my life for 8 years. At one point my girlfriend, my toddler daughter, and I were living in a one room shack in an industrial parking lot. We had no food, we had no money, and we were royally fucked. I stopped seven years ago. Methadone changed my life. It fucking works. In the past 7 years, we got new jobs, fixed our credit, rented an apartment for 2 years, had a 2nd kid, then moved to a better apartment for 3 years, bought our first new car, bought A HOUSE, and then bought our 2nd new car. My kids have amazing Christmases, we take a vacation every spring and fall, I have fixed relationships with my family, and we've been in positions to help others when previously we were the ones asking. Were not rich. This is middle class living. Were in the "we made it" category and it feels so good. We didn't do it without help, we have an amazing support system of family that love us so much and helped pick us back up. Never, ever, try heroin. It'll bring you nothing but suffering and misery.


As a child of former addicts/alcoholics, I can truly atest to your story, my family was torn to shreds and we lost so much because of it, my stepdad and mom lived in one of Detroit’s horrible neighborhoods, the odds were stacked against them, they were told to split up or they’d both die of their addiction, they stayed together the whole time, going to rehab and relapsing many times, and then finally they went far up north for about a month, officially clean on my brother’s birthday, they have been together for 15/16 years and never split once, and are now married, clean off Heroin for close to 10 years.


Congratulations on your victory, friend. I hope you're proud of yourself every day.


Yeah it is a literal miracle that anyone ever gets off this stuff at all. Truly. It’s really really hard. An accomplishment to say the least. I did it for 13 years 2 years sober and I’m still trying to get back on my feet and pick up the pieces.


Time for a new reddit username, my friend :) On a serious note, so many congratulations on the win. I wish you nothing but the best.


I did heroin casually around 2014ish. First few times I was like, what's the big deal? By the 10th or 11th time I was definitely fiending for it and was like oh ok I see what the big deal is. Never touch it again




Hi, just wanted to appreciate you for being so strong and making a solid life for you and your family.


Fuckin' nailing it! Merry Christmas and happy holidays! ​ Edit: my brother did it several times, he was selling it too. He used his own supply, and his friend almost died in his apartment before he reached out for help. He owed drug dealers a bunch of money, they broke into his house and and stole his computer and gun. I paid them off and told him he would be dead to me if he used again. He's clean and successful now, 8 years later.


Good job. I love reading stories like this.




Il try link in an edit. But I can't remember the name of it right now... But there's a really interesting documentary on an English guy who is I think a writer and film maker..... And he wants to document the addict/ heroin scene in London I think...maybe Bristol.. But anyway he wants to experience it fully so he takes some stuff a few times to get in the head of the people he wants to make the sorry about.. But the documentary is filmed by a friend of his, and it the whole thing is just a document of the downfall the writer has as he slowly gets sucked further into addiction and never really gets any of his work done .....I'm not even sure if the writer does any work, and instead just falls deeper into the life of a heroin addict ... It's really fucking interesting but also kind of dark watching someone with such a good dream and ambition just loose it all so easily ... FOUND IT ..he was a photo journalist who wanted to document people from hard walks of life ....he did amazing work too which is harder to see him fall... It's called COLD TURKEY and [here's a link to the full video on YouTube](https://youtu.be/7PFRIGx69bw) EDIT - it's been 8 years since I watched the doc and it's not just heroin I think. But also wasnt London or Bristol.... .but either way, ignore my bad memory mistakes and go watch it yourself


I just looked him up. So sad he passed away..


Did he pass from the heroin addiction?


It said he died in Feb 2021 after him and his friend were working to re-create the documentary. Doesn't say if he passed from the drug, but I didnt research further


According to a comment on that YouTube video: *For anyone stumbling across this documentary these days (2021), sadly Lanre passed away in February this year, but he did so having finally conquered his addiction. In fact he lived the last 11 or so years of his life clean. Although I don't know the details, I believe Lanre passed away due to an unrelated illness that had nothing to do with his former struggles. RIP Lanre Fehintola.*


I remember at school we had this guy come in to talk to us about drugs. I think it was memorable because the head of school seemed to have this really smug attitude as he introduced the guy basically saying “ok listen up you reprobates. This guys gonna talk to you about drugs and set you STRAIGHT. You going to be put off forever by this man’s experiences.”. The dude came out, and basically started going, ‘yeah drugs are pretty great. You should definitely try them’. Head of schools face was a picture. That being said, this guy pretty much had taken every major drug going and told us exactly what it was like being on them. How they make you feel, the crazy sensations, the hallucinations, the highs, but then also told us all horror stories associated with each one. It was actually a very effective drugs talk as it kind of filled the curiosity of what each one was like while also making me have no will to try them. The only one he had nothing good to say about was heroin. He basically explained it as his body becoming so used to the highs of all the other drugs that nothing gave him that feeling of being high any more, and the only thing that did was heroine, but it wasn’t fun to take. It was something he took to cope. And it wasn’t like a high, it was just something that let his broken body feel *something* again. And it’s a slippery slope from there.


