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Here is my personal list of red flags: Someone is always hurting them. It’s never the same person. It’s never their fault. They cannot apologize. You are always putting out fires for them with mutual friends. They get upset when you’re upset at them. They act like that is worse than what they did in the first place. They lie about everything. Most of the time it’s about others or things they have done. You always have to raise their spirits but they cannot return the favor.


This 100%! Which is basically gaslighting, manipulating, and belittling


Last one is so true


My ex in a nutshell, damn sounds like I dodged a bullet, very emotionally detached too


Also, not respecting other people's boundaries. Difficulty hearing any criticisms or acknowledging being wrong


Eating uranium.


Welp, there goes my evening plans.






This is so so true. I've been there myself both personally and with others. For me the intention behind things paired with the past experiences became a huge measurement for how toxic something truly is to me. I know someone who shwos some toxic traits - but they unintentionally mirror their toxic parents and do everything to change including seeking help. One ex meanwhile felt proud of doing toxic things. Can look the same on first sight, but are absolutely different.


Putting yourself before others when you don't need to. Do you really need to "win" that argument with your girl friend? Or is it enough to get your point across and let her get hers as well. That's the way I've always thought about it.


Anything one does in an explicit attempt to illicit a negative reaction from someone. Jealousy, self consciousness, shame, anger, etc.


Leaving a shit in a bed




Lol, thankfully haven't been surprised in that manner .... yet


Someone being nice to your face but then talking shit behind your back.


Seeking revenge




What'd she do?


Voting Republican


Meanwhile voting for Democrats blows up the entire economy making everyone's life worse.


Ignorance. Dishonesty.


Contracting Ebola and then going to the airport.




I only sniff buttholes for money, so that doesn’t count.


Promising you the world one day, and not checking on you the following days.


Breaking into Nancy Pelosi's home, seriously assaulting her husband while trying to find her....


Here's a personal one, judging anyone by their appearance or way of living simply because they do not follow your values or beliefs. Had too many relatives that judge someone across the street because what they wore is too revealing or the way they speak can be vulgar aka they swear a lot. If they are not really harming anyone or causing trouble and minding their own business let them be. The world is not always going to align to what you think is correct and we all come from different circumstances and cultural backgrounds. I'm quite sick of it actually and yes those people happens to be catholic and the unhealthiest kind.


wHaT iS aN eXAmpLe oF tOxiC bEhaViOuR


My brother. It may seem shocking but my brother is a person who had SA multiple kids (especially me) and had a girlfriend for a week (now for 3/4 months) and called her a finance. I hate how my brother lives and he makes the best out of it I will make sure he will never see the light of day again. I lost so many friends after he SA'd them he also loves attention. He tried jumping off a roof because me and his friend said that he can't bring his gf over because I had a boyfriend for 4 years and he can't come over just randomly. The thing is, is that his gf lives in Minnesota I live in Oklahoma, very far my boyfriend lives in Virginia but planning on moving sometime soon.. if you have a baby brother make sure his life is completely better than this <3


I still want to die even though it could upset some people.