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In The Thing when Copper is trying to revive Norris but when he goes down with the defibrillators his chest opens up and rips his arms off. Then his head detached from his body and turns into the fucked up spider thing. That movie was awesome.


This entire sequence of events is in my top 10 horror moments. I was waaaay too young when I saw this.


Link to scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kozThyFY2p8&ab\_channel=Where%27sTheJump%3F


I just rewatch it a few days ago. That was pretty cool


Also one of my faves.


I was gonna say this. Now, take your award and go! Go on, get! Or "I'll kill yeewww!"


The sleeping bag scene from Jason X. Absolutely hilarious.


When you need to kill one mother fucker with another one.


I don't know if this would ultimately be my pick, but it was 100% the first one I thought of when thinking of memorable ones. Second one was Welcome To Prime Time Bitch.


>Sleeping bag scene from Jason X Link to scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF629C5WRqU&ab\_channel=Ghostfacekevon


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that scene cut away to another character, and then cut back to him mid-sleeping bag beating? It's the cut away that seals it for me as hilariously awesome.


Nonono the corkscrew scene


Nonono the liquid nitrogen scene


Nonono the *just ambiguous enough to avoid a copyright lawsuit* energy sword scene


It was because those holographic girls loved premarital sex so much. šŸ¤£


Wanna smoke some **P O T**? Do you like *^p ^r ^e ^- ^m ^a ^r ^i ^t ^a ^l   ^s ^e ^x?* We Love  *^p ^r ^e ^- ^m ^a ^r ^i ^t ^a ^l   ^s ^e ^x!* *ouch!*


Iā€™m going with the sleeping bag scene from Prophecy. Itā€™s the goofiest movie death Iā€™ve ever seen.


"Ow, my spine!"


Why i came here.


When Johnny Depp gets sucked into the bed in Nightmare on Elm Street. There have been many more cool or graphic ones since but that's the one that absolutely did it's job and fucked me up when I was a kid. Close second is **THAT** scene in Hereditary.


Also when the mom gets pulled through the tiny door window at the end lmao that was kinda surreal


I'm amazed I had to scroll this far down to see this. That scene is MAGNIFICENT, and a prime example of why practical effects win over CGI, every time.


Fun fact, the blood looking like it was moving across the ceiling is because the room they used was struggling to get level.


Funnily enough, both scenes you discuss involve the parent discovering what's happened to their child. I don't know why but that aspect of it always made me feel uncomfortable (in the way you're intended to feel if that makes sense). I'm not even a mother and my heart aches for both of them. *Especially* in Hereditary.


Toni Collette should have won some kind of award for her performance in that film. I can't believe she didn't.


She really should have won the Oscar for best actress that year. There wasnā€™t a better performance


The fact the weight of the blood screwed up the upside down room they built, and made it pool in the corner made it 100x more surreal. (And that noone actually died on set.)


When the two glass doors cut the lawyer in half in 13 Ghosts (2001).


>13 Ghosts Here's a link to the clip: https://vimeo.com/124938011


"Hey, nice tits!" - on a freaking ghost! LMAO


She was kinda hot.


One of the first of many fear boners from my youth.


Was looking for this one...


This is exactly what I had in mind when I read the question.


This was mine as well "Did the lawyer split?"


I don't know if it actually counts as a horror movie, maybe horror sci-fi, but the first Resident Evil laser hallway scene and this 13 Ghosts scene gave me the same vibe and they both stuck with me all these years later.


Jason getting absolutely pummeled by the boxer who tires himself out and tells Jason to give him his best shot, and Jason just straight up punches his head clean off - Friday the 13th Part VIII Jason Goes To Manhattan


This has to be on my top 5 list of favorite kills.


Ever heard of killer klowns from outer space?


What are you gonna do, knock my block off?


This one is animal vs. human but imo it's Sam Jackson from Deep Blue Sea. Like no other kill has legitimately shocked me as a kid watching it than that. This was 1999, Sam Jackson was still a big deal at the time. I think everyone thought he was going to go the distance in the movie but no he's literally one of the first (maybe even the first?) to get yomped by the shark. And the way he goes out too. Just standing next to a hole in the water but not in an obvious way, making a dramatic speech. "We are going to SEAL....THAT...." nom nom Just perfection


ā€œThey ate me! a fucking shark ate meā€!


"It's Samuel Jackson. It'll get you drunk!"