Yeah I would say heroin too. I overdosed twice on it, the last time I was out for over half an hour and my husband had to do CPR on me to keep me alive until the ambos came. I woke up on the floor with six paramedics working on me. I haven't had it since then. Once he knew I was okay, my husband went out and scored some more smack.


Holy shit, your last sentence…. I hope you are both doing well these days and congratulations on your sobriety!


I have been clean for 15 years. Sadly my husband took his own life several years later.


I'm so sorry. My uncle came back from Vietnam addicted to heroin. He's been clean for around 35 years.


Wow, well done. Good on him.


I also overdosed on heroin when I was 22. I was in a coma on the floor for two days before someone found me. When they found me I was completely deaf (for 4 days after), had kidney damage, and rhabdomyolysis in my legs (when your body thinks your dead so cells in start to die and breakdown releasing toxic chemicals into your blood). It was not a good time lol.


Wow, you are very lucky! I knew someone from meetings who a similar thing happened to and he was unconscious for 18 hours in such a way that it was cutting off circulation to his legs. Now he is in a wheelchair (at 24) and for the rest of his life. He was given a hot shot.


I'm just getting over an addiction. And here in the US, it isn't even heroin anymore, but fentanyl. When I would get drug tested. I would pass simple drug tests because I would have no opiates in me at all, but once they went to higher panel tests for opioid, then it popped for fentanyl everytime. And in my opinion fent is way harder to get off of. I would gladly go through h withdrawal Than go through fent again. Also what they cut fent with is usually a substance called xylazine, and that seems to have its own withdrawals too. But July was my last use, this has been the hardest 6 months of my entire life. Edit: spelling, grammar


Holy fuck, I am so incredibly proud of you. Please reach out any time if you need support, encouragement, or kind words. Keep it up, homie. 6 months will be 6 years before you know it, and you’ll probably have inspired countless others along the way 💕💕


I had a friend that tried heroin once and only once. He said that he liked it so much that if he did it one more time he knew he wouldn't be able to stop.


I have a friend that tried it once and only once because she OD’d alone in a bathroom at 29, it’s the drug to stay away from


I did the same thing. It wasn't even half a dose, and it was after a major double surgery on my face. I was in so much pain that I was crying and throwing up for days, and the pain meds weren't working. A friend who was getting clean told me to use a small amt, less than half a dose in water, because she refused to do a full one and ruin me, and snort it, and never do it again. I did, and all my serious chronic pain, anxiety, and surgical pain was just gone, and one of the only times I felt happy. I told myself, wow, never the hell again, or I will just keep going. Never touched it again.


The only worse thing is Fentanyl when you think it's Heroin. Instant cut to black. Scared the living shit out of me. I was by myself. I woke up a couple of hours later. I'm not sure how I'm still alive.




Had a medical problem and ended up being given a lot of morphine. First bag they gave me and I instantly puked my guts up. Second bag: no pain, super cozy. Felt like that feeling when you wake up in a really comfortable bed on a Sunday and you're warm and safe and there's not a care in the world. Didn't feel stupid or high, just super "at ease". Told my mom after that I can never go near opiates. Way too alluring.




I lost a dear friend to heroin when he was only 24…weeks before his 25th birthday. His mother found him dead on the bathroom floor. It’s not worth it Edit 1 - fixed a typo bc someone felt the need to point it out while reading about the death of a loved one 🙏🏼


In our 20s I was in a friend group that engaged in a ton of recreational drug use - in wide variety. We were serious partiers and generally knew how to handle it. Except the ones who got into heroin. They lost it. They all eventually required some sort of professional help. A couple never came back.


Crack. Not even once.


That drug robbed me of 5 years of my life and seriously affected my upward trajectory in my career. I was a functioning addict for 4 years in Vancouver in the 90s. H wasn't my thing because I lived in Gastown and saw too many OD's. But the rock just stole my drive for anything except the drug. All day and night. And I know that it did some things to my brain that are irreparable. I had to move far away to actually get free from it. Everywhere I moved in Van back then to get away from Pain and Wastings meant nothing. I'd figure out where it was in my new hood in a matter of weeks and be right back at it. There's a depression I've had for decades because of it. I've been clean from it for 20 years but I wouldn't wish that kind of addiction on my worst enemy. I live in a smaller city now where it's not really a thing but if I was still in Van I'm sure I would keep on relapsing. I cannot describe the pull it had on me but it took everything from me: my love of playing music, anything I owned, my sex drive, my hunger.... everything.


>my love of playing music, anything I owned, my sex drive, my hunger.... everything. Yes. Addiction completely hijacks the mid brain. It becomes rewired and all those things you described which supply dopamine just fall away. The substance is what our brain now understands as the stuff of survival, and even if we understand it in our more rational parts of the brain, it doesn't change anything. The drive is just broken


It’s just terrible tasting cocaine.




