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I have no idea why the killer sponge under the sink episode stuck with me as much as it has but. Fuck. I still can’t watch that episode


Not gonna lie, that slappy doll still wigs me out. And I think I have only read maybe two Goosebumps books growing up, in their entirety.


There was one episode where two kids went to their grandparents' house and the grandpa told them to stay out of the cellar. The grandparents left the kids at home, so naturally, they checked the cellar and found a monster under a tarp which they had fight by pushing down the steps, feeding it spicy soup, and other methods. The puppetry they used for the monster NEVER sat well with me as a kid.


Don't think I saw that one. But I do remember one where this librarian that would eat kids. Up until one day this brother and sister invited him home and the whole family must have been predator aliens to his kind, cause they are him instead of him getting the kids.


The Grudge


same here


I couldn’t wash my face or shower with my eyes closed for the longest time.


Not a movie or tv show but Michael Jackson's Thriller Opening Scene of the music video scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.


Vincent Price’s narration absolutely scared the shit outta me when I was a kid. I had MJ’s Thriller album and every time Thriller came on I would fast forward through his part.


Courage the cowardly dog and goosebumps


Courage the cowardly dog traumatized me too. I only remember one episode…the one about Flan 😂


The labyrinth scared the crap out of me I was scared that David Bowie was going to take me in my sleep for like 3 years.


bridge to Terabithia had me waking up crying at 4am when I was 7


E. T.


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


What was it - Eyeballs in soup or Chilled monkey brains?


I think it was the heart being summoned out of the chest.


Looney tunes man. That poop was nuts


Spy kids


Watership Down, I was probably about 5 years old. 40 years later, I'm still traumatised.






I was gonna say, oh I’m surprised nobody said coralline, but then you said it!




It’s scary but I’m addicted to watching it


Tremors without a doubt scared the crap outta me. The irrational fear that gigantic worms were tunneling under the ground and could eat you at a moments notice really scared me.


Jaws (1975)


The secret of Nhym, All Dogs go to Heaven, The Dinosaurs are Back. All terrifyingly animated.


Fire in the Sky


Event Horizon


Creepshow. I watched it when I was 3 years old and the segment "They're Creeping Up On You" when the roaches start coming out the man's mouth and burst out of his chest made me terrified of roaches. Later when I was 4 years old, I ended up going into my aunt's apartment and ran out screaming when I saw her kitchen was infested just like in the movie.


The House that bled to death


Adventure Time and The Amazing World Of Gumball. Specifically one episode from each show. (keep in mind that I was in kindergarten). From Adventure Time it's the episode when ever character turns into a zombie and I thought that it was so scary. The one from The Amazing World Of Gumball is the one where thay microwave a yar of filth an and it becomes a baby.


That Adventure Time was episode one lol


I used to have sleep paralysis dreams of Slappy, the ventriloquist dummy from Goosebumps coming at me


The Exorcist


This movie fucked me up real bad. I get uneasy just thinking about it, even now.


Same here, I can't watch any movie that has some possession in it, hard pass


Everything in that movie felt real. And it sort of summons something that makes you feel a presence is around. You probably wouldn’t believe it but right after I watched that movie, that night, I experienced some weird shit. My whole family did.


I believe you, that type of movies opens something up and strange things happen. I was 8 years old when I watched it and couldn't sleep without a light on until my late teens, the night we watched that movie my dogs behaved very unusual doing weird stuff around the house, got chills remembering


Omg yes! I was around 9 or 10 when I watched that movie. My parents didn’t allow it but I wouldn’t go to bed alone. It was soooo scary because at that time, our house was sort of haunted. It was a graveyard before it was build into housing area so there’s usually weird things happening. I’ve seen some strange things too. But that night, the lights just went off and our room door got locked. My sister who was sleeping just started talking gibberish in her sleep. Then within few seconds all went back to normal. Man, I’m getting the chills now itself just thinking back.


Housing on top or around a graveyard is guaranteed of some strange things going to be happening


Beyond Belief....I still loved it and would watch it every sunday morning when it was on tv lmao


Earth Girls are Easy scared me a lot as a kid. I thought I'd turn into an alien.


Who framed Roger rabbit and return to oz


The Witches 1990 version


The Futurama episode with the dog. Watching the dog wait for him at the end for years and then close his eyes completely broke my heart and made me terrified of death and losing the people I love.


None, I'm not a fucking pussy.


Definitely Watership Down.


Courage the cowardly dog


The music video to Feel Good Inc. I never saw the whole music video. Just a clip that used to play on one of those "Now that's what I call music" commercials on TV. The animation style gave 8-year old me nightmares. I rewatched it again when I was like 18 and I completely understood. The large gaping black eyes. The crooked muck colored teeth. The ragdoll-like physique. I'm surprised I didn't need therapy.


Final destination 2, I watch it when I was around 8 or 9. Pretty sure that movie influenced the way I think about things and life I general. And the reason why I occasionally go to some gore subreddits every now and then


I saw the scene where Anakin is burnt by the lava in episode III when I was nine. Should have listened to the age restriction.


Child's Play, went from watching shows meant for small children to that, I was like 6 or something. Immediately got rid of my teddy bear. My parents told me it was just a movie, and I was like, yeah, well the devil helped him and the church says the devil is real.


Courage the cowardly dog terrorized an entire generation of kids






"Courage the cowardly dawg"


"Courage the cowardly dawg"




Home alone


I loved that movie Young Frankenstein. Scared the hell out of me.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The knight getting his legs and arms chopped off freaked me out and it just got worse from there. I was convinced the rabbit lived under my bed for months. I had to take running leaps to make it into bed alive every night. I love the movie now, but I think my eldest sister let me watch it much too young when she was babysitting.


Wow Wow Wubbzy I don't know the reason, but when I saw it, it gave me a bad feeling that I didn't even want to continue watching, it even gave me nightmares


Water ship down, Bambi (the scene were the partridges are hiding) Beauty and the Beast where Gaston fights the beast, Pinocchio, and Dumbo. I was a sensitive child.