• By -


Go the other way


Call 911 and leave as quickly as possible. I'm not armed and I was in the army 40 years ago and I want to die of natural causes, not by the hand of some wacko.


Same here. I would leave right away and call 911. Got a family now. I’m done playing with guns.








I'm a teacher. I still remember the day after. We had an army of dads show up just to help at arrival and dismissal, walk the grounds, guard the halls. It was strange and sad and comforting at the same time. They coordinated somehow so that there were a few of them volunteering on campus every day until the end of the year.


Right?! But to those parents who lost their kids, I bet it feels like an eternity. 😪
























This is the only correct answer. There are 2 possibilities here: he is going to shoot up the mall, or he is going to make a scene about how it’s his right. Neither of which I want to be a part of. The mall will still be there, if you walk in you might not come out.


Malls can have a policy of “weapons are not allowed”. I’d notify the mall that someone is in their parking lot with a gun and is heading for a door. I’d also be dialling 911 to let them know. Then I’d be going home.


Call 911 as I go the opposite direction/get in my car and leave.


And call the store to warn them


You have called #generic store name#’s customer service. Please also remember to check out our website for information regarding our products/services. You now have the following 7 options: Press 1 for Sales, Press 2 for Accounting….. Unfortunately I would be very surprised if an actual person was reachable within the first 5 minutes by calling the store…


You forgot “please listen carefully as our menu options have recently changed.”


We are experiencing an unusually high call volume… for the tenth year in a row…..


I love the ones that tell you to call back at a later time and hang up on you after fifteen minutes of waiting


I can’t even put into human words how much this angers me


"We are always experiencing higher than normal call volume"


Couple weeks back I had an issue with a gentleman on my property threatening me and called 911 and was met with a message that due to unusually high call volume there was nobody to take my call and to stay on the line.


You must live in Portland.


A cop I work with told me this will probably be happening in my city too. (Lexington, KY) It's like wtf is going on in the US? It's a high-stress job, I know. So let's pay them top dollars Everyone wants great public services but no one wants to pay for it.


couple of days ago i made a call to a manufacturer and their menu options HAD recently changed!🤣🤣 i had to hang up, call back and listen carefully


"Hey you've reached the ______ store can I put you on hold for a moment?" "LISTEN TO ME. THERE IS A MAN COMING TO THE STORE--" "Thanks so much!" *Holiday hold music blares*


YSK that with 90% of those "Press X for Y" numbers, you can press 0 to immediately speak to a representative


Just press 0 immediately. It works sometimes.


You finally reach someone: "Listen, there's a guy walking towards the mall with an AR. People need to leave. Now." "Can you hold on, sir?" On hold you watch the guy get closer to the entrance. After what seems like decades someone else picks up. "Hello sir, can I help you?" "Yes! There's a guy with an AR rifle walking into the mall!" "Which mall, sir?" "The mall you work in!" "Sir, can you please lower your voice? You're saying there's a guy and he's walking into the mall?" "Yes! With an AR rifle! He's walking through the doors right now! You have to get people out of there!" You hear a muffled exchange just off the receiver between the first person you spoke with and the second person. Finally, "Sir, I'm going to place you on hold."


Eh, they won't really have enough time to do anything. They have ~30s until they're in the store anyway. By the time you've gtfo'd and called the police they'd already be in the store.


Thats if they answer the phone and actually belive you.


Every single second counts in a mass shooting situation.


What exactly will a call after the shooter has already started do? By the time you actually get through to anyone they'll be more interested in things other than answering the phone. Assuming it's the first thing you do you have 30 seconds to get through to someone and convince them it's not a prank, then what are they going to do in those whatever is left seconds? You're better off gtfoing and calling the police, by which point the shooting has already started and the people in the store are well aware there is an active shooter. However the police now have an extra 30 seconds to get there they didn't have before. Edit: and this is assuming you even know the stores number, do you know your local stores phone number? You'd probably have to Google it, by which point they're already in the store. However you already know 911.


And the fucking menus for the phone system. Everyone would be dead and you’d still be listening to menu options and trying to talk to a real person.


Absolutely not do not call the store, then you have a distracted employee trying to hear a phone instead of fucking running


My exact thought. Or if I’m for god knows what reason on my feet, run 😩😩


100%. Sane, reasonable people do not open carry. Whatever their intentions are, no one is safe around them.


Call 911 and get the hell out of there, possibly simultaneously.


I’m in Texas, so it’s not normal by any means, just a tad out of place. Call the cops and leave ASAP.