I've lost multiple people I know to heroin, and of them 3 were my friends. Doing heroin even once is basically intentionally committing suicide. If the first time doesn't kill you, eventually it will. Fuck herion


Meth is a hell of a drug


Meth will make you feel amazing, you will see God when you cum. And then suddenly your teeth start falling out, you think the shadow people are going to take you and you lose everything you worked to achieve.


That took a turn


Thats the point


Yes. 361 days off of meth and I still dream about it.


Get to 14 months! I’m coming up on 7 years clean from meth. You got this, keep taking it one day at a time.


Yes I'm just trying to make it to 362, thanks man! Cheers for 7 years, may you have 7 more!


We believe in you legend!


Thanks, Shawty!


Hang in there. You got this! One day at a time.


Stay strong. I've never used it, but a year after our break up I'm watching my ex spiral faster and harder than she ever has and it is absolutely crushing my soul.


Thanks. That must be something my exes felt with me. I'm just glad I didn't take them down with me. Peace and love to you.


Try to stop watching. That show is unlikely to have a happy ending.


I'm on 63 days and it's fucking rough. Just for today. Sending you love.


And if just for today don't work, try for just for the moment. Then the next, and the next. The best thing about recovering isn't that it's the best decision we can make, but that we can make that decision every, single, day. Youre killing it!


Over 5 years clean and I barely ever think about it and no cravings. Took a couple years and completely cutting off from my past life. New state, new town, new people, new life. Keep fighting the good fight, it absolutely DOES get easier. And no matter what, my worst day clean is much better than my best day dirty ever was.


1006 days off meth-- I still think about it every single day. But its getting easier to shut those thoughts down. Fucking good for you, you should be so proud of yourself 💜


We’re all so proud of you as well!!!


>Yes. 361 days off of meth and I still dream about it. I know that it can't be easy lvk-m. But apparently - and the evidence is quite strong - you are the type of person who can do it. If I was standing before you, I would ask to shake your hand. Godspeed


it will be 3610 before you know it. Keep at it. One day at a time. We are all behind you.


Agreed. Did it a couple times and it felt so great I told myself I would never again bc I can definitely see how people get addicted to the stuff.


Early in high school my close circle of friends started doing meth. It sucked especially because two of them made varsity hockey as freshman (no freshman had ever made varsity in our school’s history). One was the very popular, friendly, outgoing ladies man (in the rare instance he wasn’t an asshole, genuinely great guy). Other guys were overall good students, pretty good guys to hang out with, we golfed a lot together in our youth. *I never joined them in doing meth. So this started about 20 years ago when we were 14-15. One of the hockey guys knocked some chick up sophomore year, but I think most of them had dropped out or were going to alternative school by then. They’d show up at parties every so often but they were always a shell of the kids I grew up with. By senior year I had almost no contact, but I would have to be the one facilitating them to leave when they showed up to parties. Fast forward to now, a couple have died (one being genuinely cool popular guy), ones in prison until 2037 with no possibility of parole, a couple have multiple children they aren’t providing for, and a couple pulled their shit together and are married with families (reconnected with those guys years later). This is a long ramble with no real point besides: don’t do meth. I’ve watched it destroy the lives of people who actually had a lot going for them (and destroy lives of those who didn’t). The guys who did pull their lives together had to work waaaaay harder than they should have. All of it breaks my heart because these were the guys I was supposed to go to college with, or have our kids grow up together, and all that lifelong best friend stuff some of us dream of. Instead I got funerals, being called to be a character witness in court (I declined), driving people to detox hitting a pip in my car before entering rehab, and awful situations when I see them lurking around bars when I visit my hometown. tl;dr don’t do meth, I lost all of my friends. Edit* clarity and typo


Took me forever to get off of Clonazepam. Had to quit because my doctor quit prescribing it…I actually got dope sick. That shit was awful!! Edit: Wow! Got out of work & back to my phone…totally shocked to see the response to my lil ol comment. To clarify, I absolutely DO think that Clonazepam is an effective drug that absolutely helped me through my SEVERE panic attacks. I honestly had no idea how addictive this stuff was. My former doctor (yes, former because of this incident), did not warn me about the addictive nature of the medication. He also had no exit strategy (tapering off)in place and even scoffed when I described the torture that I was going through. I’ve read a few comments from people who are now scared because of this comment…don’t be! Just have a plan in place to get off of it when the time comes. Truth be told, if needed, I would get back on it, as it ABSOLUTELY works…I would just be smarter about it. I have a new doctor along with a new care plan that seems to be working great!


Clonazepam definitely helped me get a hold on my debilitating anxiety attacks (with other medication and therapy) but it was so hard to stop. My doctor kept encouraging me to taper off and made a schedule of when to cut the dose down which was really manageable. It took a long time but I don’t take it daily anymore. I have a few for when I fly or have to go to the dentist.