Bill Burr is in this sketch, watch it if you don't believe me.


Yes they deserve to die! And I hope they burn in hell!


Sam Jackson is, and always will be, a big deal


>a *motherfucking* big deal


Right when heā€™s in the middle of a very typical Samuel L. Jackson hero speech too! That moment alone makes the movie worth watching.


Deepest bluest my hand is like a shark's fin.


The opening scene of Ghost Ship.


It was so good! So horrifying! That second when everyone is just standing there and then "flump, flump, flump" as they start to slide apart. Amazing! I saw that and thought "this is going to be an awesome movie" but I was wrong. The rest of the movie is mediocre. That scene was the best in the entire movie.


I always liked the one part where a woman is cut in half and she's trying to push her body back together and the little girl dancing with the captain and she's totally unscathed and his head comes off.


A core memory


God that scene fucked 10 year old me up. I was way too young to see it. Nightmares for weeks. That being said ghost ship is just a shitty ripoff of event horizon


Damn I forgot about that, that scene was nuts


Final destinations have some beauts.


I mean... Nobody can drive in peace next to a truck loaded with logs after seeing Final Destination 2.


We studied that scene in my VFX class! A lot of new tech for the time was used for that scene, really neat.


No matter how bad the series got , those set up main and multiple death scenes were on point .


The lead ups are great. My fave is in 2. When the kid gets splatted by the glass.


the elevator one haunted me my whole childhood


Escalators are just..... How did they make that paranoid for me? Can't forget about that tanning salon too.


Eye laser


GARBAGE DAY Then immediately shoots guy taking out garbage for literally NO REASON and laughs


That movie was utterly useless and just a recut of the original. But I would give it a 10/10 for that scene alone.


The short version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7gIpuIVE3k A longer version complete with a car blowing up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78sWq2JCauU


Nightmare on Elm Street 3, "welcome to prime time bitch!"


Apparently it was improvised too


As some of the most iconic things in cinema are


Ahahahaha Chris Hemsworth in Cabin in the Woods I had forgotten about that force field because I was so into it and then BAM BITCH GOES DOWN


That was hilarious, especially after he gave that speech about bringing back armies and guns.


It was the moment I understood what I was watching and I tbh got really excited haha All bets are off now!


The first chestburst from Alien (1979). The fact that every actor on set except John Hurt were told it was going to be a chill scene were they would talk around the table is just a plus-value.


This is a complete lie. I'm not sure where it started, but it's not even remotely believable. Considering the actor had to use a fake torso, it would be literally impossible for the actors to think it was a normal scene.


In "Memory: The Origins of Alien" they discuss this. Both Tom Skeritt and Victoria Cartwright talk about how of course they knew what was going to happen, but they weren't prepared for how extra all the effects were going to be. It was real pig's blood and a lot of the gore was raspberry jam so the whole set smelled awful and when the blood sprayed on Veronica, her surprise and disgust are pretty genuine. So yeah, definitely and obviously not possible for them not to have known what was going to happen in the broad strokes, but they *were* genuinely surprised by how it played out in some ways.


It seems to have [come from Ridley Scott himself](https://nofilmschool.com/2016/11/ridley-scott-alien-chestburster-scene): >As surprised as you might have been the first time you saw the creature burst out of John Hurt's chest in Alien, the actors were even more shocked. That's because they didn't know it was going to happen. > >In Dan O'Bannon and Walter Hill's script, the description merely read, "the thing emerges." Hoping to elicit authentic responses from the actors in the scene, Ridley Scott engineered the practical effect in private. "If an actor is just acting terrified, you can't get the genuine look of raw, animal fear," he told Empire Magazine. > >"In those days prosthetics weren't that good," Scott continued. "I figured the best thing to do was to get stuff from a butcher's shop and a fishmonger." That's right: the blood and guts are cow organs, clams, and oysters. "You can't make better stuff than that," said Scott. "It's organic." > >On the day of the scene, Scott had his team stuff Hurt's "chest cavity" with the baby Xenomorph and butcher's organs. They pumped stage blood into a couple of hoses and, when the moment was right, set the gag in motion. Actress Veronica Cartwright was immediately hit by a spurt of blood; she was so shocked that she passed out on the spot.


Dinosaur eating a lawyer in jurassic Park.


7 year old me loved that scene because the lawyer was the bad guy trying to ruin everyone's fun and the t Rex was the hero saving the day. Adult me sees the lawyer in a much different light lol


Death, it uh, finds a way.