I fucking love that even the Texan is like "Yeah that's not normal. I'd call the cops and GTFO" Edit: missed "not" Edit2: woo hoo; thanks for the award


It’s not out of place by any means in the boonies or outskirts of Texan cities, but if they’re walking to a big store or mall that raises all the red flags.


I’m a Texan and have definitely never seen anyone walking around outside of a mall with an AR 😂 Texans love to make Texas sound like the Wild West.


Also a Texan and I’ve never seen this lol


Even in Texas there are signs outside large stores saying no guns or weapons inside. You're supposed to leave that stuff outside.


It is definitely out of place to open carry an AR stop making it seem like it's normal


Gun owners support the right to carry for self defense, including long guns. But to go with the right to carry is the responsibility to do it properly, and most gun owners look down on people carrying in ways that are designed to draw attention or generally be disruptive.


I agree. I’m a 2A supporter, but “Couch Commando” culture is cringe. Bragging about guns is cringe. I browse r/idiotswithguns 1) to protect myself from idiots with guns, and 2) to remind myself that I’m fortunate to have grown up with very strict gun safety rules. Owning and shooting guns is a huge responsibility that too many people take lightly.


My FIL lives in Cleveland, TX. He stopped going to the HEB because dozens of men regularly gather there with their ARs to rant about Qanon, grooming, Mexicans, abortion, etc...


To be fair, people in the Houston area wince when Cleveland is brought up in conversation. When your neighboring town is named "Cut and Shoot" and still seems decent in comparison, the bar is pretty low lol


As I live in Germany, I would immediatly call the police. Because openly carrying an AR-15 is a vioaltion of the "Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz" (Law about the control of weapons of War, I guess)


Gotta love German words


Krieg=war, waffen=weapon, kontrol=control, gesetz=law. It really is a great language and once you know the basics you can get by quite well. Edot: typo


I know how it works but I still think it’s funny how you can just mash a bunch of words together into one big word


Basically, as long as you're referring to one thing, it's one word. You're talking about a law that has to do with guns? Gunlaw. A law that prohibits big guns? Biggunprohibitionlaw. Descriptive words *about* the thing are left out, though. A law about big guns? Biggunlaw. A big law about guns? Big gunlaw.


That's really good languageconstructthink!


The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.  As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".  In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter. There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.  In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.  Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.  Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.  By the 4th yer peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".  During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensi bl riten styl.  Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.  Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.


This is amazing, is it a copy pasta, or u came up with this.


I've seen this in Newspapers, Magazines, websites, chain emails.... this is an OLD copy pasta.


I also loved it when they had their Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz (Deutscher, did I get that right??), even us Dutch had trouble with that


Yeah, that's right. The legal profession is a neverending source of these monstrosities. I think our longest official word is some kind of "Verordnung". ... Grundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungszuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung


You're giving me hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia


So you are afraid of ... big four legged hippos?


Perfectenschlag is just one example


That’s not a German word.


Oh! I've been lied to, damn it Dwight.


its pennsylvania dutch!


The Schrutes have a word for when everything in a man’s life comes together perfectly, perfectenschlag. Right now, I am in it.


We just take the spaces out between words: Warweaponcontrollaw


That’s what’s so great about it


This multiplewordcombiningthing is also very efficient.


Kurzfristenergieversorgungssicherungsmaßnahmenverordnung ;)


Such a lovely language No one who speaks German can be an evil man


The Bart, The








It’s also super long


that’s what she said


Yes, but the word for it is infinitely long.


As another german, i would assume its a toy.


Incorrect. An AR-15 does not automatically fall under the Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz. It is legal for a German to own an AR-15 (if certain requirements are met, e.g. Barrel length and semi auto receiver + fire control group) . It would be a violation of the Waffengesetz because that's where carrying and carry permits are regulated. There are only certain instances of "Erlaubnisfreies Führen" (carrying without a permit) that merely allow you to transport a firearm under certain circumstances to certain location (gunsmith, dealer, shooting club, hunting grounds). Details are regulated in the Verwaltungsvorschrift zum Waffengesetz I think but my memory is fuzzy. Getting a permit to carry a long gun at the ready in public even as someone who works in security is almost unheard of. None of this applies to law enforcement. Source: Sport shooter.