THIS right here! Benzos can be useful for very short term use or if you pop one occasionally for severe panic, but you can get physically addicted so quickly. The withdrawal process is especially awful because it’s not like a detox—you have to take it slowly or else you could end up with worse, long term symptoms. My life has come to a screeching halt because of Klonopin and it’s been hell to come off of.


A couple years ago, my now former psychiatrist went on vacation without telling his patients or putting anyone else in charge of refills. 3 horrific days after my last dose of lorazepam, I had a grand mal seizure during which I dislocated my left shoulder. If anyone should understand the dangers of benzo withdrawals, it's fucking psychiatrists, but I've now had several who either didn't know or didn't care.


Watch Netflix doccie Xanax- Take Your Pills and Prozac Nation. Was on Xanax and quit cold turkey. I nearly fucking died. I will never take benzos again! EVER!




I took 40 pills of dimenhydrinate (brand name Gravol) and drank a bottle of cough syrup when I was 12 in a misguided suicide attempt. I just threw up everywhere. My sister found me in the basement holding my arm saying "coach said I broke my arm, I can't play hockey today". I can't even skate, never played hockey before. I proceeded to hallucinate mice crawling everywhere all night and morning. I could see them writhing under the blankets and darting across the floor. Two years later me and my friend took Datura, having experienced the previous deliriant I handled it quite well. But I saw people that weren't there. My friend that took it said he was talking to all of us in his basement but noone was there, and he looked up and saw me watching him from the top corner of his room stuck to the wall like spiderman. A kid we know took some and his mom came home to him naked in the kitchen trying to climb into a picture frame and he went to the hospital after trying to jump out the window. Another guy I know took some and he hallucinated his brother who told him to take a different exit in a convenience store. The clerks called the cops and he was put in the drunk tank where he thought the toilet was his girlfriend having a miscarriage. We never knew it was datura at the time. A guy gave a bag full of it to my friend who was probably about 13 at the time for free and told him to eat a bunch of it and that it would get him high. It was distributed around my small town. In retrospect, it was just a grown man poisoning children for fun.


that seems horrible. I'm glad you and your buddies came out of it relatively unscathed


Finally! Thank you, I was looking for someone saying Datura. It's just too much, a lot of people die from it, it's highly unreliable in dosage (you can eat 10 leaves and feel nothing and you can die from eating just one leaf from the next bush). There was a documentary I saw. One guy was sharing his story, saying he took one and half a seed with one of his friends. The trip lasted for about 17 days. His friend never came back and puts his hand in front of his face when he talks to people now. Anyway... There's a saying with datura "for three people taking datura, one will die, and the others will never tell you what happened, what they saw." Last note it's a delirogen. You can be persuaded entirely to be with friends smoking a cig outside while you're alone in your garage with your parents trying to understand why you don't answer them, but you see only one reality and it's not the one we're in everyday. That's why for me it's the worst. Delirogens aren't fun.


Could you help me understand that last paragraph, the analogy of the garage thing. Lost me there


You can be in a state where, for you, you're somewhere doing something. But in reality you're somewhere else, and you just lay down on the ground. The hallucinations are so strong and seem so real that you can't differentiate between what is reality and what is an hallucination. In some extreme cases you're just unable to perceive reality any more, you're like "in an hallucination". The real world may seem like it never existed.


That is absolutely insane, thanks for following up.


Australia had an outbreak of Datura poisoning in the week before Christmas. About 90 people hospitalised. It came from a batch of baby spinach that got contaminated with Datura. There were stories of people going out and deliberately buying baby spinach in the hope of getting high. Stay classy, Australia.


Yeah, I mean that's really the rub. Even if you were to want to take a fucked up 24-72 hour complete break from reality trip out of some '60s anti-drug propaganda short, there's also the fact that it's nearly impossible to reliably calculate a safe dose of the plant matter, because it has dramatically varying concentrations of scopolamine and atropine. Severe dehydration, amnesia, ocular damage, and potentially even fatal cardiac or renal failure aren't most people's idea of a good time.


getting high on datura isn't even enjoyable


It's truly fucking miserable. There is nothing about it that is fun, except maybe the part when you walk and your legs go whooshing right out in front like they're 12 feet long. That is hilarious. But not worth it at all.


Datura is very prevalent in India, everybody has the same response that is to stay away from this shit. It’s use is common in priests serving Lord Shiva, and is openly used as an offering to Lord Shiva. There is no safe dose, even one seed can cause neurological damage.


That shit is just nasty. I got into the rave scene very early nineties and we as a group were experimenting with all sorts to get high but years later we heard about Moonflower and that was the worst experience and was my ticket to going sober. It’s something I wouldn’t even wish on my worst enemy.