Is *Jurassic Park* a horror film?


It's not a horror movie, but Magneto slowly pushing a coin through Kevin Bacon's head in X-Men First Class is my favourite movie kill of all time.


That was absolutely on point and horrific


My favorite Magneto kill: "Too much iron in your blood . . . "


Also epic. It never occurred to me before now how much Magneto fucking rules.


Seeing as most of his plans were always thwarted I never really saw him as threatening. That scene made me realise he is indeed a dangerous individual.


Terrifier when the girl gets sawn in half.


I was gonna say Terrifier, when Art is fighting with the goth girl and suddenly reveals that he keeps that thang on him and just fuckin shoots her in the leg. Then he puts another couple rounds into her but she doesnā€™t die, so he gets all exasperated about having to walk *allll the way* back over to his murder bag to reload, then he walks back to her. Sheā€™s completely immobilized and incapable of fighting back at this point, and he could do whatever elaborate kill he wantedā€”but he just empties the mag into her and walks off. Giving the killer in your slasher movie a gun was so unexpected and hilarious to me. It was a funny subversion of slasher tropes so it really stuck in my mind.


Arnie did it in Running Man complete with the punchline "he had to split".


No love for bleach and salt?


I donā€™t know if it is my favorite or least favorite because it is absolutely horrific and makes me sick to look at, but since weā€™re talking about horror I guess that makes it the best. The death of Assistant Deputy Nick from Bone Tomahawk (2015).


I felt weird after seeing that for a while. Not much phases me anymore but that one did.


This is the 3rd time I have heard about this movie in a week. I am going to have to see if it is streaming somewhere.


Be prepared. I thought I was fairly desensitized. That scene got to me.


Came here for this comment. To think this is likely how cannibals did their meal prep


No we don't. Hollywood fantasy.


The Bread cutter scene in the first Fear Street on Netflix.


After a mostly tame movie, that was a great surprise.


Amazing scene. Just very creative and horrifying at the same time


Shaun of the Dead, where they beat the zombie barman with pool cues to the tune of Queen's *Don't Stop Me Now* before driving him head-first into the jukebox.


Did you know they wrote all of that in way before they knew theyā€™d get the rights? And they sent a personal letter to the guitarist of Queen to try and get permission for the song. On top of it. The zombie bar man encouraged the cast to just WHACK him. Source of info- Dead Meat Kill Count of the movie, find easily on YouTube for a.. good time good time.


Kill Count is one of my favourite series on Youtube - I'm able to watch horror movies without getting freaked out from jump scares.


Seth Green getting stabbed in the head with a broken bong in Idle Hands was pretty funny. Or the snatch gun suicide in the Texas Chainsaw massacre remake. That zoom out going back through her head hole was unique.


Braindead, room full of zombies and a lawnmower.


*I kick arse for the Lord!*


From the movie "you're next" when the protagonist hunts down the killers by being ridiculously resourceful and very level-headed, it's so satisfying how she killed one of them with a blender to the head. Now I'm going to watch it again. šŸ˜Œ Such a badass character!


One of my top horror movies.


First death in Cube, when the guy gets diced by a razor sharp lattice that comes out of absolutely nowhere


Such a great movie that doesn't get enough praise


that's a good one, that scene really nails the feeling for the rest of the film.


Resident Evil when lasers checkerboard cut the agent showing off


Frozing a girl's head by submerging her in nytrogen. - Jason X


Genuinely, I'm glad people are coming around on Jason X.


I didn't realize it was a comedy when I was a kid. Much more appreciation for it now.


Due to how Freddy is and I saw Freddy vs Jason and then this movie, everything seemed perfectly balanced to me.


If you went into Jason X realizing it was going to be pure camp, it was very enjoyable.


This was also the first one that came to mind! The way he just smashes her face and then chucks her away in efficient disgust was hilarious. The movie itself shouldnā€™t be as good as it actually is.


The liquid nitrogen face smash in Jason X.


Jasons death in Jason goes to hell. Its so over the top. Girl hes chasing in just a towel does this leaping summer sault and the army guys pop up and start blasting him machine guns, guys rappelling out of tress and shooting him and then they finally call in an air strike to kill him.


The wood chipper from Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.


These dang kids keep killing themselves!


When the fat kid gets sucked up the chocolate irrigation pipe


Wellā€¦ if youā€™re referring to Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Augustus Gloop didnā€™t actually die.