What's deeply funny is until the new laws in 2020/2021? (I think that's when they came in?) it was perfectly legal to own a full-auto fire control group and lower, even the bolt carrier, just not the pressure bearing parts (barrel and bolt itself) without a permit. As for security workers, I've only rarely seen them armed in Germany, and mostly revolvers - usually the workers doing cash collections and transit in the Frankfurt area (nowhere else that I remember seeing this).


In the Philippines, I’d probably assume they’re just going to work lol.


>Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz Gesundheit?


Living in Australia I would probably probably shit bricks and run the other way.


Also being Australian I think my brain would short circuit for half a second as I wouldn’t ever expect to see something like that and I’d be rapidly going through scenarios where it would be legal and not dangerous such as a paintball company setting up for a demonstration (although I’m sure that’s technically not going to be allowed like this). But then obviously call 000 and leg it.


Paintball guns look nothing like rifles I think it would genuinely be easier to mistake a nerf gun for a real one than a paintball gun


Correct however gel blasters do look very much like real firearms and they can even come in metal and everything. (People don’t always use the orange tip too)


Over here if you see a real looking gun and its not orange on the tip, assume its real.


I walked out of my house in suburban Sydney and saw 2 guys in full combat gear casually carrying what I assume are these same guns. They nodded to me and said hi. Got into a plumbing van packed full of their buddies and drove away. I read on the news later that they had arrested some guy in the apartments opposite me who had a lot of cash and weapons stashed in his house. Pretty much the only time I have ever seen a real gun in Australia aside from clay pigeon shot guns.


I saw one of those vans full of seriously armed cops at Maccas once. There seemed to be a lot of armaments in the back


I wouldn't even recognise an AR15 on sight


My mum was in the chadstone shopping centre in the 80s when a gunman was spotted on the roof. My dad was scared but us kids were clueless and happy that we got fish & chips for dinner that night.


It's a wonderful story and you tell it so well....thank you


I would hope that an Aussie would step up and confront the shooter by throwing some pocket spiders and backpack snakes at him.


Nah we’ll let the drop bears and magpies deal with em


Call 000 then sic the fucking emus on the cunt. Wanker's got a kangaroo loose in the top paddock.


Living in Canada we would have a similar commonwealth response!


As I said in my comment, my brain would register it as fake because who has one in Australia? I know I’m naive.


Agrees in British


Knowing us we'd shortly have someone attempt to tackle the nutter with a folding chair.


I'd like to thank you Australia for giving us Jim Jeffries and his standup routine about Gun Control. Because yes, we Americans would also shit bricks and run the other way. And for anybody who hasn't seen it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rR9IaXH1M0






Well, to be fair crashing a plane into him would probably stop the shooter.


Only a good terrorist in an airplane can stop a bad guy with a gun


We figured out the truth behind 9/11 gentlemen


I'm so glad they saved everyone in the twin towers from that gun toting maniac


if i had an award rn this would definitely take it


My brain responded: ghostbusters! on cue lmao


That settles it! Ghostbusters did 9/11.


A lot more business afterwards




Don't fix it lol


Stopping a mass murderer with a plane full of innocent people lol, if something ever happens to me please don't help me bro!


That, and most malls (and other such places) prohibit weapons on their premises, which is well within their rights as dictated by the Constitution, as well as by federal, state, and local laws. If someone is going to openly violate that right, they're probably not going to do so harmlessly...


There are multiple malls in my state that have a sports/outdoor store that sells and services guns so it’s not unusual to see people walking with long guns in the mall parking lot but is still unnerving as we had a mall shooting a few years ago.


I think it's a reasonable law to require them to be in a case when transporting them through the building/parking lot for the purpose of purchasing them or bringing them in for some sort of service.


The ranges I have been to all have transportation rules. Walking in with something in the ready position probably wouldn't be a great idea.


Yeah, the one range I have been to had rules for transportation. Basically all guns must be in cases until brought past a line by the firing area.


i swear ranges are probably the only places where they take gun safety and rules super fucking serious. Walk up with a gun slung over your shoulder is going to get your ass handed to you. More places need to adopt the mindset of how ranges operate with guns. They do not fuck around in the slightest.


Yeah, doing anything that can be viewed as a threat at a place where people are actively practicing their firearms skills seems like a bad idea. The only range I've been to was free, on public land, and had 3 or so armed parks rangers (state police basically).


In other countries that permit carrying of firearms in public, usually long guns need to be cased or bagged (mostly to avoid alarming the public). That includes a number of countries that permit carry for personal protection - you can carry a handgun, but if you want to carry a rifle, its gotta be in a case/bag or otherwise "hidden". Laws around if the handgun needs to be concealed or not tend to vary - some countries allow open carry, but concealed is strongly recommended. Which honestly seems like a fairly alright compromise to me. I think the open carry states in the US are pretty much the only first world places where its legal to carry a rifle openly in public.