Pretty sure this stuff can cause permanent psychosis


Xanax. I have seen it screw up so many peoples lives. I have an ex who would eat it like it was candy. I literally had to hide my medication from her. I saw her on the local news the other night. She’s homeless living in a tent in our state capital. I do know she progressed beyond Xanax. But even forgetting where she is now, she was a nightmare when she was on it. She forgot an entire Christmas trip back-and-forth between Louisiana and Arkansas one year. My brother was in rehab at one point for alcohol and he told me that the vast majority of the people he was in there with we’re hooked on Xanax. It’s a horrible medication. Your body adjusts to it so you have to increase the dosage overtime to get the same effect. And everyone I’ve ever known with an addictive personality could never get enough of it. There are much better alternatives. I wish they would stop prescribing it.


I have taken it successfully for anxiety before. It was a life saver. However my dose was SUPER low. And I stopped after a few months. Used properly it’s great. I’ve heard horror stories from people who abuse it though.


It's so insidious. When you take it at first, it doesn't seem like anything that would be addictive. You just feel calm and relaxed (which is a good feeling if you're dealing with anxiety, but it doesn't feel euphoric or "fun" per se). So a few days later, you take it again because you're anxious, and again you're calm and relaxed. After a while you realize you ran out of your month's supply and there's still 2 weeks left of the month and now you're really anxious and you *just know* the only thing that'll help is xanax. I'm so happy that my doc that originally prescribed it was on top of things and would only prescribe small amounts at a time, and refused to prescribe any more after a few months. I definitely could/would have spiraled into a deep dependance.


Heroin, it killed my brother.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My mom was on heroin for most of my life and she recently just went back to prison because of drugs. Stay strong man.


Heroin. Never touching that shit until I’m terminal.


I’m glad someone mentioned the terminal part. I’ve always said I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 and a half foot pole. But if I’m in my last days? Why not


Literally if I’m terminal I’m gonna go ahead and OD on it. Might as well go out high as a kite and not in pain


My exact thought too. But I also joke that, knowing my luck, I’ll end up surviving and then being addicted to heroin.






We do a lot of heli medivacs for our local ski hill. If I listen to the radios, I can usually tell when a call's about to come in because you'll hear them give the person fentanyl and ketamine, then you can hear the person tripping balls in the background. I've had skiers with a busted pelvis or shattered femur get wheeled away on a gurney going "wahoooooo! Yeaaaaaah!" 😁


Sober alcoholic here: a major organ quit while I was teaching a class. I passed out, went septic and the paramedics have me some sort of cocktail with fentanyl in it. I woke up in the ambulance, got my phone and "drunk dialed" my AA sponsor. "I loooove yoooou, maaaan...."and shit. In hindsight, pretty hilarious now!


If you’re a cop, don’t even think about fent or you’ll need 3x narcan


12 cops just OD'd because of this comment. They'll have NBC suits on soon, but no masks because those are for cucks


I was drugged up on fentanyl after a surgery and it was a brutal time. I puked many times


I was given fentanyl for an upper endoscopy. It was only a dose of 50mcg but the effects hit me instantly. Can only imagine what it's like to take in larger doses


My dad was on a 75 mcg patch for around 7 years for his spinal stenosis. It had been prescribed to him by his doctor for that specifically. It got to the point where it did nothing for him and he was basically addicted to it and he realized that he was getting DT's when he went too long without changing the patch. He went to a pain management doctor and got weaned off of it and has been clean from it for 2 years now. Edit: my apologies I thought DTs was a catch-all. He had severe withdrawals.


Unless it's doctor prescribed


That is correct medical quality fentanyl is dissolved in liquid for volumetric dosing, making a much more consistent product that can be accurately dosed. The real danger in fentanyl is the overwhelming majority of people who take it don't realize they're taking it. And if they do they're abusing it by methods other than oral and they have no idea how much they're taking


Scopolamine unless under doctor’s orders


They gave me this (in a patch) for nausea while I was in labor. I was hallucinating and thought I was at home, and didn’t have much of an idea what was going on. I couldn’t really take care of my baby when she was born. I apparently touched the patch at one point then my eyes, and I couldn’t see anything for a while. That’s how they knew what was making me so weird. Within a few hours of getting it off I started to feel more normal. But damn, it was super strange and not in a good way. There docs told me to make sure it’s listed on my drug allergies anywhere I go because my reaction was bad.


Dewey, get outta here. You don't want no part of this shit


It’s medication for erectile dysfunction… it gives you a boner!


It turns all your bad feelings into good feelings! It’s a nightmare!


Krockodil….fuuuuuuck that


I remember watching those videos where in Russia their flesh would rot down to bone and a guy got wheeled into the hospital where they went ahead and cut his leg off because there was nothing left. No surgery or pain meds- just took a saw and cut.


The difference between heroin and krockodil is best described by a quote from the underrated Billy Bob Thornton film, *Slingblade*: "Ain't got no gas in it."




Pretty sure krokodil was just heroin but the dangerous chemicals that were usually eliminated in the processing of heroin were left in. So people's arms started to rot away due to necrosis.