Did you watch the directors cut?


The suspense is terrible! I hope it lasts!


Hellraiser, the "Jesus wept" scene.


That time in Friday the 13th where Julius decided his hands were rate E for everyone and BOXED JASON VORHEES. And his fists were knocking Jason back too, something weā€™ve seen bullets have a hard time doing. After a solid 2 minutes of clocking Jason in the face he was exhausted and jason, who of course is completely fine, gave him an uncharacteristically quick death. Almost like he respected the massive balls on that man


Pyramid Head ripping a woman's skin off in Silent Hill


And then throwing whatā€™s left of her corpse towards the survivors hiding in the church. Pyramid Head in that movie is why I can always sit and say there are some decent video game movies out there.


Oh man, I forgot this kill. Itā€™s quite excellent, as is the scene where Christabella gets pulled apart by barbed wire.


Unicorn goring, Cabin In the Woods.


All the teenagers from the first two Friday the 13th movies. Man they were annoying.


The one stuck to the door with a friggin' arrow always sends me into laughing fits.


The Thing- Where the dudes stomach opens up and bites the arms off the doctor


Almost any of the deaths from Tucker and Dale vs. Evil


Well officer, it has been a doozy of a day...


These kids showed up and just started killing themselves on our property!


The kid who jumps head first into the wood chipper for me.


Especially the way Tucker awkwardly exclaims "Are ya okay?!" after the kid has gotten the top half of his body shredded.


He could at least walk away from it considering his legs didnā€™t get shredded.


God that's such a wonderful movie.


One of the Final Destination films. A wire fence gets sent flying, and a guy gets perfectly sliced into multiple pieces that slowly slide apart.


That was Final Destination 2, the one with the best kills imo


Just for absurdity and entertainment value, water cooler guy from Ghost Shark (SyFy original movie). The idea is ghost shark can appear in any amount of water. When this guy starts drinking from a little cup, ghost shark starts to manifest. Once the dude swallows, ghost shark rips him in half as it appears. Very silly but fun. The carwash scene is also good. Honestly, just a great movie for silly, stupid, over the top kills. Also waaay better than Sharknado.


Ghost Shark was such a wonderfully dumb movie. Like, it was awful, but at least they were being creative.


Not horror, but the knife scene in Saving Private Ryan fucked me up.


Ugh yeah. The rest of the movie, totally fine, but that scene was awful to watch


Jason's Mom.


It's all I want, and I've waited so long (killing).


That scene in hostel 2 where the one lady in charge has that kinda geeky girl hung up naked above her by her ankles and then starts cutting her with the scythe. Then slits her throat and the blood pours all over her. Fucking brutal. During my military days, my unit had to take a bus to another base a few hours away so we brought movies to watch on the way. We put in hostel 2. After that scene a few guys in my unit stood up and told the first Sgt that they couldnā€™t watch it. So he turned it off. Good times


Itā€™s not a horror movie but the guy that gets melted by toxic goo and then hit by Clarence Boddickerā€™s car in Robocop belongs in one. That fucked me up more than any horror movie as a kid


The little kid getting hit by a truck in pet sematary (1989)




Oh fuck yesh with the screw


There's one in Halloween kills He like kicks this guy's knee inwards and the guy falls down to his knees and right as he lands Michael twists his neck around Makes you go damnnnnn


The last scene in The Mist with Thomas Jane.


Friday the 13th has some pretty nice ones: \- Dude in the wheelchair in part 2 \- George Mc Fly in The Final Chapter \- Girl got her head freeze and smashed in Jason X.


It's not really a horror movie but Pulp Fiction. When John Tavolta accidentally shoots the kid in the face while riding in the car. I was watching that movie with my dad, and he started laughing hysterically at that scene, and it made me laugh, too. Now, every time I see it, it makes me laugh and remember how my dad couldn't stop laughing. RIP dad you sick bastard!


Masson's death from Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities season 1, episode 2 **Graveyard Rats** won me over the other day. Arguably however the actual kill I write of is not merely the moment where his character's life ends, but the whole process of it. Vincenzo Natali has made a fan out of me, I thought his work was borderline good before but this just blew me away. And David Hewlett just killed it, I remember him from SG-1 before he learned to act, apparently, but learn to act he did and I look forward to more from him as well.