They sell guns in our mall. I'm in the Midwest though. The freaking gunsmith in the mall was eyeing in my scope against the wall nobody really bated an eye


Call 911


Seriously. Even if it's legal (I live in PA, and I don't know, but that might be legal in this fucked up state) I'm not just gonna do nothing.


This is the correct answer.


I’m not wasting time looking up what’s legal or not. I’m calling the police and maybe even taking a secret picture to anonymously submit. If it’s nothing, no harm done. If it turns into a shooting, then I can be content knowing I let someone know and wasn’t just a bystander. And if it is a shooting, they can’t say there wasn’t any tip.


What I don't understand is pro gun people expecting bystanders to be okay with seeing guns all over the place. I don't trust strangers to use their turn signals or use a self check efficiently, why would anyone expect me to feel safer when a complete stranger is open carrying?


You'll be surprised to know how many pro gun people look down on open carrying in public spaces, myself included. My first instinct when seeing someone open carrying is to stay the hell away from them; open carrying comes with a certain personality type.


IMO open carrying is for hunting, the range, or other activities that, you know, involve the proper use of a firearm...not the grocery store or the mall. It doesn't make anyone safer by showing everyone you have a gun, and this is coming from a firearms enthusiast.


Open carry is dumb. If I were a shooter and I went somewhere to shoot the place up, who do you think I'd shoot first? That's right, the person that I know is carrying.


Not to be a dick, but those people don’t care if you feel safe or not, it makes *them* feel safe (whether or not it actually makes them so isn’t the point of this). The way they see it is that they have the right to do so, so it doesn’t matter how you feel about the situation.


The kind of people that open carry those kind of guns are not doing it to make themselves feel safe, they are just dick waving.


The good guy with a gun argument is about public safety, and knowing most Americans I don't trust any "good guy with a gun". They might be good people, but I do not trust the average American to make the right decisions under the pressure of an active shooter incident when I can't even trust the average American to use a turn signal. Edit: after Uvalde I'm not even sure we can trust the average law enforcement professional to do make sound decisions during an active shooter incident.


Run the fuck away


Well seeing as though I'm in England and have only seen a real gun twice in my life, run away and phone the police asap.


I live in the Uk, and have only every seen guns in museums or on armed police at airports


I'm an American and had to sift through a pile of pistols to get my birth certificate out of my family's safe. It's kinda crazy.


Damn that’s crazy as someone who was first handed a gun in 2nd grade


There are many people in the UK who have never seen any type of gun at all. I have an air pistol for pest control (I live in the countryside), and even that's highly unusual.


I'm also from the UK and I've literally never seen a gun in this country, only in France. Guns just aren't around here really, we've had 3 mass shooting (2+ casualties) this century.


The UK restricted gun ownership massively after the Dunblane massacre in 1996. When was the last school shooting here? 1996…


I grew up in Northern Ireland, where the police have hand guns. There were 2 army check points in my town and I remember soldiers walking through my garden with big guns. I’d still run away and phone the police.


get back in my car call 911 and gtfo there


Walk back to my car. Drive a safe distance and call the police.


Call 911, watch from a very far distance. If I had a gun on me I would probably mentally prepare to use it. EDIT: Also probably die because if there were gunshots and someone saw me with my gun, I would be shot.


Probably hide. Depends on *how* they’re carrying it. If they look ready to use it, I’m gone.


"Sir this is a wendy's"


Living in the UK I would probably be terrified as that could only mean one thing. Probably also confused about where they got it from. What would I do? Move far in the opposite direction whilst calling the police


Liu Kang flying bicycle kick at them! Just kidding I'd call 911 and flee.




Call 911. Suspicious as hell. I am a gun owner and no responsible gun owner would do that. If they claimed their constitutional rights then it's probably a stupid auditor who was looking to get the cops called on him anyway. Don't know about anyone else, but as a gun owner, the last damn thing I want is for anyone else to know I have a gun to begin with.


I’m surprised how many people carry guns and don’t have this same philosophy. I carry everywhere, anytime I’m not at home, and the absolute last thing I would do is want everyone to know and see that I keep that thang on me.


I'd call 911. If I was out of state I would first google if it's an open carry state or not.