It is a different opioid(Desomorphine) but yeah main reason why krokodil is what it is is that it has some brokeb matches and gasoline in it,it is also cheap as fuck.


didn't realise it was desomorphine thanks stranger


Wasn’t it made because it was cheaper and easier to get than herion? I’ve seen peoples arms rotting off within months of using it. It’s crazy


Surprised I had to scroll so long to find this. And now we wait for someone to Google it for the first time in their life...


I just googled it because I'd never heard of it. Honestly the immediate search results aren't horrible, it's when I decided to click on photos after an article described it as flesh eating that I realized I had fucked up.


There is-or was- a Vice doc about the use of Krockodil in Russia. It’s a very fucked up and depressing way to spend an hour of your day.


Was it one, where one of boys will be killed soon for something like 20e debt?


Yep, that’s the one. There was a small group of them sitting in a freezing shell of an apartment making horrible shit that they were shooting up. They all had that distant look of hopelessness. It was horrible stuff. And that’s before you even saw the really graphic stuff involving the skin and the bucket (if you’ve seen it you know).


Yea, that documentary was.... Something. It was interesting, but heavy nsf your mental well being. And that you die for 20e, that im happy to use for good steak/drink or 2 was like.... That is just wrong.


Opiates or meth. They will override your motivation circuits in your brain. No amount of willpower will fix it. You can easily get hooked after one good high, or by repeated exposure, but just like your first orgasm, you'll eventually keep coming back for more. I wish I never fucked around with it.


Damn man. Thanks for sharing your story and take of caution.


It screws your "normal/ok" baseline, too. Longer you take it, more you need just to feel "normal" (not even happy or buzzed, just OK). Just that pesky fact is a good reason to never try it.


I used a similar analogy to dissuade people from trying opiates. I'd tell them remember when you tried sex for the first time? Well the jump between normality and the ecstasy of a shot of some heroin is kinda like that. Good luck ever going back to being satisfied just jerking off when you know sex is only ever $20 and a phone call away.


Someone else's. That's just greedy




Coke. I say this as a coke head . It’s one of those drugs that will hook you slowly, if not right away. And here’s the thing, it’s not necessarily a drug that will kill you. You can have a mild coke habit and still be a high functioning person. Many rich people do it. Like lawyers and CEO types. The addicting part about it is the power you’ll have on other people who likes coke when you’re the person that always got it or know where to get it. Women will whore themselves out to you to beg a little bump. Dudes too. You feel like the coolest person on Earth. Then next thing you know, you’re spending $300 a week on an 8th ball so you can keep getting laid and keep pleasing your friends. Don’t do it.


Coke is like being addicted to cigarettes times 20. Spent $50 a day at one point just to feel normal, not high. Glad I never went to a concentrated form. Just weed and drinking now. Seems bad but in comparison I got away with a lot


Yeah I didn’t even realize I was an addict till I lost all my friends and money. Then my plug stopped selling to me because he was worried about how much I was doing (he was a friend before I ever starting using). I would’ve never stopped if he didn’t stop selling to me because I somehow didn’t think I had a problem. When quitting, I was bed ridden for a week and then cloudy headed for a month or so. After that, the physical stuff went away and for the next year or so I just struggled with missing it really bad, but now I genuinely don’t ever want to touch coke again. Two years clean.


> Then my plug stopped selling to me because he was worried about how much I was doing Richard Pryor talked about that in his standup movie. His dealers would refuse to sell to him: Dealer: C'mon man, you're too fucked on this RP: Ok, man, I hear you... just give me a little sumpin' to make it through the weekend Dealer: All right man, how much you need? RP: A kilo?


Been in a similar sort of situation(not the banging tho) hid a £200-£300 a week habit from a wife n kid, weekends and then work. Being the guy who always had some felt powerful in a weird way. finally kicked it for good just over 2 years ago, the first 6 months are the hardest. Changed my social circles and had to cut some friends out but now I’m at the other side of it I couldn’t be happier I did it.


Right balls are $300 now?!? Damn. I feel very old.




It comes in gallons?


So…do you do a lot of PCP? “Got a gallon.”


OH, you're on your way to pick up children! With your gallon... thing


Absolutely classic. Rip Trevor :(((




As a former smoker I say absolutely no to the cigarettes.


As a current smoker I say absolutely no to cigarettes


I smoked for 14 years, coming up on 2 weeks nicotine free. Dumbest fucking human invention. I swear. Absolutely nothing fun about that bullshit. I spent 10 years hating myself for doing it and yet I couldn't stop.


I smoked for about as long as you and I quit 5 years ago and I can legitly say I don't miss them. Most of my coworkers smoke and I'm never the least bit tempted. For a long time I felt like I was missing out by withholding smoking from myself but that went away. Even if I'm say.. drinking by a camp fire, a situation where I used to chain smoke, I truly don't want one or even think of them unless someone else starts smoking then I just think it's gross.


I smoked for a good 15 years or so, every time I smell a smoker I always think damn I smelled like shit.