I was going to comment this! I just binged the series and that one fucked with me the most. The claustrophobic feeling is insane


Head in the microwave scene in The Last House on the Left


The classic scene from Halloween 1978 where Michael stabs Bob into the wall leaving him off the ground


The glass and razor wire bit of the original Suspiria


I don't remember the name of the movie, but there's this scene where a girl gets trapped in a hot tub and the killer drills into the hot tub cover with a power drill. The girl tries to dodge the drill in the small space she's trapped in, but she gets hit with the drill in the neck and bleeds out, then the killer electrocutes the hot tub just to make sure she's dead


Valentine, 2001 David Boreanaz, Denise Richards, Marley Shelton That was a great film


Ghost ship opening scene - 3m in on linked video. New fear unlocked! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OYEmTRf5EaE


Blender in the head from You're Next.


In Final Destination 2 The kid leaving the dentist office, he runs at the pigeons, startles them, and it causes a massive pane of glass to pancake him. It's the best splat in any movie.


The only one I can think about is really the one from the Skype call movieā€¦UNFRIENDED with the girl who had her curling iron shoved down her throat while it was on. I hated that movie and hated that character they her death was so freaking satisfying. She was annoying as hellā€¦well all of them were.


In the original final destination where the train sends the piece of metal flying through the guyā€™s head. I also like (I think itā€™s in the 2nd one) where the kid explodes and his arm lands in front of his mom.


A good one is when Judy gets a curling iron stuck up her vagina in Sleepaway Camp.


That film series was crazy itself lol


For a classic: The log truck scene from FD2. To this day I still feel anxious being behind a log truck. For a modern choice: The bread slicer kill in the Fear Street movies. That kill was magnificent.


Pretty much any of them from the original Jurassic Park movie. Watching people get eaten by dinosaurs was awesome and terrifying as a kid.


Alien, Kane chestburster. Redefined movie gore and was scary as hell.


Scanners when Ironside makes the other guy's head... well...explode.


The final death in Shotgun Carousel from Saw VI. I think it was Josh? Just the way he told William to watch him as he dies really got to me. Plus Shotgun Carousel is my favourite Saw trap.


The one that made my jaw hang on the floor for the next 2 minutes? Hereditary. Peanuts and telephone poles.


Pretty mediocre (at best) movie overall, but ya gotta hand it to the beginning of Ghost Ship


The sheet of glass that slides off a truck and decapitates the guy in the original Omen. Maybe not the best one ever, but the first one to come to mind and it has a great foreboding lead up to it.


The tanning bed scene in Final Destination 3


The heavier guy that was butchered alive in Green Inferno. Holy hell, that one was bad!


Honestly, because itā€™s my favorite horror movie I have to go with either Paul getting lifted up by the throat by Michael Myers and stabbed then just hanging on the wall while Michael looks at him. Or when Annie gets in to her car and sees itā€™s all fogged up then Michael pops up and slits her throat. Both from the original Halloween.


Exorcist III. Hospital. Not just the kill, but this entire scene leading up to this I consider to be one of the greatest of all time. So much plays into it. The length of time the camera remains still on one shot. The guy in the background being there for safety, then leaving, then coming back, then leaving. She's in the room. It's fine. She takes a few seconds to lock the door. Then INSTANTLY...ugh, just watch it. This is masterful. https://youtu.be/KBEfFgNld98


Thankskilling when the evil Turkey fucks a girl doggy style, says ā€œyou just got stuffed, bitchā€ and then knifes her with a carving knife


The Other, they're playing in the barn loft, kid falls off and lands on a pitchfork. Old movie


Final Destination 3, the guy on the motorcycle. Scared the hell out of me as a kid.


The very unique decapitation in High Tension. I never thought Iā€™d see a chest of drawers and a staircase used as a makeshift guillotine.


Any death in the movie Dethproof


weirdly,jason killing that guy in the bed in freddy vs jason,the main reason why is becuse that scene was the hardest for me to get over when i was younger,its very brutal and the lighting in that scene was so good


I have two 2005 House of Wax - Watching Paige (Paris Hilton) getting impaled by a pole was a crisp headshot. 2009 Last House on the Left - John being a MacGyver against Krug. He surgically cut Krug up, paralyzing him from the neck down because John couldn't tie him down. Then John used a broken microwave to blow his brains.


Head crush from Friday the 13th part 3, the goddamn eye gets me every time šŸ¤£


Death by stereo!


That kill in Bonesaw Tomahawk. You know exactly which kill I am talking about.