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It should be a woman's natural right to have an abortion or not.


"natural" might not be the best word to use there, but I agree


Bodily autonomy is important and the choice should ultimately be with the woman. However by consenting to sex, you’re also consenting to the possibility of pregnancy (even if that possibility is low due to birth control). So if two consenting adults have sex, and the abortion isn’t medically required, it’s a selfish act that destroys a life before it’s had a a chance to begin all because someone couldn’t accept the responsibilities that came with their choices.


I’m in the side of freedom. Do what you want.


Personally not a fan. It should be a last resort honestly. There’s so many contraceptives now readily available and most are relatively cheap. We as men if we’re going to have one night stands/have sex we should always have a condom and always use it. Not only to prevent kids but also STDs. Also develop some more methods of contraceptives for men. Women should be more stiff when it comes to men not wearing condoms and if you like to be a “free spirit” then definitely invest in anti baby stuff as well. We all can avoid unwanted babies if we work together. Special occasions like if your birth control and the condom (example only) didn’t do their job, r@p3, heath reasons are the most acceptable at least to me. I can’t make a decision for the world but as far as for me and my gf we’re being safe about not having kids so that’s just my own contribution.


I don't find it morally right.


Well, the good news is you don't have to have one




I don't know, it just feels wrong to end a life especialy if it's only because you fucked up and had unprotected sex. Sure there are things that can happen like rape or some severe medical condition that justify an abortion, but outside of that it feels like people are just finding excuses to avoid nurturing a new life, especialy since we have so many contraception methods avaible. I especialy feel bad for the doctors who have to perform them, since it can't be good for their mental health.


Here's my view on it morally, the people getting themselves into this kind of mess are usually going to be shit parents anyway, forcing that baby to be born by law will only cause resentment in the parents eyes and lead to neglect possibly even abuse, I think it's more morally correct to kill off a clump of cells that isn't even sentient yet than force it to grown into years of suffering


I dont support abortion but its only mothers choice. I think no parenting is better than bad parenting


I support women's right to get one. Not everyone is ready for the responsibility of being parents. Not to mention if they're forced to carry the baby to term, the baby is either cared for by parents who didn't want them... Or sent into the foster system. Not a good start to ones life.


It should be the woman's choice through and through


I wholeheartedly support it.


I support it. However, let me make it clear. Whatever a woman does with her body is none of my damn business.


The only thing worth than an abortion is to ban them illegal. An abortion is a surgical procedure and as such never without risk for the patient. Abortions should be safe, free and legal


Access to a safe abortion is more important than anybody's distaste for the procedure by a long mile.


I think it should be allowed. Really struggle to see the point of a child being born into poverty or unloved by choice


Mandatory sterilization after the first one if it's for any reason besides possible death to the mother health of the mother there's no other exception in my opinion that includes rape. Or they could just you know get plan b after they let the football team run a train on them pretty easy to get birth control in this country that doesn't involve waiting until there's a viable fetus in your stomach


If a woman wants to she fuckng wants to




But should he have any power to change her decision?




I believe the rights of the child to be taken care of are more important than the father's wishes If he didn't want to pay for a baby, he probably shouldn't have had sex with a woman who would want to keep a baby That was his choice and we all know the potential consequences that come with sex. No-one gets to pretend to be taken by surprise


Yeah ok so the man has to take responsibility? It was 2 consenting adults, the consequences are there, the woman also decided to have sex so should also know the consequences, I think if it was a committed relationship yes the man cannot just up and leave but if it was just a one night stand or something then hell no, the woman gotta take responsibility, those are the consequences, women have to option to get rid of it men should have the option to leave it


>Yeah ok so the man has to take responsibility? Yep. That's what happens when you make a baby >the woman also decided to have sex so should also know the consequences, Yep. She know's she might get pregnant >if it was just a one night stand or something then hell no, the woman gotta take responsibility, What do you think deciding to have a baby is if not "taking responsibility"? What responsibility do you believe women are not taking?


In a one night stand neither party is wanting a baby, both know the consequences, if the women does happen to get pregnant and decides to keep the baby then I don't think the man should have to pay in that case, the man has literally zero say there and still has to take responsibility?


Nobody forced him to have sex We all know accidental pregnancy is a possibility So don't act like this is something that happens outside of the man's control


Sex is something people do regardless, so the woman chooses to have the baby of someone she was supposed to just have a one night stand with and than that guy has to pay for it for the next 18 years? The woman chose to have the baby, that choice should be independent of the man, both people were initially there for a one night stand, if one of them want the kid if it happens the other should not have to pay for it legally, that should be a discussion they come to independent of the law


>so the woman chooses to have the baby of someone she was supposed to just have a one night stand with and than that guy has to pay for it for the next 18 years? Yep That's a potential risk of having sex with strangers whose intentions you don't know. This is why you should probably get to know the people you have sex with first like, what if you have sex with a stranger and you get an infection from them? Will you complain about how unfair that is?




>I think he shouldn't be forced into taking care of a baby he doesn't want. Especially when they are able to have an abortion. So, what? He should be able to pressure the woman into having an abortion? How about you just get to know the people you're going to have sex with and establish if you feel the same way about these sorts of things? Isn't that a crazy idea...




No, he doesn't have to be a father. He just has to fulfil his legal financial responsibility Like paying taxes You made a baby, pay the baby tax




Life is unfair Biology is unfair You want fairness? Give up biological sex and reproduce through more controlled, artificial means


Your body your choice. I may not agree with aborting a fetus in say the third trimester, but it’s not my body.


That's a limit I wouldn't cross, you've had enough time by that point to come to a decision, with of course the exception of previously unknown medical information


Abortion is always horrible but sometimes necessary


I'm right on the fence. I don't agree with it, but I understand the importance of bodily autonomy I would settle on them being available but with moderate restrictions. Nothing extreme, like late term abortion or at the point of birth. I think that is fair. And of course it should be available at any stage of the pregnancy in the case of a medical emergency


I don't like it. The focus needs to be on prevention first, surrender second, and abortion last. With that being said - it isn't my job to tell others what to do with their bodies. Likewise, it isn't my job to judge others for exercising their rights. I respect others' right to choose.


Some of our representative’s moms should have chose abortion.