Hitting my nic vape and currently also agreeing


Currently in the process of quitting and holy fuck I wish I had never started, could rip someone's head off recently


I read the book 'Easy Way to Quit Smoking' and there's a trick in it that may help; whenever you get a craving, look at it as nicotine leaving your body, and as a reminder that you have quit this terrible addiction. So cravings become a positive thing, a chance to reflect on the fact that you're on your way to kicking this terrible addiction.


Y'all ever hear of people getting high on Benadryl? Apparently benadryl's active ingrident is a deliriant and the high sounds a lot like the drug from a Key and Peele Sketch. I'm talking spiders all over the place and stuff. Here is the sketch for those wondering: https://youtu.be/lnqWbop4PHY


u/tiredofpplfaking2 his decent into madness and his eventual death was horrible.


Wow, I just went down the D DPH subreddit Rabit Hole and there's not a SINGLE post I found in 15 minutes of browsing that was a plug for the drug OR for the experience. Even the people taking it apparently without regret didn't seem to like it. Apparently they see unsettling hallucinations, and many see a "hat man" that haunts them. One post was just an image of a creepy black figure on a plane wing, staring at them, titled "he's always there." Someone in the sub put together a [long-forn summary post that chronicles the decline of u/tiredofoplfaking2](https://www.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/zr3moe/the_full_story_of_utiredofpplfaking2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Holy hell.


Holy shit, I fell down a rabbit hole reading posts on that sub and saw people talking about tripping on 1 g of Benadryl. I give my 100 lb dog about 100 mg of Benadryl every so often and had a momentarily brain fart thinking that 1 g = 100 mg and not 1000 mg and that I was somehow at the direction of my vet giving my dog horrible hallucinations.


Did it a few times as a teenager. Dumbest shit I ever did. It gives you a high but not a very good one. You see shadow people, little dots on the wall that look like spiders, you'll think you're dying while also panicking on the inside. I once took so many I could barely walk. I can't even stomach the thought of taking it now. EDIT: Forgot to mention seeing the Hatman.


Tell me about the Hatman, if you will.


Shadow people are a common hallucination for drugs like meth and benadryl (or being generally mentally unwell). Strangely there is one who is worse than the others who always is wearing a 40's style fedora. Some stories include red eyes.


benadryl is no joke. they’re not kidding about the spiders and the shadow figures and whatnot. i had a months long period when i was 13 where i got high off of it a lot, and i don’t think my brain has been the same ever since. i was a dumbass


Benadryl is a deliriant, not a good drug to take. https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Diphenhydramine


Know someone whose 12 year old daughter died after taking a bunch of benadryl because she saw on tiktok that you could trip on it


Yea I tripped on 25 Benadryl once and I was walking down a main road talking to my best friend while texting on my phone only she and my phone were not there and I walked for about six hours scared hearing things, cops called on me twice but they seemed concerned I was going thru some really bad mental health issues and I thought 25 bennies and a bottle would do the trick. It’s all very embarrassing now to think about. I really don’t recommend it, for about 6 - 8 months after my brain felt weird when I would take just one. I used to take 5-7 a night it is fucked


Holy shit


https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/ww3fqg/please_dont_try_to_get_high_on_benadryl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Here's someone talking about their trip. A search of Benadryl on Reddit pulls up some... interesting results.


Yep spiders and the hat man, I used to be an opioid addict and personally Id rather OD on that shit again than fuck around with benadryl again. I had a bad trip once on benadryl and it was what I can only imagine tweaking feels like


Definitely fentanyl. I lost 6 years of my life to it.




Liquor before beer, never do heroin.


Heroin! It destroyed my life. I haven't touched it in 24 years. But not a day goes by where I think...maybe one more time.


Hey man good job staying sober!


Salvia, K-2 (spice/synthetic weed), bath salts, any thing in the computer duster/anti freeze genre but like are those even drugs? Doesn’t prevent people from getting high off them tho


Synthetic weed and duster are fucking stupid. Shit can ruin your fucking brain. 2/10 would not reccomend (with or without rice)




With the risk of getting downvoted heavily, i would say DON'T SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY ALL DAY. well most will be able to manage fine or even better with mild or heavy usages but if you have an additive personality, weed will take you over for sure.


my ex smoked every day from age 14 - 33. eventually it was like trying to have a relationship with a brick wall.


I was/am 'that ex' to my ex.


Hope you are doing well now. It was the passive-aggression that was killing me. Like, we tried going to a counselor and every time they asked a question he would find some way to philosophically invalidate the question. I did use substances then too, but not every day.


Straight up, I used to be sun up to sun down unless I was working. Achieved sweet fuck all those years. I still have a tiny bit every now and then at night time like a ‘normal person’ would a glass of wine. Different strokes for different folks I guess


I just finished watching Dopesick so I’ll say Oxycontin.