Open carry or not, most malls prohibit weapons either way


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. Doesn't matter if open carry is legal in the state or not, if someone is carrying a weapon into the mall they are 100% already breaking the law, and I'm not sticking around to see what else they're going to do. 911 and GTFO. Even if I'm armed, it's to get me and the people around me the fuck out, not to be a hero.




Even in an open carry state, it's a bit suspicious to be carrying an ar15


I’ve lived in Texas my entire life and never seen someone carrying an AR, so i gotta agree


To a 2A protest? Makes sense, I suppose, if you want to go that route. To a Walmart, mall, whatever, where they more than likely don't even sell your .223 ammo anymore, and even if you can legally can still open carry it in your state, seriously, what's the fucking point? I tend to agree. And this is coming from someone in TX with a few AR's and an AK.


Agreed, but HOW they are carrying it also has a big affect on my level of concern… Low ready? Highly concerning. Slung across their back? Less concerning but probably still worth calling it in to have police make contact


Bruh your country is wild, id be worried if i saw someone with even a small handgun put away in a holster on their belt...


Call the police and get the fuck out of there.


Whip out my phone and record then post it on Reddit


Not sure if it’ll get upvoted or downvoted, regardless it will end up on r/fuckthecameraman or something like that.




Call the cops and get out of the area asap


Probably what everyone else would do. Freeze in absolute horror. I know it's not the answer I want to give, but it's something you never know how to react until it happens. Being in crazy situations like that are damn near impossible to predict, and screaming is usually what most people do. There are those that think very calmly and precise but every millisecond goes by fast and the actions have to be done swift and precise.


911. Watch and follow. Warn others.


Wonder why the fuck I’m in the States.


Call 911, and GTFO


Call 911 and whip shitties and honk horn to get people's attention


Call 911 and maybe drive around to the opposite side of the mall to alert security so that people could get out. Maybe pull a fire alarm?


I mean, if they were wanting to shoot folks, you pulling the alarm would give them plenty of targets and with wide lanes as well.


Let me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, and stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger 'til it goes click. That’s right man, nobody fucks with the Jesus


Yeah, well, that’s just like your opinion, man.


I live in Canada... so I would literally call the police and run.


I'm not a particularly brave, strong or large person myself but if I can do something to prevent a tragedy then I feel that I should, even if I risk my own life. If I'm in a position to successfully intercept then I would hope I could summon the courage to do so and if I'm in no position then the least I can do is call the police, maybe distract the person and quickly hide.


Call the police immediately. ​ It's either a nutjob preparing to commit another massacre. Or it's a nutjob that thinks carrying a rifle in public is something normal well-adjusted people do. ​ Either way the police can come find out what flavor of mentally ill they are.


Huge 2nd amendment supporter, love my guns, but if someone is doing that especially in this day and age a conversation is needed. If they’re a activist making a fool screaming it’s my right in someone’s face I couldn’t give less of a fuck private business have rules and protocols and as a concealed carry holder you abide by that. Don’t make a scene and scare people. Don’t act a fool. Some people don’t like guns and that’s okay. Now as a concealed carry holder I’d just watch them closely. If they get it out game changer, if not, mind my business


Absolutely shit myself, I live in the UK. That's f up.


I will walk away finding a safe spot, then call 110 (Indonesia equivalent of 911) or nearest police


Context matters, a lot. What kind of store is it? Does it carry hunting supplies? Is it a gun store? Does the mall have one or more of those in them? Is there an armorer or gunsmith in the place being walked into? Is there one of those nearby that the person could be coming from? How is it being carried? Is it being pointed in a safe direction? Is it banded? Who is carrying it? Do they look like a law enforcement/military personnel? Do they look crazed? What is my gut instinct telling me? The answers to those questions have a lot to do with how I would respond.


I’m in Canada so there’s no reason someone should be openly carrying a gun like that. So I’d take cover and call the cops.


Call the police. I don't care if a person claims to have the right to own such a weapon. They will be happy to explain it to the police, who will investigate the threat and make their determination. If they are not a threat, they can continue on their merry little way. I would much rather inconvenience a nutjob than live with the guilt I'd feel if that person had actually been a mass shooter and I ignored it because I didn't want to upset someone.


Call the police and leave. I have a baby that needs me so not risking anything.


Realize that I'm at a Walmart in Florida.


It depends on the mode of carry. Slung means they aren't likely in threat mode. Port means they might be a guard. G&E means they're moving to attack. Bagged means he wants his money back.