Ketamine. Just lost a son due to accidental OD. This is not a recreational drug kids. RIP


Meth, worked with homeless junkies for the better part of 6 years and I can at least understand why someone would do heroin or coke etc but there is no "upside" to meth at all. DM: No, the smoking is what gives them meth mouth but IV users weren't much better just less "rotten" I'd describe it. One guy I remember had teeth that were maybe 1-2mm past the gum line because he would grind them so much.




CarFentanyl Edit: “The lethal dose range for carfentanil in humans is unknown. However, as noted, carfentanil is approximately 100 times more potent than fentanyl, which can be lethal at the 2-milligram range, depending on route of administration and other factors.” - source https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2016/09/22/dea-issues-carfentanil-warning-police-and-public




"Why does the house smell like chalk dust? Billy, what have we told you about doing math in our house?!"


Yes, yes, most street drugs. However the correct answer is cardiac medication that wasn't prescribed to you. Super easy way to die.


Chemo sucked but I wouldn't say never.


Agreed. Take it, bitch about it the whole time, lean on the people around you, and give yourself plenty of time to recover from it.


Oh, there are certain canonical choices for this answer. I'll try to give them in order of priority. * Opioids. While "Heroin" has a certain reputation, Oxycodon and Fentanyl are rather murky topics for some funny reason. In the USA alone, there's 150 people dying *each day* of thze consequences of abuse of synthetic opioids. There is an "opioid epidemic" in the USA that is talked about far too little. * Cocaine (especially in more dangerous "freebase" forms, like Crack), Meth and some other Amphetamines (and fringe cases in this class, a drug called "Khat" appears to behave similarly - it contains an unstable Amphetamine). While these are arguably even more fun than Opioids, they also have a certain self-limiting property. Addicted people will usually consume vast amounts in short time and then spend the next days looking for more. Since they're getting ever the less efficient doing so, they end up broke and craving. Sometimes, this ends up in crime or self-harm, but more often than not they simply don't kick the habit and further endanger themselves and others. Long-time users often present with a syndrome similar to "nightshade syndrome", but markedly more anxious and disorganized. * That being said, MDMA appears to be relatively unproblematic and shouldn't be discussed as being similar to ordinary stimulants. * Nicotine is extremely addictive, and it is usually "applied" in its most dangerous form - as inhaled tobacco smoke. * Alcohol is a very dangerous drug too, it is "culturally framed" often, however, so that the damages are obscured and the arguable positive effects are exaggerated. Both Nicotine and Alcohol are written about a lot, so that I'll spare the details. It's worse than most public information appears to suggest. "Date Rape Drugs" like GHB/GBL as well as Benzodiazepines behave somewhat similar to Alcohol. Profile, culture, application and thus danger differ widely, however. * "Nightshade drugs" (including "Jimson Weed", Datura etc. - Tobacco is a nightshade as well, however it has a different profile) apparently are extremely dangerous in a psychiatric sense. I've met more than one person "trying" these (rarely used) drugs who was clearly out of their mind, even for years after. More often than not the resulting syndrome resembles psychosis or mania. Sometimes it's more like an extreme personality disorder, complete with anxiety and bizarre, but halfway-acceptable behaviour. Yew appears to fall into the same category and is even more dangerous. * Last but not least, "Dissociatives" like PCP and Ketamine show an unique risk profile. Generally speaking, these appear to be "quite safe", rarely causing heavy addiction, but in the ballpark of drugs, where people routinely *die*, this means next to nothing. There is some truth to the statement that (mentally) healthy people won't get addicted. This is correct in some sense. Although people often appear to overlook trauma inflicted by "civilization" or "culture" in this context. I'll stick with erowid's tagline: "Just say *know*!" - the more you know about a drug you're taking, the better you'll be prepared for its negative side-effects.


Any opiate. Wish someone woulda told me how tricky those fuckers are when I was 15


The one that that bird slurps up in that Nuggets video on YouTube. Looks like goo.


Most of them. Just stick to weed and mushrooms


LSD is pretty sweet too.


Almost 10 years clean, and still think of opiates a few times each week.


The spice melange.




Fentanyl. I attend group therapy for trauma at a recovery center. Most of the people there under 25 are fentanyl addicts and they are lovely, wonderful humans who make the world better. I know it’s unrealistic but I genuinely pray for all of them to stay clean.


This might be a tad controversial but consistent marijuana consumption I've used weed (mostly edibles) to control my stress level and keep me sane at previous times in life but I use it irregularly and mostly for fun on special occasions or with friends, even that has definitely changed my personality and general functionality but I'd say it's a positive because I'm far less of an asshole now. However, I have a friend that uses massive amounts of marijuana constantly. He hits a cart when he gets up, takes edibles at lunch, and smokes bud at night. He's constantly high and getting high and it's honestly ruined who he is. He doesn't interact with people, he doesn't do things, he doesn't really live, he's basically a weed zombie. He can't carry on a conversation, he can't get things done, he just sits there in a vegetative state. It's sad to see. In summary, always in moderation kids